I try to make a clear result of a json result after a GET request on Python :
import requests
import json
r = requests.get("https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=getcountries")
parsed = json.loads(r.text)
I got result like that :
{'status': 1, 'data': [{'name': 'Russian Federation', 'code': 'RU'}, {'name': 'Ukraine', 'code': 'UA'}, {'name': 'Germany', 'code': 'DE'}, {'name': 'Czech Republic', 'code': 'CZ'}, {'name': 'United Kingdom', 'code': 'UK'}, {'name': 'Sweden', 'code': 'SE'}, {'name': 'Spain', 'code': 'ES'}, {'name': 'Portugal', 'code': 'PT'}, {'name': 'Netherlands', 'code': 'NL'}, {'name': 'Lithuania ', 'code': 'LT'}, {'name': 'Latvia', 'code': 'LV'}, {'name': 'Ireland', 'code': 'IE'}, {'name': 'Estonia', 'code': 'EE'}, {'name': 'United States', 'code': 'US'}]}
How can i get something like :
Name : Russian Federation
Code : RU
Name : Ukraine
Code : Ua
etc etc
Thanks for your help !
You can use Response.json(). Then iterate over data key:
import requests
resp = requests.get("https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=getcountries")
data = resp.json()
for country in data.get('data', []):
print(f"Name:{country.get('name')} Code:{country.get('code')}")
I'm sorry for my bad english
Hello, I am using a brokerage firm for payment instrument. The API connection is successful and I get the result. But I can't use the returned result information.
payment_card = {
'cardHolderName': kartisim,
'cardNumber': kartno,
'expireMonth': kartskt_ay,
'expireYear': '2030',
'cvc': karcvc,
'registerCard': '0'
buyer = {
'id': adres.id,
'name': adres.adres_uye.username,
'surname': 'Doe',
'gsmNumber': '+905350000000',
'email': adres.adres_uye.email,
'identityNumber': '74300864791',
'lastLoginDate': '2015-10-05 12:43:35',
'registrationDate': '2013-04-21 15:12:09',
'registrationAddress': adres.adres_detay,
'ip': '',
'city': 'Istanbul',
'country': 'Turkey',
'zipCode': '34732'
address = {
'contactName': 'Jane Doe',
'city': 'Istanbul',
'country': 'Turkey',
'address': 'Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1',
'zipCode': '34732'
basket_items = []
for bas in uye:
basa = {
'id': str(bas.id),
'name': str(bas.sepet_urun.urun_baslik),
'category1': str(bas.sepet_urun.urun_anakategori.anakategori_baslik),
'category2': str(bas.sepet_urun.urun_altkategori.altkategori_baslik),
'itemType': 'VIRTUAL',
'price': str(bas.sepet_fiyat)
request_payload = {
'locale': 'tr',
'conversationId': '123456789',
'price': str(sepetf),
'paidPrice': str(sepetf),
'currency': 'TRY',
'installment': '1',
'basketId': str(sepetid),
'paymentChannel': 'WEB',
'paymentGroup': 'PRODUCT',
'paymentCard': payment_card,
'buyer': buyer,
'shippingAddress': address,
'billingAddress': address,
'basketItems': basket_items
payment = iyzipay.Payment().create(request_payload, options)
return HttpResponse(payment["status"])
I cannot use the returned result information. The returned result is as follows
The error I get is as follows:
'HTTPResponse' object is not subscriptable
Looks like the issue is here.
return HttpResponse(payment["status"])
payment returns an HTTPResponse response object and you cannot directly index the status. Instead you should use .status attribute.
If your intention is to return JSON back as response you could use JsonResponse class from django.http module.
return JsonResponse(json.loads(payment.read().decode('utf-8')))
I have a complex situation which I hope to solve and which might profit us all. I collected data from my API, added a pagination and inserted the complete data package in a tuple named q1 and finally I have made a dictionary named dict_1of that tuple which looks like this:
dict_1 = {100: {'ID': 100, 'DKSTGFase': None, 'DK': False, 'KM': None,
'Country: {'Name': GE', 'City': {'Name': 'Berlin'}},
'Type': {'Name': '219'}, 'DKObject': {'Name': '8555', 'Object': {'Name': 'Car'}},
'Order': {'OrderId': 101, 'CreatedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'ModifiedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'Name': Audi, 'Client': {‘1’ }}, 'DKComponent': {'Name': ‘John’}},
{200: {'ID': 200, 'DKSTGFase': None, 'DK': False, ' KM ': None,
'Country: {'Name': ES', 'City': {'Name': 'Madrid'}}, 'Type': {'Name': '220'},
'DKObject': {'Name': '8556', 'Object': {'Name': 'Car'}},
'Order': {'OrderId': 102, 'CreatedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'ModifiedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'Name': Mercedes, 'Client': {‘2’ }}, 'DKComponent': {'Name': ‘Sergio’}},
Please note that in the above dictionary I have just stated 2 records. The actual dictionary has 1400 records till it reaches ID 1500.
Now I want to 2 things:
I want to change some keys for all the records. key DK has to become DK1. Key Name in Country has to become Name1 and Name in Object has to become 'Name2'
The second thing I want is to make a dataFrame of the whole bunch of data. My expected outcome is:
This is my code:
q1 = response_2.json()
next_link = q1['#odata.nextLink']
q1 = [tuple(q1.values())]
while next_link:
new_response = requests.get(next_link, headers=headers, proxies=proxies)
new_data = new_response.json()
next_link = new_data.get('#odata.nextLink', None)
dict_1 = {
record['ID']: record
for tup in q1
for record in tup[2]
for x in dict_1.values():
x['DK1'] = x['DK']
x['Country']['Name1'] = x['Country']['Name']
x['Object']['Name2'] = x['Object']['Name']
df = pd.DataFrame(dict_1)
When i run this I receive the following Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\data\FF\Desktop\Python\PythongMySQL\Talky.py", line 57, in <module>
x['Country']['Name1'] = x['Country']['Name']
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
working code
alldict=[{100: {'ID': 100, 'DKSTGFase': None, 'DK': False, 'KM': None,
'Country': {'Name': 'GE', 'City': {'Name': 'Berlin'}},
'Type': {'Name': '219'}, 'DKObject': {'Name': '8555', 'Object': {'Name': 'Car'}},
'Order': {'OrderId': 101, 'CreatedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'ModifiedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'Name': 'Audi', 'Client': {'1' }}, 'DKComponent': {'Name': 'John'}}}]
for eachdict in alldict:
del eachdict[key]['DK']
del eachdict[key]['Country']['Name']
del eachdict[key]['DKObject']['Object']['Name']
lists.append([key, eachdict[key]['DK1'], eachdict[key]['KM'], eachdict[key]['Country']['Name1'],
eachdict[key]['Country']['City']['Name'], eachdict[key]['DKObject']['Object']['Name2'], eachdict[key]['Order']['Client']])
pd.DataFrame(lists, columns=[<columnNamesHere>])
{100: {'ID': 100,
'DKSTGFase': None,
'KM': None,
'Country': {'City': {'Name': 'Berlin'}, 'Name1': 'GE'},
'Type': {'Name': '219'},
'DKObject': {'Name': '8555', 'Object': {'Name2': 'Car'}},
'Order': {'OrderId': 101,
'CreatedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'ModifiedOn': '2018-07-06T16:54:36.783+02:00',
'Name': 'Audi',
'Client': {'1'}},
'DKComponent': {'Name': 'John'},
'DK1': False}}
OK, I'm a newbie and I think I'm doing everything I should be, but I am still getting a KeyError: venues. (I also tried using "venue" instead and I am not at my maximum quota for the day at FourSquare)... I am using a Jupyter Notebook to do this
Using this code:
VERSION = '20200418'
RADIUS = 1000
**url = 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/explore?client_id={}&client_secret={}&ll={},{}&v={}&radius={}&limit={}'.format(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, latitude, longitude, VERSION, RADIUS, LIMIT)
results = requests.get(url).json()**
I get 2 results (shown at end of this post)
When I try to take those results and put them into a dataframe, i get "KeyError: venues"
# assign relevant part of JSON to venues
venues = results['response']['venues']
# tranform venues into a dataframe
dataframe = json_normalize(venues)
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-5acf500bf9ad> in <module>
1 # assign relevant part of JSON to venues
----> 2 venues = results['response']['venues']
4 # tranform venues into a dataframe
5 dataframe = json_normalize(venues)
KeyError: 'venues'
I'm not really sure where I am going wrong... This has worked for me with other locations... But then again, like I said, I'm new at this... (I haven't maxed out my queries, and I've tried using "venue" instead)... Thank you
{'meta': {'code': 200, 'requestId': '5ec42de01a4b0a001baa10ff'},
'response': {'suggestedFilters': {'header': 'Tap to show:',
'filters': [{'name': 'Open now', 'key': 'openNow'}]},
'warning': {'text': "There aren't a lot of results near you. Try something more general, reset your filters, or expand the search area."},
'headerLocation': 'Cranford',
'headerFullLocation': 'Cranford',
'headerLocationGranularity': 'city',
'totalResults': 20,
'suggestedBounds': {'ne': {'lat': 40.67401708586377,
'lng': -74.29300815204098},
'sw': {'lat': 40.65601706786374, 'lng': -74.31669390523408}},
'groups': [{'type': 'Recommended Places',
'name': 'recommended',
'items': [{'reasons': {'count': 0,
'items': [{'summary': 'This spot is popular',
'type': 'general',
'reasonName': 'globalInteractionReason'}]},
'venue': {'id': '4c13c8d2b7b9c928d127aa37',
'name': 'Cranford Canoe Club',
'location': {'address': '250 Springfield Ave',
'crossStreet': 'Orange Avenue',
'lat': 40.66022488705574,
'lng': -74.3061084180977,
'labeledLatLngs': [{'label': 'display',
'lat': 40.66022488705574,
'lng': -74.3061084180977},
{'label': 'entrance', 'lat': 40.660264, 'lng': -74.306191}],
'distance': 543,
'postalCode': '07016',
'cc': 'US',
'city': 'Cranford',
'state': 'NJ',
'country': 'United States',
'formattedAddress': ['250 Springfield Ave (Orange Avenue)',
'Cranford, NJ 07016',
'United States']},
'categories': [{'id': '4f4528bc4b90abdf24c9de85',
'name': 'Athletics & Sports',
'pluralName': 'Athletics & Sports',
'shortName': 'Athletics & Sports',
'icon': {'prefix': 'https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/shops/sports_outdoors_',
'suffix': '.png'},
'primary': True}],
'photos': {'count': 0, 'groups': []},
'venuePage': {'id': '60380091'}},
'referralId': 'e-0-4c13c8d2b7b9c928d127aa37-0'},
{'reasons': {'count': 0,
'items': [{'summary': 'This spot is popular',
'type': 'general',
'reasonName': 'globalInteractionReason'}]},
'venue': {'id': '4d965995e07ea35d07e2bd02',
'name': 'Mizu Sushi',
'location': {'address': '103 Union Ave.',
'lat': 40.65664427772896,
'lng': -74.30343966195308,
'labeledLatLngs': [{'label': 'display',
'lat': 40.65664427772896,
'lng': -74.30343966195308}],
'distance': 939,
'postalCode': '07016',
'cc': 'US',
'city': 'Cranford',
'state': 'NJ',
'country': 'United States',
'formattedAddress': ['103 Union Ave.',
'Cranford, NJ 07016',
'United States']},
'categories': [{'id': '4bf58dd8d48988d1d2941735',
'name': 'Sushi Restaurant',
'pluralName': 'Sushi Restaurants',
'shortName': 'Sushi',
'icon': {'prefix': 'https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/food/sushi_',
'suffix': '.png'},
'primary': True}],
'photos': {'count': 0, 'groups': []}},
'referralId': 'e-0-4d965995e07ea35d07e2bd02-1'}]}]}}
Look more closely at response that you're getting - there's no "venues" key there. Closest one that I see is "groups" list, which has "items" list in it, and individual items have "venue" key in them.
I want to create a dictionary from the following list
[{'fips': '01001', 'state': 'AL', 'name': 'Autauga County'}, {'fips': '20005', 'state': 'KS', 'name': 'Atchison County'}, {'fips': '47145', 'state': 'TN', 'name': 'Roane County'}]
The result should have the name as the key and 'United States' as the value.
{'Autauga County': 'United States', 'Atchison County' : 'United States', 'Roane County' : 'United States'}
I can do this with a couple of for loops but i want to learn how to do it using Dictionary Comprehensions.
in_list = [{'fips': '01001', 'state': 'AL', 'name': 'Autauga County'},
{'fips': '20005', 'state': 'KS', 'name': 'Atchison County'},
{'fips': '47145', 'state': 'TN', 'name': 'Roane County'}]
out_dict = {x['name']: 'United States' for x in in_list if 'name' in x}
Some notes for learning:
Comprehensions are only for Python 2.7 onwards
Dictionary comprehensions are very similar to list comprehensions except with curly braces {} (and keys)
In case you didn't know, you can also add more complicated control-flow after the for loop in a comprehension such as [x for x in some_list if (cond)]
For completeness, if you can't use comprehensions, try this
out_dict = {}
for dict_item in in_list:
if not isinstance(dict_item, dict):
if 'name' in dict_item:
in_name = dict_item['name']
out_dict[in_name] = 'United States'
As mentioned in the comments, for Python 2.6 you can replace the {k: v for k,v in iterator} with:
dict((k,v) for k,v in iterator)
You can read more about this in this question
Happy Coding!
Here's a little solution working for both python2.7.x and python 3.x:
data = [
{'fips': '01001', 'state': 'AL', 'name': 'Autauga County'},
{'fips': '20005', 'state': 'KS', 'name': 'Atchison County'},
{'fips': '47145', 'state': 'TN', 'name': 'Roane County'},
{'fips': 'xxx', 'state': 'yyy'}
output = {item['name']: 'United States' for item in data if 'name' in item}
The loop/generator version is:
location_list = [{'fips': '01001', 'state': 'AL', 'name': 'Autauga County'},
{'fips': '20005', 'state': 'KS', 'name': 'Atchison County'},
{'fips': '47145', 'state': 'TN', 'name': 'Roane County'}]
location_dict = {location['name']:'United States' for location in location_list}
{'Autauga County': 'United States', 'Roane County': 'United States',
'Atchison County': 'United States'}
If you search on Stackoverflow for dictionary comprehension, solutions using the { } generator expression start to show up: Python Dictionary Comprehension
That should do the trick for you
states_dict = [{'fips': '01001', 'state': 'AL', 'name': 'Autauga County'}, {'fips': '20005', 'state': 'KS', 'name': 'Atchison County'}, {'fips': '47145', 'state': 'TN', 'name': 'Roane County'}]
{states_dict[i]['name']:'United States' for i, elem in enumerate(states_dict)}
My code is:
from ipwhois import IPWhois
import pprint
obj = IPWhois('')
results = obj.lookup_rws()
It returns:
{'asn': '15169',
'asn_cidr': '',
'asn_country_code': 'US',
'asn_date': '2007-03-13',
'asn_registry': 'arin',
'nets': [{'abuse_emails': 'arin-contact#google.com',
'address': '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway',
'cidr': '',
'city': 'Mountain View',
'country': 'US',
'created': '2007-03-13T12:09:54-04:00',
'description': 'Google Inc.',
'handle': u'NET-74-125-0-0-1',
'misc_emails': None,
'name': 'GOOGLE',
'postal_code': '94043',
'range': u' -',
'state': 'CA',
'tech_emails': 'arin-contact#google.com',
'updated': '2012-02-24T09:44:34-05:00'}],
'query': '',
'raw': None}
What is the best or easiest way in python to print a single line from the output?
For example:
'name': 'GOOGLE',
or 'abuse_emails': 'arin-contact#google.com',
Any help would be appreciated!!
results is already a dictionary, so just get the keys and values that you want.
from ipwhois import IPWhois
obj = IPWhois('')
results = obj.lookup_rws()
lookup_rws() function is deprecated. Instead, use:
from ipwhois import IPWhois
obj = IPWhois('{}'.format('IP') # Enter IP
result = obj.lookup_rdap(depth=1)