I'm trying to retrieve the wallet balances from the mexc.com cryptocurrency exchange. It works well on others such as Gate.io or Huobi thanks to their awesome documentation. I'm stuck on mexc.com however and confused on how to authenticate myself there.
Based on their documentation, I'd need to send a GET request to /open/api/v2/account/info. I'd also need to sign the request and this is where I'm stuck.
When a request requires a signature, I need to pass the api key, unix time stamp and a calculated signature as url parameters. I have no clue though how to calculate that signature. Also I'd need to sign a string and pass it into the header.
This is their description:
Everyday, a sender "sender#sender.com" send me a message with a number inside.
I need to save this number everyday.
I want to write a python script with gmail API to get data from last mail from this sender, and then parse it.
I followed the Gmail API "Quickstart Guide" : here
I also check the page about User.message : here
However, I don't understand how to synchronize all of this to get the data.
Could someone explain me the process ?
If you where you able to complete the Gmail API quickstart, then you already have a GCP project, credentials and have authorized some Gmail API scopes for you app.
The above is the first step (being able to authenticate and be allowed to make requests for the API scope you need).
Since you need to pass a message's Id as a parameter for Users.messages.get you need to first retrieve it using listing messages for example.
So the next step is to make a request to Users.messages.list to list all messages from a user.
You could use the query (q) parameter to filter the messages by user like: q="from:someuser#example.com is:unread".
This will return a list of messages from someuser#example.com that are unread.
Try things out in the API explorer sidebar from the documentation until you have defined the request as you want, and then implement it into you app.
As aerials said.
The above code will fulfill the exact same function as typing in a search request on the gmail website. You dont actually have to worry about labels or anything if you are operating at a small scale. Just follow the same syntax as the search bar on gmail.
However, I am not sure about the usage quotas on the q parameter for list. It may be more expensive for a bigger scale operation to use the q parameter instead of using the other api methods.
Hi I am struggling to understand the following example.
I want to add functionality for a user to reset password for my website.
As a lot of sites do I want to send a token to the users email that will let them reset their password.
I am following a guide that suggests using a python module called itsdangerous.
I have been given the following code as a simple example from the tutorial to understand how the module works before deploying to my website:
from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer
s = Serializer('secret_key',30)
token = s.dumps({'usr_id': 1}).decode('utf-8')
Now if I run this here is what happens:
I use s to create a token that allows me to take a dictionary {'usr_id':1} then if I run s.loads(token) within 30 seconds I can get this dictionary {'usr_id':1} back otherwise I get an error.
Can anyone explain (in a simple way for a beginner) what is going on here?
I don't really understand what is happening and I don't see what the secret_key argument to the Serializer is doing?
Also if someone could explain how this kind of code can help me with allowing users to get an email to reset their password that would be great. Thanks!
So this kind of serialization provided by itsdangerous library is JSON Web Token based. In order to create a JSON Web Token you need a secret key, which is a signature to certify that the information tokenized was provided by you and can only be edited with this signature.
A JSON Web Token can be read by anyone but can only be edited by someone who knows the secret key - so you shouldn't tokenize sensitive information like a password, but a user id is ok, which alongside a expiry time set is just enough to check its identity. You must hide your secret key and keep it safe.
A good usage in your case would be to send a expiring token - let's say one day - to the user email, to proof it has authorization to change the password. And after one day it'll be invalid, so you won't compromise your system.
What is the JSON Web Token structure?
In its compact form, JSON Web Tokens consist of three parts separated by dots (.), which are:
Header: The header typically consists of two parts: the type of the token, which is JWT, and the signing algorithm being used, such as HMAC SHA256 or RSA.
Payload: The information and the expiry time is held here.
Signature: The signature is used to verify the message wasn't changed along the way, and, in the case of tokens signed with a secret key, it can also verify that the sender of the JWT is who it says it is.
Therefore, a JWT typically looks like the following. xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz
You can play around seeing what is inside a JWT by pasting it on the link below:
More info on:
I'm using the Instagram API to retrieve all photos from a list of hashtags. Starting today, I've been hitting the API rate limits (429 error, specifically). To debug this, I've been trying to see how to get the number of calls I have left per hour and incorporate that into my script.
The Instagram API says that you can access the number of calls left in the hour through the HTTP header, but I'm not sure how to access that in Python.
The following fields are provided in the header of each response and their values are related to the type of call that was made (authenticated or unauthenticated):
X-Ratelimit-Remaining: the remaining number of calls available to your app within the 1-hour window
X-Ratelimit-Limit: the total number of calls allowed within the 1-hour window
How would I access this data in Python?
I assumed it was much a much fancier solution based on a few other answers on SO, but after some researching, I found a really simple solution!
import requests
r = requests.get('URL of the API response here')
I am trying to use twython package to scrap twitter data.
Due to the huge number of twitter handles that I am dealing with, I cannot use twitter.lookup_user(user_id=user_batch) command - so I instead tried to use
user_dict_batch = tw.request(user_url, method='POST').
Now, according to the twython documentation, the function request is defined as follows:
request(endpoint, method='GET', params=None, version='1.1')
Return dict of response received from Twitter’s API
endpoint (string) – (required) Full url or Twitter API endpoint (e.g. search/tweets)
method (string) – (optional) Method of accessing data, either GET or POST. (default GET)
params (dict or None) – (optional) Dict of parameters accepted by Twitter API endpoint
version (string) – (optional) Twitter API version to access (default 1.1)
Return type:
my question is, what exactly is the "Twitter API endpoint"? For instance, if I am trying to scrap for information about the user whose twitter handle is 3Degrees_Inc, what would be the Twitter API endpoint for this specific user be? I tried to use 'https://twitter.com/3Degrees_Inc' for my value for the parameter endpoint, but it's keep throwing me the Twitter API 403 (forbidden) error....
First, twython is a wrap-up for RESTfult twitter API, whose docs you can find here. So if you are interested in API users/lookup, its endpoint is users/lookup. Pay attention that this api accepts POST request, since request for that many users may exceed GET limits.
But brief walkthrough twython documentation shows that lookup_user is implemented in EndpointMixin and according to docs implements this same endpoint interface, so you shure can use twitter.lookup_user(user_id=[user1, user2, user3])
def lookup_user(self, **params):
"""Returns fully-hydrated user objects for up to 100 users per request,
as specified by comma-separated values passed to the user_id and/or screen_name parameters.
Docs: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/users/lookup
return self.post('users/lookup', params=params)
Is there a way to use Simple Access API (Developer Key) instead of oAuth2 key with Google Cloud Endpoint?
Extra fields in your protorpc request object that aren't part of the definition are still stored with the request.
If you wanted to use a key field as a query parameter, you could access it via
even if key is not a field in your message definition.
This is done in users_id_token.py (the Auth part of the endpoints library) to allow sending bearer_token or access_token as query parameters instead of as header values.
Unfortunately, the nice quota checking and other associated pieces that a "Simple API Access" key gives are not readily available. However, you could issue your own keys and manually check a key against your list and potentially check against quotas that you have defined.
For those looking to use #bossylobster's answer in Java, use the the SO Answer here:
Getting raw HTTP Data (Headers, Cookies, etc) in Google Cloud Endpoints
I tried to make this a comment in #bossylobster's answer, but I don't have the reputation to do that. Feel free to clean up this answer so that other's can follow the path