How do I solve this error?
TypeError: NumPy boolean subtract, the `-` operator, is not supported, use the bitwise_xor, the `^` operator, or the logical_xor function instead.
I have programmed an optimizing program that must minimize the cost of a wall design. The wall is based on 3 parameters, x, k and m. There are constraints to the sizes of x, k and m as shown. Another constraint is that z (or deflection) must be kept under 100mm. The equation for deflection changes based on a certain t (or time) at which the blast wall is experiencing the blast. If t is below a certain time value which is calculated dependent on, x, k and m the equation is as shown. If t is above the same certain time value, the equation for z changes.
Here is the programming... Please help many thanks :)
import numpy as np
from numpy import linspace
from math import cos
from math import sin
from scipy.optimize import minimize
#Function for minimising
def calcCost(c):
k = c[0]
m = c[1]
x = c[2]
Cost = (900 + 825*k**2 - 1725) + (10*m - 200) + ((2400*x**2)/4)
return Cost
#Objective function
def objective(c):
return calcCost(c)
#Defining Variables
def calck(c):
k = c[0]
return k
def calcm(c):
m = c[1]
return m
def calcx(c):
x = c[2]
return x
def calcz(c):
k = c[0]
x = c[1]
m = c[2]
l = linspace(0,140,141)
for t in l:
if t <= ((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000):
deflection = ((((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/k)*(1-cos(t*((k/m)**0.5))) + (((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/k*((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000))*((sin(t*((k/m)**0.5))/((k/m)**0.5))-t))*1000
deflection = ((((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/(k*((k/m)**0.5)*((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000)))*(sin(((k/m)**0.5)*t))-(sin(((k/m)**0.5)*(t-((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000))))-(((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/k)*cos(((k/m)**0.5)*t))*1000
return deflection
#Constraint functions
def kconstraint1(c):
k = c[0]
return k-(1*10**6) >= 0
def kconstraint2(c):
k = c[0]
return k-(7*10**6) <= 0
def mconstraint1(c):
m = c[0]
return m-200 >= 0
def mconstraint2(c):
m = c[0]
return m-1200 <= 0
def xconstraint1(c):
x = c[0]
return x >= 0
def xconstraint2(c):
x = c[0]
return x <= 10
def zconstraint1(c):
k = c[0]
x = c[1]
m = c[2]
l = linspace(0,140,141)
for t in l:
if t <= ((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000):
deflection = ((((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/k)*(1-cos(t*((k/m)**0.5))) + (((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/k*((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000))*((sin(t*((k/m)**0.5))/((k/m)**0.5))-t))*1000
deflection = ((((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/(k*((k/m)**0.5)*((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000)))*(sin(((k/m)**0.5)*t))-(sin(((k/m)**0.5)*(t-((20 - 0.12*x**2 + 4.2*x)/1000))))-(((1000+9*x**2-183*x)*1000)/k)*cos(((k/m)**0.5)*t))*1000
return deflection <= 99.99999999
b = (0.5,1)
be = (0.5,10)
bb = (0.1,2.0)
bnds = (b,be,bb,bb)
con1 = ({'type':'ineq','fun':kconstraint1})
con2 = ({'type':'ineq','fun':kconstraint2})
con3 = ({'type':'ineq','fun':mconstraint1})
con4 = ({'type':'ineq','fun':mconstraint2})
con5 = ({'type':'ineq','fun':xconstraint1})
con6 = ({'type':'ineq','fun':xconstraint2})
con7 = ({'type':'ineq','fun':zconstraint1})
cons = [con1,con2,con3,con4,con5,con6,con7]
xGUESS = 5
kGUESS = 3*10**6
mGUESS = 700
zGUESS = 90
x0 = np.array([xGUESS,kGUESS,mGUESS,zGUESS])
sol = minimize(objective,x0,method='SLSQP',bounds=bnds,constraints=cons,options={'disp':True})
xOpt = sol.x
CostOPT =
kOPT = calck(xOpt)
xOPT = calcx(xOpt)
mOPT = calcm(xOpt)
zOPT = calcz(xOpt)
import re
import math
from random
import randint
import hashlib
P = (-0.15, 2.645)
Q = (0.7, 2.71)
max_mod = 1.158 * 10 ** 77
def SHA256_INT(text):
return int(f'0x{hashlib.sha256(text.encode("ascii")).hexdigest()}', 0)
def ecc_double_slope(P):
slope = (3 * P[0] ** 2) / (2 * P[1])
return slope
def ecc_add(P, Q, slope):
xr = slope ** 2 - P[0] - Q[0]
yr = slope * (P[0] - xr) - P[1]
return (xr, yr)
def ecc_double(P):
slope = ecc_double_slope(P)
sum0 = ecc_add(P, P, slope)
return sum0
def ecc_double_for(P, limit):
lis = []
for i in range(limit):
b = ecc_double(P)
P = b
lis.append((2 ** i, b))
return lis
def greedy2(number):
x = 0
dub_lis = []
add_lis = []
while 2 ** x < number:
dub_lis.append(2 ** x)
x += 1
x -= 1
n = 2 ** x
while n != number:
y = x
while n + (2 ** y) > number:
y -= 1
n += (2 ** y)
x += 1
add_lis.append(2 ** y)
return len(dub_lis), add_lis
def ecc_main_add(P, Q):
x1 = P[0]
y1 = P[1]
x2 = Q[0]
y2 = Q[1]
slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - y1)
xr = slope ** 2 - x1 - x2
yr = slope * (x1 - xr) - y1
return xr, yr
def gen_points(gen, points):
if gen == 1:
return points
elif gen > 1:
if type(points) == int:
point_curve = (points, math.sqrt(points ** 3 + 7))
elif type(points) == tuple:
point_curve = points
point_steps = greedy2(gen)
point_dub = point_steps[0]
point_add = point_steps[1]
dub_list = ecc_double_for(point_curve, point_dub)
for i in point_add:
b = ecc_main_add(dub_list[int(math.log(i, 2))][1], dub_list[-1][1])
return b, gen
elif gen == 0:
return 0
def sign(messsage, private_key, public_key, G):
global max_mod
msg_hash = SHA256_INT(messsage)
randnum = randint(2, max_mod)
r = gen_points(randnum, G)[0]
r_x = r[0]
msg_hash = SHA256_INT(messsage)
s = (r_x * private_key + msg_hash) / randnum
p1 = gen_points(msg_hash/s, G)
p2 = gen_points(r_x/s, public_key)
p3 = ecc_main_add(p1, p2)
return p3
pub, priv = gen_points(9756, P)
print(sign('hello', priv, pub, P))
Hello, I'm trying to implement a way to sign messages using this tutorial:
I've tried to follow the tutorial before, but it's either my key generation is wrong, I didn't follow the tutorial correctly, or both.
My current code generates an error, I've already debugged it and it generates the error: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Hi I am trying to write a trust-region algorithm using the dogleg method with python for a class I have. I have a Newton's Method algorithm and Broyden's Method algorthm that agree with each other but I can't seem to get this Dogleg method to work.
Here is the function I am trying to find the solution to:
def test_function(x):
x1 = float(x[0])
x2 = float(x[1])
r = np.array([[x2**2 - 1],
[np.sin(x1) - x2]])
return r
and here is the jacobian I wrote
def Test_Jacobian(x, size):
e = create_ID_vec(size)
epsilon = 10e-8
J = np.zeros([size,size])
#print (J)
for i in range(0, size):
for j in range(0, size):
J[i][j] = ((test_function(x[i]*e[j] + epsilon*e[j])[i] - test_function(x[i]*e[j])[i])/epsilon)
return J
and here is my Trust-Region algorithm:
def Trust_Region(x):
trust_radius = 1
max_trust = 300
eta = rand.uniform(0,.25)
r = test_function(x) # change to correspond with the function you want
J = Test_Jacobian(r, r.size) # change to correspond with function
i = 0
iteration_table = [i]
function_table = [vector_norm(r, r.size)]
while vector_norm(r, r.size) > 10e-10:
print(x, 'at iteration', i, "norm of r is", vector_norm(r, r.size))
p = dogleg(x, r, J, trust_radius)
rho = ratio(x, J, p)
if rho < 0.25:
trust_radius = 0.25*vector_norm(p,p.size)
elif rho > 0.75 and vector_norm(p,p.size) == trust_radius:
trust_radius = min(2*trust_radius, max_trust)
trust_radius = trust_radius
if rho > eta:
print('x changed')
x = x + p
#r = test_function(x)
#J = Test_Jacobian(r, r.size)
print('x did not change')
x = x
r = test_function(x) # change to correspond with the function you want
J = Test_Jacobian(r, r.size) # change to correspond with function
i = i + 1
print ('The solution to the non-linear equation is: ', x)
print ('This solution was obtained in ', i, 'iteratations')
plt.plot(iteration_table, np.log10(function_table))
plt.xlabel('iteration number')
plt.ylabel('function value')
plt.title('Semi-Log Plot for Convergence')
return x, iteration_table, function_table
def dogleg(x, r, J, trust_radius):
tau_k = min(1, vector_norm(J.transpose().dot(r), r.size)**3/(trust_radius*r.transpose().dot(J).dot(J.transpose().dot(J)).dot(J.transpose()).dot(r)))
p_c = -tau_k*(trust_radius/vector_norm(J.transpose().dot(r), r.size))*J.transpose().dot(r)
if vector_norm(p_c, p_c.size) == trust_radius:
print('using p_c')
p_k = p_c
p_j = -np.linalg.inv(J.transpose().dot(J)).dot(J.transpose().dot(r))
print ('using p_j')
tau = tau_finder(x, p_c, p_j, trust_radius, r.size)
p_k = p_c + tau*(p_j-p_c)
return p_k
def ratio(x, J, p):
r = test_function(x)
r_p = test_function(x + p)
print (vector_norm(r, r.size)**2)
print (vector_norm(r_p, r_p.size)**2)
print (vector_norm(r +, r.size)**2)
rho_k =(vector_norm(r, r.size)**2 - vector_norm(r_p, r_p.size)**2)/(vector_norm(r, r.size)**2 - vector_norm(r +, r.size)**2)
return rho_k
def tau_finder(x, p_c, p_j, trust_radius, size):
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
for i in range(0, size):
a = a + (p_j[i] - p_c[i])**2
b = b + 2*(p_j[i] - p_c[i])*(p_c[i] - x[i])
c = (p_c[i] - x[i])**2
c = c - trust_radius**2
tau_p = (-b + np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
tau_m = (-b - np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
if tau_p <= 1 and tau_p >=0:
return tau_p
elif tau_m <= 1 and tau_m >=0:
return tau_m
return 'error'
def model_function(p):
r = test_function(x)
J = Test_Jacobian(r, r.size)
return 0.5*vector_norm(r +, r.size)**2
The answer should be about [[1.57076525], [1. ]]
but here is the output after about 28-30 iterations:
ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-359-a414711a1671> in <module>
1 x = create_point(2,1)
----> 2 Trust_Region(x)
<ipython-input-358-7cb77bd44d7b> in Trust_Region(x)
11 print(x, 'at iteration', i, "norm of r is", vector_norm(r, r.size))
12 p = dogleg(x, r, J, trust_radius)
---> 13 rho = ratio(x, J, p)
15 if rho < 0.25:
<ipython-input-358-7cb77bd44d7b> in ratio(x, J, p)
71 print (vector_norm(r_p, r_p.size)**2)
72 print (vector_norm(r +, r.size)**2)
---> 73 rho_k =(vector_norm(r, r.size)**2 - vector_norm(r_p, r_p.size)**2)/(vector_norm(r, r.size)**2 - vector_norm(r +, r.size)**2)
74 return rho_k
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
My program evaluates error in solving a linear differential equation. It uses only numpy arrays. When I try to use numba's jit decorator for the functions I define, I just get errors. Can you please help me use it properly?
My code:
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
def rk4(t_prev, x_prev, derivs, dt):
k1 = dt * derivs(t_prev, x_prev)
k2 = dt * derivs(t_prev + 1/2*dt, x_prev + 1/2*k1)
k3 = dt * derivs(t_prev + 1/2*dt, x_prev + 1/2*k2)
k4 = dt * derivs(t_prev + dt, x_prev + k3)
x_next = x_prev + 1/6*k1 + 1/3*k2 + 1/3*k3 + 1/6*k4
return x_next
global k, x_0, v_0, t_0, t_f
k = 1
x_0 = 0
v_0 = np.sqrt(k)
t_0 = 0
t_f = 10
dtList = np.logspace(0, -5, 1000)
def derivs(t, X):
deriv = np.zeros([2])
deriv[0] = X[1]
deriv[1] = -k * X[0]
return deriv
def err(dt):
tList = np.arange(t_0, t_f + dt, dt)
N = tList.shape[0]
XList = np.zeros([N,2])
XList[0][0], XList[0][1] = x_0, v_0
for i in range(N-1):
XList[i+1] = rk4(tList[i], XList[i], derivs, dt)
error = np.abs(XList[-1][0] - np.sin(10))
return error
The following works for me:
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
def rk4(t_prev, x_prev, derivs, dt):
k1 = dt * derivs(t_prev, x_prev)
k2 = dt * derivs(t_prev + 1/2*dt, x_prev + 1/2*k1)
k3 = dt * derivs(t_prev + 1/2*dt, x_prev + 1/2*k2)
k4 = dt * derivs(t_prev + dt, x_prev + k3)
x_next = x_prev + 1/6*k1 + 1/3*k2 + 1/3*k3 + 1/6*k4
return x_next
global k, x_0, v_0, t_0, t_f
k = 1
x_0 = 0
v_0 = np.sqrt(k)
t_0 = 0
t_f = 10
dtList = np.logspace(0, -5, 1000)
def derivs(t, X):
deriv = np.zeros(2)
deriv[0] = X[1]
deriv[1] = -k * X[0]
return deriv
def err(dt):
tList = np.arange(t_0, t_f + dt, dt)
N = tList.shape[0]
XList = np.zeros((N,2))
XList[0][0], XList[0][1] = x_0, v_0
for i in range(N-1):
XList[i+1] = rk4(tList[i], XList[i], derivs, dt)
error = np.abs(XList[-1][0] - np.sin(10))
return error
Note, the only two changes I made to your code was to replace the calls to np.zeros that passed in lists to either a tuple in the 2d case, or just the bare integer in the 1d case. See the following issue for an explanation of why this is:
I'm attempting to minimize the function f(x) = x[0] * x[1] over a system of inequality constraints using scipy.minimize and the solver is returning values which do not respect all of the constraints. For example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp
# small constant for enforcing strict inequalities
c = 0.000001
# Objective Function to Optimize
def objective(x):
return x[0] * x[1]
# Constraints
def con1(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(7**x[2]))) + 6*x[1] - c
def con2(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(2**x[2]))) + x[1] - c
def con3(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(3**x[2]))) + 2*x[1] - c
def con4(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(4**x[2]))) + 3*x[1] - c
def con5(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(7**x[2]))) - (x[0]*(1/(1**x[2]))) + 7*x[1] - c
def con6(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(2**x[2]))) - (x[0]*(1/(1**x[2]))) + 2*x[1] - c
def con7(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(3**x[2]))) - (x[0]*(1/(1**x[2]))) + 3*x[1] - c
def con8(x):
return -(x[0]*(1/(1**x[2]))) + 4*x[1] - c
def con9(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(1**x[2]))) + 2*x[1] - c
def con10(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(7**x[2]))) + 4*x[1] - c
def con11(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(2**x[2]))) - x[1] - c
def con12(x):
return (x[0]*(1/(4**x[2]))) + x[1] - c
def con13(x):
return x[0] - 1
def con14(x):
return x[1] - 1
def con15(x):
return x[2] - c
# Initial Guesses
x0 = [1,1,1]
# Constraint Objects
constr1 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con1}
constr2 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con2}
constr3 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con3}
constr4 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con4}
constr5 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con5}
constr6 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con6}
constr7 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con7}
constr8 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con8}
constr9 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con9}
constr10 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con10}
constr11 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con11}
constr12 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con12}
constr13 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con13}
constr14 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con14}
constr15 = {'type':'ineq', 'fun':con15}
cons = [constr1,constr2,constr3,constr4,constr5,constr6,constr7,constr8,constr9,constr10,constr11,constr12,constr13,constr14,constr15]
solution = minimize(objective,x0,method='SLSQP',constraints=cons)
for con in cons:
print(str(con) + str(con['fun'](solution.x)))
Looping over the constraints with the solution values shows that some of the constraints are evaluating as negative even though the constraints are of the form >= 0.
Is this due to some error on my part in the specifications? An issue with numerical precision? Or is this an issue with SLSQP? (see, for example:
If this isn't an issue with my specifications, I would also accept suggestions for formulations of this constraint solving problem in other frameworks (preferably in Python).
I have been using matplotlib from python to show the animation of 1D wave equation.But I got a problem of making the animation.I want the image of the wave to change with time.It means that I may need a loop to form many different pictures of the wave equation.But it seems that the time cannot be put into the wave functions ,so the images do not change at all.Please help me with the mistake that I made.
Here are the codes that I wrote:(Part of the codes comes from the book "Python Scripting for Computational Science")
from numpy import zeros,linspace,sin,pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
def I(x):
return sin(2*x*pi/L)
def f(x,t):
return sin(x*t)
def solver0(I,f,c,L,n,dt,tstop):
# f is a function of x and t, I is a function of x
x = linspace(0,L,n+1)
dx = L/float(n)
if dt <= 0:
dt = dx/float(c)
C2 = (c*dt/dx)**2
dt2 = dt*dt
up = zeros(n+1)
u = up.copy()
um = up.copy()
t = 0.0
for i in range(0,n):
u[i] = I(x[i])
for i in range(1,n-1):
um[i] = u[i]+0.5*C2*(u[i-1] - 2*u[i] + u[i+1]) + dt2*f(x[i],t)
um[0] = 0
um[n] = 0
while t <= tstop:
t_old = t
t += dt
#update all inner points:
for i in range(1,n-1):
up[i] = -um[i] + 2*u[i] + C2*(u[i-1] - 2*u[i] + u[i+1]) + dt2*f(x[i],t_old)
#insert boundary conditions:
up[0] = 0
up[n] = 0
#update data structures for next step
um = u.copy()
u = up.copy()
return u
c = 3.0 #given by myself
L = 10
n = 100
dt = 0
tstart = 0
tstop = 6
x = linspace(0,L,n+1)
t_values = linspace(tstart,tstop,31)
y = solver0(I, f, c, L, n, dt, tstop)
lines = mpl.plot(x,y)
mpl.axis([x[0], x[-1], -1.0, 1.0])
counter = 0
for t in t_values:
y = solver0(I,f,c,L,n,dt,tstop)
mpl.legend(['t=%4.1f' % t])
mpl.savefig('sea_%04d.png' %counter)
counter += 1
Maybe that's what you need?
y = solver0(I,f,c,L,n,dt,t)