I have created multiple threads using for loop and I need to read the name of the thread inside the thread. How do I do that? I used threading.Thread.name but returns some memory address of the thread object. here is part of my code:
def catch_sharp_fall(update, context, x):
global access_token, watchlist, bot, chat_id, market_open_alert, nifty, bot_reset, stop_catch_sharp_fall, \
ins_code = x
kite = KiteConnect(kite_api_key)
kws = KiteTicker(kite_api_key, access_token)
def on_ticks(ws, ticks):
logging.debug("Ticks: {}".format(ticks))
def on_connect(ws, response):
ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, [ins_code])
def on_close(ws, code, reason):
kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
kws.on_connect = on_connect
kws.on_close = on_close
while True:
def on_ticks(ws, ticks):
def feed_data(ticks):
list_of_threads_running = [i.name for i in threading.enumerate()]
logging.info(f'list of threads running {list_of_threads_running}')
# update.message.reply_text(f'<b>I am the stock {ins_code}</b>', parse_mode='HTML')
kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
for x in watchlist:
t = threading.Thread(name=str(x), target=catch_sharp_fall, args=(update, context, x))
When you do threading.Thread.name, you're retrieving name on the Thread type itself, not on the thread object for the current thread. You need to look it up on the current thread object:
You can use threading.current_thread().name, t1.name and t2.name as shown below:
import threading
def test1():
print(threading.current_thread().name) # "Thread-1"
def test2():
print(threading.current_thread().name) # "test_thread"
t1 = threading.Thread(target=test1)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=test2, name="test_thread")
# Thread name
print(t1.name) # "Thread-1"
print(t2.name) # "test_thread"
print(threading.current_thread().name) # "MainThread"
I try to run a thread that is calculating different data and when the server call is made to serve data.
What i do not understand is why the program not pass to call sending and receiving after thread start
class FuncThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, image_model):
self.image_model = image_model
def run(self):
image_model = self.image_model
while True:
def sending_ receiving():
while true:
image_model = init()
thread1 = FuncThread(image_model)
thread1.start() # this should not affect the course of executing order
sending_and_reciveing() - this is contiuously listening client request
thread.start is calling run method that is a while true loop that run continuously .
if I correct the typos in your code, it works well on my machine.
import time
import threading
class FuncThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, image_model):
self.image_model = image_model
def run(self):
image_model = self.image_model
while True:
def sending_and_receiving():
while True:
image_model = 'test'
thread1 = FuncThread(image_model)
I am working on a rabbitmq consumer application
My consumer should consume and then process the data in a separate thread
I have a script here for that but I cannot make it work. Any help. Thanks so much. It is going to the run function then doing nothing..
import pika, Consumer_Config, queue, threading
import Message_Class
class con:
def __init__(self):
self.config = Consumer_Config._config()
self.path = self.config.path
self.active = 0
self.channel = None
self.tag = None
self.tb = None
def channsel(self):
pika_conn_params = pika.ConnectionParameters(
host=self.config.url, port=self.config.port,
credentials=pika.credentials.PlainCredentials(self.config.user_id, self.config.password))
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika_conn_params)
return connection
def runq(self, channel, q):
self.channel = channel
def read_queue(self):
queue = self.channel.queue_declare(
queue="queue", durable=True,
exclusive=False, auto_delete=False)
self.tag = self.channel.basic_consume("queue", self.on_msg)
def on_msg(self, _unused_channel, basic_deliver, properties, body):
rk = basic_deliver.routing_key
self.tb = body
def acknowledge_message(self, delivery_tag):
"""Acknowledge the message delivery from RabbitMQ by sending a
Basic.Ack RPC method for the delivery tag.
# LOGGER.info('Acknowledging message %s', delivery_tag) # Acknowledgement is done once the message is delivered
def printq(self, q):
tb = q.get()
item = Message_Class.Messages().Process_msg(tb, 'text')
def run(self):
cn = con()
connct = cn.channsel()
channel = connct.channel()
num_worker_threads = 2
for i in range(num_worker_threads):
t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.runq, args=(channel, q))
t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.printq, args=[q])
t1.daemon = True
t2.daemon = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
q = queue.Queue()
r = con()
I wrote a Threading class which tests whether a webserver is up or not.
import urllib
import threading
import time
import Queue
class Thread_CheckDeviceState(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, device_ip, queue, inter=0.1):
self._run = True
self._codes = {}
self._queue = queue
self._device_ip = device_ip
self._inter = inter
self._elapsed = 0
def stop(self):
self._run = False
def run(self):
start = time.time()
while self._run:
code = urllib.urlopen(self._device_ip).getcode()
except Exception:
code = "nope"
measure = time.time()
self._elapsed += measure-start
print self._elapsed, code
q = Queue.Queue()
thread = Thread_CheckDeviceState("", q)
print q.get()
It works fine - until I disconnect my pc from the network. From that moment on the thread just does nothing until it is stopped. I would expect it to just continue and set the code to "nope", like I wrote it in the exception handler. Why doesn't it work
You need to use urllib2 instead, and specify a timeout parameter when you call urlopen().
I'm currently learning Python and Classes and I have a basic question, but I didn't find any answer to it. Let's say I have this dummy class
class DomainOperations:
def __init__(self, domain):
self.domain = domain
self.domain_ip = ''
self.website_thumbnail = ''
def resolve_domain(self):
#resolve domain to ipv4 and save to self.domain_ip
def generate_website_thumbnail(self):
#generate website thumbnail and save the url to self.website_thumbnail
I want to run simultaneously resolve_domain and generate_website_thumbnail and when the threads are finished I want to print the IP and the thumbnail.
EDIT: I know I should use threads, maybe something like this
r = DomainOperations('google.com')
t1 = threading.Thread(target=r.resolve_domain)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=r.generate_website_thumbnail)
But should I use them outside the Class? Should I write another Class to handle Threads?
What is the right way to do that?
If you call them from the class, it is as simple as:
import threading
class DomainOperations:
def __init__(self):
self.domain_ip = ''
self.website_thumbnail = ''
def resolve_domain(self):
self.domain_ip = 'foo'
def generate_website_thumbnail(self):
self.website_thumbnail= 'bar'
def run(self):
t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.resolve_domain)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.generate_website_thumbnail)
print(self.domain_ip, self.website_thumbnail)
if __name__ == '__main__':
d = DomainOperations()
You can inherit Thread class in DomainOperation, in this way code would be more clean and easily understandable. you have to override a run() method.
from threading import Thread
class DomainOperations(Thread):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.domain_ip = ''
self.website_thumbnail = ''
def resolve_domain(self):
self.domain_ip = 'foo'
def generate_website_thumbnail(self):
self.website_thumbnail= 'bar'
def run(self):
#domain will be resolved on first thread
#thumbnail will be resolved on second OR newly created below thread
thread2 = Thread(target=self.generate_website_thumbnail)
# thread1 will wait for thread2
# thread2 will wait for thread1, if it's late.
# here it will print ip and thumbnail before exiting first thread
print(self.domain_ip, self.website_thumbnail)
And you will start your threads in this way.
if __name__ == '__main__':
thread1 = DomainOperations()
def post_test(tbid, line_num, response_time):
:param tbid: 参数id
# 请求参数
data = {'tbId': tbid, 'conditions': [{"key": "", "type": 1}], 'pageNum': 1, 'pageSize': 12}
# 请求启动时间
start = time.time()
# post请求
r = requests.post(url=url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
# 请求结束时间
end = time.time()
# 保留两位小数
finall_time = float('%.2f' % float(end - start))
text = json.loads(r.text)
# IO写入 只写入200的
with open('text6.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvfile:
if text['statusCode'] == '200':
throughput = line_num * response_time / finall_time
throughput = float('%.2f' % float(throughput))
print('the perf_counter time of %s is %s and the content is %s ,throughput is %s' % (
tbid, finall_time, json.loads(r.text), throughput))
spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel')
spamwriter.writerow([tbid] + [finall_time] + [throughput])
def start_thread(csv_name):
tbid, response_time_sort, throughput_sort = read_csv(csv_name)
line_num = len(tbid)
response_times = 5
for j in range(response_times):
for i in tbid:
t = threading.Thread(target=post_test, args=(i, line_num, response_times))
I don't know how to call a method in a class, especially if it has initialization parameters, but you can try this method。 I'm trying to use multiple processes to solve this problem, right。
The following code executes two threads (multithread), each with different time delays so that each thread will finish at a different time.
Once both threads are finished module display1.py issues a print statement saying they are BOTH finished.
I would like module display1.py to issue a 'finished' statement for EACH thread AS EACH thread finishes
How can i do this ... amendments to my working code appreciated! I'd like to change as little of the current code as possible so a better form of variable transfer between the two modules might be what I'm after
from threads1 import *
manager = ThreadManager()
print (manager.GetResults())
from threading import Thread
import time
class ThreadManager:
def __init__(self):
def start(self, answer):
self.answer = answer
thread_refs = []
t1 = MyThread(70, 'Not finished')
t1.daemon = True
t2 = MyThread(2, 'Not finished')
t2.daemon = True
while True:
if t1.AskFinished == 'Finished' and t2.AskFinished == 'Finished': #If I break the loop after EACH site, Only the first to finish will be sent via GetResults to display1.py
global results
results = [t1.AskFinished, t2.AskFinished]
print("Both Finished")
def GetResults(self):
global results
class MyThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, SleepWait, AskFinished):
self.SleepWait = SleepWait
self.AskFinished = AskFinished
def run(self):
self.AskFinished = 'Finished'
What you have here (entering a very tight check loop in the main thread) is a very naive approach to threading in many languages, but especially in python where GIL contention will just slow the threads down a great bit.
What is a better idea is instead using queue.Queue to push info when a thread is completed. This allows the main thread to block on the queue instead, which is less CPU intensive as well as allowing you to know (out of order) which one is finished.
The changes you would need to make:
at the top of the module threads1.py:
import queue
finished_queue = queue.Queue()
in your start():
num_finished = 0
while True:
info = finished_queue.get()
num_finished += 1
if info is t1:
print("t1 finished")
print("t2 finished")
if num_finished == 2:
global results
results = [t1.AskFinished, t2.AskFinished]
print("Both Finished")
and finally in run():
def run(self):
self.AskFinished = 'Finished'
Some more fundamental modifications I'd make is actually pushing the result into the queue and then fetching the results out, skipping the extra step before GetResults. Furthermore, if GetResults had to stay, I'd pass them through a field on self e.g. self.results = [t1.AskFinished, t2.AskFinished]
Ok, so you want to know more about how to have display1.py print the results. It would be helpful if you could explain why it matters, because that might make a difference in how you should do this, but here's a first approach:
# threads1.py
from threading import Thread
import time
class ThreadManager:
def __init__(self):
self.threads = {}
def start(self):
t1 = MyThread(4)
t1.daemon = True
self.threads[1] = t1
t2 = MyThread(1)
t2.daemon = True
self.threads[2] = t2
def is_alive(self, thread_id):
return self.threads[thread_id].is_alive()
def GetResults(self): # or you could just access results directly
return self.results
class MyThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, SleepWait):
self.SleepWait = SleepWait
def run(self):
And then...
# display1.py
from threads1 import *
manager = ThreadManager()
t1_state = t2_state = True
while manager.is_alive(1) or manager.is_alive(2):
if manager.is_alive(1) != t1_state:
print("t1 finished")
t1_state = manager.is_alive(1)
if manager.is_alive(2) != t2_state:
print("t2 finished")
t2_state = manager.is_alive(2)
if not manager.is_alive(1) and not manager.is_alive(2):
print("Both Finished")
You should eventually consider using a Queue as suggested by Crast; but let's focus on getting this right first.
Original Post:
There are a number of problems with this code.
First, you should use t1.is_alive() to check if a thread is finished. There's no need to reimplement it with AskFinished.
Second, the while True: loop in threads1.py is doing nothing at a furious rate while it waits for your threads to terminate. Take a look at the cpu usage while this is running if you don't believe me. You should throw a time.sleep(1) statement in there.
Third, why are you using a global var to return your results? That's a really strange thing to do. Just store it in self!
And finally, why does display1.py have to print the messages? Why can't thread1.py do that?
With these four points in mind, here's a thread1.py that works more sensibly:
from threading import Thread
import time
class ThreadManager:
def __init__(self):
self.results = None
def start(self, answer): # why is "answer" here?
self.answer = answer
thread_refs = []
t1 = MyThread(4, 'Not finished')
t1.daemon = True
t2 = MyThread(1, 'Not finished')
t2.daemon = True
t1_state = t2_state = True
while t1.is_alive() or t2.is_alive():
if t1.is_alive() != t1_state:
print("t1 finished")
t1_state = t1.is_alive()
if t2.is_alive() != t2_state:
print("t2 finished")
t2_state = t2.is_alive()
if not t1.is_alive() and not t2.is_alive():
self.results = [t1.AskFinished, t2.AskFinished]
print("Both Finished")
def GetResults(self): # or you could just access results directly
return self.results
class MyThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, SleepWait, AskFinished):
self.SleepWait = SleepWait
self.AskFinished = AskFinished
def run(self):
self.AskFinished = 'Finished'
Now, this still doesn't do exactly what you wanted, because you asked for display.py to do the displaying. To make that work, you'd have to put your while True loop in display.py and add an ThreadManager.is_alive() method that display.py could use to check whether a thread is alive or not. If you want to see how to do that let me know.
Im not familiar with threading but since no answers yet ill give it a shot.
In this:
Cant you just add two if statements before hand?
while True:
if t1.askFinished == 'Finished':
print("t1 Finished")
if t2.askFinished == 'Finished':
print("t2 Finished")
if t1.AskFinished == 'Finished' and t2.AskFinished == 'Finished': #If I break the loop after EACH site, Only the first to finish will be sent via GetResults to display1.py
global results
results = [t1.AskFinished, t2.AskFinished]
print("Both Finished")
edit: I tried changing your code as little as possible... it's not very well written though tbh. (No offense)