Obtain the frequency of an interpolated numpy array (using fft) - python

I would like to obtain the frequency of numerical data. Since the data is not equally spaced, I must interpolate it to calculate the Fourier transform. When I get the frequency, I notice that it varies depending on the maximum time in which it is interpolated.
For example, I have tried to obtain the frequency of a sine function:
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
t =np.linspace(0, 200, num=2000)
func = np.sin(t)
#Interpolate the function
tmax = 150
fintep = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t, func)
TimeInterp = np.linspace(0, tmax, num=10000)
funcInterp = fintep(TimeInterp)
#sampling rate
FsInterp = 1/((TimeInterp[1]-TimeInterp[0]))
fftInterp = np.fft.fft(funcInterp)
f1Interp = 2*fftInterp[0:int(np.ceil((len(fftInterp)+1)/2))-1]
discrfreqInterp = np.linspace(0,FsInterp/2,1+int(FsInterp/2/(FsInterp/len(fftInterp)))-1)
f1Interp = f1Interp /(2*len(discrfreqInterp))
fpos1Interp = np.where(abs(f1Interp )==max(abs(f1Interp )))
freqfftInterp = discrfreqInterp [fpos1Interp]
My problem is that depending on the value of the tmax, the frequency shows a variation. Is there any way to improve the accuracy?


How can I find output frequencies of an FFT in Python, where amplitude is greater than 100?

I have a plot of 3 Dirac Delta functions after computing an fft using scipy. I want to find the 3 frequencies at which the delta dirac functions occur, therefore, where the y component(amplitude) is greater than 0, but how do I then find their corresponding x component (frequency). Is there a simpler way to print the dominating output frequencies of an fft?
I tried using the np.interp function but it accepts x values and returns y values. I tried inputting the reverse but it only returned the maximum frequency. I don't have an equation simply relating x and y as I've used an fft on my x and y values.
I found all y values above a certain level, y>100 in this case.
But how do I find their corresponding x values?
Fourier Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import pandas as pd
from scipy.fft import fft, fftfreq
import scipy
sample_rate = 44100
duration = 5
N = sample_rate*duration
time = x = np.linspace(0, duration, N, endpoint=False)
amplitude = np.sin(7000*time*2*np.pi)*10 + np.cos(time*5000*(2*np.pi)) + np.sin(time*200*2*np.pi)*5
from scipy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
yf = scipy.fft.rfft(amplitude)
xf = scipy.fft.rfftfreq(N, 1/sample_rate)
plt.plot(xf, np.abs(yf))
plt.xlim(0, 10000)
def check_amp(number):
if np.abs(number) > 100:
return True
return False
fft_outputs_iterator = filter(check_amp, yf)
fft_outputs = list(fft_outputs_iterator)

Interpolate: spectra (wavelength, counts) at a given temperature, to create grid of temperature and counts

I have a number of spectra: wavelength/counts at a given temperature. The wavelength range is the same for each spectrum.
I would like to interpolate between the temperature and counts to create a large grid of spectra (temperature and counts (at a given wavelength range).
The code below is my current progress. When I try to get a spectrum for a given temperature I only get one value of counts when I need a range of counts representing the spectrum (I already know the wavelengths).
I think I am confused about arrays and interpolation. What am I doing wrong?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
image_template_one = pd.read_excel("mr_image_one.xlsx")
counts = np.array(image_template_one['counts'])
temp = np.array(image_template_one['temp'])
inter = interpolate.interp1d(temp, counts, kind='linear')
temp_new = np.linspace(30,50,0.5)
counts_new = inter(temp_new)
I am now think that I have two arrays; [wavelength,counts] and [wavelength, temperature]. Is this correct, and, do I need to interpolate between the arrays?
Example data
I think what you want to achieve can be done with interp2d:
from scipy import interpolate
# dummy data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'temp': [30]*6 + [40]*6 + [50]*6,
'wave': 3 * [a for a in range(400,460,10)],
'counts': np.random.uniform(.93,.95,18),
# make the interpolator
inter = interpolate.interp2d(data['temp'], data['wave'], data['counts'])
# scipy's interpolators return functions,
# which you need to call with the values you want interpolated.
new_x, new_y = np.linspace(30,50,100), np.linspace(400,450,100)
interpolated_values = inter(new_x, new_y)

How to De-Trend a waveform which is piece-wise linear or non-linear?

I'm trying to remove the trend present in the waveform which looks like the following:
For doing so, I use scipy.signal.detrend() as follows:
autocorr = scipy.signal.detrend(autocorr)
But I don't see any significant flattening in trend. I get the following:
My objective is to have the trend completely eliminated from the waveform. And I need to also generalize it so that it can detrend any kind of waveform - be it linear, piece-wise linear, polynomial, etc.
Can you please suggest a way to do the same?
Note: In order to replicate the above waveform, you can simply run the following code that I used to generate it:
#Loading Libraries
import warnings
import json
import sys, os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import glob
import pickle
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller, acf, pacf
from scipy.signal import find_peaks, square
from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_acf, plot_pacf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Generating a function with Dual Seasonality:
def white_noise(mu, sigma, num_pts):
""" Function to generate Gaussian Normal Noise
sigma: std value
num_pts: no of points
mu: mean value
generated Gaussian Normal Noise
noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, num_pts)
return noise
def signal_line_plot(input_signal: pd.Series, title: str = "", y_label: str = "Signal"):
""" Function to plot a time series signal
input_signal: time series signal that you want to plot
title: title on plot
y_label: label of the signal being plotted
signal plot
# Square with two periodicities of daily and weekly. With #15min sampling frequency it means 4*24=96 samples and 4*24*7=672
t_week = np.linspace(1,480, 480)
T=96 #Time Period
x_weekday = 10*square(2*np.pi*t_week/T, duty=0.7)+10 + white_noise(0, 1,480)
x_weekend = 2*square(2*np.pi*t_weekend/T, duty=0.7)+2 + white_noise(0,1,192)
x_daily_weekly = np.concatenate((x_weekday, x_weekend))
x_daily_weekly_long = np.concatenate((x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly))
#Finding Autocorrelation & Lags for the signal [WHICH THE FINAL PARAMETERS WHICH ARE TO BE PLOTTED]:
#Determining Autocorrelation & Lag values
import scipy.signal as signal
autocorr = signal.correlate(x_daily_weekly_long, x_daily_weekly_long, mode="same")
#Normalize the autocorr values (such that the hightest peak value is at 1)
autocorr = (autocorr-min(autocorr))/(max(autocorr)-min(autocorr))
lags = signal.correlation_lags(len(x_daily_weekly_long), len(x_daily_weekly_long), mode = "same")
f = plt.figure()
plt.plot(lags, autocorr)
autocorr = scipy.signal.detrend(autocorr)
f = plt.figure()
plt.plot(lags, autocorr)
Since it's an auto-correlation, it will always be even; so detrending with a breakpoint at lag=0 should get you part of the way there.
An alternative way to detrend is to use a high-pass filter; you could do this in two ways. What will be tricky is deciding what the cut-off frequency should be.
Here's a possible way to do this:
#Loading Libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Generating a function with Dual Seasonality:
def white_noise(mu, sigma, num_pts):
""" Function to generate Gaussian Normal Noise
sigma: std value
num_pts: no of points
mu: mean value
generated Gaussian Normal Noise
noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, num_pts)
return noise
# High-pass filter via discrete Fourier transform
# Drop all components from 0th to dropcomponent-th
def dft_highpass(x, dropcomponent):
fx = np.fft.rfft(x)
fx[:dropcomponent] = 0
return np.fft.irfft(fx)
# Square with two periodicities of daily and weekly. With #15min sampling frequency it means 4*24=96 samples and 4*24*7=672
t_week = np.linspace(1,480, 480)
T=96 #Time Period
x_weekday = 10*signal.square(2*np.pi*t_week/T, duty=0.7)+10 + white_noise(0, 1,480)
x_weekend = 2*signal.square(2*np.pi*t_weekend/T, duty=0.7)+2 + white_noise(0,1,192)
x_daily_weekly = np.concatenate((x_weekday, x_weekend))
x_daily_weekly_long = np.concatenate((x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly,x_daily_weekly))
#Finding Autocorrelation & Lags for the signal [WHICH THE FINAL PARAMETERS WHICH ARE TO BE PLOTTED]:
#Determining Autocorrelation & Lag values
autocorr = signal.correlate(x_daily_weekly_long, x_daily_weekly_long, mode="same")
#Normalize the autocorr values (such that the hightest peak value is at 1)
autocorr = (autocorr-min(autocorr))/(max(autocorr)-min(autocorr))
lags = signal.correlation_lags(len(x_daily_weekly_long), len(x_daily_weekly_long), mode = "same")
# detrend w/ breakpoints
dautocorr = signal.detrend(autocorr, bp=len(lags)//2)
# detrend w/ high-pass filter
# use `filtfilt` to get zero-phase
b, a = signal.butter(1, 1e-3, 'high')
fautocorr = signal.filtfilt(b, a, autocorr)
# detrend with DFT HPF
rautocorr = dft_highpass(autocorr, len(autocorr) // 1000)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3)
for i in range(3):
ax[i].plot(lags, autocorr, label='orig')
ax[0].plot(lags, dautocorr, label='detrend w/ bp')
ax[1].plot(lags, fautocorr, label='HPF')
ax[2].plot(lags, rautocorr, label='DFT')
for i in range(3):

Filter frequency using python

I am new to Python so please pardon me if this question is very basic.
I have Accelerometer Vector Magnitude (acc_VM) signal with sampling frequency of 100Hz. I have to find the Fourier transform of this signal and find the fundamental frequency between range Df.
Df is the family of frequencies corresponding to walking. Here we use Df = [1.2, 4]Hz. How can I choose the frequency range Df = [1.2, 4]Hz using python should I implement filters OR is combFunction() the correct code ?
def combFunction(n):
combSignal = []
for element in n:
if element>1.2 and element<4 :
return np.maximum(combSignal)
def hann(total_data):
hann_array = np.zeros(total_data)
for i in range(total_data):
hann_array[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos((2 * np.pi * i)/(total_data - 1))
return hann_array
def calculate_FT(x):
hann_weight = hann(len(x))
x_multiplied_hann = x * hann_weight
X = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(x_multiplied_hann))
combSignal = combFunction(X)
The FFT does not return frequencies, but rather an array of amplitudes for a fixed set of evenly spaced frequencies.
As a result your combFunction, as implemented, would pick the components which have a spectrum amplitude between 1.2 and 4.
To be able to select frequencies, you would need the corresponding array of those evenly spaced frequencies, which you can get
from np.fft.rfftfreq.
Note that you will need the sampling rate (and if your data isn't uniformly sampled, you will need to resample it).
In the code that follows I'll use the variable sampling_rate for that. Then the frequencies will be given by:
freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(data), sampling_rate)
Now let's extract the array indices corresponding to those frequencies that are within the frequency band of interest:
in_band = np.where([f >= 1.2 and f <= 4 for f in freqs])[0]
Then you may get the location within this band where the original spectrum X has a peak:
peak_location = np.argmax(X[in_band])
which gives you a peak spectrum amplitude X[in_band[peak_location]] at a frequency f[in_band[peak_location]].
Putting it all together should give you something like the following:
def find_peak_in_frequency_range(X, freqs, fmin, fmax):
in_band = np.where([f >= fmin and f <= fmax for f in freqs])[0]
peak_location = np.argmax(X[in_band])
return f[in_band[peak_location]], X[in_band[peak_location]]
def calculate_FT(x, sampling_rage):
hann_weight = hann(len(x))
x_multiplied_hann = x * hann_weight
X = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(x_multiplied_hann))
freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(x), sampling_rate)
peakFreq,peakAmp = find_peak_in_frequency_range(X, freqs, 1.2, 4)
Note that you may get better results by using a spectrum estimation method such as scipy.signal.welch instead of simply taking the FFT.
For sake of illustration, I've ran the above on a sample data set (file 1.csv with some resampling):

How to get the FFT of a numpy array to work?

I'm reading a specific column of a csv file as a numpy array. When I try to do the fft of this array I get an array of NaNs. How do I get the fft to work? Here's what I have so far:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy import fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fileName = '/Users/Name/Documents/file.csv'
#read csv file
df = np.genfromtxt(fileName, dtype = float, delimiter = ',', names = True)
X = df['X'] #get X from file
rate = 1000. #rate of data collection in points per second
Hx = abs(fft.fft(X))
freqX = fft.fftfreq(len(Hx), 1/rate)
plt.plot(freqX,Hx) #plot freqX vs Hx
Presumably there are some missing values in your csv file. By default, np.genfromtxt will replace the missing values with NaN.
If there are any NaNs or Infs in an array, the fft will be all NaNs or Infs.
For example:
import numpy as np
x = [0.1, 0.2, np.nan, 0.4, 0.5]
print np.fft.fft(x)
And we'll get:
array([ nan +0.j, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj])
However, because an FFT operates on a regularly-spaced series of values, removing the non-finite values from an array is a bit more complex than just dropping them.
pandas has several specialized operations to do this, if you're open to using it (e.g. fillna). However, it's not too difficult to do with "pure" numpy.
First, I'm going to assume that you're working with a continuous series of data because you're taking the FFT of the values. In that case, we'd want to interpolate the NaN values based on the values around them. Linear interpolation (np.interp) may not be ideal in all situations, but it's not a bad default choice:
For example:
import numpy as np
x = np.array([0.1, 0.2, np.nan, 0.4, 0.5])
xi = np.arange(len(x))
mask = np.isfinite(x)
xfiltered = np.interp(xi, xi[mask], x[mask])
And we'll get:
In [18]: xfiltered
Out[18]: array([ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5])
We can then calculate the FFT normally:
In [19]: np.fft.fft(xfiltered)
array([ 1.50+0.j , -0.25+0.34409548j, -0.25+0.08122992j,
-0.25-0.08122992j, -0.25-0.34409548j])
...and get a valid result.
If your data contains NaN values, you need to interpolate them. Alternatively, you can calculate the spectrum using the Fourier equation where np.sum is replaced with np.nansum. With this approach you don't need to interpolate NaN values, although the amount of missing data will effect the spectrum. More missing data will result in a noisy spectrum and hence inaccurate spectral values.
Below is a MWE to illustrate the concept, with a graph showing the result. The MWE illustrates how to calculate the single-sided amplitude spectrum of a simple reference signal containing a number of missing values.
# Python code to plot amplitude spectrum of signal containing NaN values
# Python version 2.7.13
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import random
LW = 2 #line width
AC = 0.5 #alpha channel
pi = np.pi
def periodogramSS(inputsignal,fsamp):
N = len(inputsignal)
N_notnan = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(inputsignal))
hr = fsamp/N #frequency resolution
t = np.arange(0,N*Ts,Ts)
#flow,fhih = -fsamp/2,(fsamp/2)+hr #Double-sided spectrum
flow,fhih = 0,fsamp/2+hr #Single-sided spectrum
#flow,fhih = hr,fsamp/2
frange = np.arange(flow,fhih,hr)
fN = len(frange)
Aspec = np.zeros(fN)
n = 0
for f in frange:
Aspec[n] = np.abs(np.nansum(inputsignal*np.exp(-2j*pi*f*t)))/N_notnan
Aspec *= 2 #single-sided spectrum
Aspec[0] /= 2 #DC component restored (i.e. halved)
return (frange,Aspec)
#construct reference signal:
f1 = 10 #Hz
T = 1/f1
fs = 10*f1
Ts = 1/fs
t = np.arange(0,20*T,Ts)
DC = 3.0
x = DC + 1.5*np.cos(2*pi*f1*t)
#randomly delete values from signal x:
ndel = 10 #number of samples to replace with NaN
L = len(x)
randidx = random.sample(range(0,L),ndel)
for idx in randidx:
x[idx] = np.nan
(fax,Aspectrum) = periodogramSS(x,fs)
fig1 = pl.figure(1,figsize=(6*3.13,4*3.13)) #full screen
pl.plot(t, x, 'b.-', lw=LW, ms=2, label='ref', alpha=AC)
#mark NaN values:
for (t_,x_) in zip(t,x):
if np.isnan(x_):
pl.xlabel('Time [s]')
pl.ylabel('Reference signal')
pl.stem(fax, Aspectrum, basefmt=' ', markerfmt='r.', linefmt='r-')
pl.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
pl.ylabel('Amplitude spectrum')
fig1name = './signal.png'
print 'Saving Fig. 1 to:', fig1name
The reference signal (real) is shown in blue with missing values marked with green. The single-sided amplitude spectrum is shown in red. The DC component and amplitude value at 10 Hz are clearly visible. The other values are caused by the reference signal being broken up by the missing data.

