i'm trying to create a program, which needs to read messages from a discord bot and retrieve links from these messages.
here's the code:
import requests
import json
from bs4 import builder
import bs4
def retrieve_messages(channelid):
headers = {
'authorization': 'NTQ5OTM4ODEzOTUxMTQ4MDQ3.YMi7CQ.fOm6F-dmPJPEW0dehLwCkB_ilBU'
r = requests.get(f'https://discord.com/api/v9/channels/{channelid}/messages', headers=headers)
jsonn = json.loads(r.text)
for value in jsonn:
print(value, '\n')
here's the output:
{'id': '908857015412084796', 'type': 0, 'content': '<#&624528614330859520>', 'channel_id': '5636998413777633, 2021.```\n5J53T-BKJK5-CTXBZ-JJJTJ-WW6F3```Redeem on48', 'author': {'id': '749499357761503284', 'username': 'shift', 'avatar': 'de9cd6f3224e660a4b6906a89fc2bc15/shift-code/5j53t-bkjk5-ctxbz-jjjtj-ww6f3/?utm_source', 'discriminator': '6125', 'public_flags': 0, 'bot': True}, 'attachments': [], 'embeds': [], 'mentions': []'pinned': False, 'mention_everyone': False, 'tts': Fa, 'mention_roles': ['624528614330859520'], 'pinned': False, 'mention_everyone': False, 'tts': False, 'timest}amp': '2021-11-12T23:13:18.221000+00:00', 'edited_timestamp': None, 'flags': 0, 'components': []}
{'id': '908857014430629898', 'type': 0, 'content': '', 'channel_id': '563699841377763348', 'author': {'id':
'749499357761503284', 'username': 'shift', 'avatar': 'de9cd6f3224e660a4b6906a89fc2bc15', 'discriminator': '6125', 'public_flags': 0, 'bot': True}, 'attachments': [], 'embeds': [{'type': 'rich', 'title': '<:GoldenKey:273763771929853962> Borderlands 1: 5 gold keys', 'description': 'Platform: Universal\nExpires: 30 November,
2021.```\n5J53T-BKJK5-CTXBZ-JJJTJ-WW6F3```Redeem on the [website](https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards) or in game.\n\n[Source](https://shift.orcicorn.com/shift-code/5j53t-bkjk5-ctxbz-jjjtj-ww6f3/?utm_source=json&utm_medium=shift&utm_campaign=automation)', 'color': 16040976}], 'mentions': [], 'mention_roles': [], 'pinned': False, 'mention_everyone': False, 'tts': False, 'timestamp': '2021-11-12T23:13:17.987000+00:00', 'edited_timestamp': None, 'flags': 1, 'components': []}
in the output there are 2 links, but I need to save the second link to a variable, and I'm wondering how I can do that
This is easiest done with the response body as a text object that can be scanned with regex to find the URLs
The variable test_case_data is the response body in TEXT form as a string.
import re
regex = r"(http|ftp|https):\/\/([\w_-]+(?:(?:\.[\w_-]+)+))([\w.,#?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w#?^=%&\/~+#-])"
def find_embedded_urls(data):
return re.finditer(regex,data)
test_case_data = """'id': '908857014430629898', 'type': 0, 'content': '', 'channel_id': '563699841377763348', 'author': {'id':
'749499357761503284', 'username': 'shift', 'avatar': 'de9cd6f3224e660a4b6906a89fc2bc15', 'discriminator': '6125', 'public_flags': 0, 'bot': True}, 'attachments': [], 'embeds': [{'type': 'rich', 'title': '<:GoldenKey:273763771929853962> Borderlands 1: 5 gold keys', 'description': 'Platform: Universal\nExpires: 30 November,
2021.```\n5J53T-BKJK5-CTXBZ-JJJTJ-WW6F3```Redeem on the [website](https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards) or in game.\n\n[Source](https://shift.orcicorn.com/shift-code/5j53t-bkjk5-ctxbz-jjjtj-ww6f3/?utm_source=json&utm_medium=shift&utm_campaign=automation)', 'color': 16040976}], 'mentions': [], 'mention_roles': [], 'pinned': False, 'mention_everyone': False, 'tts': False, 'timestamp': '2021-11-12T23:13:17.987000+00:00', 'edited_timestamp': None, 'flags': 1, 'components': []}"""
# test_case_data = response.text
matches = find_embedded_urls(test_case_data)
matches = [match[0] for match in matches] #convert all urls to strings
print(matches) # List of all the urls! Index for whatever one you need
['https://shift.gearboxsoftware.com/rewards', 'https://shift.orcicorn.com/shift-code/5j53t-bkjk5-ctxbz-jjjtj-ww6f3/?utm_source=json&utm_medium=shift&utm_campaign=automation']
With the URLs as a list index, you can set variables by indexing the list at whatever point you need.
I am trying to pick Instances in the json objects data which looks like this
[{'Groups': [], 'Instances': [{'AmiLaunchIndex': 0, 'ImageId': 'ami-0ceecbb0f30a902a6', 'InstanceId': 'i-xxxxx', 'InstanceType': 't2.micro', 'KeyName': 'xxxx', 'LaunchTime': {'$date': '2022-12-17T13:07:54Z'}, 'Monitoring': {'State': 'disabled'}, 'Placement': {'AvailabilityZone': 'us-west-2b', 'GroupName': '', 'Tenancy': 'default'}, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-zxxxxx.us-west-2.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': 'xxxxx', 'ProductCodes': [], 'PublicDnsName': 'ec2-xx-xxx-xxx.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com', 'PublicIpAddress': 'xxxxxx', 'State': {'Code': 16, 'Name': 'running'}, 'StateTransitionReason': '', 'SubnetId': 'subnet-xxxxx', 'VpcId': 'vpc-xxxxx', 'Architecture': 'x86_64', 'BlockDeviceMappings': [{'DeviceName': '/dev/xvda', 'Ebs': {'AttachTime': {'$date': '2022-12-17T13:07:55Z'}, 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'Status': 'attached', 'VolumeId': 'vol-xxxx'}}], 'ClientToken': '529fc1ac-bf64-4804-b0b8-7c7778ace68c', 'EbsOptimized': False, 'EnaSupport': True, 'Hypervisor': 'xen', 'NetworkInterfaces': [{'Association': {'IpOwnerId': 'amazon', 'PublicDnsName': 'ec2-35-86-111-31.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com', 'PublicIp': 'xxxxx'}, 'Attachment': {'AttachTime': {'$date': '2022-12-17T13:07:54Z'}, 'AttachmentId': 'eni-attach-0cac7d4af20664b23', 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'DeviceIndex': 0, 'Status': 'attached', 'NetworkCardIndex': 0}, 'Description': '', 'Groups': [{'GroupName': 'launch-wizard-5', 'GroupId': 'sg-xxxxx'}], 'Ipv6Addresses': [], 'MacAddress': 'xxxxx', 'NetworkInterfaceId': 'eni-xxxxx', 'OwnerId': 'xxxx', 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-xxxxx.us-west-2.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': 'xxx.xxx.xxx', 'PrivateIpAddresses': [{'Association': {'IpOwnerId': 'amazon', 'PublicDnsName': 'ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com', 'PublicIp': 'xxx.xxx.xxx'}, 'Primary': True, 'PrivateDnsName': 'ip-172-31-20-187.us-west-2.compute.internal', 'PrivateIpAddress': 'xxx.xxx.xxx'}], 'SourceDestCheck': True, 'Status': 'in-use', 'SubnetId': 'subnet-xxxxxxx', 'VpcId': 'vpc-0b09cd4sedxxx', 'InterfaceType': 'interface'}], 'RootDeviceName': '/dev/xvda', 'RootDeviceType': 'ebs', 'SecurityGroups': [{'GroupName': 'launch-wizard-5', 'GroupId': 'sg-0a0d1c79d8076660e'}], 'SourceDestCheck': True, 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': 'MainServers'}], 'VirtualizationType': 'hvm', 'CpuOptions': {'CoreCount': 1, 'ThreadsPerCore': 1}, 'CapacityReservationSpecification': {'CapacityReservationPreference': 'open'}, 'HibernationOptions': {'Configured': False}, 'MetadataOptions': {'State': 'applied', 'HttpTokens': 'optional', 'HttpPutResponseHopLimit': 1, 'HttpEndpoint': 'enabled', 'HttpProtocolIpv6': 'disabled', 'InstanceMetadataTags': 'disabled'}, 'EnclaveOptions': {'Enabled': False}, 'PlatformDetails': 'Linux/UNIX', 'UsageOperation': 'RunInstances', 'UsageOperationUpdateTime': {'$date': '2022-12-17T13:07:54Z'}, 'PrivateDnsNameOptions': {'HostnameType': 'ip-name', 'EnableResourceNameDnsARecord': True, 'EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord': False}, 'MaintenanceOptions': {'AutoRecovery': 'default'}}], 'OwnerId': '76979cfxdsss11', 'ReservationId': 'r-xxxxx'}]
I tired loading data and doing
resp = json.loads(jsonfile)
reqData= resp['Instances']
But getting error
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Is there any way I can fix this and get the data? Help will be extremely appriciated.
It's wrapped inside a list. So simply do:
To select only the instances from the data, you can use the json.loads function to parse the JSON data and extract the Instances field as a list.
import json
# Parse the JSON data
data = json.loads(json_data)
# Extract the instances
instances = data['Instances']
You can then iterate over the data with something like this
for instance in instances:
instance_id = instance['InstanceId']
instance_type = instance['InstanceType']
launch_time = instance['LaunchTime']
need some help..
I have data like:
data dict:
{'folder_id': 13, 'type': 'local', 'read': False, 'last_modification_date': 1653588426,
'creation_date': 1653408009, 'status': 'completed', 'uuid': 'ebaacb26-654b-04de-b5b3-
337b5bb66eea9e74cdc5db8168c5', 'shared': False, 'user_permissions': 128, 'owner':
'email#com.com', 'timezone': 'Europe/Brusel', 'rrules': 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU',
'starttime': '20220211T190000', 'enabled': True, 'control': True, 'live_results': 0, 'name':
'6666-Test-VM01', 'id': 286}
{'folder_id': 2, 'type': 'local', 'read': True, 'last_modification_date': 1653587386,
'creation_date': 1653399006, 'status': 'completed', 'uuid': 'fbbfbca1-ba55-31cf-7de9-
984ab3aa2ce13223a2ed8c1b45a7', 'shared': False, 'user_permissions': 128, 'owner':
'info#test.com', 'timezone': 'Europe/Brusel', 'rrules': 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU',
'starttime': '20220215T163000', 'enabled': True, 'control': True, 'live_results': 0, 'name':
'testvm-3', 'id': 83}
{'folder_id': 2, 'type': 'local', 'read': False, 'last_modification_date': 1653587306,
'creation_date': 1653348635, 'status': 'completed', 'uuid': '762ba2a8-9e73-957c-4934-
ae919c7148453dbdd9ea1e07b423', 'shared': False, 'user_permissions': 128, 'owner':
'kitty#xelo.lt', 'timezone': 'Europe/Brusel', 'rrules': 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU',
'starttime': '20220209T023000', 'enabled': True, 'control': True, 'live_results': 0, 'name':
'111-Vm3000test', 'id': 264}
I'm trying to return dictionary with all data inside, but it's returning only first or last value, how to get all data from this dictionary, my code:
class Testclass():
def __init__(self):
self.resources = {}
def get_data(self):
for data in data_dict:
self.resources['folder_id'] = data['folder_id']
self.resources['name'] = data['name']
return self.resources
output of this code:
{'folders_id': 13, 'name': '6666-Test-VM01'}
why i didint get all anothers?
Expected output:
{'folders_id': 13, 'name': '6666-Test-VM01'}
{'folders_id': 2, 'name': 'testvm-3'}
{'folders_id': 2, 'name': '111-Vm3000test'}
Assuming data_dict is a list of dictionaries, let's do the same for resources, you can do something like:
def __init__(self):
self.resources = []
def get_data(self):
for data in data_dict:
new_dict = {}
new_dict['folder_id'] = data['folder_id']
new_dict['name'] = data['name']
return self.resources
I am writing a parser for ads, I ran into a problem that the dict is not displayed in full, but only the first part.
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
url = 'https://api.yo.com/api/v1/products?app_id=web2'
response = requests.get(url).json()
items = response['data']
iter1 = []
for item in items:
'name': item.get('name', 'NA'),
'owner': item.get('owner', 'NA'),
'date_published': item.get('date_published', 'NA'),
'short_url': item.get('short_url', 'NA')
result = {}
for keyvalue in iter1:
result["name"] = iter1[0]["name"]
result["user"] = iter1[1]["owner"]["name"]
result["date_published"] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(iter1[0]["date_published"]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
result["short_url"] = iter1[0]["short_url"]
Output example print(keyvalue):
{'name': 'text ads', 'user': 'John. Doe', 'date_published': '2021-08-02 20:37:13', 'short_url': 'https://yo.com/p610009e'}
What is actually contained in iter1:
[{'name': 'IPhone 7 32 gb', 'owner': {'id': '5a552f202d23c1214'}, 'date_published': 1627937371, 'short_url': 'https://yo/p60ff'},
{'name': 'Матрас, подушка', 'owner': {'id': '5dc2590dabc73388f2', 'name': 'Olga', 'type': 'b2b_professional', 'linked_id': '5dc2590dad53388f2', 'is_shop': False, 'is_verified': False, 'image': {'id': '5dc2756ba162b6342', 'num': 1, 'url': 'https://cach6342.jpg'}, 'date_registered': 1573017904, 'settings': {'display_phone_to_anon': True, 'display_phone': True, 'display_chat': True, 'location': {'description': 'Москва'}}, 'display_phone_num': None, 'isOnline': False, 'onlineText': 'Не в сети', 'online_text_detailed': 'Сегодня в 23:30', 'answerTimeText': '', 'is_blocked': False, 'store': None, 'rating_mark': 4.4}, 'date_published': 1627542263, 'short_url': 'https://yo/p60dac06897'},
{'name': 'Букеты', 'owner': {'id': '59d60973a3f3386f3f', 'name': 'Екатерина', 'type': 'person', 'linked_id': '59d609739e9486f3f', 'is_shop': False, 'is_verified': False, 'image': {'id': '59db3e1457556c13', 'num': 1, 'url': 'https://cac/i/oi/d6/59d609b.jpg'}, 'date_registered': 1507199347, 'settings': {'display_phone_to_anon': False, 'display_phone': False, 'display_chat': True}, 'display_phone_num': None, 'isOnline': False, 'onlineText': 'Не в сети', 'online_text_detailed': 'Сегодня в 21:44', 'answerTimeText': '', 'is_blocked': False, 'store': None, 'rating_mark': 0}, 'date_published': 1627472412, 'short_url': 'https://you/p60a0db5de263'}]
How can I display all the lines 'print(keyvalue)' that are processed in result = {}?
I think you've got yourself confused about how iteration works in python. But its interesting how your first loop is fine: for item in items:
You probably meant this for your second loop:
output = []
for result in iter1:
item = {}
item["name"] = result["name"]
item["user"] = result["owner"].get("name")
date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(result["date_published"]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
item["date_published"] = date
item["short_url"] = result["short_url"]
You could probably collapse the two loops into one, but best to start with two.
I want to pull a report which is over 2000 rows from Salesforce via API using python. How do I update the post request to send the updated metadata with the new filters in order to get the next 2000 rows of data? Here is the code I have, but the response of the post-request has the same exact filters as before. What am I doing wrong here?
Excerpt of Code:
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % access_token
descripion = requests.request('get', instance_url+'/services/data/v51.0/analytics/reports/00O4Q000009VEPCUA4/describe',
headers=headers, params=parameters, timeout=30).json()
orig_metadata = descripion['reportMetadata']
sf_id_column = descripion['reportExtendedMetadata']['detailColumnInfo'][id_column]['label']
metadata = {
'reportBooleanFilter': '({}) AND {}'.format(orig_metadata['reportBooleanFilter'],
len(orig_metadata['reportFilters']) + 1),
'reportFilters': orig_metadata['reportFilters']+[{'column':id_column,
'filterType': 'fieldValue',
'isRunPageEditable': True,
'operator': 'greaterThan',
'value': last_load_num}],
'standardDateFilter':[{'column': 'CUST_CREATED_DATE','durationValue': 'CUSTOM',
'endDate': '2021-07-14','startDate': '2021-07-01'}],
'detailColumns': orig_metadata['detailColumns'][:],
'sortBy': [{'sortColumn': id_column, 'sortOrder': 'Asc'}],
r=requests.request('post', instance_url+'/services/data/v51.0/analytics/reports/00O4Q000009VEPCUA4',
headers=headers, params={'metadata':metadata}, timeout=30).json()
Here is what's in the original metadata:
{'aggregates': ['s!rtms__Load__c.rtms__Carrier_Quote_Total__c', 'RowCount'],
'chart': None,
'crossFilters': [],
'currency': None,
'dashboardSetting': None,
'description': None,
'detailColumns': ['CUST_NAME',
'developerName': 'Adel_Past_Shipment_Test_Pricing_Tool',
'division': None,
'folderId': '00l1U000000eXWwQAM',
'groupingsAcross': [],
'groupingsDown': [],
'hasDetailRows': True,
'hasRecordCount': True,
'historicalSnapshotDates': [],
'id': '00O4Q000009VEPCUA4',
'name': 'Adel Past Shipment Test Pricing Tool',
'presentationOptions': {'hasStackedSummaries': True},
'reportBooleanFilter': None,
'reportFilters': [{'column': 'rtms__Load__c.rtms__Customer__c',
'filterType': 'fieldValue',
'isRunPageEditable': True,
'operator': 'contains',
'value': 'adel'},
{'column': 'rtms__Load__c.rtms__Load_Status__c',
'filterType': 'fieldValue',
'isRunPageEditable': True,
'operator': 'notContain',
'value': 'cancelled'}],
'reportFormat': 'TABULAR',
'reportType': {'label': 'Loads', 'type': 'CustomEntity$rtms__Load__c'},
'scope': 'organization',
'showGrandTotal': True,
'showSubtotals': True,
'sortBy': [{'sortColumn': 'CUST_CREATED_DATE', 'sortOrder': 'Desc'}],
'standardDateFilter': {'column': 'CUST_CREATED_DATE',
'durationValue': 'CUSTOM',
'endDate': None,
'startDate': None},
'standardFilters': None,
'supportsRoleHierarchy': False,
'userOrHierarchyFilterId': None}
And here is what's in r['reportMetadata']:
{'aggregates': ['s!rtms__Load__c.rtms__Carrier_Quote_Total__c', 'RowCount'],
'chart': None,
'crossFilters': [],
'currency': None,
'dashboardSetting': None,
'description': None,
'detailColumns': ['CUST_NAME',
'developerName': 'Adel_Past_Shipment_Test_Pricing_Tool',
'division': None,
'folderId': '00l1U000000eXWwQAM',
'groupingsAcross': [],
'groupingsDown': [],
'hasDetailRows': True,
'hasRecordCount': True,
'historicalSnapshotDates': [],
'id': '00O4Q000009VEPCUA4',
'name': 'Adel Past Shipment Test Pricing Tool',
'presentationOptions': {'hasStackedSummaries': True},
'reportBooleanFilter': None,
'reportFilters': [{'column': 'rtms__Load__c.rtms__Customer__c',
'filterType': 'fieldValue',
'isRunPageEditable': True,
'operator': 'contains',
'value': 'adel'},
{'column': 'rtms__Load__c.rtms__Load_Status__c',
'filterType': 'fieldValue',
'isRunPageEditable': True,
'operator': 'notContain',
'value': 'cancelled'}],
'reportFormat': 'TABULAR',
'reportType': {'label': 'Loads', 'type': 'CustomEntity$rtms__Load__c'},
'scope': 'organization',
'showGrandTotal': True,
'showSubtotals': True,
'sortBy': [{'sortColumn': 'CUST_CREATED_DATE', 'sortOrder': 'Desc'}],
'standardDateFilter': {'column': 'CUST_CREATED_DATE',
'durationValue': 'CUSTOM',
'endDate': None,
'startDate': None},
'standardFilters': None,
'supportsRoleHierarchy': False,
'userOrHierarchyFilterId': None}
code image
I am trying to check if a specific item in a json file is equal to one of my python variables.
{'data': {'redemption': {'channel_id': 'secret',
'id': 'secret',
'redeemed_at': '2021-02-08T09:46:22.637059711Z',
'reward': {'background_color': '#FA1ED2',
'channel_id': '145998001',
'cooldown_expires_at': None,
'cost': 500,
'default_image': {'url_1x': 'https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/custom-reward-images/ghost-1.png',
'url_2x': 'https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/custom-reward-images/ghost-2.png',
'url_4x': 'https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/custom-reward-images/ghost-4.png'},
'global_cooldown': {'global_cooldown_seconds': 1,
'is_enabled': False},
'id': '123',
'image': None,
'is_enabled': True,
'is_in_stock': True,
'is_paused': False,
'is_sub_only': False,
'is_user_input_required': False,
'max_per_stream': {'is_enabled': False,
'max_per_stream': 1},
'max_per_user_per_stream': {'is_enabled': False,
'max_per_user_per_stream': 1},
'prompt': '*Dabs*',
'redemptions_redeemed_current_stream': None,
'should_redemptions_skip_request_queue': False,
'template_id': 'template:4425c37e-6881-442a-aa3d-fdc6998a29de',
'title': 'Dab!',
'updated_for_indicator_at': '2020-09-10T18:55:40.064177881Z'},
'status': 'UNFULFILLED',
'user': {'display_name': 'Androteex',
'id': 'secret',
'login': 'androteex'}},
'timestamp': '2021-02-08T09:46:22.637059711Z'},
'type': 'reward-redeemed'}
I want to find the second id: 'id': '123' and check if id is equal to 123. And if so I want to print that string. How could I do that?
You can use the JSON module.
import json
data = json.loads(my_json)
my_id = data['data']['redemption']['reward']['id']
if my_id == '123':
Granted it was added to data (can be done with json.loads):
id = data['data']['redemption']['reward']['id']
idcheck = 123
if (int(id) == idcheck):
print ("YES")