I'd like to be able to get the column names of my query back from the database so I can then use it to dynamically set the column length and name of my gui table.
So far after establishing a connection I've tried:
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
mycursor.callproc('db1.load_table', args)
for r in mycursor.stored_results():
result = r.fetchall()
column_names = mycursor.column_names
I've also tried using mycursor.description
It didn't work.
What's the right approach here?
Something like this you can :
column_names = [desc[0] for desc in mycursor.description]
I want to put the result of each column of the result of my request and store them into separate variables, so I can exploit its results.
I precise this is with a SELECt * and not separate requests.
So, If I do for example:
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# Read a single record
sql = 'SELECT * FROM table'
result = cursor.fetchall()
I want to do :
a = [results from column1]
b = [results from column2]
The results should be turned into a row and not be left as a column, to make it a dictionary.
It's probably very simple but I'm new with Python / SQL, thank you.
I want get a db into pandas df in Python. I use a following code:
self.cursor = self.connection.cursor()
query = """
SELECT * FROM `an_visit` AS `visit`
JOIN `an_ip` AS `ip` ON (`visit`.`ip_id` = `ip`.`ip_id`)
JOIN `an_useragent` AS `useragent` ON (`visit`.`useragent_id` = `useragent`.`useragent_id`)
JOIN `an_pageview` AS `pageview` ON (`visit`.`visit_id` = `pageview`.`visit_id`)
WHERE `visit`.`visit_id` BETWEEN %s AND %s
self.cursor.execute(query, (start_id, end_id))
df = pd.DataFrame(self.cursor.fetchall())
This code works, but I want to get column names as well. I tried this question MySQL: Get column name or alias from query
but this did not work:
fields = map(lambda x: x[0], self.cursor.description)
result = [dict(zip(fields, row)) for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
How can I get column names from db into df? Thanks
The easy way to include column names within recordset is to set dictionary=True as following:
self.cursor = self.connection.cursor(dictionary=True)
Then, all of fetch(), fetchall() and fetchone() are return dictionary with column name and data
check out links:
What work to me is:
field_names = [i[0] for i in self.cursor.description ]
the best practice to list all the columns in the database is to execute this query form the connection cursor
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='<schema>' AND TABLE_NAME = '<table_name>'
There is a column_names properties in MySql cursor that you can use:
row = dict(zip(self.cursor.column_names, self.cursor.fetchone()))
I am trying to use a registered virtual table as a table in a SQL statement using a connection to another database. I can't just turn the column into a string and use that, I need the table/dataframe itself to work in the statement and join with the other tables in the SQL statment. I'm trying this out on an Access database to start. This is what I have so far:
import pyodbc
import pandas as pd
import duckdb
conn = duckdb.connect()
starterset = pd.read_excel (r'e:\Data Analytics\Python_Projects\Applications\DB_Test.xlsx')
conn.register("test_starter", starterset)
IDS = conn.execute("SELECT * FROM test_starter WHERE ProjectID > 1").fetchdf()
StartDate = '1/1/2015'
EndDate = '12/1/2021'
# establish the connection
connt = pyodbc.connect(r'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=E:\Databases\Offline.accdb;')
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Run the query
query = ("Select ProjectID, Revenue, ClosedDate from Projects INNER JOIN " + IDS + " Z on Z.ProjectID = Projects.ProjectID "
"where ClosedDate between #" + StartDate + "# and #" + EndDate + "# AND Revenue > 0 order by ClosedDate")
df = pd.read_sql(query, connt)
df.to_excel(r'TEMP.xlsx', index=False)
os.system("start EXCEL.EXE TEMP.xlsx")
# Close the connection
I have a list of IDs in the excel sheet that I'm trying to use as a filter from the database query. Ultimately, this will form into several criteria from the same table: dates, revenue, and IDs among others.
Honestly, I'm surprised I'm having so much trouble doing this. In SAS, with PROC SQL, it's so easy, but I can't get a dataframe to interface within the SQL parameters how I need it to. Am I making a syntax mistake?
Most common error so far is "UFuncTypeError: ufunc 'add' did not contain a loop with signature matching types (dtype('<U55'), dtype('<U55')) -> dtype('<U55')", but the types are the same.
It looks like you are pushing the contents of a DataFrame into an Access database query. I don't think there is a native way to do this in Pandas. The technique I use is database vendor specific, but I just build up a text string as either a CTE/WITH Clause or a temporary table.
"""WITH my_data as (
SELECT 'raw_text_within_df' as df_column1, 'raw_text_within_df' as df_column2
SELECT 'raw_text_within_df' as df_column1, 'raw_text_within_df' as df_column2
[Your original query here]
I have a GUI interacting with my database, and MySQL database has around 50 tables. I need to search each table for a value and return the field and key of the item in each table if it is found. I would like to search for partial matches. ex.( Search Value = "test", "Protest", "Test123" would be matches. Here is my attempt.
def searchdatabase(self, event):
self.connect_mysql() #Function to connect to database
d_tables = []
results_list = [] # I will store results here
s_string = "test" #Value I am searching
self.cursor.execute("USE db") # select the database
self.cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
for (table_name,) in self.cursor:
#Loop through tables list, get column name, and check if value is in the column
for table in d_tables:
#Get the columns
self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `{table}` WHERE 1=0")
field_names = [i[0] for i in self.cursor.description]
#Find Value
for f_name in field_names:
print("RESULTS:", self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `{table}` WHERE {f_name} LIKE {s_string}"))
I get an error on print("RESULTS:", self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `{table}` WHERE {f_name} LIKE {s_string}"))
Exception: (1054, "Unknown column 'test' in 'where clause'")
I use a similar insert query that works fine so I am not understanding what the issue is.
ex. insert_query = (f"INSERT INTO `{source_tbl}` ({query_columns}) VALUES ({query_placeholders})")
May be because of single quote you have missed while checking for some columns.
print("RESULTS:", self.cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `{table}` WHERE '{f_name}' LIKE '{s_string}'"))
Have a look -> here
Don’t insert user-provided data into SQL queries like this. It is begging for SQL injection attacks. Your database library will have a way of sending parameters to queries. Use that.
The whole design is fishy. Normally, there should be no need to look for a string across several columns of 50 different tables. Admittedly, sometimes you end up in these situations because of reasons outside your control.
I have the data in pandas dataframe which I am storing in SQLITE database using Python. When I am trying to query the tables inside it, I am able to get the results but without the column names. Can someone please guide me.
sql_query = """Select date(report_date), insertion_order_id, sum(impressions), sum(clicks), (sum(clicks)+0.0)/sum(impressions)*100 as CTR
from RawDailySummaries
Group By report_date, insertion_order_id
Having report_date like '2014-08-12%' """
query1 = cursor.fetchall()
for i in query1:
print i
Below is the output that I get
(u'2014-08-12', 10187, 2024, 8, 0.3952569169960474)
(u'2014-08-12', 12419, 15054, 176, 1.1691244851866613)
What do I need to do to display the results in a tabular form with column names
In DB-API 2.0 compliant clients, cursor.description is a sequence of 7-item sequences of the form (<name>, <type_code>, <display_size>, <internal_size>, <precision>, <scale>, <null_ok>), one for each column, as described here. Note description will be None if the result of the execute statement is empty.
If you want to create a list of the column names, you can use list comprehension like this: column_names = [i[0] for i in cursor.description] then do with them whatever you'd like.
Alternatively, you can set the row_factory parameter of the connection object to something that provides column names with the results. An example of a dictionary-based row factory for SQLite is found here, and you can see a discussion of the sqlite3.Row type below that.
Step 1: Select your engine like pyodbc, SQLAlchemy etc.
Step 2: Establish connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
Step 3: Execute SQL statement
cursor.execute("Select * from db.table where condition=1")
Step 4: Extract Header from connection variable description
headers = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]
Try Pandas .read_sql(), I can't check it right now but it should be something like:
pd.read_sql( Q , connection)
Here is a sample code using cx_Oracle, that should do what is expected:
import cx_Oracle
def test_oracle():
connection = cx_Oracle.connect('user', 'password', 'tns')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT day_no,area_code ,start_date from dic.b_td_m_area where rownum<10')
#only print head
title = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]
# column info
for x in cursor.description:
if __name__ == "__main__":