pyautocad - automate drawing - import DWG - write text - import image - python

i'm not a professional coder and i'm so sorry for my english :)
i hope you understand.
I'm trying to automate part of my job.
i have to create dwg; every layer for me is a sheet (like A4 paper), for that reason i have to change layer and import specific dwg/dxf from my repository symbol.
For example i have to:
(start new project)
open newproject.dwg
(paste dwg)
import C:\repository_cad\symbol1.dwg in layer n°3 with coordinate X 100 Y 200.
(write text in the middle of symbol)
write "SYMBOL_1" layer n°3 coordinate X 150 Y200 alignment center.
(insert logo image)
import C:\repository_cad\image1.jpg in coordinate X 10 Y 20
i'm trying to use pyautocad, but i cant find a command for import dxf, and i dont find information about changing layer.
i find out only the command for draw the line, circle ecc, but if i have to re-draw all my repository by python i need to much time, i hope is possible copy draw from another dwg and paste it in my new dwg.
can someone give to me a little help with these 3 command?
maybe is not possible making this stuff on pyautocad? is there other library for python?
i read the docs but i dont see info about some import function.
so, i tried:
from pyautocad import Autocad, APoint
acad = Autocad(create_if_not_exists=False)
acad.prompt("Hello, Autocad from Python\n")
print (acad.doc.Name)
and it's works, on autocad terminal i can see "Hello, Autocad from Python"
in the Docs i find out how write a autocad-command from python.
The function is:
i tried:
acad.prompt('-INSERT') #-INSERT is the autocad command for import dxf or dwg
acad.prompt('C:\SPAC\Librerie\Elettr\02-15-04.dwg')#this is the path of the cad
acad.prompt('-15 -15') #coord X Y of the point where i want to paste
acad.prompt('1') # 1 is the scale factor in X
acad.prompt('1') # 1 is the scale factor in Y (autocad askt first in X and after in Y
acad.prompt('0') #degree of rotation
at this point i havent error on python and no error on autocad terminal, but the draw not appear on cad

acad.prompt() will just echo the string to the command line. What you are looking for is acad.doc.SendCommand(), e.g.
acad.doc.SendCommand('-INSERT ')
Notice there is a blank space after the autocad command, that stands for to activate the command.


Extruding an STL from a binary png image with python

I have been working on this code for a project at work which will (hopefully) take in images from a scanning electron microscope and generate 3D STL files of the structures were imaging. I'm at the stage with the code where I'm trying to generate a 3D structure from a 'coloured in' binary image I've made with some edge detection code I wrote. I came across this post How can i extrude a stl with python that basically does exactly what I need (generating a meshed 3D structure from a binary image). I've tried using/adapting the code in the answer to that post (see below) but I keep running into the following error: polyline2 = mr.distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline(dm.value(), isoValue=127) RuntimeError: Bad expected access. I cant find anything online about why this is happening and I'm no expert in Python so have no idea myself. If anyone has an idea, I'd really appreciate it!
Code from answer to above post:
import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mr
# load image as Distance Map object:
dm = mr.loadDistanceMapFromImage(mr.Path("your-image.png"), 0)
# find boundary contour of the letter:
polyline2 = mr.distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline(dm.value(), isoValue=127)
# triangulate the contour
mesh = mr.triangulateContours(polyline2.contours2())
# extrude itself:
mr.addBaseToPlanarMesh(mesh, zOffset=30)
# export the result:
mr.saveMesh(mesh, mr.Path("output-mesh.stl"))
I have tried the following:
Reconfigured the MeshLib package that this command uses. Package docs here:
Updating VS studio/python/MeshLib
In older version of meshlib python module RuntimeError: Bad expected access indicated that mr.loadDistanceMapFromImage had failed, you should had checked it like this:
import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mr
# load image as Distance Map object:
dm = mr.loadDistanceMapFromImage(mr.Path("your-image.png"), 0)
# check dm
if ( not dm.has_value() ):
raise Exception(dm.error())
# find boundary contour of the letter:
polyline2 = mr.distanceMapTo2DIsoPolyline(dm.value(), isoValue=127)
# triangulate the contour
mesh = mr.triangulateContours(polyline2.contours2())
# extrude itself:
mr.addBaseToPlanarMesh(mesh, zOffset=30)
# export the result:
mr.saveMesh(mesh, mr.Path("output-mesh.stl"))
But in actual release your code will rise exception with real error.
Please make sure that path is correct, if it doesn't help please provide more info like png file and version of python and version of MeshLib and anything else you find related.
P.S. If there is real problem with MeshLib better open issue in github.

Increase graph size in plantUML from python?

To generate PlantUML diagrams in (sub)folder: /Diagrams/ I use the following python script:
from plantuml import PlantUML
import os
from os.path import abspath
from shutil import copyfile
os.environ['PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE'] = str(4096 * 4) # set max with to 4 times the default (16,384)
server = PlantUML(url='',
form_auth={}, http_opts={}, request_opts={})
diagram_dir = "./Diagrams"
#directory = os.fsencode()
for file in os.listdir(diagram_dir):
filename = os.fsdecode(file)
if filename.endswith(".txt"):
It is used to generate for example the following test.txt file:
'Enforce straight lines
skinparam linetype ortho
' Set direction of graph hierarchy
Left to Right direction
' create work package data
rectangle "something something something" as ffd0
rectangle "something something something" as ffd1
rectangle "something something something something something" as ffd2
rectangle "something something something something" as ffd3
rectangle "something something somethingsomethingsomething" as ffd4
rectangle "something something something something something something" as ffd5
rectangle "something something something something" as ffd6
rectangle "something something something " as ffd7
' Implement graph hierarchy
Expected behavior
Because I set the PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE variable to 16384 (pixels) as the FAQ suggests, I would expect this to fill up the picture of the diagram with all the blocks connected side by side up to a max width of 4096 * 4 pixels.
To test whether perhaps setting it from the python script was implemented incorrectly I also tried to set it manually with: set PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE=16384 to expect the same behavior as explained in the above paragraph (a picture filled up till 16384 pixels).
Observed behavior
Instead PlantUML cuts off the picture at 2000 horizontal pictures as shown in the figure below:
How can I ensure the PlantUML does not cut off the blocks of the diagrams of n pixels (height or width), from a python script?
The best way I've found to prevent diagrams from being cut off, without trying to guess at the size or picking some arbitrarily large limit, is to select SVG output.
Note that setting PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE is only going to have an effect if you're running PlantUML locally, but it appears the Python interface you're using sends the diagram to the online service. I don't know the internals of that interface, but per the documentation you should be able to get SVG output by using as the service URL.
If you need the final image in PNG format, you will need to convert it with another tool.
Approach 1:
To prevent the diagram from being cut off I followed the following steps:
Downloaded the plantuml.jar from this location
Put the diagram which I wrote in a someLargeDiagram.txt file, in the same directory as the plantuml.jar file.
Opened terminal on Ubuntu 20.04 in that same directory and ran:
java -jar plantuml.jar -verbose someLargeDiagram.txt
That successfully generated the diagram as .png file, which was not cut off.
Approach 2:
After creating even larger graphs, they got cut-off again, and it gave the message to increase the PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE. I tried passing the size as an argument in the commandline using: java -jar plantuml.jar -verbose -PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE=8192 Diagrams/latest.uml however that did not work, nor did ..-PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE 8192... This link suggested one could set it as an environment variable, so I did that in Ubuntu 20.04 using command: export PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE 8192, after which I successfully created a larger diagram that was not cut-off with command:
java -jar plantuml.jar -verbose Diagrams/latest.uml

Can't make MatPlotLib display mid-function

I am writing a programme to input data into a JSON database. Part of this is:
displaying an image (file name entered by user)
asking for coordinates of interest (entered by user)
re-displaying cropped image using those coordinates
asking for tags for this cropped segment (entered by user)
saving tags & coordinates in the JSON database
This same process was used for text files but now that I am doing images I am having the problem that when my programme calls the function:
img = mpimg.imread("raw_data" + system_slash + "images" + system_slash + database[i]['image_file'])
it does not display the image immediately, but instead only after the whole programme completes. Could anyone suggest a different call to make it display in line, like a print function for text?
*the system slash is a quick and dirty fix for me and my colleague using both PC and MAC file systems when using the programme, so either / or \
After the plotting command, you should put matplotlib.pyplot.pause(t), where t is the time you want to pause. The interval t is in seconds, so if you want for example an animation with roughly 60fps, you could set t=1/60.
The function updates the figure and displays it for t seconds.
EDIT What also came to my mind is: Don't call plt.imshow repeatedly. This is very slow. Better call it once and then just set the data. Little demo:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
im = plt.imshow(np.random.rand(10,10))
while True:

How to extract sketches from shell part in ABAQUS

I have a 2D shell part containing a number of shell faces. I would like to extract one different sketch for each of the faces in the part. So far I know how to create a single sketch containing all the shell faces information but this is not what I want. I would like to know how to create one sketch per shell face. This is what I have done (not right).
stest= model.ConstrainedSketch(name='__polyTest__',sheetSize=2000.0)
COPLANAR_EDGES, sketch=mdb.models['Model-1'].sketches['__polyTest__'])
Many thanks for your help.
Open your part in the current viewport and try this:
from part import *
from sketch import *
for faceNum,face in enumerate(p.faces):
try: # Will only work on valid sketch planes. Must be a flat face
t = p.MakeSketchTransform(sketchPlane=face, sketchUpEdge=p.edges[0],
sketchPlaneSide=SIDE1, origin=(659.077803, 0.256062, -816.16))
s = currentModel.ConstrainedSketch(name='__profile__',
sheetSize=834.36, gridSpacing=20.85, transform=t)
edgeList=[p.edges[edgeNum] for edgeNum in face.getEdges()]
p.projectEdgesOntoSketch(sketch=s, edges=tuple(edgeList))
currentModel.ConstrainedSketch(name='Sketch-face' + str(edgeNum), objectToCopy=s)

Interactive large plot with ~20 million sample points and gigabytes of data

I have got a problem (with my RAM) here: it's not able to hold the data I want to plot. I do have sufficient HD space. Is there any solution to avoid that "shadowing" of my data-set?
Concretely I deal with Digital Signal Processing and I have to use a high sample-rate. My framework (GNU Radio) saves the values (to avoid using too much disk space) in binary. I unpack it. Afterwards I need to plot. I need the plot zoomable, and interactive. And that is an issue.
Is there any optimization potential to this, or another software/programming language (like R or so) which can handle larger data-sets? Actually I want much more data in my plots. But I have no experience with other software. GNUplot fails, with a similar approach to the following. I don't know R (jet).
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
import struct
plots a cfile
cfile - IEEE single-precision (4-byte) floats, IQ pairs, binary
txt - index,in-phase,quadrature in plaintext
note: directly plotting with numpy results into shadowed functions
# unpacking the cfile dataset
def unpack_set(input_filename, output_filename):
index = 0 # index of the samples
output_filename = open(output_filename, 'wb')
with open(input_filename, "rb") as f:
byte = # read 1. column of the vector
while byte != "":
# stored Bit Values
floati = struct.unpack('f', byte) # write value of 1. column to a variable
byte = # read 2. column of the vector
floatq = struct.unpack('f', byte) # write value of 2. column to a variable
byte = # next row of the vector and read 1. column
# delimeter format for matplotlib
lines = ["%d," % index, format(floati), ",", format(floatq), "\n"]
index = index + 1
# reformats output (precision configuration here)
def format(value):
return "%.8f" % value
# start
def main():
# specify path
unpacked_file = unpack_set("test01.cfile", "test01.txt")
# pass file reference to matplotlib
fname = str(unpacked_file)
plt.plotfile(fname, cols=(0,1)) # index vs. in-phase
# optional
# plt.axes([0, 0.5, 0, 100000]) # for 100k samples
if __name__ == "__main__":
Something like plt.swap_on_disk() could cache the stuff on my SSD ;)
So your data isn't that big, and the fact that you're having trouble plotting it points to issues with the tools. Matplotlib has lots of options and the output is fine, but it's a huge memory hog and it fundamentally assumes your data is small. But there are other options out there.
So as an example, I generated a 20M data-point file 'bigdata.bin' using the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy
def main():
data = (numpy.random.uniform(0,1,(npts,3))).astype(numpy.float32)
data[:,2] = 0.1*data[:,2]+numpy.exp(-((data[:,1]-0.5)**2.)/(0.25**2))
fd = open(filename,'wb'),data.size,data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
This generates a file of size ~229MB, which isn't all that big; but you've expressed that you'd like to go to even larger files, so you'll hit memory limits eventually.
Let's concentrate on non-interactive plots first. The first thing to realize is that vector plots with glyphs at each point are going to be a disaster -- for each of the 20 M points, most of which are going to overlap anyway, trying to render little crosses or circles or something is going to be a diaster, generating huge files and taking tonnes of time. This, I think is what is sinking matplotlib by default.
Gnuplot has no trouble dealing with this:
gnuplot> set term png
gnuplot> set output 'foo.png'
gnuplot> plot 'bigdata.bin' binary format="%3float32" using 2:3 with dots
And even Matplotlib can be made to behave with some caution (choosing a raster back end, and using pixels to mark points):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
datatype=[('index',numpy.float32), ('floati',numpy.float32),
def main():
data = numpy.memmap(filename, datatype, 'r')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Now, if you want interactive, you're going to have to bin the data to plot, and zoom in on the fly. I don't know of any python tools that will help you do this offhand.
On the other hand, plotting-big-data is a pretty common task, and there are tools that are up for the job. Paraview is my personal favourite, and VisIt is another one. They both are mainly for 3D data, but Paraview in particular does 2d as well, and is very interactive (and even has a Python scripting interface). The only trick will be to write the data into a file format that Paraview can easily read.
A survey of open source interactive plotting software with a 10 million point scatter plot benchmark on Ubuntu
Inspired by the use case described at: I have benchmarked a few plotting programs with the exact same input files.
Basically, I wanted to:
do an XY scatter plot of multidimensional data, hopefully with Z as the point color
interactively select some interesting looking points from the plot with my mouse
view all dimensions of the selected points (including at least X, Y and Z) to try and understand why they are outliers in the XY scatter
That problem can be represented by the following simplified test data:
while [ "$i" -lt 10000000 ]; do
echo "$i,$((2 * i)),$((4 * i))"; i=$((i + 1));
done > 10m1.csv
echo 5000000,20000000,-1 >> 10m1.csv
The first few lines of 10m1.csv look like this:
and the very last one, the 10 million-first, is the outlier, and looks like:
so we basically have:
a line with inclination 2 and 10 million points on it
plus a single outlier point outside of the line, on the top center of the plot
something like:
| + +
| +
| +
| +
| +
| +
| +
| +
+-------------------> X
And the goal of this benchmark to find the point (5000000,20000000) on the graphical plot, and then determine the value of the third column from it, which is -1 in our test.
When I first wrote this answer, I had used 10.csv generated with:
while [ "$i" -lt 10000000 ]; do
echo "$i,$((2 * i)),$((4 * i))"; i=$((i + 1));
done > 10m.csv
without the outlier. While this tests performance, it does not test selection capabilities, so the goal is to migrate each test to 10m1.csv when I find motivation to do it.
I also made a 10 point + outlier example in case I wanted to evaluate usability for some tool that could not handle the 10m point count:
while [ "$i" -lt 10 ]; do
echo "$i,$((2 * i)),$((4 * i))"; i=$((i + 1));
done > 11.csv
echo 5,20,-1 >> 11.csv
To have extra fun, I also prepared an even larger 1 billion point dataset in case any of the programs could handle the 10 million points! CSV files were getting a bit wonky, so I moved to HDF5:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import h5py
import numpy
size = 1000000000
with h5py.File('1b.hdf5', 'w') as f:
x = numpy.arange(size + 1)
x[size] = size / 2
f.create_dataset('x', data=x, dtype='int64')
y = numpy.arange(size + 1) * 2
y[size] = 3 * size / 2
f.create_dataset('y', data=y, dtype='int64')
z = numpy.arange(size + 1) * 4
z[size] = -1
f.create_dataset('z', data=z, dtype='int64')
This produces a ~23GiB file analogous to 10m1.csv containing:
1 billion points in a straight line much like 10m.csv
one outlier point at the center top of the graph
The tests were carried out in Ubuntu 18.10 unless mentioned otherwise in the a subsection, in a ThinkPad P51 laptop with Intel Core i7-7820HQ CPU (4 cores / 8 threads), 2x Samsung M471A2K43BB1-CRC RAM (2x 16GiB), NVIDIA Quadro M1200 4GB GDDR5 GPU.
Summary of results
This is what I observed, considering my very specific test use case and that I'm a first time user of many of the reviewed software:
Does it handle 10 million points:
Vaex Yes, tested up to 1 Billion!
VisIt Yes, but not 100m
Paraview No
Mayavi Yes
gnuplot Barely on non-interactive mode.
matplotlib No
Bokeh No, up to 1m
PyViz ?
seaborn ?
Does it have a lot of features:
Vaex Yes.
VisIt Yes, 2D and 3D, focus on interactive.
Paraview Same as above, a bit less 2D features maybe.
Mayavi 3D only, good interactive and scripting support, but more limited features.
gnuplot Lots of features, but limited in interactive mode.
matplotlib Same as above.
Bokeh Yes, easy to script.
PyViz ?
seaborn ?
Does the GUI feel good (not considering good performance):
Vaex Yes, Jupyter widget
VisIt No
Paraview Very
Mayavi OK
gnuplot OK
matplotlib OK
Bokeh Very, Jupyter widget
PyViz ?
seaborn ?
Vaex 2.0.2
Install and get a hello world working as shown at: How to do interactive 2D scatter plot zoom / point selection in Vaex?
I tested vaex with up to 1 billion points and it worked, it is awesome!
It is "Python-scripted-first" which is great for reproducibility, and allows me to easily interface with other Python things.
The Jupyter setup has a few moving parts, but once I got it running with virtualenv, it was amazing.
To load our CSV run in Jupyter:
import vaex
df = vaex.from_csv('10m.csv', names=['x', 'y', 'z'],)
df.plot_widget(df.x, df.y, backend='bqplot')
and we can see instantly:
Now, we can zoom, pan and select points with the mouse, and updates are really fast, all in under 10 seconds. Here I have zoomed in to see some individual points and have selected a few of them (faint lighter rectangle on image):
After the selection is made with the mouse, this has the exact same effect as using the method. So we can extract the selected points by running in Jupyter:
which outputs data with format:
x y z index
0 4525460 9050920 18101840 4525460
1 4525461 9050922 18101844 4525461
2 4525462 9050924 18101848 4525462
3 4525463 9050926 18101852 4525463
4 4525464 9050928 18101856 4525464
5 4525465 9050930 18101860 4525465
6 4525466 9050932 18101864 4525466
Since 10M points worked fine, I decided to try 1B points... and it also worked fine!
import vaex
df ='1b.hdf5')
df.plot_widget(df.x, df.y, backend='bqplot')
To observe the outlier, which was invisible on the original plot, we can follow How change the point style in a vaex interactive Jupyter bqplot plot_widget to make individual points larger and visible? and use:
df.plot_widget(df.x, df.y, f='log', shape=128, backend='bqplot')
which produces:
and after selecting the point:
we obtain the outlier's full data:
x y z
0 500000000 1500000000 -1
Here is a demo by the creators with a more interesting dataset and more features:
Tested in Ubuntu 19.04.
VisIt 2.13.3
License: BSD
Developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which is a National Nuclear Security Administration laboratory, so you can imagine that 10m points will be nothing for it if I could get it working. (The book The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray by Charles J. Murray (1997) does a good job a showing how computational power hungry labs such as these were when building the first H bombs, because you can't just run experiments at will with nukes, and even if you do, you can't really measure what you would like because it blows up too fast and too hot: a computer model is a must. And they decided that a bunch of physicist's wives with calculators wasn't going to cut it like as for the earlier Los Alamos fission bomb. When Israel bought one of their computers, everyone immediately assumed it was to make nukes.)
Installation: there is no Debian package, just download Linux binaries from website. Runs without installing. See also:
Based on VTK which is the backend library that many of the high perfomance graphing software use. Written in C.
After 3 hours of playing with the UI, I did get it working, and it did solve my use case as detailed at:
Here is how it looks like on the test data of this post:
and a zoom with some picks:
and here is the picks window:
Performance wise, VisIt was very good: every graphic operation either took only a small amount of time or was immediate. When I had to wait, it shows a "processing" message with the percentage of work left, and the GUI didn't freeze.
Since 10m points worked so well, I also tried 100m points (a 2.7G CSV file) but it crashed / went into a weird state unfortunately, I watched it in htop as the 4 VisIt threads took up all of my 16GiB RAM and died likely due to a failed malloc.
The initial getting started was a bit painful:
many of the defaults feel atrocious if you are not a nuclear bomb engineer? E.g.:
default point size 1px (gets confused with dust on my monitor)
axes scale from 0.0 to 1.0: How to show the actual axes number values on the Visit plotting program instead of fractions from 0.0 to 1.0?
multi-window setup, nasty multi popups when you Pick data points
shows your username and plot date (remove with "Controls" > "Annotation" > "User information")
automatic positioning defaults are bad: legend conflicts with axes, could not find title automation so had to add a label and reposition everything by hand
there are just a lot of features, so it can be hard to find what you want
the manual was very helpful, but it is a 386 page PDF mammoth ominously dated "October 2005 Version 1.5". I wonder if they used this to develop Trinity! and it is a nice Sphinx HTML created just after I originally answered this question
no Ubuntu package. But the prebuilt binaries did just work.
I attribute these problems to:
it has been around for such a long time and uses some outdated GUI ideas
you can't just click on the plot elements to change them (e.g. axes, title, etc.), and there are a lot of features, so it is a bit hard to find the one your are looking for
I also love it how a bit of LLNL infrastructure leaks into that repo. See for example docs/OfficeHours.txt and other files in that directory! I'm sorry for Brad who is the "Monday Morning guy"! Oh, and the password for the answering machine is "Kill Ed", don't forget that.
Paraview 5.9.0
License: BSD
Tested on: Ubuntu 20.10.
sudo apt install paraview
or get the latest by download prebuilts from the website. This is what I did for this review, since the apt one was only at 5.7.0. I downloaded ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit.tar.gz.
Developed by Kitware and Los Alamos National Laboratory, and later Sandia National Laboratories (so the other two NNSA labs), so once again we expect that it will easily handle the data. Also VTK based and written in C++, which was further promising.
However I was disappointed: for some reason, 10m points made the GUI very slow and unresponsive, making it unusable. Whenever I clicked something, like to hide the lines, it took several dozen seconds. I think that at some point it just glitched out and stopped responding at all.
I'm fine with a controlled well advertised "I'm working now, wait a bit" moment, but the GUI freezing while that happens? Not acceptable.
htop showed that Paraview was using 8 threads and 3GB RAM, so neither CPU nor memory was maxed out.
GUI-wise, Paraview is very nice and modern, way better than VisIt when it is not stuttering.
Since 10m1.csv killed it, I tested with 11.csv to see if I would have been able to solve my problem except for performance, and the answer is yes:
paraview 11.csv
select CSV reader from the popup
properties properties Apply on the left
right click on the CSV on Pipeline Browser
Add filter > Alphabetical > Plot data. Why is plotting a filter? Not very intuitive for first time users, related: paraview: plot data from csv file I'm sure it is one of those things that make sense once you understand further generalizations of what filters can do, but still.
properties > Apply
unselect "Use index for x axis"
X Array Name: Field 0
Series Parameters remove Field 0 and Field 2
Select Field 1 and:
Line style: None
Marker style: cross
Marker size: increase or decrease as needed
"Rectangle Selection (s)" icon above the plot
Select outlier (point is highlighted)
Add another filter to the plot filter: "Extract Selection"
And finally!!! I get a table containing only the selected outlier, and showing the value of "Field 2" as -1:
So yes, not exactly a walk in the park, but I managed eventually.
Another downside is that Paraview felt lacking features compared to VisIt, e.g.:
I could not find how to set the color of my scatter based on a third column: How to color scatter plot points by the value of a third column in Paraview like gnuplot palette?
Mayavi 4.6.2
Developped by: Enthought
sudo apt-get install libvtk6-dev
python3 -m pip install -u mayavi PyQt5
The VTK Python one.
Mayavi seems to be very focused on 3D, I could not find how to do 2D plots in it, so it does not cut it for my use case unfortunately.
Just to check performance however, I adapted the example from: for 10 million points, and it run just fine without lagging:
import numpy as np
from tvtk.api import tvtk
from mayavi.scripts import mayavi2
n = 10000000
pd = tvtk.PolyData()
pd.points = np.linspace((1,1,1),(n,n,n),n)
pd.verts = np.arange(n).reshape((-1, 1))
pd.point_data.scalars = np.arange(n)
def main():
from mayavi.sources.vtk_data_source import VTKDataSource
from mayavi.modules.outline import Outline
from mayavi.modules.surface import Surface
d = VTKDataSource() = pd
s = Surface()
mayavi.add_module(s)'p', point_size=1)
I couldn't however zoom in enough to see indivitual points, the near 3D plane was too far. Maybe there is a way?
One cool thing about Mayavi is that devs put a lot of effort into allowing you to fire and setup the GUI from a Python script nicely, much like Matplotlib and gnuplot. It seems that this is also possible in Paraview, but the docs are not as good at least.
Generally it feels not a featurefull as VisIt / Paraview. For example, I couldn't directly load a CSV from the GUI: How to load a CSV file from the Mayavi GUI?
Gnuplot 5.2.2
gnuplot is really convenient when I need to go quick and dirty, and it is always the first thing that I try.
sudo apt-get install gnuplot
For non-interactive use, it can handle 10m points reasonably well:
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal png size 1024,1024
set output "gnuplot.png"
set key off
set datafile separator ","
plot "10m1.csv" using 1:2:3:3 with labels point
which finished in 7 seconds:
But if I try to go interactive with
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal wxt size 1024,1024
set key off
set datafile separator ","
plot "10m.csv" using 1:2:3 palette
gnuplot -persist main.gnuplot
then the initial render and zooms feel too sluggish. I can't even see the rectangle selection line!
Also note that for my use case, I needed to use hypertext labels as in:
plot "10m.csv" using 1:2:3 with labels hypertext
but there was a performance bug with the labels feature including for non-interactive rendering. But I reported it, and Ethan solved it in a day:!topic/
I must say however that there is one reasonable workaround for outlier selection: just add labels with the row ID to all points! If there are many points nearby, you won't be able to read the labels. But for the outliers which you care about, you just might! For example, if I add one outlier to our original data:
cp 10m.csv 10m1.csv
printf '2500000,10000000,40000000\n' >> 10m1.csv
and modify the plot command to:
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal png size 1024,1024
set output "gnuplot.png"
set key off
set datafile separator ","
plot "10.csv" using 1:2:3:3 palette with labels
This slowed down the plotting significantly (40 mins after the fix mentioned above!!!), but produces a reasonable output:
so with some data filtering, we would get there, eventually.
Matplotlib 1.5.1, numpy 1.11.1, Python 3.6.7
Matplotlib is what I usually try when my gnuplot script starts getting too insane.
numpy.loadtxt alone took about 10 seconds, so I knew this wasn't going to go well:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, y, z = numpy.loadtxt('10m.csv', delimiter=',', unpack=True)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=128)
plt.scatter(x, y, c=z)
# Non-interactive.
# Interactive.
First the non-interactive attempt gave good output, but took 3 minutes and 55 seconds...
Then the interactive one took a long time on initial render and on zooms. Not usable:
Notice on this screenshot how the zoom selection, which should immediately zoom and disappear stayed on screen for a long time while it waited for zoom to be calculated!
I had to comment out plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=128) for the interactive version to work for some reason, or else it blew up with:
RuntimeError: In set_size: Could not set the fontsize
Bokeh 1.3.1
Ubuntu 19.04 install:
python3 -m pip install bokeh
Then launch Jupyter:
jupyter notebook
Now if I plot 1m points, everything works perfectly, the interface is awesome and fast, including zoom and on hover information:
from import output_notebook, show
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
import numpy as np
N = 1000000
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
x=np.random.random(size=N) * N,
y=np.random.random(size=N) * N,
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("z", "#z")])
p = figure()
color=linear_cmap('z', 'Viridis256', 0, 1.0),
Initial view:
After a zoom:
If I go up to 10m though it chokes, htop shows that chromium has 8 threads taking up all my memory in uninterruptible IO state.
This asks about referencing the points: How to reference selected bokeh data points
TODO evaluate.
Integrates Bokeh + datashader + other tools.
Video demoing 1B datapoints: "PyViz: Dashboards for Visualizing 1 Billion Datapoints in 30 Lines of Python" by "Anaconda, Inc." published on 2018-04-17.
TODO evaluate.
There's already a QA on how to use seaborn to visualize at least 50 million rows.
A more recent project has strong potential for large data sets: Bokeh, which was created with exactly this in mind.
In fact, only the data that's relevant at the scale of the plot is sent to the display backend. This approach is much faster than the Matplotlib approach.
You can certainly optimize the reading of your file: you could directly read it into a NumPy array, so as to leverage the raw speed of NumPy. You have a few options. If RAM is an issue, you can use memmap, which keeps most of the file on disk (instead of in RAM):
# Each data point is a sequence of three 32-bit floats:
data = np.memmap(filename, mode='r', dtype=[('index', 'float32'), ('floati','float32'), ('floatq', 'float32')])
If RAM is not an issue, you can put the whole array in RAM with fromfile:
data = np.fromfile(filename, dtype=[('index', 'float32'), ('floati','float32'), ('floatq', 'float32')])
Plotting can then be done with Matplotlib's usual plot(*data) function, possibly through the "zoom in" method proposed in another solution.
I would suggest something a bit complex but that should work : build your graph at different resolutions, for different ranges.
Think of Google Earth, for example. If you unzoom at maximum level to cover the whole planet, the resolution is the lowest. When you zoom, the pictures change for more detailed ones, but just on the region you're zooming on.
So basically for your plot (is it 2D ? 3D ? I'll assume it's 2D), I suggest you build one big graph that covers the whole [0, n] range with low resolution, 2 smaller graphs that cover [0, n/2] and [n/2 + 1, n] with twice the resolution of the big one, 4 smaller graphs that cover [0, n/4] ... [3 * n / 4 + 1, n] with twice the resolution of the 2 above, and so on.
Not sure my explanation is really clear. Also, I don't know if this kind of multi-resolution graph is handled by any existing plot program.
I wonder if there's a win to be had by speeding up lookup of your points? (I've been intrigued by R* (r star) trees for a while.)
I wonder if using something like an r* tree in this case could be the way to go. (when zoomed out, higher up nodes in the tree could contain information about the coarser, zoomed out rendering, nodes further towards the leaves contain the individual samples)
maybe even memory map the tree (or whatever structure you end up using) into memory to keep your performance up and your RAM usage low. (you offload the task of memory management to the kernel)
hope that makes sense.. rambling a bit. it's late!

