IV2SLS output summary much different than previous OLS estimation - python

I ran a different version of Mincer´s equation to estimate salary. Firstly, I ran an OLS version without considering endogeneity and the results are the following:Output summary
Salario is actually the natural log of it.
After that, I wrote next code to get an estimation with 2SLS method to solve endogeneity in variables No_Feliz and Años_Edu using No_Dep and max_edu_padres as instrumental variables for each one. However, the output is a bit confusing and I don´t know how to deal with it.
from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.gmm import IV2SLS
resultIV = IV2SLS(_dfb['Salario'], _dfb[['No_Feliz','Años_Edu']], _dfb[['No_Dep','Estatura','Años_Expe','Edad','Edad_2','Peso','Peso_2','DI','D_Hombre']]).fit()
Results: Output summary IV2SLS
It´s clear the output has some issues (R2 too high compared to ols result, no result for F-statistic, coef of No_Feliz has a positive sign while it's negative in OLS estimation, the other exogenous variables are not taken into account despite the fact I included them)
I´d appreciate if someone could help me to fix it or at least make things a bit more clear to me. Thank you very much!

Don't use statsmodels's sandbox version which is not well tested. Instead use linearmodels. It is fully tested and correct.
Start by installing using pip install linearmodels
Then you need to be explicit about which variables are endogenous and need instrumenting, which are exogenous so in the model but not instrumented, and which are instruments only.
from linearmodels import IV2SLS
dep = _dfb['Salario']
exog = None
endog = _dfb[['No_Feliz','Años_Edu']]
instr = _dfb[['No_Dep','Estatura','Años_Expe','Edad','Edad_2','Peso','Peso_2','DI','D_Hombre']]
resultIV = IV2SLS(dep, exog, endog, instr).fit()
resultIV.summary # Note: this is a property so no ()
You can find the help which has more details. There are also some examples.


Maximum likelihood with bins generated by Poisson distribudion

I try to use maximum likelihood and happen' to have problems. Let me start from the beginning - I am doing this the first time, so I found the code of how somebody did it and tried to modify it to meet my needs (here is the link to the page that I used: https://analyticsindiamag.com/maximum-likelihood-estimation-python-guide/). Everything worked perfectly fine until I tried to change the distribution used in the code from normal to Poisson. The program doesn't see it as an error, but it is not counted well and it gives me a response: "success: False". Have anybody have any idea what is going wrong? All answers appreciated. Here is my modified code:
def max_likehood(parameters):
a,b,c = parameters
prediction = a*x+b*y+c*z
#calculate log-likelihood for Poisson distribution
likelihood=np.sum(stats.poisson.logpmf(some_data, prediction, loc=0))
return neg_likelihood
mlm=minimize(max_likelihood, np.array[2,2,2], method='L-BFGS-B')
({x,y,z} are known data packs)

Python curve fitting using MLE and obtaining standard errors for parameter estimates

The original problem
While translating MATLAB code to python, I have the function [parmhat,parmci] = gpfit(x,alpha). This function fits a Generalized Pareto Distribution and returns the parameter estimates, parmhat, and the 100(1-alpha)% confidence intervals for the parameter estimates, parmci.
MATLAB also provides the function gplike that returns acov, the inverse of Fisher's information matrix. This matrix contains the asymptotic variances on the diagonal when using MLE. I have the feeling this can be coupled to the confidence intervals as well, however my statistics background is not strong enough to understand if this is true.
What I am looking for is Python code that gives me the parmci values (I can get the parmhat values by using scipy.stats.genpareto.fit). I have been scouring Google and Stackoverflow for 2 days now, and I cannot find any approach that works for me.
While I am specifically working with the Generalized Pareto Distribution, I think this question can apply to many more (if not all) distributions that scipy.stats has.
My data: I am interested in the shape and scale parameters of the generalized pareto fit, the location parameter should be fixed at 0 for my fit.
What I have done so far
scipy.stats While scipy.stats provides nice fitting performance, this library does not offer a way to calculate the confidence interval on the parameter estimates of the distribution fitter.
scipy.optimize.curve_fit As an alternative I have seen suggested to use scipy.optimize.curve_fit instead, as this does provide the estimated covariance of the parameter estimated. However that fitting method uses least squares, whereas I need to use MLE and I didn't see a way to make curve_fit use MLE instead. Therefore it seems that I cannot use curve_fit.
statsmodel.GenericLikelihoodModel Next I found a suggestion to use statsmodel.GenericLikelihoodModel. The original question there used a gamma distribution and asked for a non-zero location parameter. I altered the code to:
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.base.model import GenericLikelihoodModel
from scipy.stats import genpareto
# Data contains 24 experimentally obtained values
data = np.array([3.3768732 , 0.19022354, 2.5862942 , 0.27892331, 2.52901677,
0.90682787, 0.06842895, 0.90682787, 0.85465385, 0.21899145,
0.03701204, 0.3934396 , 0.06842895, 0.27892331, 0.03701204,
0.03701204, 2.25411215, 3.01049545, 2.21428639, 0.6701813 ,
0.61671203, 0.03701204, 1.66554224, 0.47953739, 0.77665706,
2.47123239, 0.06842895, 4.62970341, 1.0827188 , 0.7512669 ,
0.36582134, 2.13282122, 0.33655947, 3.29093622, 1.5082936 ,
1.66554224, 1.57606579, 0.50645878, 0.0793677 , 1.10646119,
0.85465385, 0.00534871, 0.47953739, 2.1937636 , 1.48512994,
0.27892331, 0.82967374, 0.58905024, 0.06842895, 0.61671203,
0.724393 , 0.33655947, 0.06842895, 0.30709881, 0.58905024,
0.12900442, 1.81854273, 0.1597266 , 0.61671203, 1.39384127,
3.27432715, 1.66554224, 0.42232511, 0.6701813 , 0.80323855,
params = genpareto.fit(data, floc=0, scale=0)
class Genpareto(GenericLikelihoodModel):
nparams = 2
def loglike(self, params):
# params = (shape, loc, scale)
return genpareto.logpdf(self.endog, params[0], 0, params[2]).sum()
res = Genpareto(data).fit(start_params=params)
res.df_model = 2
res.df_resid = len(data) - res.df_model
This gives me a somewhat reasonable fit:
Scipy stats fit: (0.007194143471555344, 0, 1.005020562073944)
Genpareto fit: (0.00716650293, 8.47750397e-05, 1.00504535)
However in the end I get an error when it tries to calculate the covariance:
HessianInversionWarning: Inverting hessian failed, no bse or cov_params available
If I do return genpareto.logpdf(self.endog, *params).sum() I get a worse fit compared to scipy stats.
Bootstrapping Lastly I found mentions to bootstrapping. While I did sort of understand what's the idea behind it, I have no clue how to implement it. What I understand is that you should resample N times (1000 for example) from your data set (24 points in my case). Then do a fit on that sub-sample, and register the fit result. Then do a statistical analysis on the N results, i.e. calculating mean, std_dev and then confidence interval, like Estimate confidence intervals for parameters of distribution in python or Compute a confidence interval from sample data assuming unknown distribution. I even found some old MATLAB documentation on the calculations behind gpfit explaining this.
However I need my code to run fast, and I am not sure if any implementation that I make will do this calculation fast.
Conclusions Does anyone know of a Python function that calculates this in an efficient manner, or can point me to a topic where this has been explained already in a way that it works for my case at least?
I had the same issue with GenericLikelihoodModel and I came across this post (https://pystatsmodels.narkive.com/9ndGFxYe/mle-error-warning-inverting-hessian-failed-maybe-i-cant-use-matrix-containers) which suggests using different starting parameter values to get a result with positive hessian. Solved my problem.

lmerTest in R versus lme in statsmodels/Python

I do have a complex linear mixed effect model.
model_lme = MixedLM.from_formula("Ratings ~ LCDev455*ST0LT1*TargetType*Female0Male1", groups=data["ResponseID"], data=data)
model_lme = model_lme.fit()
This perfectly works in R, lmerTest. Not even a convergence warning. But in python statsmodels, it gives the error: Singular matrix.
I thought that these two packages (lmerTest in R, lme in Python) were giving the same output.
Does anyone have any idea why this might happen? I am more of a beginner so I cannot really simulate my data here.
Thank you!

Keras: model.prediction does not match model.evaluation loss

I applied this tutorial https://github.com/Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-Tutorials/blob/master/23_Time-Series-Prediction.ipynb (on a different dataset), the turorial did not compute the mean squared error from individual output, so I added the following line in the comparison function:
but the loss and mse from the prediction were different from loss and mse from the model.evaluation on the test data. The errors from the model.evaluation (Loss, mae, mse) (test-set):
[0.013499056920409203, 0.07980187237262726, 0.013792216777801514]
the error from individual target (outputs):
Target0 0.167851388666284
Target1 0.6068108648555771
Target2 0.1710370357827747
Target3 2.747463225418181
Target4 1.7965991690103074
Target5 0.9065426398192563
I think it might a problem in training the model but i could not find where is it exactly. I would really appreciate your help.
There are a number of reasons that you can have differences between the loss for training and evaluation.
Certain ops, such as batch normalization, are disabled on prediction- this can make a big difference with certain architectures, although it generally isn't supposed to if you're using batch norm correctly.
MSE for training is averaged over the entire epoch, while evaluation only happens on the latest "best" version of the model.
It could be due to differences in the datasets if the split isn't random.
You may be using different metrics without realizing it.
I'm not sure exactly what problem you're running into, but it can be caused by a lot of different things and it's often difficult to debug.
I had the same problem and found a solution. Hopefully this is the same problem you encountered.
It turns out that model.predict doesn't return predictions in the same order generator.labels does, and that is why MSE was much larger when I attempted to calculate manually (using the scikit-learn metric function).
>>> model.evaluate(valid_generator, return_dict=True)['mean_squared_error']
>>> mean_squared_error(valid_generator.labels, model.predict(valid_generator)[:,0])
My quick and dirty solution:
valid_generator.reset() # Necessary for starting from first batch
all_labels = []
all_pred = []
for i in range(len(valid_generator)): # Necessary for avoiding infinite loop
x = next(valid_generator)
pred_i = model.predict(x[0])[:,0]
labels_i = x[1]
print(np.shape(pred_i), np.shape(labels_i))
cat_labels = np.concatenate(all_labels)
cat_pred = np.concatenate(all_pred)
The result:
>>> mean_squared_error(cat_labels, cat_pred)
This can be done much more elegantly, but was enough for me to confirm my hypothesis of the problem and regain some sanity.

MCMC convergence in hierarchical model with (large) time^2 term in pymc3

I have a hierarchical logit that has observations over time. Following Carter 2010, I have included a time, time^2, and time^3 term. The model mixes using Metropolis or NUTS before I add the time variables. HamiltonianMC fails. NUTS and Metropolis also work with time. But NUTS and Metropolis fail with time^2 and time^3, but they fail differently and in a puzzling way. However, unlike in other models that fail for more obvious model specification reasons, ADVI still gives an estimate, (and ELBO is not inf).
NUTS either stalls early (last time it made it to 60 iterations), or progresses too quickly and returns an empty traceplot with an error about varnames.
Metropolis errors out immediately with a dimension mismatch error. It looks like the one in this github error, but I'm using a Bernoulli outcome, not a negative binomial. The end of the error looks like: ValueError: Input dimension mis-match. (input[0].shape[0] = 1, input[4].shape[0] = 18)
I get an empty trace when I try HamiltonianMC. It returns the starting values with no mixing
ADVI gives me a mean and a standard deviation.
I increased the ADVI iterations by a lot. It gave pretty close to the same starting points and NUTS still failed.
I double checked that the fix for the github issue is in place in the version of pymc3 I'm running. It is.
My intuition is that this has something to do with how huge the time^2 and time^3 variables get, since I'm looking over a large time-frame. Time^3 starts at 0 and goes to 64,000.
Here is what I've tried for sampling so far. Note that I have small sample sizes while testing, since it takes so long to run (if it finishes) and I'm just trying to get it to sample at all. Once I find one that works, I'll up the number of iterations
with my_model:
mu,sds,elbo = pm.variational.advi(n=500000,learning_rate=1e-1)
step = pm.NUTS(scaling=my_model.dict_to_array(sds)**2,
my_trace = pm.sample(500,
I've also done the above with tune=1000
I've also tried a Metropolis and Hamiltonian.
with my_model:
my_trace = pm.sample(5000,step=pm.Metropolis())
with my_model:
my_trace = pm.sample(5000,step=pm.HamiltonianMC())
Is my intuition about the size and spread of the time variables reasonable?
Are there ways to sample square and cubed terms more effectively? I've searched, but can you perhaps point me to a resource on this so I can learn more about it?
What's up with Metropolis and the dimension mismatch error?
What's up with the empty trace plots for NUTS? Usually when it stalls, the trace up until the stall works.
Are there alternative ways to handle time that might be easier to sample?
I haven't posted a toy model, because it's hard to replicate without the data. I'll add a toy model once I replicate with simulated data. But the actual model is below:
with pm.Model() as my_model:
mu_b = pm.Flat('mu_b')
sig_b = pm.HalfCauchy('sig_b',beta=2.5)
b_raw = pm.Normal('b_raw',mu=0,sd=1,shape=n_groups)
b = pm.Deterministic('b',mu_b + sig_b*b_raw)
t1 = pm.Normal('t1',mu=0,sd=100**2,shape=1)
t2 = pm.Normal('t2',mu=0,sd=100**2,shape=1)
t3 = pm.Normal('t3',mu=0,sd=100**2,shape=1)
est =(b[data.group.values]* data.x.values) +\
y = pm.Bernoulli('y', p=tt.nnet.sigmoid(est), observed = data.y)
BREAKTHROUGH 1: Metropolis error
Weird syntax issue. Theano seemed to be confused about a model with both constant and random effects. I created a constant in data equal to 0, data['c']=0 and used it as an index for the time, time^2 and time^3 effects, as follows:
est =(b[data.group.values]* data.x.values) +\
I don't think this is the whole issue, but it's a step in the right direction. I bet this is why my asymmetric specification didn't work, and if so, suspect it may sample better.
UPDATE: It sampled! Will now try some of the suggestions for making it easier on the sampler, including using the specification suggested here. But at least it's working!
Without having the dataset to play with it is hard to give a definite answer, but here is my best guess:
To me, it is a bit unexpected to hear about the third order polynomial in there. I haven't read the paper, so I can't really comment on it, but I think this might be the reason for your problems. Even very small values for t3 will have a huge influence on the predictor. To keep this reasonable, I'd try to change the parametrization a bit: First make sure that your predictor is centered (something like data['t'] = data['t'] - data['t'].mean() and after that define data.t2 and data.t3). Then try to set a more reasonable prior on t2 and t3. They should be pretty small, so maybe try something like
t1 = pm.Normal('t1',mu=0,sd=1,shape=1)
t2 = pm.Normal('t2',mu=0,sd=1,shape=1)
t2 = t2 / 100
t3 = pm.Normal('t3',mu=0,sd=1,shape=1)
t3 = t3 / 1000
If you want to look at other models, you could try to model your predictor as a GaussianRandomWalk or a Gaussian Process.
Updating pymc3 to the latest release candidate should also help, the sampler was improved quit a bit.
Update I just noticed you don't have an intercept term in your model. Unless there is a good reason for that you probably want to add
intercept = pm.Flat('intercept')
est = (intercept
+ b[..] * data.x
+ ...)

