I know there is a few questions on SO regarding the conversion of JSON file to a pandas df but nothing is working. Specifically, the JSON requests the current days information. I'm trying to return the tabular structure that corresponds with Data but I'm only getting the first dict object.
I'll list the current attempts and the resulting outputs below.
import requests
import pandas as pd
import json
get_session_url = "https://qships.tmr.qld.gov.au/webx/"
get_data_url = "https://qships.tmr.qld.gov.au/webx/services/wxdata.svc/GetDataX"
get_data_query = {
"token": None,
"reportCode": "MSQ-WEB-0001",
"dataSource": None,
"filterName": "Today",
"parameters": [{
"__type": "ParameterValueDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO",
"sName": "DOMAIN_ID",
"iValueType": 0,
"aoValues": [{"Value": -1}],
"metaVersion": 0,
sess = requests.session()
my_dict = sess.post(get_data_url, json = get_data_query).json()
{'d': {'__type': 'DataSetDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'BuildVersion': '', 'ReportCode': 'MSQ-WEB-0001', 'Tables': [{'__type': 'DataTableDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'BuildVersion': '', 'AsOfDate': '14:36 on Jan 19', 'Data': [[132378, 334489, 'EXT', 'NANA Z', 'BULK CARRIER', 229.2, 'LBH Australia Pty Ltd (Mackay)', '/Date(1642600800000+1000)/', '/Date(1642600800000+1000)/', 'SEA for HPS', 'Anch for HPS & DBCT', 'PLAN', 'Keelung (Chilung)', 'Kwangyang', None, 633086, 705], [132112, 333984, 'DEP', 'KRITI WARRIOR', 'BULK CARRIER', 234.98, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642600800000+1000)/', '/Date(1642608900000+1000)/', 'Fishermans Landing 1', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Amrun', 'Amrun', '2201', 632395, 725], [132232, 334208, 'EXT', 'BLUE GRASS MARINER', 'TANKER', 183.06, 'Gulf Agency Company (Mackay)', '/Date(1642600860000+1000)/', '/Date(1642600860000+1000)/', 'SEA M', 'Anch for MKY', 'PLAN', 'Gladstone', 'Singapore', None, 633566, 705], [132654, 335076, 'EXT', 'SERIFOS WARRIOR', 'BULK CARRIER', 234.98, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642606200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642609800000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Amrun', 'Amrun', '2201', 632055, 705], [132030, 333847, 'ARR', 'MH GREEN', 'CONTAINER SHIP', 199.98, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642610700000+1000)/', '/Date(1642623300000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fisherman Island No 8', 'SCHD', 'Yantian', 'Botany Bay', '11S/11N', 633005, 710], [131681, 333193, 'ARR', 'KM NAGOYA', 'BULK CARRIER', 234.98, 'Gulf Agency Company (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642611600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642618800000+1000)/', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'Clinton Coal 2', 'CONF', 'Fangcheng', 'Singapore', None, 633504, 725], [132781, 335341, 'ARR', 'MORNING CLARA', 'VEHICLES CARRIER', 199.9, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642611600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', 'Drift Point Cartwright', 'Fisherman Island No 1', 'SCHD', 'Tianjin', 'Port Kembla', '2251', 633093, 710], [131971, 333736, 'DEP', 'MAPLE FORTITUDE', 'BULK CARRIER', 179.9, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642615200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642621500000+1000)/', 'Townsville 09', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Lanshan', 'Auckland', '2101', 633738, 710], [131629, 333076, 'DEP', 'JP CORAL', 'BULK CARRIER', 228.0, 'Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642617000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642625100000+1000)/', 'Clinton Coal 2', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Matsushima - Nagasaki', 'Matsuura - Nagasaki', '146', 631305, 725], [130504, 331071, 'ARR', 'KENNADI', 'BULK CARRIER', 199.9, 'LBH Australia Pty Ltd (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642617000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', 'East Anchorage 9', 'Clinton Coal 4', 'CONF', 'Kwangyang', 'Kendari - Sulawesi', '37', 633759, 725], [131497, 332926, 'ARR', 'STAR VIRGINIA', 'BULK CARRIER', 229.0, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642617900000+1000)/', '/Date(1642633200000+1000)/', 'Point Cartwright Anchorage', 'Fisherman Island Coal Berth', 'SCHD', 'Kitakyushu', 'Fukuyama - Hiroshima', '2', 632115, 710], [132459, 334657, 'ARR', 'NORD ANNAPOLIS', 'BULK CARRIER', 179.9, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642617900000+1000)/', '/Date(1642625100000+1000)/', 'East Anchorage 11', 'Auckland Point 2', 'CONF', 'Portland', 'Chittagong', '26', 633752, 725], [132563, 334863, 'DEP', 'POSITIVE LEADER', 'VEHICLES CARRIER', 180.0, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642622400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642635000000+1000)/', 'Fisherman Island No 1', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Townsville', 'Port Kembla', '090', 632525, 710], [132221, 334613, 'ARR', 'DANCEWOOD SW', 'BULK CARRIER', 170.7, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642622400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642640400000+1000)/', 'Point Cartwright Anchorage', 'Pinkenba No 1', 'SCHD', 'Guam', 'Shibushi', '202201', 632332, 710], [132357, 334450, 'EXT', 'DOUBLE FANTASY', 'BULK CARRIER', 234.98, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Townsville & Abbot Point)', '/Date(1642622400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642622400000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Abbot Point Anchorage', 'SCHD', 'Chiba', None, None, 631611, 710], [132431, 334598, 'DEP', 'INDUS PROSPERITY', 'BULK CARRIER', 229.2, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Townsville & Abbot Point)', '/Date(1642624200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642624200000+1000)/', 'Abott Point 2', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Chiba', 'Dung Quat', None, 627891, 710], [132465, 334672, 'DEP', 'KOTA LUMAYAN', 'CONTAINER SHIP', 260.502, 'Gulf Agency Company (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642639500000+1000)/', 'Fisherman Island No. 9', 'SEA', 'PLAN', 'Singapore', 'Sydney', '0147', 632026, 705], [132356, 334446, 'ARR', 'TRITON', 'BULK CARRIER', 225.0, 'Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Mackay)', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642632000000+1000)/', 'North Anchorage 22', 'HPS Berth 2', 'SCHD', 'Gunsan (ex Kunsan)', 'Singapore', '012022', 633638, 710], [132430, 334595, 'ARR', 'GOLDEN YOSA', 'TANKER', 144.03, 'Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Viva Energy', 'SCHD', 'Geelong', 'Townsville', '74(C1)', 628015, 710], [132631, 335048, 'DEP', 'MONDIAL SUN', 'BULK CARRIER', 229.0, 'Ben Line Agencies', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642629600000+1000)/', 'Abbot Point 1', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Bahudopi', 'India', '018', 633700, 710], [132451, 334640, 'EXT', 'GOLDEN HACHI', 'TANKER', 126.8, 'Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Point Cartwright Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Singapore', 'Botany Bay', '10', 632483, 705], [132442, 334622, 'DEP', 'FOREVER SW', 'BULK CARRIER', 189.99, 'Gulf Agency Company (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642626000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642643100000+1000)/', 'Fisherman Island Coal Berth', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Toledo/Cebu', 'Kushiro', '2A', 569051, 710], [132572, 334905, 'ARR', 'GREEK FRIENDSHIP', 'BULK CARRIER', 228.9, 'LBH Australia Pty Ltd (Mackay)', '/Date(1642627800000+1000)/', '/Date(1642627800000+1000)/', 'Abbot Point Anchorage 11', 'Abott Point 2', 'SCHD', 'Tianjin', 'Singapore', None, 633660, 710], [132262, 334259, 'DEP', 'ASTREA', 'BULK CARRIER', 228.99, 'Wave Shipping Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642627800000+1000)/', '/Date(1642627860000+1000)/', 'HPS Berth 1', 'SEA Paddock Departure', 'PLAN', 'Lianyungang', 'Singapore', '1', 633595, 705], [132510, 334762, 'DEP', 'BRILLIANT ADVANCE', 'BULK CARRIER', 228.99, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Weipa)', '/Date(1642629600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642633200000+1000)/', 'Chith Export Facility', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Laizhou', 'Gladstone', None, 631808, 725], [132170, 334112, 'ARR', 'LOWLANDS CRIMSON', 'BULK CARRIER', 234.96, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Weipa)', '/Date(1642629600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642636800000+1000)/', 'Anchorage ^D', 'Chith Export Facility', 'CONF', 'Gladstone', 'China', None, 630787, 725], [132433, 334601, 'DEP', 'PT NORFOLK', 'GENERAL CARGO BARGE', 70.15, 'Pacific Tug (Aust) PTY LTD', '/Date(1642631400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642635000000+1000)/', 'Marina', 'Bundaberg Anchorage', 'CONF', None, None, None, 624749, 725], [132428, 334591, 'REM', 'PT KYTHIRA', 'TUG', 26.0, 'Pacific Tug (Aust) PTY LTD', '/Date(1642631400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642635000000+1000)/', 'Marina', 'Bundaberg Anchorage', 'CONF', None, 'Brisbane', None, 570086, 725], [131637, 333097, 'ARR', 'BALZANI', 'TANKER', 228.418, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642632300000+1000)/', '/Date(1642642200000+1000)/', 'North Anchorage 7', 'Fishermans Landing 2', 'CONF', 'Yeosu (ex Yosu)', 'Port Kembla', '32106', 632359, 725], [132699, 335167, 'EXT', 'FEDERAL IMABARI', 'BULK CARRIER', 199.98, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642633200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642633200000+1000)/', 'Skardon River Anchorage', 'SEA', 'CONF', None, None, None, 624678, 725], [132451, 335328, 'ARR', 'GOLDEN HACHI', 'TANKER', 126.8, 'Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642635000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642651200000+1000)/', 'Point Cartwright Anchorage', 'Ampol Lytton Products', 'PLAN', 'Singapore', 'Botany Bay', '10', 632483, 705], [131897, 333604, 'DEP', 'PROTEUS', 'TANKER', 183.06, 'Gulf Agency Company (Mackay)', '/Date(1642635000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642635060000+1000)/', 'Mackay Berth 1', 'SEA MKY', 'SCHD', 'Gladstone', 'Townsville', None, 633592, 710], [132059, 333886, 'ARR', 'RTM WAKMATHA', 'BULK CARRIER', 236.0, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642635000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642644900000+1000)/', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'Fishermans Landing 1', 'CONF', 'Gove', 'Amrun', None, 633057, 725], [132024, 333833, 'ARR', 'MARIA PRINCESS', 'TANKER', 228.59, 'Gulf Agency Company (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642635000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642654800000+1000)/', 'Point Cartwright Anchorage', 'Fishermans Island Tanker Terminal', 'SCHD', 'Seria Brunei', None, None, 633606, 710], [132504, 334740, 'EXT', 'MAIRAKI', 'BULK CARRIER', 291.9, 'LBH Australia Pty Ltd (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642636800000+1000)/', '/Date(1642636800000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Drift Gladstone', 'PLAN', 'Tianjin', None, '43', 633705, 705], [132029, 333846, 'DEP', 'MANTA NILGUN', 'GENERAL CARGO', 179.99, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642637700000+1000)/', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', 'South Trees East', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Port Moresby', 'Nakhodka', '202201', 632946, 725], [132001, 333781, 'ARR', 'NSU KEYSTONE', 'BULK CARRIER', 299.94, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642638600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', 'North Anchorage 19', 'DBCT Berth 1', 'SCHD', 'Yeosu (ex Yosu)', 'Kimitsu', '57', 633532, 710], [131382, 332650, 'EXT', 'AQUADIVA', 'BULK CARRIER', 292.0, 'Gulf Agency Company (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642639500000+1000)/', '/Date(1642643100000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Bayuquan', 'Abbot Point', None, 633453, 705], [132417, 334562, 'DEP', 'KMARIN KENAI', 'BULK CARRIER', 229.0, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Mackay)', '/Date(1642640400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', 'DBCT Berth 1', 'SEA Paddock Departure', 'SCHD', 'Yeosu (ex Yosu)', 'Sepetiba', None, 633645, 710], [132708, 335184, 'ARR', 'MSC ELA', 'CONTAINER SHIP', 294.06, 'Mediterranean Shipping Company', '/Date(1642641300000+1000)/', '/Date(1642654800000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fisherman Island No. 9', 'SCHD', 'Sydney', 'Shanghai', 'SE151R', 633718, 710], [132611, 335017, 'DEP', 'SSB 1803', 'BARGE CARRIER', 52.7, 'Sea Swift Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642647600000+1000)/', 'Hammond Island', 'SEA', 'CONF', None, None, None, 586569, 725], [132429, 334592, 'EXT', 'LEONORA VICTORY', 'TANKER', 183.2, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Balboa', 'Unknown Port', '32', 633737, 705], [132601, 335000, 'DEP', 'NORMAN RIVER', 'TUG', 24.45, 'Sea Swift Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642644000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642647600000+1000)/', 'Hammond Island', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Cape Flattery', 'Cairns', None, 633691, 725], [132079, 335477, 'EXT', 'DEE4 LARCH', 'TANKER', 183.06, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642646040000+1000)/', '/Date(1642646040000+1000)/', 'East Anchorage 6', 'SEA', 'PLAN', 'Etajima', 'Unknown Port', '1', 632184, 705], [132470, 334682, 'ARR', 'CASTILLO DE SANTISTEBAN', 'LIQUEFIED GAS TANKER', 299.9, 'Gulf Agency Company (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642646700000+1000)/', '/Date(1642658400000+1000)/', 'LNG Anchorage 2', 'Queensland Curtis LNG', 'CONF', 'Taiwan', 'Ningbo', None, 632133, 725], [132434, 334603, 'REM', 'PT NORFOLK', 'GENERAL CARGO BARGE', 70.15, 'Pacific Tug (Aust) PTY LTD', '/Date(1642647600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642662000000+1000)/', 'Shark Spit Anchorage', 'Queensport', 'SCHD', None, None, None, 624749, 710], [132538, 334816, 'EXT', 'WINCANTON', 'LIQUEFIED GAS TANKER', 119.95, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642647600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642647600000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Newcastle', 'Newcastle', '264', 632386, 705], [132432, 334600, 'REM', 'PT KYTHIRA', 'TUG', 26.0, 'Pacific Tug (Aust) PTY LTD', '/Date(1642647600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642662000000+1000)/', 'Shark Spit Anchorage', 'Queensport', 'SCHD', 'Bundaberg', None, None, 570086, 710], [131727, 333300, 'ARR', 'SEMIRAMIS', 'BULK CARRIER', 228.9, 'Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Mackay)', '/Date(1642647660000+1000)/', '/Date(1642653060000+1000)/', 'South Anchorage 09', 'HPS Berth 1', 'PLAN', 'Jingtang (Tangshan)', 'Singapore', 'TP0264', 633516, 705], [132130, 335179, 'ARR', 'CHORUS', 'BULK CARRIER', 228.99, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Mackay)', '/Date(1642649400000+1000)/', None, 'North Anchorage 06', 'DBCT Berth 3', 'SCHD', 'Busan', 'Kakogawa', '80', 633558, 710], [132439, 334614, 'EXT', 'SM TIGER', 'BULK CARRIER', 292.0, 'LBH Australia Pty Ltd (Mackay)', '/Date(1642649400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642649400000+1000)/', 'SEA for HPS', 'Anch for HPS & DBCT', 'PLAN', 'Kwangyang', 'Pohang', '50', 633640, 705], [132795, 335381, 'ARR', 'ALBATROSS BAY', 'LANDING CRAFT', 64.0, 'Sea Swift Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642651200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642654800000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Horn Island', 'CONF', 'Cairns', 'Seisia', 'AB 2203', 633274, 725], [132433, 335356, 'ARR', 'PT NORFOLK', 'GENERAL CARGO BARGE', 70.15, 'Pacific Tug (Aust) PTY LTD', '/Date(1642651200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642654800000+1000)/', 'Bundaberg Anchorage', 'Marina', 'CONF', None, None, None, 624749, 725], [132428, 335355, 'REM', 'PT KYTHIRA', 'TUG', 26.0, 'Pacific Tug (Aust) PTY LTD', '/Date(1642651200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642654800000+1000)/', 'Bundaberg Anchorage', 'Marina', 'CONF', None, 'Brisbane', None, 570086, 725], [132295, 334319, 'DEP', 'HOEGH KOBE', 'VEHICLES CARRIER', 199.1, 'Seaway Agencies Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642654800000+1000)/', '/Date(1642669200000+1000)/', 'Wagners', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Auckland', 'Port Kembla', '68', 631289, 710], [132291, 334306, 'ARR', 'LOCH MAREE', 'BULK CARRIER', 176.83, 'Wave Shipping Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642655700000+1000)/', '/Date(1642672800000+1000)/', 'Point Cartwright Anchorage', 'Fisherman Island General Purpose Berth', 'SCHD', 'Fujairah', 'Lae', '9', 633744, 710], [132232, 334209, 'ARR', 'BLUE GRASS MARINER', 'TANKER', 183.06, 'Gulf Agency Company (Mackay)', '/Date(1642657200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642657260000+1000)/', 'Anch for MKY', 'Mackay Berth 1', 'SCHD', 'Gladstone', 'Singapore', None, 633566, 710], [132538, 334817, 'ARR', 'WINCANTON', 'LIQUEFIED GAS TANKER', 119.95, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642657500000+1000)/', '/Date(1642668300000+1000)/', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'Fishermans Landing 5', 'CONF', 'Newcastle', 'Newcastle', '264', 632386, 725], [132473, 334686, 'EXT', 'GREAT CHEER', 'BULK CARRIER', 229.2, 'LBH Australia Pty Ltd (Mackay)', '/Date(1642658400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642658400000+1000)/', 'SEA for HPS', 'Anch for HPS & DBCT', 'PLAN', 'Kakogawa', 'Indonesia', '2201VC', 633677, 705], [132513, 334770, 'DEP', 'KAI YANG STAR', 'BULK CARRIER', 234.98, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Weipa)', '/Date(1642659300000+1000)/', '/Date(1642666500000+1000)/', 'Lorim West', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Dongjiakou', 'Qingdao', None, 633694, 725], [132575, 335351, 'EXT', 'IPSEA COLOSSUS', 'BULK CARRIER', 197.0, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Townsville & Abbot Point)', '/Date(1642662000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642662000000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Abbot Point Anchorage', 'SCHD', 'Chittagong', None, None, 625240, 710], [132285, 334295, 'DEP', 'FW EXCURSIONIST', 'BULK CARRIER', 179.9, 'Wave Shipping Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642662000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642679100000+1000)/', 'Fisherman Island General Purpose Berth', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Busan', 'New Plymouth', '24', 633667, 710], [132364, 334463, 'EXT', 'JUPITER', 'BULK CARRIER', 225.0, 'LBH Australia Pty Ltd (Mackay)', '/Date(1642663800000+1000)/', '/Date(1642663800000+1000)/', 'SEA for DBCT', 'Anch for HPS & DBCT', 'PLAN', 'Rizhao', 'Singapore', '17', 633643, 705], [132781, 335342, 'DEP', 'MORNING CLARA', 'VEHICLES CARRIER', 199.9, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642665600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642680000000+1000)/', 'Fisherman Island No 1', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Tianjin', 'Port Kembla', '2251', 633093, 710], [131704, 333251, 'DEP', 'TANGGUH JAYA', 'LIQUEFIED GAS TANKER', 285.1, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642666500000+1000)/', '/Date(1642676400000+1000)/', 'Santos GLNG', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Mexico', 'Incheon', None, 633458, 725], [130826, 331647, 'ARR', 'DL DAHLIA', 'BULK CARRIER', 229.0, 'Monson Agencies Australia (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642668300000+1000)/', '/Date(1642677300000+1000)/', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'Clinton Coal 1', 'CONF', 'Yeongheung', 'Tanjung Bin', '2712', 633296, 725], [132582, 334934, 'DEP', 'CORAL GEOGRAPHER', 'PASSENGER', 94.5, 'Coral Expeditions', '/Date(1642669200000+1000)/', '/Date(1642672800000+1000)/', 'C123', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Cairns', 'Cairns', None, 633369, 725], [130422, 330911, 'DEP', 'NSU QUEST', 'BULK CARRIER', 299.94, 'Inchcape Shipping Services (Queensland)', '/Date(1642673700000+1000)/', '/Date(1642682700000+1000)/', 'Clinton Coal 3', 'SEA', 'CONF', 'Hay Point', 'Japan', '45', 632982, 725], [132795, 335383, 'REM', 'ALBATROSS BAY', 'LANDING CRAFT', 64.0, 'Sea Swift Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642674600000+1000)/', '/Date(1642676400000+1000)/', 'Horn Island', 'Main Jetty', 'CONF', 'Cairns', 'Seisia', 'AB 2203', 633274, 725], [132759, 335288, 'EXT', 'CMB PAUILLAC', 'BULK CARRIER', 235.0, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642675500000+1000)/', '/Date(1642679100000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Gove', 'Weipa', None, 633160, 705], [132430, 334596, 'DEP', 'GOLDEN YOSA', 'TANKER', 144.03, 'Sturrock Grindrod Maritime (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642676400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642692600000+1000)/', 'Viva Energy', 'SEA', 'SCHD', 'Geelong', 'Townsville', '74(C1)', 628015, 710], [132456, 334647, 'EXT', 'MISSY ENTERPRISE', 'GENERAL CARGO', 181.16, 'Wave Shipping Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642676400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642676460000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Bundaberg Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Singapore', 'Japan', '2', 631532, 705], [132389, 335619, 'EXT', 'GLOVIS CHORUS', 'VEHICLES CARRIER', 199.99, 'Gulf Agency Company (Brisbane)', '/Date(1642680000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642680000000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Point Cartwright Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Port Kembla', 'Pyeongtaek ', '77A', 630944, 705], [132505, 334744, 'EXT', 'NSU CHALLENGER', 'BULK CARRIER', 299.95, 'Gulf Agency Company (Gladstone)', '/Date(1642680000000+1000)/', '/Date(1642683600000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Fairway Buoy Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Nagoya', 'Oita', None, 633706, 705], [132727, 335219, 'EXT', 'RTM DIAS', 'BULK CARRIER', 234.87, 'Wilhelmsen Ships Service (Weipa)', '/Date(1642680900000+1000)/', '/Date(1642680900000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Weipa Anchorage', 'PLAN', 'Gladstone', 'China', None, 633623, 705], [132859, 335500, 'ARR', 'FOURCROY', 'LANDING CRAFT', 49.8, 'Sea Swift Pty Ltd', '/Date(1642685400000+1000)/', '/Date(1642686900000+1000)/', 'SEA', 'Horn Island Barge Ramp', 'CONF', 'Saibai Island', 'Weipa', None, 633180, 725]], 'IsCustomMetaData': False, 'MetaData': {'__type': 'DataTableMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Columns': [{'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'HAlignment': 'haright', 'Name': 'VOYAGE_ID', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Voyage Id', 'Visible': False, 'Width': '50px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'HAlignment': 'haright', 'Name': 'ID', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Id', 'Visible': False, 'Width': '20px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'JOB_TYPE_CODE', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Job Type', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '71px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '"link": {"title":"Ship Info", "type":"dashboard", "target":"_popup", "code":"standard.vesselinfo", "params":[{"name":"VID","value":"[%VESSEL_ID%]"}]}', 'Name': 'VESSEL_NAME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Ship', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '94px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'MSQ_SHIP_TYPE', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Ship Type', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '115px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'HAlignment': 'haright', 'Name': 'LOA', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'LOA', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '95px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'AGENCY_NAME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Agency', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '287px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'START_TIME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Start Time', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '91px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'END_TIME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'End Time', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '91px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'FROM_LOCATION_NAME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'From Location', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '139px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'TO_LOCATION_NAME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'To Location', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '139px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'STATUS_TYPE_CODE', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Status', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '83px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'LASTPORT_NAME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Last Port', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '114px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'NEXTPORT_NAME', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Next Port', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '114px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'Name': 'VOYAGE_NUMBER', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Sortable': True, 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Voyage #', 'Visible': True, 'Width': '45px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'HAlignment': 'haright', 'Name': 'VESSEL_ID', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Vessel Id', 'Visible': False, 'Width': '64px'}, {'__type': 'ColumnMetaDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Format': '', 'HAlignment': 'haright', 'Name': 'STATUS_TYPE', 'SortIndex': -1, 'SortOrder': '', 'Template': '', 'Title': 'Status Type', 'Visible': False, 'Width': '64px'}], 'Script': 'var data = this.getData();\nvar $row = this.get$Row();\nvar $jobtype = this.get$Cell(\'JOB_TYPE\');\n\nvar $startTime = this.get$Cell(\'START_TIME\');\nvar $endTime = this.get$Cell(\'END_TIME\');\n\nif (data.JOB_TYPE == "Arrival")\n{\n $jobtype.css(\'color\', \'green\');\n}\nif (data.JOB_TYPE == "Departure")\n{\n $jobtype.css(\'color\', \'blue\');\n}\nif (data.JOB_TYPE == "Shift")\n{\n $jobtype.css(\'color\', \'#8B7500\');\n}\nif (data.JOB_TYPE == "External")\n{\n $jobtype.css(\'color\', \'grey\');\n}\n\nif (data.STATUS_TYPE >= 735 &&data.STATUS_TYPE < 750 )\n{\n $startTime.css(\'font-weight\', \'bold\');\n $endTime.css(\'font-weight\', \'bold\');\n $startTime.css(\'font-style\', \'italic\');\n $endTime.css(\'font-style\', \'italic\');\n}\n\n', 'TemplateRow': '', 'TemplateTable': '', 'Version': 0}, 'Name': 'DATA'}]}}
I've tried using pd.json_normalize with and without record_path. Specifying record_path draws an error where column name can't be found.
d.__type d.BuildVersion d.ReportCode d.Tables
0 DataSetDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO MSQ-WEB-0001 [{'__type': 'DataTableDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Bu...
print(pd.json_normalize(my_dict, record_path=['Data']))
File "/Users/kevin_o'connell/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/json/_normalize.py", line 243, in _pull_field
result = result[spec]
KeyError: 'Data'
I've also tried the following but as the print out shows, I'm not returning the tabular information associated with Data.
print(pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in my_dict.items()}, axis=0))
d __type DataSetDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO
ReportCode MSQ-WEB-0001
Tables {'__type': 'DataTableDTO:#WebX.Core.DTO', 'Bui...
Returning the desired info as an object, not a pandas df:
df = pd.json_normalize(my_dict['d'], 'Tables')
df = pd.DataFrame(df['Data'].T)
0 [[132393, 334520, EXT, CESI BEIHAI, LIQUEFIED ...
list meta as a parameter:
df = pd.json_normalize(my_dict['d'], record_path = 'Tables', meta = ['Data'], errors = 'ignore')
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Conflicting metadata name Data, need distinguishing prefix
record_path is the path to the record, so you should specify the full path
df = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=['d', 'Tables', 'Data'])
If you want to do without record_path, the value type of Data is list of list. You can use pd.DataFrame directly
df = pd.DataFrame(data['d']['Tables'][0]['Data'])
0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 12 13 14 15 16
0 132378 334489 EXT NANA Z BULK CARRIER 229.20 ... PLAN Keelung (Chilung) Kwangyang None 633086 705
1 132112 333984 DEP KRITI WARRIOR BULK CARRIER 234.98 ... CONF Amrun Amrun 2201 632395 725
2 132232 334208 EXT BLUE GRASS MARINER TANKER 183.06 ... PLAN Gladstone Singapore None 633566 705
3 132654 335076 EXT SERIFOS WARRIOR BULK CARRIER 234.98 ... PLAN Amrun Amrun 2201 632055 705
4 132030 333847 ARR MH GREEN CONTAINER SHIP 199.98 ... SCHD Yantian Botany Bay 11S/11N 633005 710
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
71 132456 334647 EXT MISSY ENTERPRISE GENERAL CARGO 181.16 ... PLAN Singapore Japan 2 631532 705
72 132389 335619 EXT GLOVIS CHORUS VEHICLES CARRIER 199.99 ... PLAN Port Kembla Pyeongtaek 77A 630944 705
73 132505 334744 EXT NSU CHALLENGER BULK CARRIER 299.95 ... PLAN Nagoya Oita None 633706 705
74 132727 335219 EXT RTM DIAS BULK CARRIER 234.87 ... PLAN Gladstone China None 633623 705
75 132859 335500 ARR FOURCROY LANDING CRAFT 49.80 ... CONF Saibai Island Weipa None 633180 725
[76 rows x 17 columns]
<a href="https://magicpin.in/New-Delhi/Laxmi-Nagar/Restaurant/Bangalore-Ki-Famous-Biriyani/store/317630/?utm_source=search" data-type="around-merchant-card" onclick="sendEvent('web_searchlandingpage', 'click_search_merchant_card');">
<div class="merchant-logo-holder lazyloaded" data-bg="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/UE8HJOOmV0hZsCbxbwQyha8UNa2ETY3-3zExps_mxUi-nbxVkgEBXo0kxghMHOUp87pge5tqIGrsU9Pu-iJ3h0_IETE=w64" style="background-image: url("https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/UE8HJOOmV0hZsCbxbwQyha8UNa2ETY3-3zExps_mxUi-nbxVkgEBXo0kxghMHOUp87pge5tqIGrsU9Pu-iJ3h0_IETE=w64");" title=", Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi"></div>
<div class="merchant-name-address">
<a href="https://magicpin.in/New-Delhi/Laxmi-Nagar/Restaurant/Bangalore-Ki-Famous-Biriyani/store/317630/?utm_source=search" data-type="around-merchant-card" onclick="sendEvent('web_searchlandingpage', 'click_search_merchant_card');">
<h3 class="merchant-name">
Bangalore Ki Famous Biriyani
<h4 class="merchant-location">
Laxmi Nagar
, New Delhi
<a href="" data-type="merchant_card_links" data-target="subcategory">
<h5 class="subcategory-tag"> </h5>
<div class="rating" style="background-color: #8bcc00; border-color: #8bcc00;">
<img src="https://static.magicpin.com/samara/static/images/merchant/star-white.svg" class="star" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.alt='';recordBrokenImages(this,false,4);">
<span class="rating-value">3.7</span>
<section class="merchant-details">
<div class="cft-timing">
<article class="detail-heading cft-heading">Average Spent: </article>
<span class="detail-value">₹500</span>
<div class="merchant-attributes">
<div class="cover-holder">
<a href="https://magicpin.in/New-Delhi/Laxmi-Nagar/Restaurant/Bangalore-Ki-Famous-Biriyani/store/317630/?utm_source=search" data-type="around-merchant-card" onclick="sendEvent('web_searchlandingpage', 'click_search_merchant_card');">
<div class="merchant-cover lazyloaded" data-bg="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/W70wpIcovlvssmLSpcyub4RjHABennVNRWxznclaxD7PEcZhdJrgygOwn5qJ3XrlYq9Yv90k-w2Ld0lTfaylBxIGmw=w512" style="background-image: url("https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/W70wpIcovlvssmLSpcyub4RjHABennVNRWxznclaxD7PEcZhdJrgygOwn5qJ3XrlYq9Yv90k-w2Ld0lTfaylBxIGmw=w512");" title=", Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi">
<div class="details">
<article class="detail-heading">Highlights: </article>
<span class="detail-value">
<span class="comma-separator">
Magic Weekend 14 16
<span class="comma-separator">
Mw 20200123
<div class="merchant-card-actions">
<div class="action claim-deal-button-react show-mb" data-sku="food_1158872_other" data-merchantname="Bangalore Ki Famous Biriyani" data-dealid="1164110">
<p class="cashback">
CASHBACK<span>upto 10.0% OFF</span>
<a class="cashback hide-mb action" target="_blank" href="https://magicpin.in/deal/?dealId=1164110&userId=5290338">
CASHBACK<span>upto 10.0% OFF</span>
page URL - https://magicpin.in/Delhi/search/?dist=10&query=biriyani&rt=3
this page contains some restaurants card now while scrapping the page in the loop I want to go inside the restaurant card and scrape the no. of reviews from inside it, I don't know how to do it I used this code to scrape front page
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
url = "https://magicpin.in/Delhi/search/?dist=10&query=biriyani&rt=3" # URL of the website
header = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 8172.45.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.64 Safari/537.36'} # Temporary user agent
r = requests.get(url, headers=header)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
divs = soup.find_all('div', class_ ="merchant-card-single")
for item in divs:
title = item.find('h3').text.strip() # restaurant name
loc = item.find('h4', class_ ="merchant-location").text.strip() # restaurant location
try: # used this try and except method because some restaurants are unrated and while scrpaping those we would run into an error
rating = item.find('div', class_="rating").text
rating = None
pricce = item.find('div', class_="cft-timing").text.strip() # price for biriyani
biry_del = {
'name': title,
'location': loc,
'rating': rating,
'price': price
I hope you guys understood please ask in comment for any confusion.
Note: Code in your question is not valid, variables are not defined or have typos and there is no expected result - So it is just a hint in the right direction
What happens?
Take a look into your soup, there is no <div> that contains the rating.
How to fix?
Select more specific - Rating is stored in a <span> with class rating-value:
rating = item.find('span', class_="rating-value").text
Based on your comment you wanna switch to details and do things there - Just grab the url from <a> and perform another request:
url = item.find('a').get('href')
detailsSoup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text)
### look into your detailsSoup to find what you are searching for ...
To grab the raiting details it would be better to use the existing api - Extract merchands id from url and grab the json data:
url = item.find('a').get('href')
mid = url.split('/')[-2]
ratings = requests.get(f'https://magicpin.in/sam-api/merchants/get_merchant_reviews/?merchantUserId={mid}').json()['data']
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
url = "https://magicpin.in/Delhi/search/?dist=10&query=biriyani&rt=3" # URL of the website
header = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 8172.45.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.64 Safari/537.36'} # Temporary user agent
r = requests.get(url, headers=header)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser')
divs = soup.find_all('div', class_ ="merchant-card-single")
for item in divs:
title = item.find('h3').text.strip() # restaurant name
loc = item.find('h4', class_ ="merchant-location").text.strip() # restaurant location
try: # used this try and except method because some restaurants are unrated and while scrpaping those we would run into an error
rating = item.find('span', class_="rating-value").text
rating = None
price = item.find('div', class_="cft-timing").text.strip() # price for biriyani
url = item.find('a').get('href')
mid = url.split('/')[-2]
ratings = requests.get(f'https://magicpin.in/sam-api/merchants/get_merchant_reviews/?merchantUserId={mid}').json()['data']
biry_del = {
'name': title,
'location': loc,
'rating': rating,
'ratings': ratings,
'price': price
[{'name': 'BBC, Best Biriyani & Chicken', 'location': 'Satyaniketan\n , New Delhi', 'rating': '4.4', 'ratings': [{'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 'review_title': '', 'review_date': '2021-12-02T23:17:47+05:30', 'post_id': 945109867, 'review': '', 'user': {'name': 'Gulzar', 'vanity': '2 Followers', 'badge': None, 'total_visits': 13, 'total_spent': 17641, 'user_id': '10663391', 'description': '', 'deeplink': 'magicpin://profileuser?userId=10663391', 'profile_pic': 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/V-R22m0t7GAJGn-bOhzjWXywVWk-GgwT75aBGh5Bq3ZXku8npkIGbQaBCKgnkCwuDFXRlrmbOBhEOTNu3-tXRwjdJOqfw_D_7OSzqDk8=s120', 'is_following': False}, 'media_list': [{'image_url': '', 'aspect_ratio': 1}], 'rating': 5, 'reply_date': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 'review_title': '', 'review_date': '2021-08-03T14:49:12+05:30', 'post_id': 940277857, 'review': '', 'user': {'name': 'Dattatray Aadhav', 'vanity': '31 Followers', 'badge': None, 'total_visits': 318, 'total_spent': 636061, 'user_id': '6194299', 'description': '', 'deeplink': 'magicpin://profileuser?userId=6194299', 'profile_pic': 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/5eA-UBjZ6PBwDD2Pgb15xREya5D9Mma4PEU2Ka4G9MDMR1qwNKGrJO5Z6FMT63SplMo_o8V7xWYTg_oMdh3PeiC1bXUr=s120', 'is_following': False}, 'media_list': [{'image_url': '', 'aspect_ratio': 1}], 'rating': 5, 'reply_date': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 'review_title': '', 'review_date': '2021-08-03T14:46:52+05:30', 'post_id': 940277730, 'review': "Didn't like the promotions & discounts at this place", 'user': {'name': 'Anshika', 'vanity': '9 Followers', 'badge': None, 'total_visits': 56, 'total_spent': 28936, 'user_id': '9555088', 'description': '', 'deeplink': 'magicpin://profileuser?userId=9555088', 'profile_pic': 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/YXgpyigxHNH0OMNnOsYerRxfmHAxxDYd9nsxzSveKwEAV8wrJUYmwabrgu0Ah_GMd7Mup26WjbWtPu-kkTcby6ddCoPQZ1aOCioi1wY6=s120', 'is_following': False}, 'media_list': [{'image_url': '', 'aspect_ratio': 1}], 'rating': 2, 'reply_date': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 'review_title': '', 'review_date': '2021-08-03T14:48:56+05:30', 'post_id': 940277460, 'review': 'Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, and location of store at this place', 'user': {'name': 'Priyank Jain', 'vanity': '118 Followers', 'badge': None, 'total_visits': 389, 'total_spent': 143081, 'user_id': '1140253', 'description': '', 'deeplink': 'magicpin://profileuser?userId=1140253', 'profile_pic': 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/nL4eRFh8Hi-b59CP4cL2cO57olZLxnL7yTiZ6xpoNLG67FQsGtEm-eTrKE9EaZ_cRtcR2TbldWxtqU2oG8Ob0x7Aag=s120', 'is_following': False}, 'media_list': [{'image_url': '', 'aspect_ratio': 1}], 'rating': 5, 'reply_date': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 'review_title': '', 'review_date': '2021-08-03T14:46:56+05:30', 'post_id': 940277155, 'review': 'Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place', 'user': {'name': 'Naman', 'vanity': '5 Followers', 'badge': None, 'total_visits': 105, 'total_spent': 65821, 'user_id': '6148749', 'description': '19MaleChill', 'deeplink': 'magicpin://profileuser?userId=6148749', 'profile_pic': 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/C5UMTYVWkz1mNFUKWDfYKtCKDHoSUIrHsifJ7kfWrmJUBxjjyLW1lS0gOs4H31dekHdAXESRwN8cnqKVvxbY4P8GpRihVnZflujJfAjS=s120', 'is_following': False}, 'media_list': [{'image_url': '', 'aspect_ratio': 1}], 'rating': 5, 'reply_date': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 'review_title': '', 'review_date': '2021-01-28T11:56:12+05:30', 'post_id': 932109603, 'review': 'Loved the range of products, delivery time, and promotions & discounts at this place', 'user': {'name': 'sunil', 'vanity': '', 'badge': None, 'total_visits': 2, 'total_spent': 586, 'user_id': '10156497', 'description': '', 'deeplink': 'magicpin://profileuser?userId=10156497', 'profile_pic': '', 'is_following': False}, 'media_list': [{'image_url': '', 'aspect_ratio': 1}], 'rating': 5, 'reply_date': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 'review_title': '', 'review_date': '2020-12-18T16:31:55+05:30', 'post_id': 929075104, 'review': '', 'user': {'name': 'Vrj', 'vanity': '', 'badge': None, 'total_visits': 11, 'total_spent': 34353, 'user_id': '7455242', 'description': '', 'deeplink': 'magicpin://profileuser?userId=7455242', 'profile_pic': '', 'is_following': False}, 'media_list': [{'image_url': '', 'aspect_ratio': 1}], 'rating': 4, 'reply_date': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {'rating_text': 'Outlet Rating', 'reply': '', 'merchant': None, 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