Iam trying to use pygame camera to take a picture from my computer cam, but for some reason it always comes out as completely black.
After some research I found out the brightness of the camera (camera.get_controls()) is set to -1 and can't be changed with camera.set_controls()
# initializing the camera
# make the list of all available cameras
camlist = pygame.camera.list_cameras()
# if camera is detected or not
if camlist:
# initializing the cam variable with default camera
cam = pygame.camera.Camera(camlist[3], (2952, 1944), "RGB")
# opening the camera
# sets the brightness to 1
cam.set_controls(True, False, 1)
# capturing the single image
image = cam.get_image()
# saving the image
pygame.image.save(image, str(cam.get_controls()) + ".png")
print("No camera on current device")
Pygame.camera tries to be a non blocking API, so it can be used well in a game loop.
The problem is that you open the camera and immediately call get_image(). But no image has been generated yet, so it returns a fully black Surface. Maybe it should be changed on pygame’s end to be a blocking call for the first get_image()
On my system, it works if I put a one second delay before get_image().
You can also use the query_image() function to return if a frame is ready.
*Asterisk: This may differ between operating systems, as it uses different backends on different systems.
I am using OpenCV to capture an image from a camera. The camera I'm using a camera that captures static images in 4k, but video in 1080p. Is there a way to take a photo in OpenCV without using videoCapture()?
def takephoto(camNumber):
#This creates two variables, the first one 'date' that records the exact date and time when the photo was taken and the second one 'imagePath' that records where the image should be stored to
date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d-%I-%M-%S_%p")
imagePath = r'path'
#creates a variable called camera and makes it record what the webcam is displaying
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(camNumber)
#Creates a new variable called image and tells it to record what camera has stored in it at that moment
return_value, image = camera.read()
image = NULL
print("Photo Done")
return image, date
I do not think so.
other than opencv, you can capture the image using pygame library.
import pygame
import pygame.camera
# initializing the camera
# make the list of all available cameras
camlist = pygame.camera.list_cameras()
# if camera is detected or not
if camlist:
# initializing the cam variable with default camera
cam = pygame.camera.Camera(camlist[0], (640, 480))
# opening the camera
# capturing the single image
image = cam.get_image()
# saving the image
pygame.image.save(image, "filename.jpg")
i'm trying to take pictures with OpenCV and only save them if a switch, read by an Arduino, is press.
So far everything work, but it's super slow, it take about 15 seconds for the Switch value to change.
Arduino = SerialObject()
if os.path.exists(PathCouleur) and os.path.exists(PathGris):
Images = cv2.VideoCapture(Camera)
Images.set(3, 1920)
Images.set(4, 1080)
Images.set(10, Brightness)
Compte = 0
SwitchNumero = 0
while True:
Sucess, Video = Images.read()
cv2.imshow("Camera", Video)
Video = cv2.resize(Video, (Largeur, Hauteur))
Switch = Arduino.getData()
if Switch[0] == "1":
blur = cv2.Laplacian(Video, cv2.CV_64F).var()
if blur < MinBlur:
cv2.imwrite(PathCouleur + ".png", Video)
cv2.imwrite(PathGris + ".png", cv2.cvtColor(Video, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY))
Compte += 1
except IndexError as err:
if cv2.waitKey(40) == 27:
print("Erreur, aucun Path")
the saved images width are 640 and the height is 480 and the showimage is 1920x1080 but even without the showimage it's slow.
Can someone help me optimize this code please?
I would say that this snippet of code is responsible for the delay, since you have two major calls that depend on external devices to respond (the OpenCV calls and Arduino.getData()).
Sucess, Video = Images.read()
cv2.imshow("Camera", Video)
Video = cv2.resize(Video, (Largeur, Hauteur))
Switch = Arduino.getData()
One solution that comes to mind is to use the multithreading lib and separate the Arduino.getData() call from the main loop cycle and use it in a separate class to run in the background (you should use a sleep on the secondary thread, something like 50 or 100ms delay).
That way you should have a better response on the Switch event, when it tries to read the value on the main loop.
use cv2.CAP_DSHOW it will improve the loading time of camera becasue it wil give you video feed directly
I'm using OpenCV with USB camera on a Raspberry Pi4. I have activated an external trigger by RPI's GPIO pin. I wrote a short Python code to test the trigger and made sure it worked. Then I wrote another Python program to save a single image captured by the camera. Here is the code:
import time
import cv2
import smbus
from gpiozero import LED
def setup_trigger_control_gpio(pin):
trigger = LED(pin)
return trigger
def setup_camera(frame_width, frame_height, fps):
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_ANY)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, frame_width)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frame_height)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fps)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 1)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'))
if cap.isOpened() is not True:
print ("Cannot open camera. Exiting.")
return cap
trigger = setup_trigger_control_gpio(TRIG_ADDR)
cap = setup_camera(640, 480, 120)
ret, frame = cap.read()
if ret:
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv2.imwrite("images/frame.pgm", frame)
I set the buffersize to 1, since I'm using a trigger to capture the frame exactly when I need to. The program however gets stuck on the cap.read() line as if it did not receive the trigger. When I ran the program after that I ran the short program for the trigger only, it has finished successfully. Sometimes I had to run the trigger program more than once for the main program to finish, which I find a bit scary, because of the inconsistency.
I tried to set the buffersize to 10, which seemingly worked, however the saved image was empty(all black). I have also tried to "flush" the buffer by reading the first 10 empty frames, which worked and I have finally saved a proper image. The real problems occur when I try to process real time video this way, as even after flushing the buffer, the images do not correspond to the point in time when they should've been taken. Therefor I would love to use the feature of setting the buffersize to one, so that I would know exactly which frame is being processed. I will be thankful for any ideas.
I am building a motion detector using PiCamera that sends an image to a message queue to have ML detect a person (or not) which then responds back to the client. The motion detection code is mostly lifted from pyimagesearch.com and is working well.
I now want to save video (including the original few frames) once I know a person is detected. Because of the delay in detecting a human (~3 secs) I plan on using a circularIO ring buffer to ensure I capture the initial few seconds of movement. This means I need to change how I loop through frames in detecting motion. Currently I am using:
rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=tuple(resolution))
camera = PiCamera()
for f in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True):
frame = f.array
# resize, blur, grayscale frame etc.
# compare to average of last few frames to detect motion
My understanding is this just grabs the Latest frame (ie. not every frame) and keeps on looping until motion is detected. This is what I want as I dont want the process to lag behind real-time by trying to check every frame.
To change this looping logic to leverage the ring buffer I think I can use something like this:
camera = PiCamera()
with camera:
ringbuf = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO(camera, seconds=60)
camera.start_recording(ringbuf, format='h264')
while True:
# resize, blur, grayscale frame etc.
# compare to average of last few frames to detect motion
As indicated in the snippet above, how can I get the latest frame as a numpy array from ringbuf to perform by motion detection checking? I have seen examples that get every frame by adding motion_output=detect_function when start_recording is called, but this will check every frame and I dont want the process to lag behind real-time action.
So I seem to have solved this. Solution is as below. I am guessing I lose a frame every time I switch to the detect_motion function, but that is fine by me. Use of saveAt lets me export the video to file after a fixed number of seconds once motion is detected.
def detect_motion(camera):
camera.capture(rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True)
frame = rawCapture.array
# resize, blur, grayscale frame etc.
# compare to average of last few frames to detect motion
with camera:
stream = PiCameraCircularIO(camera, seconds=60)
camera.start_recording(stream, format='h264')
while True:
if detect_motion(camera):
print('Motion detected!')
saveAt = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=30)
print('Nothing to see here')
if saveAt:
print((saveAt - datetime.now()).seconds)
if saveAt < datetime.now():
saveAt = None
I've showed in various ways how to take images with a webcam in Python (see How can I take camera images with Python?). You can see that the images taken with Python are considerably darker than images taken with JavaScript. What is wrong?
Image example
The image on the left was taken with http://martin-thoma.com/html5/webcam/, the one on the right with the following Python code. Both were taken with the same (controlled) lightning situation (it was dark outside and I only had some electrical lights on) and the same webcam.
Code example
import cv2
camera_port = 0
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_port)
return_value, image = camera.read()
cv2.imwrite("opencv.png", image)
del(camera) # so that others can use the camera as soon as possible
Why is the image taken with Python image considerably darker than the one taken with JavaScript and how do I fix it?
(Getting a similar image quality; simply making it brighter will probably not fix it.)
Note to the "how do I fix it": It does not need to be opencv. If you know a possibility to take webcam images with Python with another package (or without a package) that is also ok.
Faced the same problem. I tried this and it works.
import cv2
camera_port = 0
ramp_frames = 30
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_port)
def get_image():
retval, im = camera.read()
return im
for i in xrange(ramp_frames):
temp = camera.read()
camera_capture = get_image()
filename = "image.jpg"
I think it's about adjusting the camera to light. The former
former and later images
I think that you have to wait for the camera to be ready.
This code works for me:
from SimpleCV import Camera
import time
cam = Camera()
img = cam.getImage()
I took the idea from this answer and this is the most convincing explanation I found:
The first few frames are dark on some devices because it's the first
frame after initializing the camera and it may be required to pull a
few frames so that the camera has time to adjust brightness
So IMHO in order to be sure about the quality of the image, regardless of the programming language, at the startup of a camera device is necessary to wait a few seconds and/or discard a few frames before taking an image.
Tidying up Keerthana's answer results in my code looking like this
import cv2
import time
def main():
capture = capture_write()
def capture_write(filename="image.jpeg", port=0, ramp_frames=30, x=1280, y=720):
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(port)
# Set Resolution
camera.set(3, x)
camera.set(4, y)
# Adjust camera lighting
for i in range(ramp_frames):
temp = camera.read()
retval, im = camera.read()
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':