Dynamically add Items to a QListWIdget - python

I have this function
def search(self):
#creating a list just ignore
#iterarting through the generated lsit
for x in self.gogo.resultsContainer:
#x[2] is the url to an image
url = x[2]
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
webpage = urlopen(req).read()
pixmap = QPixmap()
icon = QIcon(pixmap)
#x[1] is a string I want to display it's a title basically
item = QListWidgetItem(icon, x[1])
size = QSize()
#item.iconSize(QSize(100, 400))
It works, my problem is that it displays everything only after it iterates through every item.
What I mean is that I can see it using the print statement that it IS going through the list and creating the items but no items is being displayed.
They get all displayed at once after it completely iterates through the list.
It's very slow. I know part of it is due to the image download and I can do nothing about it. But adding the items dynamically would at least make it a little more bearable.
tried to use update() and it didn't really work.
another weird behaviour is despite the clear() being the first instruction it doesn't clear the listWidget as soon as the function is called, it looks like it's due to the same thing that leads to everything being displayed at one.

UI systems use an "event loop", which is responsible of "drawing" elements and allow user interaction; that loop must be left free to do its job, and functions that operate within it must return as soon as possible to prevent "freezing" of the UI: the window is not refreshed or properly displayed, and it seems unresponsive to keyboard or mouse events.
Your function does exactly that: it blocks everything until it's finished.
Calling update() won't be enough, as it only schedules a repainting, which will only happen as soon as the main loop is able to process events. That's why long or possibly infinite for/while loops should always be avoided, as much as any blocking function like time.sleep, even for short amounts of time.
"I can do nothing about it."
Actually, not only you can, but you have to.
A possibility is to use threading, specifically QThread, which is an interface that allows to execute calls in a separate thread while providing Qt's signal/slot mechanism that can work asynchronously between thread. Using QThread and signals to communicate with the main thread is extremely important, as UI elements are not thread-safe, and must never be accessed (nor created) from external threads.
class Downloader(QThread):
imageDownloaded = pyqtSignal(int, object)
def __init__(self, parent, urlList):
self.urlList = urlList
def run(self):
for i, url in enumerate(self.urlList):
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
webpage = urlopen(req).read()
self.imageDownloaded.emit(i, webpage)
class YourWidget(QWidget):
# ...
def search(self):
#iterating through the generated list
urlList = []
for x in self.gogo.resultsContainer:
url = x[2]
item = QListWidgetItem(x[1])
item.setSizeHint(QSize(400, 100))
# the parent argument is mandatory, otherwise there won't be any
# persistent reference to the downloader, and it will be deleted
# as soon as this function returns; connecting the finished signal
# to deleteLater will delete the object when it will be completed.
downloadThread = Downloader(self, urlList)
def updateImage(self, index, data):
pixmap = QPixmap()
if not pixmap.loadFromData(data) or index >= self.listWidget.count():
Note: the code above is untested, as it's not clear what modules you're actually using for downloading, nor what self.gogo is.
A slightly different alternative of the above is to use a persistent "download manager" thread, and queue requests using a python Queue, which will be read in the run() implementation.
Consider that Qt provides the QtNetwork module that already works asynchronously, and implements the same concept.
You have to create a QNetworkAccessManager instance (one is usually enough for the whole application), then create a QNetworkRequest for each url, and finally call the manager's get() with that request, which will return a QNetworkReply that will later be used for retrieving the downloaded data.
In the following example, I'm also setting a custom property for the reply, so that when the reply will be received, we will know to what index it corresponds to: this is even more important than what done above, as QNetworkAccessManager can download in parallel, and downloads can be completed in a different order than they were requested (for instance, if the images have different sizes, or are being downloaded from different servers).
Note that the index must be set as a Qt property, and cannot (or, better, should not) be set as a python attribute, like reply.index = i. This is because the reply we're using in python is just a wrapper around the actual Qt object, and unless we keep a persistent reference to that wrapper (for instance, by adding it to a list), that attribute would be lost.
from PyQt5.QtNetwork import *
class YourWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
# ...
self.downloadManager = QNetworkAccessManager()
# ...
def search(self):
for i, x in enumerate(self.gogo.resultsContainer):
item = QListWidgetItem(x[1])
item.setSizeHint(QSize(400, 100))
url = QUrl(x[2])
request = QNetworkRequest(url)
request.setHeader(request.UserAgentHeader, 'Mozilla/5.0')
reply = self.downloadManager.get(request)
reply.setProperty('index', i)
def updateImage(self, reply):
index = reply.property('index')
if isinstance(index, int):
pixmap = QPixmap()
if pixmap.loadFromData(reply.readAll()):
item = self.listWidget.item(index)
if item is not None:


updating enabled-status of QAction

When Delphi introduced actions some years ago now, one of the great advantages was that the status (enabled/disabled) of the action was handled in the event loop, rather than that the programmer had to think about updating these states concommittant to all status changes of the application. For example:
procedure TMyForm.SaveActionUpdate(Sender: TObject)
(sender as TAction).enabled := self.contentHasChanged();
instead of
procedure TMyForm.onContentChanging(sender: TObject)
SaveAction.enabled := True;
SaveAsAction.enabled := True;
RevertAction ... etc.
Now I am trying to rebuild some of these old Delphi programs in Python using Qt, but so far I have failed to figure out how to enable QActions without resorting to explicitly setting it enabled whenever my content changes. What would be a fruitful approach to do this?
In C++:
void MyForm::onSaveActionUpdateSlot() // must be a slot
QAction* pAction = qobject_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
if (pAction) // if sent by QAction
pAction->setEnbaled( this->contentHasChanged() );
I dived into the VCL to see how it's implemented there. I hesitated whether it would be a good idea to do so, for the concept op this framework may be well different from Qt and put me on the wrong track rather than being helpful. However, the lack of response to this question suggests to me that Qt actions just may not work this way. Which is a pity.
Delphi's VCL actions register themselves on construction in a central list that gets evaluated in the application's idle time in the event loop. This at least I found can be emulated in Qt by using a timer started with timeout 0. Thus I come to this work-around:
class HFClient(QMainWindow):
def updateAction(self, action):
class ActionUpdater(QTimer):
def __init__(self):
super(ActionUpdater, self).__init__()
self.members = {}
def add(self, action, updateProc):
self.members[action] = updateProc
def remove(self, action):
del self.members[action]
def timerEvent(self, unused):
# prevent being the last one to keep the object alive:
done = [action for action in self.members if sys.getrefcount(action) < 5]
for action in done:
# call registered method:
for action, updateProc in self.members.items():
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = HFClient()
updater = ActionUpdater()
a = QAction("save as", app)
updater.add(a, w.updateAction)
# del a
Memory managed programming languages are a bit hard to have the objects unregistered again when the registered object is done for. All too easily the object is kept alive because it still has a reference in the register. I tried to circumvent this by checking the refcount vs. the number of references within the updater instance. I would value a better method for this, though.
One could make a QAction descendant that would register itself (and maybe a signal slot combination for updating).
To use the conventional signal-slot mechanism, descend from Action like
class UpdatedAction(QAction):
update = pyqtSignal(QAction)
def getUpdated(self):
Weakrefs solve the reference counting issue in the code above:
class ActionUpdater(QTimer):
def __init__(self):
super(ActionUpdater, self).__init__()
self.members = []
def add(self, action):
self.members.append(weakref.ref(action, self.remove))
def remove(self, action):
def timerEvent(self, unused):
# call registered method:
for action in self.members:

Load a web page

I am trying to load a web page using PySide's QtWebKit module. According to the documentation (Elements of QWebView; QWebFrame::toHtml()), the following script should print the HTML of the Google Search Page:
from PySide import QtCore
from PySide import QtGui
from PySide import QtWebKit
# Needed if we want to display the webpage in a widget.
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
view = QtWebKit.QWebView(None)
frame = view.page().mainFrame()
But alas it does not. All that is printed is the method's equivalent of a null response:
So I took a closer look at the setUrl documentation:
The view remains the same until enough data has arrived to display the new url.
This made me think that maybe I was calling the toHtml() method too soon, before a response has been received from the server. So I wrote a class that overrides the setUrl method, blocking until the loadFinished signal is triggered:
import time
class View(QtWebKit.QWebView):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(View, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.completed = True
def setCompleted(self):
self.completed = True
def setUrl(self, url):
self.completed = False
super(View, self).setUrl(url)
while not self.completed:
view = View(None)
frame = view.page().mainFrame()
That made no difference at all. What am I missing here?
EDIT: Merely getting the HTML of a page is not my end game here. This is a simplified example of code that was not working the way I expected it to. Credit to Oleh for suggesting replacing time.sleep() with app.processEvents()
Copied from my other answer:
from PySide.QtCore import QObject, QUrl, Slot
from PySide.QtGui import QApplication
from PySide.QtWebKit import QWebPage, QWebSettings
qapp = QApplication([])
def load_source(url):
page = QWebPage()
page.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.AutoLoadImages, False)
class State(QObject):
src = None
finished = False
def loaded(self, success=True):
self.finished = True
if self.src is None:
self.src = page.mainFrame().toHtml()
state = State()
# Optional; reacts to DOM ready, which happens before a full load
def js():
page.mainFrame().addToJavaScriptWindowObject('qstate$', state)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', qstate$.loaded);
while not state.finished:
return state.src
load_source downloads the data from an URL and returns the HTML after modification by WebKit. It wraps Qt's event loop with its asynchronous events, and is a blocking function.
But you really should think what you're doing. Do you actually need to invoke the engine and get the modified HTML? If you just want to download HTML of some webpage, there are much, much simpler ways to do this.
Now, the problem with the code in your answer is you don't let Qt do anything. There is no magic happening, no code running in background. Qt is based on an event loop, and you never let it enter that loop. This is usually achieved by calling QApplication.exec_ or with a workaround processEvents as shown in my code. You can replace time.sleep(0.2) with app.processEvents() and it might just work.

How to *efficiently* monitor a webpage modified with javascript?

I'm trying to monitor an element on a website that's generated via javascript. The problem of downloading a javascript modified page has been handled before, I borrowed the following code that solves the problem with PyQt.
But when I set this code to run every 20 seconds, my network traffic averages 70KB/s down 5 KB/s up. The actual page saved is only 80KB, but is javascript heavy.
6GB a day is not reasonable, my ISP has data limits and I already toe the line.
Is there a way to modify this code so that, for example, it only executes the javascript that corresponds to a specific element on the page? If so, how would I go about figuring out what I need to execute? And would that have a significant effect on the network traffic I'm seeing?
Alternately, how SHOULD I be doing this? I considered making a chrome extension, as Chrome would already be handling the javascript for me, but then I have to figure out how to integrate it with the rest of my project, and that's brand new territory for me. If there's a better way I'd rather do that.
#Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19161737/cannot-add-custom-request-headers-in-pyqt4
#which is borrowed from http://blog.motane.lu/2009/07/07/downloading-a-pages-content-with-python-and-webkit/
import sys, signal
from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
from PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebPage
from PyQt4.QtNetwork import QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply
cookie = ''#snipped, the cookie I have to send is about as long as this bit of code...
class MyNetworkAccessManager(QNetworkAccessManager):
def __init__(self, url):
request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url))
self.reply = self.get(request)
def createRequest(self, operation, request, data):
request.setRawHeader('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')
return QNetworkAccessManager.createRequest( self, operation, request, data )
class Crawler( QWebPage ):
def __init__(self, url, file):
QWebPage.__init__( self )
self._url = url
self._file = file
self.manager = MyNetworkAccessManager(url)
def crawl( self ):
signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL )
self.mainFrame().load( QUrl( self._url ) )
def _finished_loading( self, result ):
file = open( self._file, 'w' )
file.write( self.mainFrame().toHtml() )
def main(url,file):
app = QApplication([url,file])
crawler = Crawler(url, file)
sys.exit( app.exec_() )
First, be clear about your motivation here. Something is changing every 20 seconds and you want to tell the server when one field changes. So
1). Do you need to send the whole page or just the contents of one field. I'm not clear what you are currently doing, but if you are sending 80k every 20 seconds this seems like overkill.
2). Does the server need to know immediately? What are the consequences of sending the state every minute rather than every 20 seconds. You miss some changes, but does that matter?
You haven't really told what you're doing or why, so we can't comment on that.
My first thought is that if the server just wants to know about one field then make an ajax call with just the payload you care about. To me more efficient send a summary every few minutes. One composite record is much cheaper than several small records.

QProcess.readAllStandardOutput() doesn't seem to read anything - PyQt

Here is the code sample:
class RunGui (QtGui.QMainWindow)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QtCore.Qobject.connect(self.ui.actionNew, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.new_select)
def normal_output_written(self, qprocess):
self.ui.text_edit.append("caught outputReady signal") #works
self.ui.text_edit.append(str(qprocess.readAllStandardOutput())) # doesn't work
def new_select(self):
dialog_np = NewProjectDialog()
if dialog_np.is_OK:
section = dialog_np.get_section()
project = dialog_np.get_project()
np = NewProject()
np.outputReady.connect(lambda: self.normal_output_written(np.qprocess))
np.errorReady.connect(lambda: self.error_output_written(np.qprocess))
np.inputNeeded.connect(lambda: self.input_from_line_edit(np.qprocess))
np.params = partial(np.create_new_project, section, project, otherargs)
class NewProject(QtCore.QThread):
outputReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
errorReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
inputNeeded = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
params = None
message = ""
def __init__(self):
super(NewProject, self).__init__()
self.qprocess = QtCore.QProcess()
self._inputQueue = Queue()
def run(self):
def create_new_project(self, section, project, otherargs):
# PyDev for some reason skips the breakpoints inside the thread
self.outputReady.emit(self.qprocess) # works - I'm getting signal in RunGui.normal_output_written()
print(str(self.qprocess.readAllStandardOutput())) # prints empty line
.... # other actions inside the method requiring "command" to finish properly.
The idea is beaten to death - get the GUI to run scripts and communicate with the processes. The challenge in this particular example is that the script started in QProcess as command runs an app, that requires user input (confirmation) along the way. Therefore I have to be able to start the script, get all output and parse it, wait for the question to appear in the output and then communicate back the answer, allow it to finish and only then to proceed further with other actions inside create_new_project()
I don't know if this will fix your overall issue, but there are a few design issues I see here.
You are passing around the qprocess between threads instead of just emitting your custom signals with the results of the qprocess
You are using class-level attributes that should probably be instance attributes
Technically you don't even need the QProcess, since you are running it in your thread and actively using blocking calls. It could easily be a subprocess.Popen...but anyways, I might suggest changes like this:
class RunGui (QtGui.QMainWindow)
def normal_output_written(self, msg):
def new_select(self):
np = NewProject()
np.params = partial(np.create_new_project, section, project, otherargs)
class NewProject(QtCore.QThread):
outputReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
errorReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
inputNeeded = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
def __init__(self):
super(NewProject, self).__init__()
self._inputQueue = Queue()
self.params = None
def run(self):
def create_new_project(self, section, project, otherargs):
qprocess = QtCore.QProcess()
if not qprocess.waitForStarted():
# handle a failed command here
if not qprocess.waitForReadyRead():
# handle a timeout or error here
msg = str(self.qprocess.readAllStandardOutput())
Don't pass around the QProcess. Just emit the data. And create it from within the threads method so that it is automatically owned by that thread. Your outside classes should really not have any knowledge of that QProcess object. It doesn't even need to be a member attribute since its only needed during the operation.
Also make sure you are properly checking that your command both successfully started, and is running and outputting data.
To clarify some problems you might be having (per the comments), I wanted to suggest that QProcess might not be the best option if you need to have interactive control with processes that expect periodic user input. It should work find for running scripts that just produce output from start to finish, though really using subprocess would be much easier. For scripts that need user input over time, your best bet may be to use pexpect. It allows you to spawn a process, and then watch for various patterns that you know will indicate the need for input:
import time
i = raw_input("Please enter something: ")
print "Output:", i
print "Another line"
print "Done"
import pexpect
import time
child = pexpect.spawn("python foo.py")
ret = -1
while ret < 0:
ret = child.expect("Please enter something: ")
while True:
line = child.readline()
if not line:
print line.strip()
# Output: FOO
# Another line
# Done

pyQT QNetworkManager and ProgressBars

I'm trying to code something that downloads a file from a webserver and saves it, showing the download progress in a QProgressBar.
Now, there are ways to do this in regular Python and it's easy. Problem is that it locks the refresh of the progressBar. Solution is to use PyQT's QNetworkManager class. I can download stuff just fine with it, I just can't get the setup to show the progress on the progressBar. HereĀ“s an example:
class Form(QDialog):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
self.progressBar = QProgressBar()
self.reply = None
layout = QHBoxLayout()
self.manager = QNetworkAccessManager(self)
def Down(self):
address = QUrl("http://stackoverflow.com") #URL from the remote file.
def replyFinished(self, reply):
self.connect(reply,SIGNAL("downloadProgress(int,int)"),self.progressBar, SLOT("setValue(int)"))
self.reply = reply
alltext = self.reply.readAll()
#print alltext
#print alltext
def updateBar(self, read,total):
print "read", read
print "total",total
In this case, my method "updateBar" is never called... any ideas?
Well you haven't connected any of the signals to your updateBar() method.
def replyFinished(self, reply):
self.connect(reply,SIGNAL("downloadProgress(int,int)"),self.progressBar, SLOT("setValue(int)"))
def replyFinished(self, reply):
Note that in Python you don't have to explicitly use the SLOT() syntax; you can just pass the reference to your method or function.
I just wanted to point out that if you want to use a Progress bar in any situation where your GUI locks up during processing, one solution is to run your processing code in another thread so your GUI receives repaint events. Consider reading about the QThread class, in case you come across another reason for a progress bar that does not have a pre-built solution for you.

