Finding the original form of a word after stemming - python

I am stemming a list of words and making a dataframe from it. The original data is as follow:
original = 'The man who flies the airplane dies in an air crash. His wife died a couple of weeks ago.'
df = pd.DataFrame({'text':[original]})
the functions I've used for lemmatisation and stemming are:
# lemmatize & stemmed.
def lemmatize_stemming(text):
return stemmer.stem(WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(text, pos='v'))
def preprocess(text):
result = []
for token in gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(text):
if token not in gensim.parsing.preprocessing.STOPWORDS:
return result
The output will come from running df['text'].map(preprocess)[0] for which I get:
I wonder how can I return the output to the original tokens? for instance I have die which is from died and dies.

Stemming destroys information in the original corpus, by non-reversibly turning multiple tokens into some shared 'stem' form.
I you want the original text, you need to retain it yourself.
But also, note: many algorithms working on large amounts of data, like word2vec under ideal conditions, don't necessarily need or even benefit from stemming. You want to have vectors for all the words in the original text – not just the stems – and with enough data, the related forms of a word will get similar vectors. (Indeed, they'll even differ in useful ways, with all 'past' or 'adverbial' or whatever variants sharing a similar directional skew.)
So only do it if you're sure it's helping your goals, withn your corpus limits & goals.

You could return the mapping relationship as the result and perform postprocessing later.
def preprocess(text):
lemma_mapping = []
for token in gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(text):
if token not in gensim.parsing.preprocessing.STOPWORDS:
lemma_mapping[token] = lemmatize_stemming(token)
return lemma_mapping
Or store it as a by-product.
from collections import defaultdict
lemma_mapping = defaultdict(str)
def preprocess(text):
result = []
for token in gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(text):
if token not in gensim.parsing.preprocessing.STOPWORDS:
lemma = lemmatize_stemming(token)
lemma_mapping[token] = lemma
return result


How to classify derived words that share meaning as the same tokens?

I would like to count unrelated words in an article but I have troubles with grouping words of the same meaning derived from one another.
For instance, I would like gasoline and gas to be treated as the same token in sentences like The price of gasoline has risen. and "Gas" is a colloquial form of the word gasoline in North American English. Conversely, in BE the term would be "petrol". Therefore, if these two sentences comprised the entire article, the count for gas (or gasoline) would be 3 (petrol would not be counted).
I have tried using NLTK's stemmers and lemmatizers but to no avail. Most seem to reproduce gas as gas and gasoline as gasolin which is not helpful for my purposes at all. I understand that this is the usual behaviour. I have checked out a thread that seems to be a little bit similar, however the answers there are not completely applicable to my case as I require the words to be derived from one another.
How to treat derived words of the same meaning as same tokens in order to count them together?
I propose a two steps approach:
First, find synonyms by comparing word embeddings (only non-stopwords). This should remove similar written words, which mean something else, such as gasolineand gaseous.
Then, check if synonyms share some of their stem. Essentially if "gas" is in "gasolin" and the other way around. This shall suffice because you only compare your synonyms.
import spacy
import itertools
from nltk.stem.porter import *
threshold = 0.6
#compare the stems of the synonyms
stemmer = PorterStemmer()
def compare_stems(a, b):
if stemmer.stem(a) in stemmer.stem(b):
return True
if stemmer.stem(b) in stemmer.stem(a):
return True
return False
candidate_synonyms = {}
#add a candidate to the candidate dictionary of sets
def add_to_synonym_dict(a,b):
if a not in candidate_synonyms:
if b not in candidate_synonyms:
candidate_synonyms[a] = {a, b}
a, b = b,a
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
text = u'The price of gasoline has risen. "Gas" is a colloquial form of the word gasoline in North American English. Conversely in BE the term would be petrol. A gaseous state has nothing to do with oil.'
words = nlp(text)
#compare every word with every other word, if they are similar
for a, b in itertools.combinations(words, 2):
#check if one of the word pairs are stopwords or punctuation
if a.is_stop or b.is_stop or a.is_punct or b.is_punct:
if a.similarity(b) > threshold:
if compare_stems(a.text.lower(), b.text.lower()):
add_to_synonym_dict(a.text.lower(), b.text.lower())
#output: {'gasoline': {'gas', 'gasoline'}}
Then you can count your synonym candidates based on their appearances in the text.
Note: I chose the threshold for synonyms with 0.6 by chance. You would probably test which threshold suits your task. Also my code is just a quick and dirty example, this could be done a lot cleaner.

How to extract the verbs and all corresponding adverbs from a text?

Using ngram in Python my aim is to find out verbs and their corresponding adverbs from an input text.
What I have done:
Input text:""He is talking weirdly. A horse can run fast. A big tree is there. The sun is beautiful. The place is well decorated.They are talking weirdly. She runs fast. She is talking greatly.Jack runs slow.""
`finder2 = BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(wrd for (wrd,tags) in posTagged if tags in('VBG','RB','VBN',))
scored = finder2.score_ngrams(bigram_measures.raw_freq)
print sorted(finder2.nbest(bigram_measures.raw_freq, 5))`
From my code, I got the output:
[('talking', 'greatly'), ('talking', 'weirdly'), ('weirdly', 'talking'),('runs','fast'),('runs','slow')]
which is the list of verbs and their corresponding adverbs.
What I am looking for:
I want to figure out verb and all corresponding adverbs from this. For example ('talking'- 'greatly','weirdly),('runs'-'fast','slow')etc.
You already have a list of all verb-adverb bigrams, so you're just asking how to consolidate them into a dictionary that gives all adverbs for each verb. But first let's re-create your bigrams in a more direct way:
pairs = list()
for (w1, tag1), (w2, tag2) in nltk.bigrams(posTagged):
if t1.startswith("VB") and t2 == "RB":
pairs.append((w1, w2))
Now for your question: We'll build a dictionary with the adverbs that follow each verb. I'll store the adverbs in a set, not a list, to get rid of duplications.
from collections import defaultdict
consolidated = defaultdict(set)
for verb, adverb in pairs:
The defaultdict provides an empty set for verbs that haven't been seen before, so we don't need to check by hand.
Depending on the details of your assignment, you might also want to case-fold and lemmatize your verbs so that the adverbs from "Driving recklessly" and "I drove carefully" are recorded together:
wnl = nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer()
for verb, adverb in pairs:
verb = wnl.lemmatize(verb.lower(), "v")
I think you are losing information you will need for this. You need to retain the part-of-speech data somehow, so that bigrams like ('weirdly', 'talking') can be processed in the correct manner.
It may be that the bigram finder can accept the tagged word tuples (I'm not familiar with nltk). Or, you may have to resort to creating an external index. If so, something like this might work:
part_of_speech = {word:tag for word,tag in posTagged}
best_bigrams = finger2.nbest(... as you like it ...)
verb_first_bigrams = [b if part_of_speech[b[1]] == 'RB' else (b[1],b[0]) for b in best_bigrams]
Then, with the verbs in front, you can transform it into a dictionary or list-of-lists or whatever:
adverbs_for = {}
for verb,adverb in verb_first_bigrams:
if verb not in adverbs_for:
adverbs_for[verb] = [adverb]

Probability tree for sentences in nltk employing both lookahead and lookback dependencies

Does nltk or any other NLP tool allow to construct probability trees based on input sentences thus storing the language model of the input text in a dictionary tree, the following example gives the rough idea, but I need the same functionality such that a word Wt does not just probabilistically modelled on past input words(history) Wt-n but also on lookahead words like Wt+m. Also the lookback and lookahead word count should also be 2 or more i.e. bigrams or more. Are there any other libraries in python which achieve this?
from collections import defaultdict
import nltk
import math
ngram = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
corpus = "The cat is cute. He jumps and he is happy."
for sentence in nltk.sent_tokenize(corpus):
tokens = map(str.lower, nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))
for token, next_token in zip(tokens, tokens[1:]):
ngram[token][next_token] += 1
for token in ngram:
total = math.log10(sum(ngram[token].values()))
ngram[token] = {nxt: math.log10(v) - total for nxt, v in ngram[token].items()}
the solution requires both lookahead and lookback and a specially sub classed dictionary may help in solving this problem. Can also point to relevant resources which talk about implementing such a system. A nltk.models seemed to be doing something similar but is no longer available. Are there any existing design patterns in NLP which implement this idea? skip gram based models are similar to this idea too but I feel this has should have been implemented already somewhere.
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for a way to predict the probability of a word given its surrounding context (not just backward context but also the forward context).
One quick hack for your purpose is to train two different language models. One from right to left and the other from left to right and then probability of a word given its context would be the normalized sum of both forward and backward contexts.
Extending your code:
from collections import defaultdict
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
import numpy as np
ngram = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
ngram_rev = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) #reversed n-grams
corpus = "The cat is cute. He jumps and he is happy."
for sentence in nltk.sent_tokenize(corpus):
tokens = map(str.lower, nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))
for token, next_token in zip(tokens, tokens[1:]):
ngram[token][next_token] += 1
for token, rev_token in zip(tokens[1:], tokens):
ngram_rev[token][rev_token] += 1
for token in ngram:
total = np.log(np.sum(ngram[token].values()))
total_rev = np.log(np.sum(ngram_rev[token].values()))
ngram[token] = {nxt: np.log(v) - total
for nxt, v in ngram[token].items()}
ngram_rev[token] = {prv: np.log(v) - total_rev
for prv, v in ngram_rev[token].items()}
Now the context is in both ngram and ngram_rev which respectively hold the forward and backward contexts.
You should also account for smoothing. That is if a given phrase is not seen in your training corpus, you would just get zero probabilities. In order to avoid that, there are many smoothing techniques the most simple of which is the add-on smoothing.
The normal ngram algorithm traditionally works with prior context only, and for good reason: A bigram tagger makes decisions by considering the tags of the last two words, plus the current word. So unless you tag in two passes, the tag of the next word is not yet known. But you are interested in word ngrams, not tag ngrams, so nothing keeps you from training an ngram tagger where the ngram consists of words from both sides. And you can indeed do it easily with the NLTK.
The NLTK's ngram taggers all make tag ngrams, from the left; but you can easily derive your own tagger from their abstract base class, ContextTagger:
import nltk
from nltk.tag import ContextTagger
class TwoSidedTagger(ContextTagger):
left = 2
right = 1
def context(self, tokens, index, history):
left = self.left
right = self.right
tokens = tuple(t.lower() for t in tokens)
if index < left:
tokens = ("<start>",) * left + tokens
index += left
if index + right >= len(tokens):
tokens = tokens + ("<end>",) * right
return tokens[index-left:index+right+1]
This defines a tetragram tagger (2+1+1) where the current word is third in the ngram, not last as usual. You can then initialize and train a tagger just like the regular ngram taggers (see chapter 5 of the NLTK book, especially sections 5.4ff). Let's see first how you'd build a part-of-speech tagger, using a portion of the Brown corpus as training data:
data = list(nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_sents(categories="news"))
train_sents = data[400:]
test_sents = data[:400]
twosidedtagger = TwoSidedTagger({}, backoff=nltk.DefaultTagger('NN'))
Like all ngram taggers in the NLTK, this one will delegate to the backoff tagger if it is asked to tag an ngram it did not see during training.
For simplicity I used a simple "default tagger" as the backoff tagger, but you'll probably need to use something more powerful (see the NLTK chapter again).
You can then use your tagger to tag new text, or evaluate it with an already tagged test set:
>>> print(twosidedtagger.tag("There were dogs everywhere .".split()))
>>> print(twosidedtagger.evaluate(test_sents))
Predicting words:
The above tagger assigns a POS tag by considering nearby words; but your goal is to predict the word itself, so you need different training data and a different default tagger. The NLTK API expects training data in the form (word, LABEL), where LABEL is the value you want to generate. In your case, LABEL is just the current word itself; so make your training data as follows:
data = [ zip(s,s) for s in nltk.corpus.brown.sents(categories="news") ]
train_sents = data[400:]
test_sents = data[:400]
twosidedtagger = TwoSidedTagger({}, backoff=nltk.DefaultTagger('the')) # most common word
It makes no sense for the target word to appear in the "context" ngram, so you should also modify the method context() so that the returned ngram does not include it:
def context(self, tokens, index, history):
return tokens[index-left:index] + tokens[index+1:index+right+1]
This tagger uses trigrams consisting of two words from the left and one from the right of the current word.
With these modifications, you'll build a tagger that outputs the most likely word at any position. Try it and how you like it.
My expectation is that you'll need a humongous amount of training data before you can get decent performance. The problem is that ngram taggers can only suggest a tag for contexts they saw during training.
To build a tagger that generalizes, consider using the NLTK to train a "sequential classifier". You can use whatever features you want, including the words before and after-- of course, how well it will work is your problem. The NLTK classifier API is similar to that for the ContextTagger, but the context function (aka feature function) returns a dictionary, not a tuple. Again, see the NLTK book and the source code.

recursive extract synonym for a new word from NLTK

Assuming I have two small dictionaries
I have a new word, say "innovative", which is out of my knowledge and I am trying to figure out its sentiment via finding out its synonyms via NLTK function, if the synonyms fall out my small dictionaries, then I recursively call the NLTK function to find the synonyms of the synonyms from last time
The start input could be like this:
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
innovative = wordnet.synsets('innovative')
for synset in innovative:
print synset
print synset.lemmas
It produces the output like this
[Lemma('advanced.s.03.advanced'), Lemma('advanced.s.03.forward-looking'), Lemma('advanced.s.03.innovative'), Lemma('advanced.s.03.modern')]
[Lemma('innovative.s.02.innovative'), Lemma('innovative.s.02.innovational'), Lemma('innovative.s.02.groundbreaking')]
Clearly new words include 'advanced','forward-looking','modern','innovational','groundbreaking' are the new words and not in my dictionary, so now I should use these words as start to call synsets function again until no new lemma word appearing.
Anyone can give me a demo code how to extract these lemma words from Synset and keep them in a set strcutre?
It involves dealing with re module in Python I think but I am quite new to Python. Another point I need to address is that I need to get adjective only, so only 's' and 'a' symbol in the Lemma('advanced.s.03.modern'), not 'v' (verb) or 'n' (noun).
Later I would try to calculate the similarity score for a new word with any dictionary word, I need to define the measure. This problem is difficult since adj words are not arranged in hierarchy way and no available measure according to my knowledge. Anyone can advise?
You can get the synonyms of the synonyms as follows.
(Please note that the code uses the WordNet functions of the NodeBox Linguistics library because it offers an easier access to WordNet).
def get_remote_synonyms(s, pos):
if pos == 'a':
syns = en.adjective.senses(s)
if syns:
allsyns = sum(syns, [])
# if there are multiple senses, take only the most frequent two
if len(syns) >= 2:
syns = syns[0] + syns[1]
syns = syns[0]
return []
remote = []
for syn in syns:
newsyns = en.adjective.senses(syn)
remote.extend([r for r in newsyns[0] if r not in allsyns])
return [unicode(i) for i in list(set(remote))]
As far as I know, all semantic measurement functions of the NLTK are based on the hypernym / hyponym hierarchy, so that they cannot be applied to adjectives. Besides, I found a lot of synonyms to be missing in WordNet if you compare its results with the results from a thesaurus like

NER naive algorithm

I never really dealt with NLP but had an idea about NER which should NOT have worked and somehow DOES exceptionally well in one case. I do not understand why it works, why doesn't it work or weather it can be extended.
The idea was to extract names of the main characters in a story through:
Building a dictionary for each word
Filling for each word a list with the words that appear right next to it in the text
Finding for each word a word with the max correlation of lists (meaning that the words are used similarly in the text)
Given that one name of a character in the story, the words that are used like it, should be as well (Bogus, that is what should not work but since I never dealt with NLP until this morning I started the day naive)
I ran the overly simple code (attached below) on Alice in Wonderland, which for "Alice" returns:
21 ['Mouse', 'Latitude', 'William', 'Rabbit', 'Dodo', 'Gryphon', 'Crab', 'Queen', 'Duchess', 'Footman', 'Panther', 'Caterpillar', 'Hearts', 'King', 'Bill', 'Pigeon', 'Cat', 'Hatter', 'Hare', 'Turtle', 'Dormouse']
Though it filters for upper case words (and receives "Alice" as the word to cluster around), originally there are ~500 upper case words, and it's still pretty spot on as far as main characters goes.
It does not work that well with other characters and in other stories, though gives interesting results.
Any idea if this idea is usable, extendable or why does it work at all in this story for "Alice" ?
#English Name recognition
import re
import sys
import random
from string import upper
def mimic_dict(filename):
dict = {}
f = open(filename)
text =
prev = ""
words = text.split()
for word in words:
m ="\w+",word)
if m == None:
word =
if not prev in dict:
dict[prev] = [word]
else :
dict[prev] = dict[prev] + [word]
prev = word
return dict
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print 'usage: ./ file-to-read'
dict = mimic_dict(sys.argv[1])
upper = []
for e in dict.keys():
if len(e) > 1 and e[0].isupper():
print len(upper),upper
exclude = ["ME","Yes","English","Which","When","WOULD","ONE","THAT","That","Here","and","And","it","It","me"]
exclude = [ x for x in exclude if dict.has_key(x)]
for s in exclude :
del dict[s]
scores = {}
for key1 in dict.keys():
max = 0
for key2 in dict.keys():
if key1 == key2 : continue
a = dict[key1]
k = dict[key2]
diff = []
for ia in a:
if ia in k and ia not in diff:
diff.append( ia)
if len(diff) > max:
max = len(diff)
dictscores = {}
names = []
for e in scores.keys():
if scores[e][0]=="Alice" and e[0].isupper():
print len(names), names
if __name__ == '__main__':
From the looks of your program and previous experience with NER, I'd say this "works" because you're not doing a proper evaluation. You've found "Hare" where you should have found "March Hare".
The difficulty in NER (at least for English) is not finding the names; it's detecting their full extent (the "March Hare" example); detecting them even at the start of a sentence, where all words are capitalized; classifying them as person/organisation/location/etc.
Also, Alice in Wonderland, being a children's novel, is a rather easy text to process. Newswire phrases like "Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer" pose a much harder problem; here, you'd want to detect
[ORG Microsoft] CEO [PER Steve Ballmer]
What you are doing is building a distributional thesaurus-- finding words which are distributionally similar to a query (e.g. Alice), i.e. words that appear in similar contexts. This does not automatically make them synonyms, but means they are in a way similar to the query. The fact that your query is a named entity does not on its own guarantee that the similar words that you retrieve will be named entities. However, since Alice, the Hare and the Queen tend to appear is similar context because they share some characteristics (e.g. they all speak, walk, cry, etc-- the details of Alice in wonderland escape me) they are more likely to be retrieved. It turns out whether a word is capitalised or not is a very useful piece of information when working out if something is a named entity. If you do not filter out the non-capitalised words, you will see many other neighbours that are not named entities.
Have a look at the following papers to get an idea of what people do with distributional semantics:
Lin 1998
Grefenstette 1994
Schuetze 1998
To put your idea in the terminology used in these papers, Step 2 is building a context vector for the word with from a window of size 1. Step 3 resembles several well-known similarity measures in distributional semantics (most notably the so-called Jaccard coefficient).
As larsmans pointed out, this seems to work so well because you are not doing a proper evaluation. If you ran this against a hand-annotated corpus you will find it is very bad at identifying the boundaries of names entities and it does not even attempt to guess if they are people or places or organisations... Nevertheless, it is a great first attempt at NLP, keep it up!

