The original problem
While translating MATLAB code to python, I have the function [parmhat,parmci] = gpfit(x,alpha). This function fits a Generalized Pareto Distribution and returns the parameter estimates, parmhat, and the 100(1-alpha)% confidence intervals for the parameter estimates, parmci.
MATLAB also provides the function gplike that returns acov, the inverse of Fisher's information matrix. This matrix contains the asymptotic variances on the diagonal when using MLE. I have the feeling this can be coupled to the confidence intervals as well, however my statistics background is not strong enough to understand if this is true.
What I am looking for is Python code that gives me the parmci values (I can get the parmhat values by using I have been scouring Google and Stackoverflow for 2 days now, and I cannot find any approach that works for me.
While I am specifically working with the Generalized Pareto Distribution, I think this question can apply to many more (if not all) distributions that scipy.stats has.
My data: I am interested in the shape and scale parameters of the generalized pareto fit, the location parameter should be fixed at 0 for my fit.
What I have done so far
scipy.stats While scipy.stats provides nice fitting performance, this library does not offer a way to calculate the confidence interval on the parameter estimates of the distribution fitter.
scipy.optimize.curve_fit As an alternative I have seen suggested to use scipy.optimize.curve_fit instead, as this does provide the estimated covariance of the parameter estimated. However that fitting method uses least squares, whereas I need to use MLE and I didn't see a way to make curve_fit use MLE instead. Therefore it seems that I cannot use curve_fit.
statsmodel.GenericLikelihoodModel Next I found a suggestion to use statsmodel.GenericLikelihoodModel. The original question there used a gamma distribution and asked for a non-zero location parameter. I altered the code to:
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.base.model import GenericLikelihoodModel
from scipy.stats import genpareto
# Data contains 24 experimentally obtained values
data = np.array([3.3768732 , 0.19022354, 2.5862942 , 0.27892331, 2.52901677,
0.90682787, 0.06842895, 0.90682787, 0.85465385, 0.21899145,
0.03701204, 0.3934396 , 0.06842895, 0.27892331, 0.03701204,
0.03701204, 2.25411215, 3.01049545, 2.21428639, 0.6701813 ,
0.61671203, 0.03701204, 1.66554224, 0.47953739, 0.77665706,
2.47123239, 0.06842895, 4.62970341, 1.0827188 , 0.7512669 ,
0.36582134, 2.13282122, 0.33655947, 3.29093622, 1.5082936 ,
1.66554224, 1.57606579, 0.50645878, 0.0793677 , 1.10646119,
0.85465385, 0.00534871, 0.47953739, 2.1937636 , 1.48512994,
0.27892331, 0.82967374, 0.58905024, 0.06842895, 0.61671203,
0.724393 , 0.33655947, 0.06842895, 0.30709881, 0.58905024,
0.12900442, 1.81854273, 0.1597266 , 0.61671203, 1.39384127,
3.27432715, 1.66554224, 0.42232511, 0.6701813 , 0.80323855,
params =, floc=0, scale=0)
class Genpareto(GenericLikelihoodModel):
nparams = 2
def loglike(self, params):
# params = (shape, loc, scale)
return genpareto.logpdf(self.endog, params[0], 0, params[2]).sum()
res = Genpareto(data).fit(start_params=params)
res.df_model = 2
res.df_resid = len(data) - res.df_model
This gives me a somewhat reasonable fit:
Scipy stats fit: (0.007194143471555344, 0, 1.005020562073944)
Genpareto fit: (0.00716650293, 8.47750397e-05, 1.00504535)
However in the end I get an error when it tries to calculate the covariance:
HessianInversionWarning: Inverting hessian failed, no bse or cov_params available
If I do return genpareto.logpdf(self.endog, *params).sum() I get a worse fit compared to scipy stats.
Bootstrapping Lastly I found mentions to bootstrapping. While I did sort of understand what's the idea behind it, I have no clue how to implement it. What I understand is that you should resample N times (1000 for example) from your data set (24 points in my case). Then do a fit on that sub-sample, and register the fit result. Then do a statistical analysis on the N results, i.e. calculating mean, std_dev and then confidence interval, like Estimate confidence intervals for parameters of distribution in python or Compute a confidence interval from sample data assuming unknown distribution. I even found some old MATLAB documentation on the calculations behind gpfit explaining this.
However I need my code to run fast, and I am not sure if any implementation that I make will do this calculation fast.
Conclusions Does anyone know of a Python function that calculates this in an efficient manner, or can point me to a topic where this has been explained already in a way that it works for my case at least?
I had the same issue with GenericLikelihoodModel and I came across this post ( which suggests using different starting parameter values to get a result with positive hessian. Solved my problem.
What is the use of reciprocal() and expon() in the below code?
svm_grid_R = {'kernel':["linear","rbf"], 'C': reciprocal(20,200000), "gamma" : expon(scale=1.0)}
Why can't we just use range()? What range does expon(scale=1.0) and reciprocal(20,200000) signify?
For context the code which uses these parameters is given below:
svm_reg = SVR()
rnd_search = RandomizedSearchCV(svm_reg, param_distributions=svm_grid_R,
n_iter=50, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error',
verbose=2, random_state=42), housing_labels)
I suggest you check the part of your script where the functions are imported in order to figure out what they are. From your question, I infer the following:
reciprocal should be coming from from scipy.stats import reciprocal, which will give you a reciprocal random variable.
expon should be coming from from scipy.stats import expon, which will give you an exponential random variable.
In your code, you are passing these random variables as the C and gamma parameters to the random search. This means that the random parameters used by the search will be sampled from these two distributions.
Technically, you could also use range to tell the search to randomly sample the numbers from a given sequence. Another way to do this is pass the search a random variable from which to sample random parameters. Your code is taking the second approach.
To better understand what the second approach is all about, try the following:
# Import the distribution
from scipy.stats import expon
# Initialize a random variable with lambda=1 (scale=1)
exponential_rv = expon(scale=1)
# Draw a random sample from this distribution
> 0.780028923390962
In this specific case, your search would be passing C=0.780028923390962 to your support vector machine.
can someone help me to generate random numbers from the gamma distribution in python, i have tried these two possibilities but i'm still wondering about the main difference between them :
The first one is :
shape, scale= 0.5,1
np.random.gamma(shape, scale, size)
and the second one is :
from scipy.stats import gamma
gamma.rvs(0.5, 1, (1024,10))
i think both of them are used to generate random samples following the gamma distribution, so what's the difference between these syntaxes. When should we use the first method and when the second one ?
There is no difference between the two except for the fact that one is from bumpy and other from scipy library. The probability density function used to create gamma distribution is same in both the cases.
I'm porting a bunch of calculations from Numpy/Scipy to TensorFlow and I need to generate samples from a truncated normal distribution, the equivalent of scipy.stats.truncnorm.rvs().
I think that the two standard ways to generate these samples are by rejection sampling or by feeding truncated uniform distribution samples to the inverse normal cumulative distribution function, but the former seems difficult to implement within a static computation graph (we can't know how many rejection loops to run until we generate the samples) and I don't think there is an inverse normal cumulative distribution function in the standard TensorFlow libraries.
I realize that there is a function in TensorFlow called truncated_normal(), but that simply clips at two standard deviations; you can't specify the lower and upper limits.
Any suggestions?
The simpler might be to embed the functions you're used to in the TensorFlow graph using tf.py_func. And in case you need it, you can just set the seed as usual using the numpy.random module:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy.stats import truncnorm
a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
size = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)
f = tf.py_func(lambda x, y, s: truncnorm.rvs(x, y, size=s),
inp=[a, b, size],
with tf.Session() as sess:
print(, {a:0, b:1, size:10}))
will print:
[0.63638154 0.24732635 0.19533476 0.49072188 0.66066675 0.37031253
0.9732229 0.62423404 0.42385328 0.34206036]
Python, NumPy and R all use the same algorithm (Mersenne Twister) for generating random number sequences. Thus, theoretically speaking, setting the same seed should result in same random number sequences in all 3. This is not the case. I think the 3 implementations use different parameters causing this behavior.
[1] 0.2655087 0.3721239 0.5728534 0.9082078 0.2016819
In [3]: random.seed(1)
In [4]: [random.random() for x in range(5)]
In [23]: import numpy as np
In [24]: np.random.seed(1)
In [25]: np.random.rand(5)
array([ 4.17022005e-01, 7.20324493e-01, 1.14374817e-04,
3.02332573e-01, 1.46755891e-01])
Is there some way, where NumPy and Python implementation could produce the same random number sequence? Ofcourse as some comments and answers point out, one could use rpy. What I am specifically looking for is to fine tune the parameters in the respective calls in Python and NumPy to get the sequence.
Context: The concern comes from an EDX course offering in which R is used. In one of the forums, it was asked if Python could be used and the staff replied that some assignments would require setting specific seeds and submitting answers.
Comparing Matlab and Numpy code that uses random number generation From this it seems that the underlying NumPy and Matlab implementation are similar.
python vs octave random generator: This question does come fairly close to the intended answer. Some sort of wrapper around the default state generator is required.
use rpy2 to call r in python, here is a demo, the numpy array data is sharing memory with x in R:
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
data = robjects.r("""
x <- runif(5)
print np.array(data)
data[1] = 1.0
print robjects.r["x"]
I realize this is an old question, but I've stumbled upon the same problem recently, and created a solution which can be useful to others.
I've written a random number generator in C, and linked it to both R and Python. This way, the random numbers are guaranteed to be the same in both languages since they are generated using the same C code.
The program is called SyncRNG and can be found here: