Black frame instead of edge detection image in PySimpleGUI with openCV - python

I'm coding a Python program to automate image processing tasks (threshold images, detect borders, optical flow, etc.) using PySimpleGUI, openCV and Numpy. However, when I run all the code and press the button that takes me to the function to obtain the image with border detection through the graphical interface, only a black box appears, but implementing only the border detection function by itself seems to work without any problem. Here is the code of the border detection function:
def correl_Sobel(image_filename=None):
image = cv2.imread(image_filename)
img_gray = (image[:,:,0]/3+image[:,:,1]/3+image[:,:,2]/3)
img_th = img_gray
img_th[img_th < 120] = 0
img_th[img_th != 0] = 255
img_th = abs(img_th)
vertFilter =[[-1,-2,-1],[0,0,0],[1,2,1]]
horiFilter = [[-1,0,1],[-2,0,2],[-1,0,1]]
img_edges = np.zeros_like(image)
n, m = img_gray.shape
for x in range(3, n-2):
for y in range(3, m-2):
pixels = img_th[x-1:x+2, y-1:y+2]
verticalPixels = vertFilter*pixels
vertScore = (verticalPixels.sum()+4)/8
horizontalPixels = horiFilter*pixels
horiScore = (horizontalPixels.sum()+4)/8
edgeScore = (vertScore**2 + horiScore**2)**0.5
#three-layered images
img_edges[x,y] = [edgeScore]*3
#pixel values / maximum value
img_edges = img_edges/img_edges.max()
return img_edges
And here is the code for the GUI and button implementation:
prev_filename = correlated = thresholded = convolution = None
while True:
#read window
event, values =
if event == '-EXIT-' or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
if event == '-FOLDER-':
folder = values['-FOLDER-']
img_types = (".png", ".jpg", "jpeg", ".tiff", ".bmp")
flist0 = os.listdir(folder)
fnames = [f for f in flist0 if os.path.isfile(
os.path.join(folder, f)) and f.lower().endswith(img_types)]
#update file directory
window['-FILE LIST-'].update(fnames)
#Select a file
elif event == '-FILE LIST-':
filename = os.path.join(values['-FOLDER-'], values['-FILE LIST-'][0])
image = cv2.imread(filename)
window['-IN-'].update(data=cv2.imencode('.png', image)[1].tobytes())
#edge detection button
elif event == '-CONV-':
if values['-FILE LIST-']:
filename = os.path.join(values['-FOLDER-'], values['-FILE LIST-'][0])
correlated = correl_Sobel(filename)
# plt.imshow(correlated)
window['-IN-'].update(data=cv2.imencode('.png', image)[1].tobytes())
Here's what happens when I press the edge detection button: screenshot
And here's what it should look like (I got this image by running only the function above): edgeDetectedImg
Thanks in advance


How can i resize image in moviepy so that it perfectly fits in 1980x1080?

So I'm trying to resize an image and maintain its ratio so that it perfectly fits in 1980x1080 in the moviepy library.
Currently, I'm doing this with a function like this:
def FitClip(size):
#size is basicly clip.size
clipRes = size
v = ''
if clipRes[0] >= clipRes[1]:
toresize = 1980
v = 'h'
toresize = 1080
v = 'v'
return [toresize, v]
and I'm calling it like this:
def generate_clip_var(clip_name, start_time):
clip_audio = AudioFileClip(f"out/{clip_name}.mp3").set_start(start_time + 2)
clip_video = ImageClip(f"out/{clip_name}.jpg").set_duration(1).set_start(start_time)
if FitClip(clip_video.size)[1] == 'v':
clip_video = ImageClip(f"out/{clip_name}.jpg").set_duration(clip_audio.duration + 1).set_position("center").set_audio(clip_audio).resize(height = FitClip(clip_video.size)[0]).set_start(start_time)
clip_video = ImageClip(f"out/{clip_name}.jpg").set_duration(clip_audio.duration + 1).set_position("center").set_audio(clip_audio).resize(width = FitClip(clip_video.size)[0]).set_start(start_time)
return [clip_audio, clip_video]
My problem is that whenever image is too small or too big it just goes outside bounds.
You could try the moviepy native function resize():
from import resize
def generate_clip_var(clip_name, start_time):
clip_audio = AudioFileClip(f"out/{clip_name}.mp3").set_start(start_time + 2)
clip_video = ImageClip(f"out/{clip_name}.jpg").set_duration(1).set_start(start_time)
# Resize the clip_video object to fit within a 1980x1080 frame while maintaining its aspect ratio
clip_video = resize(clip_video, width=1980, height=1080)
# Set the duration and audio of the resized clip_video object
clip_video = clip_video.set_duration(clip_audio.duration + 1).set_position("center").set_audio(clip_audio).set_start(start_time)
return [clip_audio, clip_video]

python: opencv,some issue when count pixel

I use opencv to count the number of white and black pixels of picture(I have convert them into black and white image), and everytime I run my code it return the number is 0,and the code is
output_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/dataset_demo/result_pic"
for pic in os.listdir(output_path):
if pic.endswith('.jpg'):
image = cv2.imread(pic,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
number_of_white_pix = np.sum(image == 255)
number_of_black_pix = np.sum(image == 0)
number_of_total = number_of_white_pix + number_of_black_pix
number_of_ratio = number_of_white_pix / number_of_black_pix
The pic variable contains only the file name of the image, but cv2.imread needs the full path to the image in order to read it. You need to use the full path to the image when you call cv2.imread.
output_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/dataset_demo/result_pic"
for pic in os.listdir(output_path):
if pic.endswith('.jpg'):
pic = os.path.join(output_path, pic) #full path to the image
image = cv2.imread(pic,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
number_of_white_pix = np.sum(image == 255)
number_of_black_pix = np.sum(image == 0)
number_of_total = number_of_white_pix + number_of_black_pix
number_of_ratio = number_of_white_pix / number_of_black_pix

i am working on program which select's the ROI of wobbly video and extract the ROI in diff window as stable ROI, want to improve its computation speed

The problem is, program is really lengthy and computationally expensive.
so is there any way to make this program faster or any other way to write this code?
I am beginner in python and would love to take all suggestions or different approach then this program
also i am new to the stack overflow so if anything is wrong in this post or any issue in program please point out in comment .
first section of code is
#TEST V2.1 multitracker
import cv2
import numpy as np
#path = (input("enter the video path: "))
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(" YOUR VIDEO PATH ")
# creating the dictionary to add all the wanted trackers in OpenCV that can be used for tracking in future
"csrt": cv2.legacy.TrackerCSRT_create,
"kcf": cv2.legacy.TrackerKCF_create,
"boosting": cv2.legacy.TrackerBoosting_create,
"mil": cv2.legacy.TrackerMIL_create,
"tld": cv2.legacy.TrackerTLD_create,
"medianflow": cv2.legacy.TrackerMedianFlow_create,
"mosse": cv2.legacy.TrackerMOSSE_create
# Creating the MultiTracker variable object to store the
trackers = cv2.legacy.MultiTracker_create()
here I started the loop
while True:
frame =[1]
#print("freame start",frame)
if frame is None:
print("error getting the video,please check the input")
frame = cv2.resize(frame,(1080,720))
Thresh = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#Thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray, 185, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 11, 6)
(success, boxes) = trackers.update(Thresh)
# loop over the bounding boxes and draw them on the frame
if success == False:
bound_boxes = trackers.getObjects()
idx = np.where(bound_boxes.sum(axis= 1) != 0)[0]
bound_boxes = bound_boxes[idx]
trackers = cv2.legacy.MultiTracker_create()
for bound_box in bound_boxes:
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(Thresh)
k = cv2.waitKey(50)
And I am guessing this is the section which is making the program slow
if is there any different way to represent this part or any idea different then this
for i,box in enumerate(boxes):
(x, y, w, h) = [int(v) for v in box]
#cv2.rectangle(Thresh, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 255), 2)
#cv2.putText(Thresh,('TRACKING BOX NO-'+str(i)),(x+10,y-3),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,1.0,(255,255,0),2)
arr = boxes.astype(int)
if i == 0 :
Roi = Thresh[(arr[i,1]):(arr[i,1]+arr[i,3]),(arr[i,0]):(arr[i,0]+arr[i,2])]
murg = cv2.resize(Roi,(300,200))
cv2.imshow("horizon", murg)
if i == 1 :
Roi1 = Thresh[(arr[i,1]):(arr[i,1]+arr[i,3]),(arr[i,0]):(arr[i,0]+arr[i,2])]
Roi = Thresh[(arr[(i-1),1]):(arr[(i-1),1]+arr[(i-1),3]),(arr[(i-1),0]):(arr[(i-1),0]+arr[(i-1),2])]
murg = cv2.resize(Roi,(300,200))
murg1 = cv2.resize(Roi1,(300,200))
hori = np.concatenate((murg,murg1),axis=1)
elif i == 2 :
Roi2 = Thresh[(arr[i,1]):(arr[i,1]+arr[i,3]),(arr[i,0]):(arr[i,0]+arr[i,2])]
Roi1 = Thresh[(arr[(i-1),1]):(arr[(i-1),1]+arr[(i-1),3]),(arr[(i-1),0]):(arr[(i-1),0]+arr[(i-1),2])]
Roi = Thresh[(arr[(i-2),1]):(arr[(i-2),1]+arr[(i-2),3]),(arr[(i-2),0]):(arr[(i-2),0]+arr[(i-2),2])]
murg = cv2.resize(Roi,(300,200))
murg1 = cv2.resize(Roi1,(300,200))
murg2 = cv2.resize(Roi2,(300,200))
hori = np.concatenate((murg,murg1,murg2),axis=1)
elif i == 3 :
Roi3 = Thresh[(arr[i,1]):(arr[i,1]+arr[i,3]),(arr[i,0]):(arr[i,0]+arr[i,2])]
Roi2 = Thresh[(arr[(i-1),1]):(arr[(i-1),1]+arr[(i-1),3]),(arr[(i-1),0]):(arr[(i-1),0]+arr[(i-1),2])]
Roi1 = Thresh[(arr[(i-2),1]):(arr[(i-2),1]+arr[(i-2),3]),(arr[(i-2),0]):(arr[(i-2),0]+arr[(i-2),2])]
Roi = Thresh[(arr[(i-3),1]):(arr[(i-3),1]+arr[(i-3),3]),(arr[(i-3),0]):(arr[(i-3),0]+arr[(i-3),2])]
murg = cv2.resize(Roi,(300,200))
murg1 = cv2.resize(Roi1,(300,200))
murg2 = cv2.resize(Roi2,(300,200))
murg3 = cv2.resize(Roi3,(300,200))
hori = np.concatenate((murg,murg1,murg2,murg3),axis=1)
this section is so that I can print the ROI matrix and to select the ROI
if k == ord("1"):
if k == ord("2"):
if k == ord ("3"):
if k == ord("4"):
cv2.imshow('Frame', Thresh)
if k == ord("e"):
if k == ord("s"):
roi = cv2.selectROI("Frame", Thresh, fromCenter=False,showCrosshair=False)
tracker = OBJECT_TRACKING_MACHINE['mosse']()
trackers.add(tracker, Thresh, roi)
when you will run this code you can extract 4 ROI frames which will track your ROI's (I haven't added the precaution for empty matrix so it will give you error if you select more than 4 roi's)
my end goal is to extract those ROI videos for Image processing (this code is not done yet and there's more image processing is going to happen in letter part) **

compare a single image with 10 or more images and find the matching one

when i run the program I need my code to :
initialize the camera
take a picture
request user to enter paths for the current image to be stored and the image to be compared to
detect edges of currently taken picture and save in database
compare current edge image to 10 or more edge images in database
output as the edge image that has highest match percentage with current edge image
basically its like an object identification program ... can someone please help me out ?
here is the code i have done so far
from itertools import izip
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
def take_and_save_picture(im_save):
'''Take a picture and save it
im_save: filepath where the image should be stored
camera_port = 0
ramp_frames = 30
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_port)
def get_image():
retval, im =
return im
for i in xrange(ramp_frames):
temp = get_image()
print("Taking image...")
# Take the actual image we want to keep
camera_capture = get_image()
#im_save_tmp = im_save + '.jpg'
im_save_tmp = im_save
# A nice feature of the imwrite method is that it will automatically choose the
# correct format based on the file extension you provide. Convenient!
cv2.imwrite(im_save_tmp, camera_capture)
# You'll want to release the camera, otherwise you won't be able to create a new
# capture object until your script exits
# del(cap)
img1 = cv2.imread(im_save_tmp, 0)
edges = cv2.Canny(img1, 100, 200)
cv2.imwrite(im_save, edges)
#im1 = "/Users/Me/gop.jpg"
#im2 = "/Users/Me/aarthi.jpg"
im1 = input('enter the path of database file')
im2 = input('enter the path where captured image is to be saved')
def compute_edges_diff(im1, im2):
'''Compute edges diff between to image files.
im1: filepath to the first image
im2: filepath to the second image
float: percentage of difference between images
#for no_file1 in range(0,10):
#template = cv2.imread('numbers1/{no_file}.png'.format(no_file=no_file1),0)
i1 =
i2 =
assert i1.mode == i2.mode, "Different kinds of images."
assert i1.size == i2.size, "Different sizes."
pairs = izip(i1.getdata(), i2.getdata())
if len(i1.getbands()) == 1:
# for gray-scale jpegs
dif = sum(abs(p1-p2) for p1,p2 in pairs)
dif = sum(abs(c1-c2) for p1,p2 in pairs for c1,c2 in zip(p1,p2))
ncomponents = i1.size[0] * i1.size[1] * 3
diff = (dif / 255.0 * 100) / ncomponents
return diff
def main():
#capture_img = "/Users/Me/home1.png"
capture_img = input('enter path of the file from database')
#img_to_compare = "/Users/Me/Documents/python programs/compare/img2.jpg"
diff = compute_edges_diff(im1, im2)
print "Difference (percentage):", diff
if diff > 0.5:
print im1
else :
print im2
if __name__ == '__main__':
this code works fine .. but i am able to compare only one image ... i need to compare the current taken images with all images in my database ...
In your main function, create a list to ask for the path for the image files, wrap the compare in a for loop:
def get_images_to_compare():
images_to_compare = []
while True:
comp_img = raw_input("Path of image to compare to: ")
if len(comp_img) <= 1:
# break if someone just hits enter
return images_to_compare
def main():
#capture_img = "/Users/Me/home1.png"
capture_img = input('enter path of the file from database')
#img_to_compare = "/Users/Me/Documents/python programs/compare/img2.jpg"
#### you have some odd var names here, basic gist, add a for loop
for comp_image in get_images_to_compare():
diff = compute_edges_diff(im1, im2)
print "Difference (percentage):", diff
if diff > 0.5:
print im1
print im2
as a suggestion, avoid having global scope vars intermingled between functions, it makes code hard to read (referring to you setting im1 and im2 between two fn defs.
Code for doing the multiple compares:
def main(folder_path_to_search, files_to_compare_to, source_image_path):
#capture_img = "/Users/Me/home1.png"
capture_img = input('enter path of the file from database')
#img_to_compare = "/Users/Me/Documents/python programs/compare/img2.jpg"
images_to_compare = [ os.path.join(folder_path_to_search,file_path) for file_path in os.listdir(folder_path_to_search) if file_path.endswith(files_to_compare_to) ]
for comp_image in get_images_to_compare():
diff = compute_edges_diff(source_image_path, comp_image)
print "Difference (percentage):", diff, "(", source_image_path, ":", comp_image, ")"
if __name__ == '__main__':
folder_path_to_search = raw_input("Enter folder path to search")
files_to_compare_to = raw_input("enter file extention to glob ex: '.jpg'")
source_image_path = raw_input("enter full file path of source image")
main(folder_path_to_search, files_to_compare_to, source_image_path)

Python + Pillow + Images2Gif - incorrect color of GIF frames

I'm using following code to add watermark to animated GIF images. My problem is that all GIF frames except the first one have incorrect colors in result. Would you know how to fix the color of frames? Thank you.
def add_watermark(in_file, watermark_file, watermark_position, watermark_ratio, out_file, quality=85):
img =
watermark_layer ='RGBA', img.size, (0,0,0,0))
watermark_img ='RGBA')
watermark_img.thumbnail((img.size[0]/watermark_ratio, 1000), Image.ANTIALIAS)
alpha = watermark_img.split()[3]
alpha = ImageEnhance.Brightness(alpha).enhance(0.95)
watermark_layer.paste(watermark_img, count_watermark_position(img, watermark_img, watermark_position))
frames = images2gif.readGifFromPIL(img, False)
frames_out = []
for frame in frames:
frames_out.append(Image.composite(watermark_layer, frame, watermark_layer))
images2gif.writeGif(out_file, frames_out, duration=0.5)
To complete example, i provide also code of helper function:
def count_watermark_position(img, watermark, position):
if position == 'right_bottom':
return img.size[0] - watermark.size[0], img.size[1] - watermark.size[1]
if position == 'center':
return (img.size[0] - watermark.size[0])/2, (img.size[1] - watermark.size[1])/2
if position == 'left_bottom':
return 0, img.size[1] - watermark.size[1]
if position == 'left_top':
return 0, 0
if position == 'right_top':
return img.size[0] - watermark.size[0], 0
raise AttributeError('Invalid position')
Source code of images2gif I 've used - I modified it a little bit to make it work with pillow. See comment at the begining of source code.

