Maya python Error - object is not iterable - python

I am new to python and I am trying to do a simple script to find all the floatConstant nodes in the Hypershade named "rangeImput#" and update all the values at once.
However, it returns this error: 'NoneType' object is not iterable #
The funny thing is; if I create the script to change what is selected manually it works, but selecting the node by its name doesn't.
Any help is much appreciated.
from maya import cmds
selection ="*rangeImput*", allDagObjects=False, noExpand=True)
newRange= 30
for x in selection:
cmds.setAttr (x +".inFloat", newRange)

select just marks the objects as selected and returns None (Maya docs). Try this:
from maya import cmds
# mark objects as selected"*rangeImput*", allDagObjects=False, noExpand=True)
# get selected objects
selected_objects = selection = True )
newRange = 30
for x in selected_objects:
cmds.setAttr (x +".inFloat", newRange)


Catia select a feature from a specific instance in an assembly

Lets say I have an assembly like this:
-Product1 (Instance of Part1)
-Product2 (Instance of Part2)
-Product3 (Instance of Part2)
-Product4 (Instance of Part3)
Now, I want to copy/paste a feature from Product3 into another one.
But I run into problems when selecting the feature programmatically, because there are 2 instances of the part of that feature.
I can't control which feature will be selected by CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection.Add(myExtractReference)
Catia always selects the feature from Product2 instead of the feature from Product3. So the position of the pasted feature will be wrong!
Does anybody know this problem and has a solution to it?
The feature reference which I want to copy already exists as a variable because it was newly created (an extract of selected geometry)
I could get help else where. Still want to share my solution. It's written in Python but in VBA its almost the same.
The clue is to access CATIA.Selection.Item(1).LeafProduct in order to know where the initial selection was made.
import win32com.client
import pycatia
CATIA = win32com.client.dynamic.DumbDispatch('CATIA.Application')
c_doc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
c_sel = c_doc.Selection
c_prod = c_doc.Product
# New part where the feature should be pasted
new_prod = c_prod.Products.AddNewComponent("Part", "")
new_part_doc = new_prod.ReferenceProduct.Parent
# from user selection
sel_obj = c_sel.Item(1).Value
sel_prod_by_user = c_sel.Item(1).LeafProduct # reference to the actual product where the selection was made
doc_from_sel = sel_prod_by_user.ReferenceProduct.Parent # part doc from selection
hb = doc_from_sel.Part.HybridBodies.Add() # new hybrid body for the extract. will be deleted later on
extract = doc_from_sel.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewExtract(sel_obj)
# Add the extract to the selection and copy it
sel_prod_by_catia = c_sel.Item(1).LeafProduct # reference to the product where Catia makes the selection
c_sel_copy() # will call Selection.Copy from VBA. Buggy in Python.
# Paste the extract into the new part in a new hybrid body
new_hb = new_part_doc.Part.HybridBodies.Item(1)
new_extract = new_hb.HybridShapes.Item(new_hb.HybridShapes.Count)
# Redo changes in the part, where the selection was made
# Create axis systems from Position object of sel_prd_by_user and sel_prd_by_catia
prod_list = [sel_prod_by_user, sel_prod_by_catia]
axs_list = []
for prod in prod_list:
pc_pos = pycatia.in_interfaces.position.Position(prod.Position) # conversion to pycata's Position object, necessary
# in order to use Position.GetComponents
ax_comp = pc_pos.get_components()
axs = new_part_doc.Part.AxisSystems.Add()
# Translate the extract from axis system derived from sel_prd_by_catia to sel_prd_by_user
extract_ref = new_part_doc.Part.CreateReferenceFromObject(new_extract)
tgt_ax_ref = new_part_doc.Part.CreateReferenceFromObject(axs_list[0])
ref_ax_ref = new_part_doc.Part.CreateReferenceFromObject(axs_list[1])
new_extract_translated = new_part_doc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewAxisToAxis(extract_ref, ref_ax_ref, tgt_ax_ref)
I would suggest a differed approach. Instead of adding references you get from somewhere (by name probably) add the actual instance of part to selection while iterating trough all the products. Or use instance Names to get the correct part.
Here is a simple VBA example of iterating one lvl tree and select copy paste scenario.
If you want to copy features, you have to dive deeper on the Instance objects.
Public Sub CatMain()
Dim ActiveDoc As ProductDocument
Dim ActiveSel As Selection
If TypeOf CATIA.ActiveDocument Is ProductDocument Then 'of all the checks that people are using I think this one is most elegant and reliable
Set ActiveDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set ActiveSel = ActiveDoc.Selection
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Instance As Product
For Each Instance In ActiveDoc.Product.Products 'object oriented for ideal for us in this scenario
If Instance.Products.Count = 0 Then 'beware that products without parts have also 0 items and are therefore mistaken for parts
Call ActiveSel.Add(Instance)
End If
Call ActiveSel.Copy
Call ActiveSel.Clear
Dim NewDoc As ProductDocument
Set NewDoc = CATIA.Documents.Add("CATProduct")
Set ActiveSel = NewDoc.Selection
Call ActiveSel.Add(NewDoc.Product)
Call ActiveSel.Paste
Call ActiveSel.Clear
End Sub

Creating a Hierachy in Maya

I've written some code for a tool that duplicates and moves controllers/objects to joints. Its really just code to copy and move one object to a list of other objects. Its very basic but it does work.
The pasted code is a snippet that I've taken out from the rest but will work if run in Maya.
This code in particular will create a nurbsCurve, put it inside a group, then move that group to the first object on the list. I then used a loop to do it again, but then parent the group underneath the nurbsCurve from the previous group to create a parent-hierarchy all the way down.
import maya.cmds as cmds
def setZero(target):
cmds.setAttr("%s.translateX" % target, 0)
cmds.setAttr("%s.translateY" % target, 0)
cmds.setAttr("%s.translateZ" % target, 0)
cmds.setAttr("%s.rotateX" % target, 0)
cmds.setAttr("%s.rotateY" % target, 0)
cmds.setAttr("%s.rotateZ" % target, 0)
selJoint = = True, shortNames = True)
firstCtrl = =( 1,0,0))
firstGrp =
cmds.parent(firstGrp, world = True)
#Use loop for the rest of the joints
for joint in selJoint:
#Skip the first joint since its already done
if joint == selJoint[0]:
circleCtrl = =( 1,0,0))
offsetGrp =
cmds.parent(offsetGrp, joint)
cmds.parent(offsetGrp, world = True)
cmds.parent(offsetGrp, firstCtrl) #Parent new offset Group to the old controller
firstCtrl = circleCtrl #The new controller is now the target for the next offset/ctrl to be parented under
It works as intended but I get this warning:
Warning: Cannot parent components or objects in the underworld
I've tried looking this issue up, but I haven't found anything on how to fix the problem. But I do know that the "underworld" is another space in Maya, and that it can cause issues down the line.
The warning is being thrown at the end on this line cmds.parent(offsetGrp, firstCtrl), and if you print out firstCtrl it'll output something like this:
[u'nurbsCircle1', u'makeNurbCircle1']
So what it's doing is it's trying to parent firstCtrl and 'nurbsCircle1' to 'makeNurbCircle1'. Since 'makeNurbCircle1' is a node with no transform, it throws that warning, because obviously you can't parent to something with no transform.
Luckily it's very easy to fix. Now that we know that it's a list, we just parent to the first index of it like so: cmds.parent(offsetGrp, firstCtrl[0])
If you want more info on this same warning then you can also check out this question.

Getting variables and calling functions with UI. Maya python

I am currently working on a little script that creates a crane-like rig automatically in Autodesk Maya, the user gets to choose the amount of joints by a UI.
My question is how do I take the integer input of the user and use it as the variable value for my "jointAmount"?
I am also wondering how I would be able to call my function(AutoCraneRig) to actually run the script from the UI. I have a "apply"-button but I am unsure how to connect it to my function.
I have seen similar posts like mine but I feel that the solutions shown are somewhat hard for me to understand and/or I can't really relate what is shown to my own problem.
If anything is unclear or more information is needed from me please don't hesitate to call me out.
Here is what my current UI look like
import maya.cmds as cmds
import pymel.core as pm
def jntctrl():
number = pm.intField(jnt, q=1, v=1)
if pm.window("stuff", exists = True):
pm.window("stuff", t = "Crane Rig Generator", w=400, h=200)
pm.columnLayout(adj = True)
pm.text(label="Joint Amount:")
jnt = pm.intField(changeCommand = 'jntctrl()')
pm.button(label="Create Crane")
#Defining how many joints the user want to have for their crane rig
jointAmmount = 5
#Defining how many controllers the user want to have to orient the crane.
#May not exceed the joint amount
controllerAmount = 5
def autoCraneRig():
#Creating the joints
for i in range(jointAmmount):
pm.move(0, i, 0)
#Creating the controllers
for i in range(controllerAmount):
pm.rotate (0,90,0)
pm.makeIdentity (apply= True)
#Creating the groups
for i in range(controllerAmount):
#Somehow one of the nurbs get parented to a group when running the script, here i select both the groups and then unparent them."group*", "nurbsCircle*")
pm.parent(world = True)
#Creating lists/dictionaries for the groups
#Since I wanted to parent my objects by their number I had to put all objects in lists/dictionries to get access.
groups ='group*')
nbs = [int(n.split('group')[-1]) for n in groups]
groupDic = dict(zip(nbs, groups))
#Create a list/dictionary for the joints
joint ='joint*', type='joint')
nbs = [int(n.split('joint')[-1]) for n in joint]
jointDic = dict(zip(nbs, joint))
common = list(set(groupDic.keys())&set(jointDic.keys()))
#Parenting the groups to the joints
for i in common:
pm.parent(groupDic[i], jointDic[i])
#Reseting the transformations of the groups and then unparenting them to still have the transformation data of the joints"group*")
pm.parent(world = True)
#Creating a list/dictionary for the nurbs aswell that will be parented to the groups in numeric order
nurbs_sh ='nurbsCircle*', type='nurbsCurve')
#I had to get the transformation information from the nurbs before parenting them with anything would work(took a long time to get it right).
nurbs_tr = pm.listRelatives(nurbs_sh, p=1)
nbs = [int(n.split('nurbsCircle')[-1]) for n in nurbs_tr]
curveDic = dict(zip(nbs, nurbs_tr))
common = list(set(groupDic.keys())&set(curveDic.keys()))
#Parent the nurbs to the groups
for i in common:
pm.parent(curveDic[i], groupDic[i])
#Select the nurbs and reset transformations and then freeze transform"nurbsCircle*")
#Orient constrain the controllers/nurbs to the joints
for i in common:
pm.orientConstraint(curveDic[i], jointDic[i])
#Parent the 2nd group with the first controller. Do this for the whole hierarchy.
for i in common:
pm.parent(groupDic[i+1], curveDic[i])
#I'm getting keyError after I put the "+1" in my groupDic and I don't know why, although it still works, I guess.
Here's an example for how to call a specific function/command when a button is clicked, and how to get the value of an int field. The key is in naming the fields, so you can reference the UI control later.
import pymel.core as pm
def ui():
if (pm.window("myWindow", exists=True)):
window = pm.window("myWindow", t="My Window", w=400, h=200)
pm.button("Button", aop=True, command="action()")
def action():
print("Button clicked!")
value = pm.intField("myIntField", q=True, v=True)
If you want to get more into making UI's, I would recommend you watch these two videos:
PySide UI Creation in Maya: Video One
PySide UI Creation in Maya: Video Two

change shader on all assigned meshes, without using hyperShade()

I get all shapes assigned to baseMaterial, select the shapes and then assign the occlusionShader.
for materialClass in materialClassList:
works just fine, but if I use it as a pre render script:
Error: line 0: hyperShade command not supported in batch mode
What can I change the two last lines of my function to to make this work?
Here is an example with cmds.sets() to assign a shader :
all ='mesh')
shadingEngine = 'initialShadingGroup'
cmds.sets(all, e=True, forceElement=shadingEngine)
as you can guess, to query meshes with the material :
lamb1_mshs = cmds.sets(shadingEngine, q=True)
i got it to work with:
for materialClass in materialClassList:
sets(materialClass.occlusionShadingGroup, e = True, forceElement = materialClass.meshList)
I collect the meshes when I create the materialClass now, which makes much more sense then selecting them for each renderlayer.

'module' has no attribute 'translateX' error in Maya

I have just recently started writing Python code to be used in Maya.
My code looks like this:
import maya.cmds as cmds;
import random as rand;
for x in range (0,10):
cmds.polyCube(cmds.translateX == rand(0,100));
x += 1;
Maya then gives the error, 'module' has no attribute 'translateX'
I am not sure what is going on. Thank you!
translateX isn't a command or part of the argument for a polyCube.
What you want is something more like
import maya.cmds as cmds;
import random as rand;
for x in range (10):
# create the cube at origin
# move it to a random X
cmds.xform( t = (rand.randrange(0,100), 0, 0) )
When you create the polyCube it will be selected, so issuing the xform() immediately afterward will only affect the most recently created cube. You could also use cmds.setAttr(".translateX" = rand(0,100)) but that's less flexible if you also want to set the Y or Z directions

