Fill a ChoiceField in Django template with external data - python

I'm new to Django and I'm having a hard time understanding forms when the data to choose from are not taken from the database nor user input that they're generated on the go.
I currently have a template with a single ChoiceField. The data inside this field aren't fixed and they're calculated on the go once the page is requested. To calculate it I need the username of the User who is logged in. Basically, the calculation returns a list of lists in the form of ((title, id),(title,id),(title,id)), etc. that I need to put into the ChoiceField to make the User choose from one of the options.
Now, I'm not understanding how to pass the calculated list of lists to the form. I've tried to add the calculations inside the form as below but it is clearly the wrong way.
The main issue is that, to calculate my list of lists, I need the request value, and I don't know how to access it from the form.
Another idea was to add the generate_selection function inside the init but then I don't know how to pass main_playlist to being able to add it to ChoiceField
Below my not working
class ChoosePlaylistForm(forms.Form):
playlists = forms.ChoiceField(choices=HERE_SHOULD_GO_main_playlist)
def generate_selection(self):
sp_auth, cache_handler = spotify_oauth2(self.request)
spotify = spotipy.Spotify(oauth_manager=sp_auth)
user_playlists = spotify.current_user_playlists(limit=10)
main_playlist = []
for playlists in user_playlists["items"]:
playlists_list = []
return main_playlist
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
super(ChoosePlaylistForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ('playlists',)
The views should be something like below so I'm able to pass the request
form = ChoosePlaylistForm(request=request)

Maybe overriding the field choices in the form constructor would work:
class ChoosePlaylistForm(forms.Form):
playlists = forms.ChoiceField(choices=())
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ('playlists',)
def __init__(self, *args, request=None, **kwargs):
super(ChoosePlaylistForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request = request
self.fields['playlists'].choices = self.generate_selection()
def generate_selection(self):
sp_auth, cache_handler = spotify_oauth2(self.request)
spotify = spotipy.Spotify(oauth_manager=sp_auth)
user_playlists = spotify.current_user_playlists(limit=10)
choices = []
for playlist in user_playlists["items"]:
playlist_choice = (playlist["name"], playlist["id"])
return choices


Django Formset - each form with different initial value from M2M-through relationship

I have to models which are connected by a M2M-Field realized by another Class ComponentInModule, so that I can add there the extra information, how often a component is in the module.
class Module(models.Model):
component = models.ManyToManyField(Component, through="ComponentInModule")
class Component(models.Model):
class ComponentInModule(models.Model):
module = models.ForeignKey(InfrastructureModule, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
component = models.ForeignKey(InfrastructureComponent, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
amount = models.IntegerField(default=1)
Now I am trying to load a Module as a form with its corresponding Components as a formset.
class ComponentForm(ModelForm):
amount = IntegerField()
module = InfrastructureModule.objects.get(id=x)
ComponentFormSet = modelformset_factory(Component, form=ComponentForm, extra=0)
component_formset = ComponentFormSet(queryset=module.get_components())
As you can see my ComponentForm has the extra field for the amount. The question now is, how can I pass the value of amount to the Formset on creation, so that all forms are initialized with the right value? With a single Form it's no problem, because I can just pass the value to the __init__ function of the form and put it into the amount field self.fields["amount"].initial = amount. I tried passing a list of values to the formset with form_kwargs, but then I got the problem, that in the __init__function I dont know which of the values in the list is the right one right now.
Is there any way to do this using formsets? Or is there some other option I am missing how you can include the extra fields from a M2M-relation in a ModelForm?
So I worked it out. I made a custom BaseModelFormSet class:
class BaseCompFormset(BaseModelFormSet):
def get_form_kwargs(self, index):
kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs(index)
amount = kwargs["amount"][index]
return {"amount": amount}
Adjusted the __init__ function of the form:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
amount = kwargs.pop("amount")
super(ComponentForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.instance:
self.fields["amount"].initial = amount
And used those to create my modelformset_factory:
amounts = [x.amount for x in module.get_components_in_module()]
ComponentFormSet = modelformset_factory(Component, formset=BaseCompFormset, form=ComponentForm, extra=0)
component_formset = ComponentFormSet(queryset=module.get_components(), form_kwargs={'amount':amounts})
And now succesfully got the forms of the formset with the right initial value for amount!

Validate a form field in django with a default value

I'm here working with django and I'm having some problems to validate my login form. I want the text areas to appear with a default value, only for esthetic, and then I want to write the real username. The problem is that, I don't want the default value to be admitted, because it is not a correct username. Same with the password.
I post here my code:
class AutenticacionForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ['username','password']
widgets={'password': forms.PasswordInput(),}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AutenticacionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['username'].help_text = None
self.fields['username'].label = ""
self.fields['username'].widget.attrs.update({'required':'true','data-html':'true', 'value':'USUARIO', 'onfocus':'this.value="";', 'onblur':'if(this.value == ""){this.value = "USUARIO";}'})
self.fields['password'].label = ""
self.fields['password'].widget.attrs.update({'required':'true','data-html':'true', 'value':'PASSWORD', 'onfocus':'this.value="";', 'onblur':'if(this.value == ""){this.value = "PASSWORD";}'})
That's the way my form looks. USUARIO is just a default value, so I don't want the login to admit that value as correct.

Django-CMS Child plugin to show filtered data from DB table

I have two plugins ProductSelector(parent) and SpecificationSelector(child). I want to set the child up so that when you add it to the parent the Specifications that are shown are the only ones for the product (parent). Right now it pulls in all the specifications from the table. These lines let me filter the data to get what I want.
edit: I found an error that i fixed in the code. I had the PluginBase names the same as the model. This allowed me to use ProductSelector.objects.get(cmsplugin_ptr=instance.parent) in the child to get the parent instance. I still need to figure out how to pass the filtered specification list to the "PluginAdmin Interface"
product = ProductSelector.objects.get(cmsplugin_ptr=instance.parent)
specification = Specifications.objects.filter(product_name__product_name__iexact = product.product_name)
However, I haven't figured out how to send that filtered list to the plugin admin interface.
class ProductSelectorPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = ProductSelector
name = "Product Selector"
render_template = "product_selector.html"
allow_children = True
child_classes = ['SpecificationSelectorPlugin']
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context['instance'] = instance
return context
class SpecificationSelectorPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = SpecificationSelector
render_template = "specification_selector.html"
formfield_overrides = {models.ManyToManyField: {'widget': CheckboxSelectMultiple},}
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
product = ProductSelector.objects.get(cmsplugin_ptr=instance.parent)
specification = Specifications.objects.filter(product_name__product_name__iexact = product.product_name)
context['instance'] = instance
return context
class ProductSelector(CMSPlugin):
product_name = models.ForeignKey(Product, help_text = "Select the product you want to place")
new_product = models.BooleanField(blank=True)
class SpecificationSelector(CMSPlugin):
specification = models.ManyToManyField(Specifications, blank=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.specification)
Here is an screenshot the Django-cms plugins in the placeholder. Currently it is showing all specs in the table, but I just want it to be the specs for that particular product.
Thank you in advance for the help.
CMSPluginBase inhertis from ModelAdmin which means that you can override the form rendered when adding and editing your plugin.
So you can create a ModelForm subclass like so:
class SpecificationSelectorPluginForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SpecificationSelectorPluginForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.instance.parent_id:
# Assume that the parent is a product instance
parent_plugin = self.instance.parent
product = parent_plugin.get_plugin_instance()[0]
if product:
# It's possible that product is an orphan plugin.
specifications = Specifications.objects.filter(
self.fields['specification'].queryset = specifications
then change your SpecificationSelectorPlugin to use this form like so:
class SpecificationSelectorPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
form = SpecificationSelectorPluginForm
The above will only work if the specification plugin is a direct child of the product plugin.

Django forms initial value user_full_name

Is the any solution to get django's user_full_name as a initial value for form? My idea was to display a django's form on the end of shopping to finish a order. I want also do put into a form total value, but this is for later.
I did something like this:
user_dane = request.user.get_full_name
koszyk = request.session.get('koszyk', [])
produkty = list(Produkt.objects.filter(pk__in=koszyk))
suma_cen = Produkt.objects.filter(pk__in=koszyk).aggregate(suma=Sum('cena'))
suma_wszystkich_cen = suma_cen['suma']
form=ZamowienieForm(initial={'imie_nazwisko':user_dane, 'kwota_do_zaplaty':suma_wszystkich_cen})
but this is working only when request.method is POST.
if request.method =='POST':
form = ZamowienieForm()
According to documentation I shouldn't initial a empty form with POST... Is there any chance to have a user full name into a form?
Here is the form class:
class ZamowienieForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Zamowienie
fields = ('imie_nazwisko', 'kwota_do_zaplaty', 'miejscowosc',
'ulica','numer_domu', 'numer_mi‌​eszkania', 'kod_pocztowy',)
class NewMeta:
readonly = ('imie_nazwisko','kwota_do_zaplaty',)
Maybe try something like this inside ZamowienieForm class
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ZamowienieForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['imie_nazwisko'] = self.initial.get('imie_nazwisko')
self.fields['kwota_do_zaplaty'] = self.initial.get('kwota_do_zaplaty')
Although I don't understand why "initial" is not working out of the box
In this case, you only need to initialize your form once, and not inside a conditional check if the request is a GET or POST:
def your_view(request):
form = ZamowienieForm(
request.POST or None,
initial={'imie_nazwisko': request.user.get_full_name(),
'kwota_do_zaplaty': suma_wszystkich_cen}
if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid():
# do whatever
This way you are always passing in the initial value, and if request.method == 'GET', then None is passed as the first positional argument to the form.
Also, user.get_full_name is an instance method, not a property, so using request.user.get_full_name only returns the bound method, not the actual value. You have have to call the function using ()
Finally, this will only work for users that are authenticated. The anonymous user object in Django won't return any user-specific information.

Django Form Wizard For Dynamic Sized Forms

So I have a dynamic form which can have an arbitrary size from one field to 100 or more and I was wondering how it would be possible to use Django's form wizard for that dynamic form. The fields are generated in the __init__ of the form by adding them to the fields dictionary.
class MyDynamicForm(forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
parent = kwargs.pop('parent')
super(MyDynamicForm, self).__init__(*args, *kwargs)
# Add each element into self.fields
for element in parent.elements:
if element.type == TEXT_FIELD:
self.fields[] = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
elif element.type == CHECKBOX_FIELD:
self.fields[] = forms.BooleanField()
elif element.type == SINGLE_CHOICE_FIELD:
self.fields[] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=element.choices.split(','))
elif element.type = MULTIPLE_CHOICE_FIELD:
self.fields[] = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=element.choices.split(','))
I assume that I could wrap this form class in a function and only have it return the form class which only creates a portion of the fields by doing for element in parent.elements[start:end] rather than what I'm doing to create each wizard class but I feel like this is not the correct approach. How should I go about this, is there a correct way? Or is it even possible? Thanks!

