JSON.py is deleting my json file when I run code - python

I am helping my teacher by creating a game where the k-2 kids can learn their passwords, I added this json file to create a save for the teacher so he doesn't have to re-add all the computers names and passwords... But when I run my code, the json file gets wiped, and I lose all of my code... Luckily I had backups but I cant have it erase for my teacher.
Python Code:
import json
with open("accounts.json", "w") as f:
accountData = json.dumps(f)
{ // not real names and passwords for security
"accounts": [
"id": "1",
"uname": "scarlett",
"pword": "k,",
"points": "0"
"id": "2",
"uname": "santiago",
"pword": "k,",
"points": "0"
"id": "3",
"uname": "harper",
"pword": "k,",
"points": "0"

It's a wrong use of the json.dump method.
Here is part of the help to json.dump in python at version 3.7.6.
Help on function dump in module json:
dump(obj, fp, *, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False, **kw)
Serialize ``obj`` as a JSON formatted stream to ``fp`` (a
``.write()``-supporting file-like object).
The first parameter should be the dict object which contains the names and passwords, and you missed this parameter.
And the parameter f should be in the second place.


How to get value off JSON in Robot framework

I have for example a log that will change each time it is run an example is below. I will like to take one of the value(id) lets say as a variable and log only the id to console or use that value somewhere else.
"#type": "type",
"href": [
"#url": "url1",
"#method": "get"
"#url": "url2",
"#method": "post"
"#url": "url3",
"#method": "post"
"id": "3",
"meta": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "value1"
"key": "key2",
"value": "value2"
I want to get the id in a variable because the id changes after each time the robot framework is ran
You can see here that the JSON you are getting is in list format. Which means that to get a value from the JSON, you'll first need to read the JSON object in, then get the dictionary out of the list and only then access the key value you'd need to extract.
Robot Framework supports using Python statements with Evaluate keyword. When we need to simply parse some string to JSON we can get by using
${DATA}= Evaluate json.loads("""${DATA}""")
Notice that the ${DATA} here should contain your JSON as a string.
Now that we have the JSON object, we can do whatever we want with it. We can actually see from your JSON that it is actually a dictionary nested inside a list object (See surrounding []). So first, extract dictionary from the list, then access the dictionary key normally. The following should work fine.
${DICT}= Get From List ${DATA} 0
${ID}= Get From Dictionary ${DICT} id

Split a JSON file to two different XML files

I'm trying to split a JSON file to two different XML files. Example below.
Trying to use a python script to perform this. A groovy script would work as well. This split function is part of a file transformation in Apace NiFi.
JSON file :
"Cars": {
"Car": [{
"Brand": "Volkswagon"
"Country": "Germany",
"Type": "All",
"Polo": {
"Type": "Hatchback",
"Color": "White",
"Cost": "10000"
} {
"Golf": {
"Type": "Hatchback",
"Color": "White",
"Cost": "12000"
Split to two XML files :
XML 1 :
<Name>Random Value</Name>
XML 2 :
The XML tag names are a little different to the elements in the JSON file.
I'm looking for the best possible way to achieve this, but prefer a python script due to some experience working with Python.
Any other solution for Apache NiFi is also appreciated.

How to convert JSON data to PDF using python script

I want to convert JSON data to PDF which is getting from API.
example JSON data
"data": [
"state": "Manchester",
"quantity": 20
"state": "Surrey",
"quantity": 46
"state": "Scotland",
"quantity": 36
"state": "Kent",
"quantity": 23
"state": "Devon",
"quantity": 43
"state": "Glamorgan",
"quantity": 43
I found this script:
but getting error
no module PDFWriter
Is there any another way to convert JSON Data PDF.
the module PDFWriter is in xtopdf
PDFWriter - a core class of the xtopdf toolkit - can now be used with
a Python context manager, a.k.a. the Python with statement.
( http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578790-use-pdfwriter-with-context-manager-support/ )
how to install xtopdf is in https://bitbucket.org/vasudevram/xtopdf :
Installation and usage:
To install the files, first make sure that you have downloaded and
installed all the prerequisities mentioned above, including setup
steps such as adding needed directories to your PYTHONPATH. Then, copy
all the files in xtopdf.zip into a directory which is on your
To use any of the Python programs, run the .py file as:
python filename.py
This will give a usage message about the correct usage and arguments
To run the shell script(s), do the same as above.
Developers can look at the source code for further information.
an alternative is to use pdfdocument to create the pdf, it can be installed using pip ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pdfdocument )
parse the data from the json data ( How can I parse GeoJSON with Python, Parse JSON in Python ) and print it as pdf using pdfdocument ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pdfdocument )
import json
data = json.loads(datastring)
from io import BytesIO
from pdfdocument.document import PDFDocument
def say_hello():
f = BytesIO()
pdf = PDFDocument(f)
pdf.h1('Hello World')
pdf.p('Creating PDFs made easy.')
return f.getvalue()
from json2html import *
import json
import tempfile
class PdfConverter(object):
def __init__(self):
def to_html(self, json_doc):
return json2html.convert(json=json_doc)
def to_pdf(self, html_str):
return pdfkit.from_string(html_str, None)
def main():
stowflw = {
"data": [
"state": "Manchester",
"quantity": 20
"state": "Surrey",
"quantity": 46
"state": "Scotland",
"quantity": 36
"state": "Kent",
"quantity": 23
"state": "Devon",
"quantity": 43
"state": "Glamorgan",
"quantity": 43
pdfc = PdfConverter()
with open("sample.pdf", "wb") as pdf_fl:
install json2html
install pdfkit (requires wkhtmltox)
when you hit this code it will generate a pdf for this url (API).
import pdfkit
pdfkit.from_url('https://api.covid19api.com/summary', 'india.pdf')
you can also generate an pdf from a different formats like .file, .html , .text, multiple url
import json
import requests
response = requests.get('https://api.covid19api.com/summary').text
# loads converts a string to a JSON object
json_object = json.loads(response)
# json. dumps converts a json object to a string
print(json.dumps(json_object, indent=1))
#different formats
pdfkit.from_url('http://aj7t.me', 'output.pdf')
pdfkit.from_file('test.html', 'output.pdf')
pdfkit.from_string('Hello!', 'output.pdf')
👍For more information,
please check the documentation!

Python multi-line JSON and variables

I'm trying to encode a somewhat large JSON in Python (v2.7) and I'm having trouble putting in my variables!
As the JSON is multi-line and to keep my code neat I've decided to use the triple double quotation mark to make it look as follows:
my_json = """{
"settings": {
"serial": "1",
"status": "2",
"ersion": "3"
"config": {
"active": "4",
"version": "5"
To encode this, and output it works well for me, but I'm not sure how I can change the numbers I have there and replace them by variable strings. I've tried:
"settings": {
"serial": 'json_serial',
but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated!
Why don't you make it a dictionary and set variables then use the json library to make it into json
import json
json_serial = "123"
my_json = {
'settings': {
"serial": json_serial,
"status": '2',
"ersion": '3',
'config': {
'active': '4',
'version': '5'
If you absolutely insist on generating JSON with string concatenation -- and, to be clear, you absolutely shouldn't -- the only way to be entirely certain that your output is valid JSON is to generate the substrings being substituted with a JSON generator. That is:
'''"settings" : {
"serial" : {serial},
"version" : {version}
}'''.format(serial=json.dumps("5"), version=json.dumps(1))
But don't. Really, really don't. The answer by #davidejones is the Right Thing for this scenario.

Python - how to remove the final comma(,) in json string

Hi I have just started experimenting with python and tornado along with mongodb(I am a newbie). I have written a simple get function to get all the values from my mongodb and return it in JSON format. The problem is when I try to write the output as a JSON string I get a trailing comma(,) after the last record from the collection.
class TypeList(APIHandler):
def get(self):
cursor = db.vtype.find()
self.write("{"'"success"'": 1, "'"data"'":[")
while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
document = cursor.next_object()
class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o,ObjectId):
return str(o)
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
And my output is like
{"success": 1, "data":[{"_id": "55a5e988545779f35d3ecdf4", "name": "fgkd", "city": "fghj"},{"_id": 12345.0, "name": "adfs", "city": "asd"},]}
Can anyone tell me how can I get rid of that trailing comma(,) after my last record, because of that comma I am getting an error malformed JSON string
I have tried using json dumps
def get(self):
cursor = db.vtype.find({"brand": "Tata"})
while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
document = cursor.next_object()
got the output as
{"Reg": "11ts", "_id": {"$oid": "55a5e988545779f35d3ecdf4"}, "Name": "Alex"}{"Reg": "12ts", "_id": {"$oid": "55a5eac6545779f35d3ecdf5"}, "Name": "asdf"}
When using dumps[{ "data": document }]
I am getting the output as
[{"data": {"Name": "asdf", "Reg": "asdfs", "_id": {"$oid": "55a5e988545779f35d3ecdf4"}}}]
[{"data": {"Name": "qwer", "Reg": "asdff", "_id": {"$oid": "55a5eac6545779f35d3ecdf5"}}}]
but I want the output like this
{"data": [{"Name": "asdf", "Reg": "asdfs", "_id": {"$oid": "55a5e988545779f35d3ecdf4"}},{"Name": "qwer", "Reg": "asdff", "_id": {"$oid": "55a5eac6545779f35d3ecdf5"}}]}
If I am doing something wrong please tell me I dont know how to do it.
There is no reason you should be building up JSON documents via text concatenation.
Python has a perfectly good json module in the standard library which you should be using. Build up your document as a Python list of dicts, then use json.dumps() to convert the whole thing to valid JSON.
So your problem is with MongoDB ObjectId? Then maybe you should have been using bson.json_util. It's probably already installed as part of your MongoDB driver dependecies ( which all use pymongo ), but if not then install it.
import bson
import bson.json_util
from bson.json_util import dumps
from bson import ObjectId
dumps({ "a": ObjectId() })
'{"a": {"$oid": "55a782261d41c80b0432b811"}}'
dumps([{ "a": ObjectId(), "b": 1 },{ "a": ObjectId(), "b": 2 }])
'[{"a": {"$oid": "55a79543268e150463d51799"}, "b": 1}, {"a": {"$oid": "55a79543268e150463d5179a"}, "b": 2}]'
And it works just like "dumps" except all the BSON type handling is built it.
Again, no need to re-invent the wheel here and "roll your own", because people already use this.
Your implementation of the JSONEncoder works well. Just use it the way it was intended to be used:
>>> JSONEncoder().encode({'data': [ObjectId(), ObjectId()]})
'{"data": ["<objId>", "<objId>"]}'
The encoder will take care of serializing dicts, objects, lists, tuples, strings (including unicode), ints, longs, floats, booleans and None. Your implementation makes it aware of ObjectIds as well. Perfect!
Just lose the string concatenation and use encode.

