I have 4 columns in dataset which are cid(customer level), month, spending and transaction (max.cid=10000). As seen below, df.head().
cid month spending transaction
0 1 3 61.94 28
1 1 4 73.02 23
2 1 7 59.34 25
3 1 8 48.69 24
4 1 9 121.79 26
I use the following function to calculate the trend (slope)in the outflow spending per customer. However, I get the identical number as a result for the whole dataset. Expected to calculate trend of spendings on customer level. (trend value for each customer).
Is there a way to iterate over each customer level in the dataset and obtain individual trends per customer? Thanks in advance!
df = pd.read_csv("/content/case_data.csv")
import numpy as np
def trendline(df, order=1):
coeffs = np.polyfit(df.index.values, list(df), order)
slope = coeffs[-2]
return float(slope)
outflow = df['spending']
cid = df['cid']
df_ = pd.DataFrame({'cid': cid, 'outflow': outflow})
slope_outflow = trendline(df_['cid'])
Output : 0.13377820413729283
Expected Output: (Trend1), (Trend2), (Trend3), ......, (Trend10000)
def trendline(x, y, order=1):
return np.polyfit(x, y, order)[-2]
df.groupby('cid').apply(lambda subdf: trendline(subdf['month'].values, subdf['spending'].values))
You can use groupby to calculate the trend by each cid value. In the above example it is for the trend of spending.
I have a dataframe where I need to create a grouping of ages and then have the averages amount of Tip amount for each group.
My Data looks the following
Tip amount
I have tried to use pd.cut() with bins to create the grouping, but I can't seem to get the Tip amount average (maybe using mean()) to be in the DataFrame as well.
import pandas as pd
bins= [0,15,30,45,60,85]
labels = ['0-14','15-29','30-44','45-59','60+']
df['Tip amount']=df['Tip amount'].astype(int)
#df = df.groupby('Age')[['Tip amount']].mean()
df = df.groupby(pd.cut(df['Age'], bins=bins, labels=labels, right=False)).size()
This gives the following output:
But I would like to have the average Tip amount for the groups as well.
Tip amount
df.groupby(pd.cut(df['Age'], bins=bins, labels=labels, right=False)).agg({'Age': ['size'], 'Tip amount': ['mean']})
I would like to calculate the daily sales from average sales using the following function:
def derive_daily_sales(avg_sales_series, period, first_day_sales):
derive the daily sales from previous_avg_sales start date to current_avg_sales end date
for detail formula, please refer to README.md
#avg_sales_series: an array of avg sales(e.g. 2020-08-04 to 2020-08-06)
#period: the averaging period in days (e.g. 30 days, 90 days)
#first_day_sales: the sales at the first day of previous_avg_sales
x_n1 = avg_sales_series[-1]*period - avg_sales_series[0]*period + first_day_sales
return x_n1
The avg_sales_series is supposed to be a pandas series.
The dataframe looks like the following:
date, customer_id, avg_30_day_sales
12/08/2020, 1, 30
13/08/2020, 1, 40
14/08/2020, 1, 40
12/08/2020, 2, 20
13/08/2020, 2, 40
14/08/2020, 2, 30
I would like to first groupby customer_id and sort by date. Then, get the rolling window of size 2. And apply the custom function derive_daily_sales assuming that period=30 and first_day_sales equal to the first avg_30_day_sales.
I tried:
df_sales_grouped = df_sales.sort_values('date').groupby(['customer_id','date'])]
df_daily_sales['daily_sales'] = df_sales_grouped['avg_30_day_sales'].rolling(2).apply(derive_daily_sales, axis=1, period=30, first_day_sales= df_sales['avg_30_day_sales'][0])
You should not group by the date since you want to roll over that column, so the grouping should be:
df_sales_grouped = df_sales.sort_values('date').groupby('customer_id')
Next, what you actually want to do is apply a rolling window on each group in the dataframe. So you need to use apply twice, once on the grouped dataframe and once on each rolling window. This can be done as follows:
rolling_arguments = {'period': 30, 'first_day_sales': df_sales['avg_30_day_sales'][0]}
df_sales['daily_sales'] = df_sales_grouped['avg_30_day_sales'].apply(
lambda g: g.rolling(2).apply(derive_daily_sales, kwargs=rolling_arguments))
For the given input data, the result is:
date customer_id avg_30_day_sales daily_sales
12/08/2020 1 30 NaN
13/08/2020 1 40 330.0
14/08/2020 1 40 30.0
12/08/2020 2 20 NaN
13/08/2020 2 40 630.0
14/08/2020 2 30 -270.0
Here is a sample dataset.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({
'VipNo':np.repeat( range(3), 2 ),
'Quantity': np.random.randint(200,size=6),
'OrderDate': np.random.choice( pd.date_range('1/1/2020', periods=365, freq='D'), 6, replace=False)})
So I have a couple of steps to do. I want to create a new column named qtywithin1mon/totalqty. First I want to group the VipNo (each number represents an individual) because a person may have made multiple purchases. Then I want to see if the orderdate is within a certain range (let's say 2020/03/01 - 2020/03/31). If so, I want to use the respective quantity on that day divided by the total quantity this customer purchased. My dataset is big so a customer may have ordered twice within the time range and I would want the sum of the two orders divided by the total quantity in this case. How can I achieve this goal? I really have no idea where to start..
Thank you so much!
You can create a new column masking quantity within the given date range, then groupby:
start, end = pd.to_datetime(['2020/03/01','2020/03/31'])
.assign(output=lambda x: x['QuantitySub']/x['Quantity'])
.drop('QuantitySub', axis=1)
With a data frame:
VipNo Quantity OrderDate
0 0 105 2020-01-07
1 0 56 2020-03-04
2 1 167 2020-09-05
3 1 18 2020-05-08
4 2 151 2020-11-01
5 2 14 2020-03-17
The output is:
Quantity output
0 161 0.347826
1 185 0.000000
2 165 0.084848
I am trying to group by hospital staff working hours bi monthly. I have raw data on daily basis which look like below.
date hourse_spent emp_id
9/11/2016 8 1
15/11/2016 8 1
22/11/2016 8 2
23/11/2016 8 1
How I want to group by is.
cycle hourse_spent emp_id
1/11/2016-15/11/2016 16 1
16/11/2016-31/11/2016 8 2
16/11/2016-31/11/2016 8 1
I am trying to do the same with grouper and frequency in pandas something as below.
print data.head()
dt = data.groupby(['emp_id', pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='MS')])['hours_spent'].sum().reset_index().sort_values('date')
print dt.resample('SMS').sum()
I also tried resampling
df1 = dt.resample('MS', loffset=pd.Timedelta(15, 'd')).sum()
df1 = data.resample('MS', loffset=pd.Timedelta(15, 'd')).sum()
But this is giving data of 15 days interval not like 1 to 15 and 15 to 31.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong here.
You were almost there. This will do it -
dt = df.groupby(['emp_id', pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='SM')])['hours_spent'].sum().reset_index().sort_values('date')
emp_id date hours_spent
1 2016-10-31 8
1 2016-11-15 16
2 2016-11-15 8
The freq='SM' is the concept of semi-months which will use the 15th and the last day of every month
Put DateTime-Values into Bins
If I got you right, you basically want to put your values in the date column into bins. For this, pandas has the pd.cut() function included, which does exactly what you want.
Here's an approach which might help you:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
'hours' : 8,
'emp_id' : [1,1,2,1],
'date' : [pd.datetime(2016,11,9),
bins_dt = pd.date_range('2016-10-16', freq='SM', periods=3)
cycle = pd.cut(df.date, bins_dt)
df.groupby([cycle, 'emp_id']).sum()
Which gets you:
cycle emp_id hours
------------------------ ------ ------
(2016-10-31, 2016-11-15] 1 16
2 NaN
(2016-11-15, 2016-11-30] 1 8
2 8
Had a similar question, here was my solution:
df1['BiMonth'] = df1['Date'] + pd.DateOffset(days=-1) + pd.offsets.SemiMonthEnd()
df1['BiMonth'] = df1['BiMonth'].dt.to_period('D')
The construction "df1['Date'] + pd.DateOffset(days=-1)" will take whatever is in the date column and -1 day.
The construction "+ pd.offsets.SemiMonthEnd()" converts it to a bimonthly basket, but its off by a day unless you reduce the reference date by 1.
The construction "df1['BiMonth'] = df1['BiMonth'].dt.to_period('D')" cleans out the time so you just have days.
I'm trying to put together a generic piece of code that would:
Take a time series for some price data and divide it into deciles, e.g. take the past 18m of gold prices and divide it into deciles [DONE, see below]
date 4. close decile
2017-01-03 1158.2 0
2017-01-04 1166.5 1
2017-01-05 1181.4 2
2017-01-06 1175.7 1
... ...
2018-04-23 1326.0 7
2018-04-24 1333.2 8
2018-04-25 1327.2 7
[374 rows x 2 columns]
Pull out the dates for a particular decile, then create a secondary datelist with an added 30 days
#So far only for a single decile at a time
firstdecile = gold.loc[gold['decile'] == 1]
datelist = list(pd.to_datetime(firstdecile.index))
datelist2 = list(pd.to_datetime(firstdecile.index) + pd.DateOffset(months=1))
Take an average of those 30-day price returns for each decile
level1 = gold.ix[datelist]
level2 = gold.ix[datelist2]
level2.index = level2.index - pd.DateOffset(months=1)
result = pd.merge(level1,level2, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True)
def ret(one, two):
return (two - one)/one
pricereturns = result.apply(lambda x :ret(x['4. close_x'], x['4. close_y']), axis=1)
mean = pricereturns.mean()
Return the list of all 10 averages in a single CSV file
So far I've been able to put together something functional that does steps 1-3 but only for a single decile, but I'm struggling to expand this to a looped-code for all 10 deciles at once with a clean CSV output
First append the close price at t + 1 month as a new column on the whole dataframe.
gold2_close = gold.loc[gold.index + pd.DateOffset(months=1), 'close']
gold2_close.index = gold.index
gold['close+1m'] = gold2_close
However practically relevant should be the number of trading days, i.e. you won't have prices for the weekend or holidays. So I'd suggest you shift by number of rows, not by daterange, i.e. the next 20 trading days
gold['close+20'] = gold['close'].shift(periods=-20)
Now calculate the expected return for each row
gold['ret'] = (gold['close+20'] - gold['close']) / gold['close']
You can also combine steps 1. and 2. directly so you don't need the additional column (only if you shift by number of rows, not by fixed daterange due to reindexing)
gold['ret'] = (gold['close'].shift(periods=-20) - gold['close']) / gold['close']
Since you already have your deciles, you just need to groupby the deciles and aggregate the returns with mean()
gold_grouped = gold.groupby(by="decile").mean()
Putting in some random data you get something like the dataframe below. close and ret are the averages for each decile. You can create a csv from a dataframe via pandas.DataFrame.to_csv
close ret
0 1238.343597 -0.018290
1 1245.663315 0.023657
2 1254.073343 -0.025934
3 1195.941312 0.009938
4 1212.394511 0.002616
5 1245.961831 -0.047414
6 1200.676333 0.049512
7 1181.179956 0.059099
8 1214.438133 0.039242
9 1203.060985 0.029938