python not recognizing pandas_ta module - python

import requests
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as ta
def stochFourMonitor():
k_period = 14
d_period = 3
data = get_data('BTC-PERP',14400,1642935495,1643165895)
data = data['result']
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['trailingHigh'] = df['high'].rolling(k_period).max()
df['trailingLow'] = df['low'].rolling(k_period).min()
df['%K'] = (df['close'] - df['trailingLow']) * 100 / (df['trailingHigh'] - df['trailingLow'])
df['%D'] = df['%K'].rolling(d_period).mean() = 'test'
df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df["startTime"]), inplace=True)
df.ta.stoch(high='High', low='Low',close= 'Close', k=14, d=3, append=True)
#t = ta.stoch(close='close',high='high', low='low', k=14, d=3, append=True)
#df.ta.stoch(close='close',high='high', low='low', k=14, d=3, append=True)
def get_data(marketName,resolution,start_time,end_time):
data = requests.get('' + marketName + '/candles?resolution=' + str(resolution) + '&start_time=' + str(start_time) + '&end_time=' + str(end_time)).json()
return data
I keep receiving the error 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'. See below for full exception. It seems like the code is not recognizing the pandas_ta module but I don't understand why. Any help troubleshooting would be much appreciated.
Exception has occurred: AttributeError (note: full exception trace is shown but execution is paused at: )
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
File "C:\Users\Jason\Documents\TradingCode\FTX Websocket\", line 21, in stochFourMonitor
df.ta.stoch(high='High', low='Low',close= 'Close', k=14, d=3, append=True)
File "C:\Users\Jason\Documents\TradingCode\FTX Websocket\", line 31, in (Current frame)

You have to few values in your dataframe. You need at least 17 values (k=14, d=3)
>>> pd.Timestamp(1642935495, unit='s')
Timestamp('2022-01-23 10:58:15')
>>> pd.Timestamp(1643165895, unit='s')
Timestamp('2022-01-26 02:58:15')
>>> pd.DataFrame(get_data('BTC-PERP',14400,1642935495,1643165895)['result'])
0 2022-01-23T12:00:00+00:00 1.642939e+12 35690.0 36082.0 35000.0 35306.0 6.315513e+08
1 2022-01-23T16:00:00+00:00 1.642954e+12 35306.0 35460.0 34601.0 34785.0 7.246238e+08
2 2022-01-23T20:00:00+00:00 1.642968e+12 34785.0 36551.0 34712.0 36271.0 9.663773e+08
3 2022-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 1.642982e+12 36271.0 36283.0 35148.0 35351.0 6.007333e+08
4 2022-01-24T04:00:00+00:00 1.642997e+12 35351.0 35511.0 34821.0 34896.0 5.554126e+08
5 2022-01-24T08:00:00+00:00 1.643011e+12 34895.0 35610.0 33033.0 33709.0 1.676436e+09
6 2022-01-24T12:00:00+00:00 1.643026e+12 33709.0 34399.0 32837.0 34260.0 2.021096e+09
7 2022-01-24T16:00:00+00:00 1.643040e+12 34261.0 36493.0 33800.0 36101.0 1.989552e+09
8 2022-01-24T20:00:00+00:00 1.643054e+12 36101.0 37596.0 35990.0 36673.0 1.202684e+09
9 2022-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 1.643069e+12 36673.0 36702.0 35974.0 36431.0 4.538093e+08
10 2022-01-25T04:00:00+00:00 1.643083e+12 36431.0 36500.0 35719.0 36067.0 3.514587e+08
11 2022-01-25T08:00:00+00:00 1.643098e+12 36067.0 36824.0 36030.0 36431.0 5.830712e+08
12 2022-01-25T12:00:00+00:00 1.643112e+12 36431.0 37200.0 35997.0 36568.0 9.992247e+08
13 2022-01-25T16:00:00+00:00 1.643126e+12 36568.0 37600.0 36532.0 37079.0 8.225219e+08
14 2022-01-25T20:00:00+00:00 1.643141e+12 37077.0 37140.0 36437.0 36980.0 7.892745e+08
15 2022-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 1.643155e+12 36980.0 37242.0 36567.0 37238.0 3.226400e+08
>>> pd.DataFrame(get_data('BTC-PERP',14400,1642935495,1643165895)['result'])
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
Now change 1642935495 ('2022-01-23 10:58:15') by 1642845495 ('2022-01-22 10:58:15':
>>> pd.DataFrame(get_data('BTC-PERP',14400,1642845495,1643165895)['result']).ta.stoch()
STOCHk_14_3_3 STOCHd_14_3_3
13 NaN NaN
14 NaN NaN
15 80.824814 NaN
16 74.665546 NaN
17 72.970512 76.153624
18 73.930097 73.855385
19 80.993469 75.964693
20 84.814444 79.912670
21 89.775352 85.194422


Getting "AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'transform'" from esda.Moran

Trying to get Moran's I. A test but getting "AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'transform'" because of the last line of code. Both of the variables are arrays and they look like this:
0 1024.798431
1 859.662720
2 870.632530
3 819.316065
4 930.600992
5567 842.415062
5568 991.513211
5569 908.701993
5570 909.431369
5571 644.946254
Name: Auxilio, Length: 5572, dtype: float64
array([876.56886196, 815.34772578, 871.227145 , ..., 903.74618016,
880.30363602, 885.61222452])
And the code is this:
mun = geobr.read_municipality(code_muni="all", year=2019)
mun = mun.rename(columns={'code_muni': 'Municipio'})
mun['Municipio'] = mun['Municipio'].astype(int).astype(str).str[:-1].astype(np.int64)
impacto2020 = pd.read_excel(path)
mapa = pd.merge(mun,impacto2020,on='Municipio',how='left')
qW = ps.lib.weights.Queen.from_dataframe(mapa)
qW.transform = 'r'
peso_espacial = lp.weights.lag_spatial(qW, mapa['Auxilio'])
peso_espacial = np.nan_to_num(peso_espacial)
auxilio = mapa['Auxilio']
from esda.moran import Moran
moran = Moran(auxilio, peso_espacial)
Don't know how to fix it, already tried converting it to a Series but it gets pretty much the same AttributeError. And this should return a number between 0 and 1.
Full error traceback:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-63-e8e3103abd6b> in <module>
1 from esda.moran import Moran
----> 2 moran = Moran(auxilio, peso_espacial)
/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/esda/ in __init__(self, y, w, transformation, permutations, two_tailed)
159 y = np.asarray(y).flatten()
160 self.y = y
--> 161 w.transform = transformation
162 self.w = w
163 self.permutations = permutations
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'transform'

Get values from a dict in an column. AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' when a value is "None"

I have this df
simbolo puntas ultimoPrecio
10 AE38 {'cantidadCompra': 79668.0, 'precioCompra': 60... 6080.00
11 AL41C None 36.50
and I get the first value from dict in "puntas" column.
p['Cant_Compra']=[x.get('cantidadCompra',0) for x in p['puntas']]
simbolo Cant_Compra ultimoPrecio
10 AE38 79668.0 6080.00
but if value is None as line 11 appears next error message:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
what can I do?
this works :
def fun(x):
if x==None:
return None
return x['cantidadCompra']
import ast
from io import StringIO
# sample data
s = """simbolo|puntas|ultimoPrecio
AE38|{'cantidadCompra': 79668.0, 'precioCompra': 60}|6080.00
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), sep='|')
df['puntas'] = df['puntas'].apply(ast.literal_eval)
# convert the dict column to a dataframe and assign the values to your column
df['Cant_Compra'] = pd.DataFrame(df['puntas'].to_dict()).T['cantidadCompra']
simbolo puntas ultimoPrecio \
0 AE38 {'cantidadCompra': 79668.0, 'precioCompra': 60} 6080.0
1 AL41C None 36.5
0 79668
1 None

Update row after comparing values on pandas dataframe

I connect to an API that provides covid-19 data in Brazil organized by state and city, as follows:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame, Panel
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot_date, axis, show, gcf
import numpy as np
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import urllib
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
cj = CookieJar()
url_Bso = ""
req_Bso = urllib.request.Request(url_Bso, None, {"User-Agent": "python-urllib"})
opener_Bso = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
response_Bso =
raw_response_Bso =
json_Bso = pd.read_json(raw_response_Bso)
results_Bso = json_Bso['results']
results_Bso = results_Bso.to_dict().values()
df_Bso = pd.DataFrame(results_Bso)
This Api compiles the data released by the state health departments. However, there is a difference between the records of the state and city health departments, and the state records are out of date in relation to those of the cities. I would like to update Thursdays and Saturdays (the day when the epidemiological week ends). I'm trying the following:
saturday = + timedelta(days=-5)
yesterday = + timedelta(days=-1)
last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_saturday = 51
last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_yesterday = 54
df_Bso = df_Bso.loc[df_Bso['date'] == saturday, ['last_available_confirmed']] = last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_saturday
df_Bso = df_Bso.loc[df_Bso['date'] == yesterday, ['last_available_confirmed']] = last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_yesterday
However, I get the error:
> AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'loc'
I need another dataframe with the values of these days updates. Can anyone help?
You have to adjust the date. Your data frame date column is a string. You can convert them to datetime.
today =
last_sat_num = (today.weekday() + 2) % 7
last_thu_num = (today.weekday() + 4) % 7
last_sat = today - timedelta(last_sat_num)
last_thu = today - timedelta(last_thu_num)
last_sat_str = last_sat.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
last_thu_str = last_thu.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_sat = 51
last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_thu = 54
df_Bso2 = df_Bso.copy()
df_Bso2.loc[df_Bso2['date'] == last_sat_str, ['last_available_confirmed']] = last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_sat
df_Bso2.loc[df_Bso2['date'] == last_thu_str, ['last_available_confirmed']] = last_available_confirmed_day_Bso_thu
df_Bso2[['date', 'last_available_confirmed']].head(10)
date last_available_confirmed
0 2020-07-15 44
1 2020-07-14 43
2 2020-07-13 40
3 2020-07-12 40
4 2020-07-11 51
5 2020-07-10 39
6 2020-07-09 36
7 2020-07-08 36
8 2020-07-07 27
9 2020-07-06 27

AttributeError: 'DatetimeIndexResampler' object has no attribute 'rolling'

i have a problem i running this code
resamp = pd.DataFrame()
station_ids = list(set(weather_data.station_id.tolist()))
for _id in station_ids:
idx = weather_data.station_id == _id
ti = time_index[idx]
wdfi = weather_data[idx].set_index(ti)
floating = wdfi[['visibility','temperature','wind_speed', "wind_dir", "Rain"]]
binaries = wdfi[['visibility','temperature','wind_speed', "wind_dir", "Rain"]]
b = binaries.resample('1h').rolling(24).apply(lambda x: x.any())
f = floating.resample('1h').agg({
'wind_speed': 'mean',
'visibility': 'mean',
'temperature': 'mean',
temp = pd.concat((f,b),axis=1)
temp['station_id'] = _id
resamp = resamp.append(temp)
and I get this error
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
8 floating = wdfi[['visibility','temperature','wind_speed', "wind_dir", "Rain"]]
9 binaries = wdfi[['visibility','temperature','wind_speed', "wind_dir", "Rain"]]
---> 10 b = binaries.resample('1h').rolling(24).apply(lambda x: x.any())
11 f = floating.resample('1h').agg({
12 'wind_speed': 'mean',
~\Anaconda3\envs\arcpro\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in getattr(self, attr)
95 return self[attr]
---> 97 return object.getattribute(self, attr)
99 #property
AttributeError: 'DatetimeIndexResampler' object has no attribute 'rolling'
my pandes v 24
thank you
answer by SvenD could be what you're looking for :
How to convert DatetimeIndexResampler to DataFrame?
"resample no longer returns a dataframe: it's now "lazily evaluated"
at the moment of the aggregation or interpolation. => depending on
your use case, replacing .resample("1D") with
.resample("1D").mean() (i.e. downscaling) or with
.resample("1D").interpolate() (upscaling) could be what you're
after, and they both return a dataframe.
– Svend Sep 15 '16 at 8:57"

seqmining: how to calculate frequency of a sequence on python

I'm trying to use pymining on Python to generate frequent sequences from my dataset. My code below appears to be working well:
from pymining import seqmining
seqs = ( 'caabc', 'abcb', 'cabc', 'abbca')
freq_seqs = seqmining.freq_seq_enum(seqs, 2)
However, when i want to use it with my dataset:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pymining import seqmining
def importdata():
filename = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/asus/Desktop/memoire/sequences-code.csv', sep= ';', header = None)
seqs = data
freq_seqs = seqmining.freq_seq_enum(seqs, 2)
I get this error:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
this is all the error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-19e2af14465a> in <module>()
8 data=importdata()
9 seqs = data
---> 10 freq_seqs = seqmining.freq_seq_enum(seqs, 2)
11 sorted(freq_seqs)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pymining\ in freq_seq_enum(sequences, min_support)
9 '''
10 freq_seqs = set()
---> 11 _freq_seq(sequences, tuple(), 0, min_support, freq_seqs)
12 return freq_seqs
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pymining\ in _freq_seq(sdb, prefix, prefix_support, min_support, freq_seqs)
16 if prefix:
17 freq_seqs.add((prefix, prefix_support))
---> 18 locally_frequents = _local_freq_items(sdb, prefix, min_support)
19 if not locally_frequents:
20 return
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pymining\ in _local_freq_items(sdb, prefix, min_support)
28 items = defaultdict(int)
29 freq_items = []
---> 30 for entry in sdb:
31 visited = set()
32 for element in entry:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
The simplest change you can make to your code is to get rid of importdata, which is just a wrapper on pd.read_csv. Try:
filename = 'C:/Users/asus/Desktop/memoire/sequences-code.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=';', header=None)
Let me know if that helps.

