I'm trying to solve the FibFrog Codility problem and I came up with the following approach:
If len(A) is 0 we know we can reach the other side in one jump.
If len(A) + 1 is a fibonacci number, we can also reach it in one jump.
Else, we loop through A, and for the positions we can reach, we check if we can either reach them directly from -1 using a fibonacci number (idx + 1 in fibonaccis) or if we can reach them by first jumping to another position (reachables) and then jumping to the current position. In either case, we also check if we can go from the current position to the end of the river - if we can, then we can return because we found the minimum number of steps required.
Finally, if unreachable is True once this loop completes, this means we can't reach any position using a Fibonacci number, so we return -1.
I'm getting 83% correctness and 0% performance with this approach.
I understand the solution is O(n^2), assuming the array consists of only 1, the nested loop for v in reachables: would run n times - however I'm not sure how else I can compute this, since for each of the positions I need to check whether we can reach it from the start of the array, or from any previous positions using a fibonacci number.
def solution(A):
if len(A) == 0: return 1
fibonaccis = fibonacci(len(A) + 3)
if len(A) + 1 in fibonaccis: return 1
leaves = [0] * len(A)
unreachable = True
reachables = []
for idx, val in enumerate(A):
if val == 1:
if idx + 1 in fibonaccis:
unreachable = False
leaves[idx] = 1
if len(A) - idx in fibonaccis:
return 2
elif len(reachables) > 0:
for v in reachables:
if idx - v in fibonaccis:
leaves[idx] = leaves[v] + 1
if len(A) - idx in fibonaccis:
return leaves[v] + 2
if unreachable: return -1
if len(A) - reachables[-1] in fibonaccis:
return leaves[reachables[-1]] + 1
def fibonacci(N):
arr = [0] * N
arr[1] = 1
for i in range(2, N):
arr[i] = arr[i-1] + arr[i-2]
return arr
Some suggestions for improving performance of your algorithm -
If len(A) = 100000, you are calculating 100003 fibonacci numbers, while we only need fibonacci numbers which are less than 100k, which would be <30 of them.
Your solution is O(n^4), since each X in reachables or Y in fibonaccis operation is O(N) where N is len(A). (and length of fibonaccis being N because of above issue)
Since you are doing a lot of item in list operations on fibonaccis and reachables, consider making it a set or a dictionary for faster(O(1) instead of O(n)) lookup.
Even with the above changes, the algorithm would be O(N^2) because of nested looping across A and reachables, so you need to come up with a better approach.
With your existing implementation, you need to traverse through all the paths and then in the end you will get the smallest number of jumps.
Instead of this approach, if you start at 0, and then keep a count of the number of jumps you have taken so far, and maintain how far(and to which numbers) you can reach after each jump then you can easily find the minimum jumps required to reach the end. (this will also save on redundant work you would have to do in case you have all 1s in A.
e.g. for
A = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
fibonacci = set(1, 2, 3, 5)
At first jump, we can reach following 1-based indexes -
reachable = [1, 2, 3, 5]
jumps = 1
After second jump
reachables = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
jumps = 2
After third jump
reachables = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
jumps = 3
so you have reached the end(10) after 3 jumps.
Please check out #nialloc's answer here - https://stackoverflow.com/a/64558623/8677071 which seems to be doing something similar.
Check out also my solution, which scores 100% on Codility tests and is easy to comprehend.
The idea is to track all possible positions of the frog after k jumps. If possible position == n, return k.
def fib_up_to(n):
numbers = [1]
i = 1
while True:
new_num = (numbers[-2] + numbers[-1]) if i > 1 else 2
if new_num > n:
i += 1
return numbers
def solution(A):
n = len(A)
if n == 0:
return 1
numbers = fib_up_to(n+1)
possible_positions = set([-1])
for k in range(1, n+1):
positions_after_k = set()
for pos in possible_positions:
for jump in numbers:
if pos + jump == n:
return k
if pos + jump < n and A[pos + jump]:
positions_after_k.add(pos + jump)
possible_positions = positions_after_k
return -1
I was trying to solve a problem on Hackerearth. The problem statement is as follows:
Sussutu is a world-renowned magician. And recently, he was blessed with the power to remove EXACTLY ONE element from an array.
Given, an array A (index starting from 0) with N elements. Now, Sussutu CAN remove only that element which makes the sum of ALL the remaining elements exactly divisible by 7.
Throughout his life, Sussutu was so busy with magic that he could never get along with maths. Your task is to help Sussutu find the first array index of the smallest element he CAN remove.
The first line contains a single integer N.
Next line contains N space separated integers Ak , 0 < k < N.
Print a single line containing one integer, the first array index of the smallest element he CAN remove, and −1 if there is no such element that he can remove!
1 < N < 105
0 < Ak < 109
Here is the algorithm that I tried, but it exceeded the time limit on some test cases:
n = int(input())
A = list(map(int, input().split(' ')))
temp = sorted(A)
for i in range(n):
temp[i] = 0
s = sum(temp)
temp = sorted(A)
if s % 7 == 0:
flag = True
flag = False
if flag == True:
Another code which worked fine is given below :
n = int(input())
A = list(map(int, input().split(' ')))
S = sum(A)
t = []
for a in A:
if (S - a) % 7 == 0:
if len(t) == 0:
Can anyone help me understand why the 1st code exceeded the time limit and why the 2nd code did not??
In the first algorithm, the sort itself is O(n log n), so the complexity of the first one's loop is O(n)*O(n log n) = O(n² log n). In the second one, you simply loop through the input array three times - so its complexity is O(n), far lower. For very large inputs, the first one will then timeout while the second one may not.
Time complexity of the first algorithm is O(n^2 logn) because you are sorting the array in each iteration, while time complexity of the second is O(n).
FWIW: you could avoid some work by:
V = [M] * 7 # where max(A) < M
I = [None] * 7
s = 0
i = 0
for v in A:
m = v % 7
s += m
if v < V[m]: V[m] = v ; I[m] = i
i += 1
s = s % 7
if I[s] == None:
print("No answer!!!")
print("i=%d v=%d" % (I[s], V[s]))
which does the job in a single pass. (Your code has one pass across A "hiding" in the sum(A).)
You simply need to remove an elements which has the same modulo 7 as the sum of the list:
import random
n = 10
A = [ random.randrange(n) for _ in range(n)]
modulo7 = sum(A)%7
index = next((i for i,a in enumerate(A) if a%7==modulo7),-1)
if index < 0:
print("No eligible element to remove")
print("removing",A[index],"at index",index,"makes the sum",sum(A)-A[index])
[4, 8, 4, 1, 8, 9, 6, 9, 4, 4] sum: 57
removing 8 at index 1 makes the sum 49
Google Foobar Question:
Please Pass the Coded Messages
You need to pass a message to the bunny prisoners, but to avoid detection, the code you agreed to use is... obscure, to say the least. The bunnies are given food on standard-issue prison plates that are stamped with the numbers 0-9 for easier sorting, and you need to combine sets of plates to create the numbers in the code. The signal that a number is part of the code is that it is divisible by 3. You can do smaller numbers like 15 and 45 easily, but bigger numbers like 144 and 414 are a little trickier. Write a program to help yourself quickly create large numbers for use in the code, given a limited number of plates to work with.
You have L, a list containing some digits (0 to 9). Write a function answer(L) which finds the largest number that can be made from some or all of these digits and is divisible by 3. If it is not possible to make such a number, return 0 as the answer. L will contain anywhere from 1 to 9 digits. The same digit may appear multiple times in the list, but each element in the list may only be used once.
To provide a Python solution, edit solution.py
To provide a Java solution, edit solution.java
Test cases
(int list) l = [3, 1, 4, 1]
(int) 4311
(int list) l = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9]
(int) 94311
Use verify [file] to test your solution and see how it does. When you are finished editing your code, use submit [file] to submit your answer. If your solution passes the test cases, it will be removed from your home folder.
So that's the question, my python code only passes 3 out of 5 tests cases. I spent a few hours but can't find out what cases I am missing. Here is my code:
maximum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0]
def subset_sum(numbers, target, partial=[]):
global maximum
s = sum(partial)
if s%3 == 0:
if s != 0:
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in partial)
y = int(str1)
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in maximum)
z = int(str1)
if y>z:
maximum = partial
# print maximum
if s >= target:
return # if we reach the number why bother to continue
for i in range(len(numbers)):
n = numbers[i]
remaining = numbers[i+1:]
subset_sum(remaining, target, partial + [n])
def answer(l):
global maximum
#maximum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
maximum = sorted(maximum, key=int, reverse=True)
str1 = ''.join(str(e) for e in maximum)
y = int(str1)
return y
So what test cases am I not accounting for, and how could I improve it?
try this using combination it may help:
from itertools import combinations
def answer(nums):
nums.sort(reverse = True)
for i in reversed(range(1, len(nums) + 1)):
for tup in combinations(nums, i):
if sum(tup) % 3 == 0: return int(''.join(map(str, tup)))
return 0
Presently, you are forming a number by using adjacent digits only while the question does not say so.
A quick fix would be to set remaining list properly -
remaining = numbers[:i] + numbers[i+1:]
But you need to think of better algorithm.
inputNumbers = [2, 1, 1, 1, 7, 8, 5, 7, 9, 3]
inputNumSorted = sorted(inputNumbers)
sumMax = sum(inputNumbers)
queue = [(sumMax, inputNumSorted)]
found = False
while (len(queue) > 0):
(sumCurrent, digitList) = queue.pop()
remainder = sumCurrent%3
if (remainder == 0):
found = True
else :
for index, aNum in enumerate(digitList):
if(aNum%3 == remainder):
sumCurrent -= remainder
found = True
newList = digitList[:index]+digitList[index+1:]
if (len(newList) > 0):
queue.insert(0, (sumCurrent-aNum, newList))
maxNum = 0
if (found):
for x,y in enumerate(digitList):
maxNum += (10**x)*y
I believe the solution looks something like this:
Arrange the input digits into a single number, in order from largest to smallest. (The specific digit order won't affect its divisibility by 3.)
If this number is divisible by 3, you're done.
Otherwise, try removing the smallest digit. If this results in a number that is divisible by 3, you're done. Otherwise start over with the original number and try removing the second-smallest digit. Repeat.
Otherwise, try removing digits two at a time, starting with the two smallest. If any of these result in a number that is divisible by 3, you're done.
Otherwise, try removing three digits...
Four digits...
If nothing worked, return zero.
Here's the actual solution and this passes in all the test cases
import itertools
def solution(l):
l.sort(reverse = True)
for i in reversed(range(1, len(l) + 1)):
for j in itertools.combinations(l, i):
if sum(tup) % 3 == 0: return int(''.join(map(str, j)))
return 0
Here is a commented solution (that passed all test cases):
def solution(l):
# sort in decending order
l = sorted(l, reverse = True)
# if the number is already divisible by three
if sum(l) % 3 == 0:
# return the number
return int("".join(str(n) for n in l))
possibilities = [0]
# try every combination of removing a single digit
for i in range(len(l)):
# copy list of digits
_temp = l[:]
# remove a digit
del _temp[len(_temp) - i - 1]
# check if it is divisible by three
if sum(_temp) % 3 == 0:
# if so, this is our solution (the digits are removed in order)
return int("".join(str(n) for n in _temp))
# try every combination of removing a second digit
for j in range(1, len(_temp)):
# copy list of digits again
_temp2 = _temp[:]
# remove another digit
del _temp2[len(_temp2) - j - 1]
# check if this combination is divisible by three
if sum(_temp2) % 3 == 0:
# if so, append it to the list of possibilities
possibilities.append(int("".join(str(n) for n in _temp2)))
# return the largest solution
return max(possibilities)
I tried a lot but test case 3 fails .Sorry for bad variable names
import itertools
def solution(l):
for i in range(len(l)+1):
for j in itertools.combinations(l,i):
for i in a:
if sum(i)>=aa and sum(i)%3==0 and len(b)<len(i):
for i in b:
if list(k)==[]:
return 0
return k
I have a coding challenge next week as the first round interview. The HR said they will use Codility as the coding challenge platform. I have been practicing using the Codility Lessons.
My issue is that I often get a very high score on Correctness, but my Performance score, which measure time complexity, is horrible (I often get 0%).
Here's the question:
My code is:
def solution(A):
N = len(A)
my_list = []
count = 0
for i in range(N):
if A[i] == 1:
my_list = A[i + 1:]
count = count + sum(my_list)
return count
It is supposed to be O(N) but mine is O(N**2).
How can someone approach this question to solve it under the O(N) time complexity?
In general, when you look at an algorithm question, how do you come up with an approach?
You should not sum the entire array each time you find a zero. That makes it O(n^2). Instead note that every zero found will give a +1 for each following one:
def solution(A):
zeros = 0
passing = 0
for i in A:
if i == 0:
zeros += 1
passing += zeros
return passing
You may check all codility solutions as well as passingcars example.
Don’t forget the 1000000000 limit.
def solution(a):
for e in a:
if pc>1000000000:
return -1
if e==0:
return pc
Regarding the above answer, it is correct but missing checking the cases where passing exceeds 1000000000.
Also, I found a smarter and simple way to count the pairs of cars that could be passed where you just count all existing ones inside the array from the beginning and inside the loop when you find any zero, you say Ok we could possibly pair all the ones with this zero (so we increase the count) and as we are already looping through the whole array, if we find one then we can simply remove that one from ones since we will never need it again.
It takes O(N) as a time complexity since you just need to loop once in the array.
def solution(A):
ones = A.count(1)
c = 0
for i in range(0, len(A)):
if A[i] == 0:
c += ones
else: ones -= 1
if c > 1000000000:
return -1
return c
In a loop, find indices of zeros in list and nb of ones in front of first zero. In another loop, find the next zero, reduce nOnesInFront by the index difference between current and previous zero
def solution(A):
count = 0; zeroIndices = []
nOnesInFront = 0; foundZero = False
for i in range(len(A)):
if A[i] == 0:
foundZero = True
elif foundZero: nOnesInFront += 1;
if nOnesInFront == 0: return 0 #no ones in front of a zero
if not zeroIndices: return 0 #no zeros
iPrev = zeroIndices[0]
count = nOnesInFront
for i in zeroIndices[1:]:
nOnesInFront -= (i-iPrev) - 1 #decrease nb of ones by the differnce between current and previous zero index
iPrev = i
count += nOnesInFront
if count > 1000000000: return -1
else: return count
Here are some tests cases to verify the solution:
print(solution([0, 1, 0, 1, 1])) # 5
print(solution([0, 1, 1, 0, 1])) # 4
print(solution([0])) # 0
print(solution([1])) # 0
print(solution([1, 0])) # 0
print(solution([0, 1])) # 1
print(solution([1, 0, 0])) # 0
print(solution([1, 0, 1])) # 1
print(solution([0, 0, 1])) # 2
This is a typical interview question. Given an array that contains both positive and negative elements without 0, find the largest subarray whose sum equals 0. I tried to solve this. This is what I came up with.
def sub_array_sum(array,k=0):
start_index = -1
hash_sum = {}
current_sum = 0
keys = set()
best_index_hash = {}
for i in array:
start_index += 1
current_sum += i
if current_sum in hash_sum:
if current_sum == 0:
best_index_hash[start_index] = [(0,start_index)]
hash_sum[current_sum] = [start_index]
if keys:
for k_1 in keys:
best_start = hash_sum.get(k_1)[0]
best_end_list = hash_sum.get(k_1)[1:]
for best_end in best_end_list:
if abs(best_start-best_end) in best_index_hash:
best_index_hash[abs(best_start-best_end)] = [(best_start+1,best_end)]
if best_index_hash:
(bs,be) = best_index_hash[max(best_index_hash.keys(),key=int)].pop()
return array[bs:be+1]
print "No sub array with sum equal to 0"
def Main():
a = [6,-2,8,5,4,-9,8,-2,1,2]
b = [-8,8]
c = [-7,8,-1]
d = [2200,300,-6,6,5,-9]
e = [-9,9,-6,-3]
print sub_array_sum(a)
print sub_array_sum(b)
print sub_array_sum(c)
print sub_array_sum(d)
print sub_array_sum(e)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am not sure if this will satisfy all the edge case. if someone can comment on that, it would be excellent Also i want to extend this to sum equalling to any K not just 0. How should i go about it. And any pointers to optimize this further is also helpful.
You have given a nice, linear-time solution (better than the two other answers at this time, which are quadratic-time), based on the idea that whenever sum(i .. j) = 0, it must be that sum(0 .. i-1) = sum(0 .. j) and vice versa. Essentially you compute the prefix sums sum(0 .. i) for all i, building up a hashtable hash_sum in which hash_sum[x] is a list of all positions i having sum(0 .. i) = x. Then you go through this hashtable, one sum at a time, looking for any sum that was made by more than one prefix. Among all such made-more-than-once sums, you choose the one that was made by a pair of prefixes that are furthest apart -- this is the longest.
Since you already noticed the key insight needed to make this algorithm linear-time, I'm a bit puzzled as to why you build up so much unnecessary stuff in best_index_hash in your second loop. For a given sum x, the furthest-apart pair of prefixes that make that sum will always be the smallest and largest entries in hash_sum[x], which will necessarily be the first and last entries (because that's the order they were appended), so there's no need to loop over the elements in between. In fact you don't even need a second loop at all: you can keep a running maximum during your first loop, by treating start_index as the rightmost endpoint.
To handle an arbitrary difference k: Instead of finding the leftmost occurrence of a prefix summing to current_sum, we need to find the leftmost occurrence of a prefix summing to current_sum - k. But that's just first_with_sum{current_sum - k}.
The following code isn't tested, but should work:
def sub_array_sum(array,k=0):
start_index = -1
first_with_sum = {}
first_with_sum{0} = -1
best_start = -1
best_len = 0
current_sum = 0
for i in array:
start_index += 1
current_sum += i
if current_sum - k in first_with_sum:
if start_index - first_with_sum{current_sum - k} > best_len:
best_start = first_with_sum{current_sum - k} + 1
best_len = start_index - first_with_sum{current_sum - k}
first_with_sum{current_sum} = start_index
if best_len > 0:
return array[best_start:best_start+best_len-1]
print "No subarray found"
Setting first_with_sum{0} = -1 at the start means that we don't have to treat a range beginning at index 0 as a special case. Note that this algorithm doesn't improve on the asymptotic time or space complexity of your original one, but it's simpler to implement and will use a small amount less space on any input that contains a zero-sum subarray.
Here's my own answer, just for fun.
The number of subsequences is quadratic, and the time to sum a subsequence is linear, so the most naive solution would be cubic.
This approach is just an exhaustive search over the subsequences, but a little trickery avoids the linear summing factor, so it's only quadratic.
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
class Element(namedtuple('Element', ('index', 'value'))):
An element in the input sequence. ``index`` is the position
of the element, and ``value`` is the element itself.
class Node(namedtuple('Node', ('a', 'b', 'sum'))):
A node in the search graph, which looks like this:
0 1 2 3
\ / \ / \ /
0-1 1-2 2-3
\ / \ /
0-2 1-3
\ /
``a`` is the start Element, ``b`` is the end Element, and
``sum`` is the sum of elements ``a`` through ``b``.
def from_element(cls, e):
"""Construct a Node from a single Element."""
return Node(a=e, b=e, sum=e.value)
def __add__(self, other):
"""The combining operation depicted by the graph above."""
assert self.a.index == other.a.index - 1
assert self.b.index == other.b.index - 1
return Node(a=self.a, b=other.b, sum=(self.sum + other.b.value))
def __len__(self):
"""The number of elements represented by this node."""
return self.b.index - self.a.index + 1
def get_longest_k_sum_subsequence(ints, k):
"""The longest subsequence of ``ints`` that sums to ``k``."""
n = get_longest_node(n for n in generate_nodes(ints) if n.sum == k)
if n:
return ints[n.a.index:(n.b.index + 1)]
if k == 0:
return []
def get_longest_zero_sum_subsequence(ints):
"""The longest subsequence of ``ints`` that sums to zero."""
return get_longest_k_sum_subsequence(ints, k=0)
def generate_nodes(ints):
"""Generates all Nodes in the graph."""
nodes = [Node.from_element(Element(i, v)) for i, v in enumerate(ints)]
while len(nodes) > 0:
for n in nodes:
yield n
nodes = [x + y for x, y in zip(nodes, nodes[1:])]
def get_longest_node(nodes):
"""The longest Node in ``nodes``, or None if there are no Nodes."""
return max(chain([()], nodes), key=len) or None
if __name__ == '__main__':
def f(*ints):
return get_longest_zero_sum_subsequence(list(ints))
assert f() == []
assert f(1) == []
assert f(0) == [0]
assert f(0, 0) == [0, 0]
assert f(-1, 1) == [-1, 1]
assert f(-1, 2, 1) == []
assert f(1, -1, 1, -1) == [1, -1, 1, -1]
assert f(1, -1, 8) == [1, -1]
assert f(0, 1, -1, 8) == [0, 1, -1]
assert f(5, 6, -2, 1, 1, 7, -2, 2, 8) == [-2, 1, 1]
assert f(5, 6, -2, 2, 7, -2, 1, 1, 8) == [-2, 1, 1]
I agree with sundar nataraj when he says that this must be posted to the code review forum.
For fun though I looked at your code. Though I am able to understand your approach, I fail to understand the need to use Counter.
best_index_hash[start_index] = [(0,start_index)] - Here best_index_hash is of the type Counter. Why are you assigning a list to it?
for key_1, value_1 in best_index_hash.most_common(1) - You trying to get largest subsequence and for that you are using most_common as the answer. This is not intuitive semantically.
I am tempted to post a solution but I will wait for you to edit the code snippet and improve it.
For fun, I had a go at this puzzle and I present my effort below. I make no guarantees of correctness/completeness.
from collections import defaultdict
def max_sub_array_sum(a, s):
if a:
span = defaultdict(lambda : (0,0))
current_total = 0
for i in xrange(len(a)):
current_total = a[i]
for j in xrange (i + 1, len(a)):
current_total += a[j]
x,y = span[current_total]
if j - i > y - x:
span[current_total] = i,j
if s in span:
i, j = span[s]
print "sum=%d,span_length=%d,indices=(%d,%d),sequence=%s" %\
(s, j-i + 1, i, j, str(a[i:j + 1]))
print "Could not find a subsequence of sum %d in sequence %s" % \
(s, str(a))
max_sub_array_sum(range(-6, -1), 0)
max_sub_array_sum(None, 0)
max_sub_array_sum([], 0)
max_sub_array_sum(range(6), 15)
max_sub_array_sum(range(6), 14)
max_sub_array_sum(range(6), 13)
max_sub_array_sum(range(6), 0)
Here's the solution taken from LeetCode :
def sub_array_sum(nums, k=0):
count, sum = 0, 0
map = dict()
map[0] = 1
for i in range(len(nums)):
sum += nums[i]
if map.__contains__(sum - k):
count += map[sum - k]
map[sum] = map.get(sum, 0) + 1
return count
I am trying to write a selection sort algorithm for sorting lists of numbers from lowest to highest.
def sortlh(numList):
if type(numList) != list:
print("Input must be a list of numbers.")
inf = float("inf")
sortList = [0]*len(numList)
count = 0
while count < len(numList):
index = 0
indexLowest = 0
lowest = numList[index]
while index < (len(numList) - 1):
if numList[index + 1] < numList[index]:
lowest = numList[index + 1]
indexLowest = index + 1
index = index + 1
index = index + 1
sortList[count] = lowest
numList[indexLowest] = inf
count = count + 1
return sortList
When I run this code on:
I get (as expected):
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
However, when I try another example, I get:
[8, 6, 9, 2, 4, 5, 7, 1, 3]
Does anyone see what is going on here?
Here is how I would suggest rewriting your program.
def sortlh(lst_input):
lst = list(lst_input) # make a copy of lst_input
i = 0
while i < len(lst):
j = i + 1
i_lowest = i
lowest = lst[i_lowest]
while j < len(lst):
if lst[j] < lowest:
i_lowest = j
lowest = lst[i_lowest]
j += 1
lst[i], lst[i_lowest] = lst[i_lowest], lst[i] # swap
i += 1
return lst
test = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
assert sortlh(test) == sorted(test)
test = [1,3,2,4,5,7,6,9,8]
assert sortlh(test) == sorted(test)
We don't test the type of the input. Anything that acts like a list will work, and even an iterator will work.
We don't "mutate" the original input list. We only work on a copy of the data.
When we find the lowest number, we swap it with the first number, and then only look at the remaining numbers. Thus we have less work to do on each loop as we have fewer and fewer unsorted numbers.
If you are a beginner, this part might seem too tricky. If it confuses you or you don't like it, just ignore it for now.
This is a more-advanced way to solve this problem in Python. The inner loop simply finds the lowest number and the index of the lowest number. We can use the Python built-in function min() to do this!
We build a "generator expression" that loops over the list, yielding up tuples. Each tuple is the number and its position. Since we want lower numbers to sort lower, we put the number first in the tuple so that min() can properly compare the tuples. Then min() will find the lowest tuple and we get the value and index.
Also, the outer loop is now a for loop with enumerate rather than a while loop using indexing.
def sortlh(lst_input):
lst = list(lst_input) # make a copy of lst_input
for i, x in enumerate(lst):
lowest, i_lowest = min((n, j) for j, n in enumerate(lst) if j >= i)
lst[i], lst[i_lowest] = lst[i_lowest], lst[i] # swap
return lst
test = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
assert sortlh(test) == sorted(test)
test = [1,3,2,4,5,7,6,9,8]
assert sortlh(test) == sorted(test)