VS Code is unable to locate python - python

I have been looking at similar problems and everyone has a promising solution which usually revolves around changing the interpreter path. I have done my best but have run out of solutions that I can think of. I'm hoping someone else knows how and thank you for any comments.
No version of python ever appears, I have tried to enter the path in the box at the top but have had no luck
I want to switch from 3.10 to 3.9 and this is when not being able to select the version of python became a problem. The picture above is from the terminal within VS Code
This is the default path I have entered in VS Code
The photo above is from the Windows command prompt, locating the active version of python
I would like to be able to use Python 3.10 in some folders and 3.9 in others, however at the moment I really just need VS Code to see 3.9, I imagine once I know what has gone wrong at this stage it will be smooth sailing from here.
I have already uninstalled and reinstalled pretty much anything I can think could be related
I really hope I have just made a stupid mistake somewhere and it is really obvious, thank you again


Program not running using existing python virtual environment in intellij

Since last many months I was using intellij idea comfortably but suddenly something went wrong and all my existing projects are not running now. I have the python virtual environment in SDK section along with all the libraries. see here but then also my programs are not working at all. [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ck9Bi.png)
See this
some days back All these programs were working perfectly fine. I need help. This is very frustrating.
unfortunately, there is not enough information to provide a proper solution. Please get in touch with IDE support via Help | Contact support...

Trouble with imports on Visual Studio 2022

What I get when I try to run it
Nothing I'm trying to import is being recognized by the IDE. I do have to admit, I am a fairly novice programmer, and the process of successfully importing external modules (, the ones that don't come with python,) is very confusing to me right now. But from everything I could scrap online, it seems like for VS 2022 I first have to go to [TOOLS] > [PYTHON] > [PYTHON ENVIRONMENTS]. Then from the environments popout I select my python version (, which is 3.10 (64-bit),) update my pip if not already up to date, search for my desired package and download. The terminal said the download completed but the IDE still can't find the import.
My installed packages in my python environment
This is a problem I've been putting off for months, and in the past I downloaded the packages through the Windows command prompt instead of the IDE. I'm not sure if it's any different, I'm not sure if one is more right. The result was the same regardless, it didn't work. And after several uninstalls and reinstalls, I even tried moving the entire package folder into my project folder to see if anything would change. The import was accepted but something in the packaged errored out. Moving files like that doesn't seem like the correct way anyway, I just want to make sure I bring up everything I tried to fix this.
I suspect that solution is something super simple that I'm just overlooking or don't know. I still kind of think the package needs to be with my .py file in some way but I'm unsure. If you can save me I'd appreciate it because I've been stumped for a while now.
I know my code is super simple, but I just wanted to show the error. I get the error before it prints.

anaconda: the solving environment keeps failing and freezing

I'm a beginner at all this code stuff so recently I have been trying to get this hole excel and python thing working using visual studio code and anaconda but without fail sup lexes me into the moon, I mean just doesn't work searching around to find a way to fix but nothing its been annoying and I have been at it for months now so whenever I try to get it to work it doesn't I'm using this guide https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/data-science-tutorial to help work it but nothing in the end if someone could tell me the problem or an alternative I would appreciate it here is an image to accompany it
basically I open the anaconda prompt and enter the command that was given to me by the guide but it just didn't work

Shape Context for Python

I'm totally new in Python and I want to use the "shape context"-algorithm in Python. I saw on github that someone already made the effort to program this, but I think his program code was used with OpenCV 2 and it is not compatible with OpenCV 3.
Because of the missing experience I don't know how to fix his code to work on OpenCV 3.
I want to take this algorithm in Python because my previous programming is also in Python.
Please help me and don't be to rude if I made mistakes.
I would try using 2to3 library.
If it still doesn't work, You are left with either changing not working parts Yourself(asking someone who will do it for You) or using 2.7 interpreter.

Python game design without Pygame

This topic is in response to a problem I've been having getting Pygame to be set up correctly on my computer. I have Windows 7, Python 3.3 and "64-bit" Windows (now I know what a bit and a byte are, but I don't really understand the implications of having a "64-bit" computer) I'm proficient in Python but know nothing about binaries, dependencies, registries or other such internal/system-level structures; not that I'm not interested, but at the moment most of what goes on is essentially "over my head".
But anyway, with that said, the problem I've been experiencing is basically that I can't install pygame. I've been over several versions of the same question (on Stack Overflow and other places on the web), and I've attempted to install pygame countless times. Sometimes it seems to work fine until I attempt to use it (the installation appears to have been successful but Python gives me errors when I try to use pygame), or I get something about Python 3.3 not being in my "registry" (which from what I read appears to be another OS-level/internal structure for those who understand "the base code of the universe"). They could actually develop a series of tutorials on just the installation process. :)
But all joking aside, I am at a loss here and considering just giving up on pygame. So my question would be, is there any way to use what's already installed (Python's libraries etc.) to develop games? If not, do you know of any alternatives that don't require the same level of experience to install? I've Googled around but everything I've found about game design in Python leads back to pygame. Thanks in advance.
To save yourself pain, just use 32bit python, and 32bit pygame. If you mix 32 and 64 bit, it will not run correctly. That's probably the problem you're having.
Since you have python 3.3, you would use https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame/downloads/pygame-1.9.2a0.win32-py3.3.msi
You shouldn't have to edit the registry or your environmentvariables unless something goes wrong.
As mentioned previously, tkinter would offer a solution. For example, this was created in tkinter (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHxLkNryOzI)
The pygame downloads page hasn't been updated for a while and is incompatible with python 3.x. Newer versions of pygame can be downloaded here.
I'd personally use pygame as there's audio support as well but tkinter could be used.

