I'm trying to write a query for sqlite3 to check if a discordID exists in my database and increment the associated count variable if it exists and if not it should add a new row with that discordID and its associated count increased by one.
crs.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {0} (discordID,count) VALUES ({1},1) UPDATE {0} SET count = count + 1 WHERE discordID = {1};".format(tableName,user))
I tried this query (where user is an input discordID) however I keep getting the error:
sqlite3.OperationalError: near "UPDATE": syntax error
and I would like to know why this happening and how it can be fixed or if there's a better way to be doing this.
What you are looking for is an UPSERT. This allows you to specify an ON CONFLICT clause that will be executed if the INSERT would violate a constraint.
Applied to your query, it should look something like this:
crs.execute("INSERT INTO {0} (discordID,count) VALUES ({1},1) ON CONFLICT(discordID) DO UPDATE SET count = count + 1;".format(tableName,user))
On a side note: you should avoid inserting user-generated content directly into your database and/or query strings. If you need to store user-generated inputs, look into using prepared statements, otherwise you'll be vulnerable to SQL Injection
The statement is set-up so that when a record already exists, it doesn't add a record, else, it does.
I've tried changing the query, even though I don't see anything wrong with it.
I've let the script run on python, and print the query it executed. Then I pasted that query in phpmyadmin, where it executed succesfully.
I have also double checked all parameters.
Query (blank params):
INSERT INTO users (uname,pass) SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{}','{}') AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT uname FROM users WHERE uname = '{}') LIMIT 1;
Query (filled in parameters):
INSERT INTO users (uname,pass) SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'john_doe','password') AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT uname FROM users WHERE uname = 'john_doe') LIMIT 1;
Python script (the important part)
if action == "add_user":
username = form.getvalue('username')
password = form.getvalue('password')
query = """
INSERT INTO users (uname,pass) SELECT * FROM
(SELECT '{}','{}') AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT uname FROM users WHERE uname = '{}') LIMIT 1;
""".format(username, password, username)
I know a couple of things.
There is nothing wrong with the database connection.
The parameters are not empty (ex. username="john_doe" & password="secret")
The query actually executes in that specific table.
The query seems to add a record and delete it directly afterwards (as AUTO_INCREMENT increases each time, even when the python script executes and doesn't add anything)
A try except doesn't do anything, as mysql.connector.Error doesn't report any error (which is obvious, since the query actually executes succesfully)
phpMyAdmin practical example:
(Removed INSERT INTO part in order to be able to show the resulting tables)
The first time you enter the query (above query as example), it will result in a table with both values as both column names as column values.
Screenshot of table output: http://prntscr.com/nkgaka
Once that result is entered once, next time you will try to insert it, it will simply result in only column names, no values. This means it will insert nothing, as there is nothing to insert as there are no actual values.
Screenshot of table output: http://prntscr.com/nkgbp3
Help is greatly appreciated.
If you want to ensure any field is unique in a table, make that field a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE KEY. In this case you want name to be unique.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX name ON users(name)
With this in place you only need to INSERT. If a duplicate key error occurs the name already exists.
To avoid SQL injection, don't use """SELECT {}""".format. It will be SQL injection vulnerable.
Also don't store plain text passwords, ever. Salted hashes at least. There's plenty of frameworks that do this well already so you don't need to invent your own.
Hello StackEx community.
I am implementing a relational database using SQLite interfaced with Python. My table consists of 5 attributes with around a million tuples.
To avoid large number of database queries, I wish to execute a single query that updates 2 attributes of multiple tuples. These updated values depend on the tuples' Primary Key value and so, are different for each tuple.
I am trying something like the following in Python 2.7:
stmt= 'UPDATE Users SET Userid (?,?), Neighbours (?,?) WHERE Username IN (?,?)'
cursor.execute(stmt, [(_id1, _Ngbr1, _name1), (_id2, _Ngbr2, _name2)])
In other words, I am trying to update the rows that have Primary Keys _name1 and _name2 by substituting the Neighbours and Userid columns with corresponding values. The execution of the two statements returns the following error:
OperationalError: near "(": syntax error
I am reluctant to use executemany() because I want to reduce the number of trips across the database.
I am struggling with this issue for a couple of hours now but couldn't figure out either the error or an alternate on the web. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
If the column that is used to look up the row to update is properly indexed, then executing multiple UPDATE statements would be likely to be more efficient than a single statement, because in the latter case the database would probably need to scan all rows.
Anyway, if you really want to do this, you can use CASE expressions (and explicitly numbered parameters, to avoid duplicates):
SET Userid = CASE Username
Neighbours = CASE Username
WHERE Username IN (?5, ?6);
I have a table of three columnsid,word,essay.I want to do a query using (?). The sql sentence is sql1 = "select id,? from training_data". My code is below:
def dbConnect(db_name,sql,flag):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
cursor = conn.cursor()
if (flag == "danci"):
itm = 'word'
elif flag == "wenzhang":
itm = 'essay'
n = cursor.execute(sql,(itm,))
res1 = cursor.fetchall()
return res1
However, when I print dbConnect("data.db",sql1,"danci")
The result I obtained is [(1,'word'),(2,'word'),(3,'word')...].What I really want to get is [(1,'the content of word column'),(2,'the content of word column')...]. What should I do ? Please give me some ideas.
You can't use placeholders for identifiers -- only for literal values.
I don't know what to suggest in this case, as your function takes a database nasme, an SQL string, and a flag to say how to modify that string. I think it would be better to pass just the first two, and write something like
sql = {
"danci": "SELECT id, word FROM training_data",
"wenzhang": "SELECT id, essay FROM training_data",
and then call it with one of
dbConnect("data.db", sql['danci'])
dbConnect("data.db", sql['wenzhang'])
But a lot depends on why you are asking dbConnect to decide on the columns to fetch based on a string passed in from outside; it's an unusual design.
Update - SQL Injection
The problems with SQL injection and tainted data is well documented, but here is a summary.
The principle is that, in theory, a programmer can write safe and secure programs as long as all the sources of data are under his control. As soon as they use any information from outside the program without checking its integrity, security is under threat.
Such information ranges from the obvious -- the parameters passed on the command line -- to the obscure -- if the PATH environment variable is modifiable then someone could induce a program to execute a completely different file from the intended one.
Perl provides direct help to avoid such situations with Taint Checking, but SQL Injection is the open door that is relevant here.
Suppose you take the value for a database column from an unverfied external source, and that value appears in your program as $val. Then, if you write
my $sql = "INSERT INTO logs (date) VALUES ('$val')";
then it looks like it's going to be okay. For instance, if $val is set to 2014-10-27 then $sql becomes
INSERT INTO logs (date) VALUES ('2014-10-27')
and everything's fine. But now suppose that our data is being provided by someone less than scrupulous or downright malicious, and your $val, having originated elsewhere, contains this
2014-10-27'); DROP TABLE logs; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM security WHERE name != '
Now it doesn't look so good. $sql is set to this (with added newlines)
INSERT INTO logs (date) VALUES ('2014-10-27');
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM security WHERE name != '')
which adds an entry to the logs table as before, end then goes ahead and drops the entire logs table and counts the number of records in the security table. That isn't what we had in mind at all, and something we must guard against.
The immediate solution is to use placeholders ? in a prepared statement, and later passing the actual values in a call to execute. This not only speeds things up, because the SQL statement can be prepared (compiled) just once, but protects the database from malicious data by quoting every supplied value appropriately for the data type, and escaping any embedded quotes so that it is impossible to close one statement and another open another.
This whole concept was humourised in Randall Munroe's excellent XKCD comic
I wrote this python script to import a specific xls file into mysql. It works fine but if it's run twice on the same data it will create duplicate entries. I'm pretty sure I need to use MySQL JOIN but I'm not clear on how to do that. Also is executemany() going to have the same overhead as doing inserts in a loop? I'm obviously trying to avoid that.
Here's the code in question...
for row in range(sheet.nrows):
"""name is in the 0th col. email is the 4th col."""
name = sheet.cell(row, 0).value
email = sheet.cell(row, 4).value
if name and email:
mailing_list[name.lstrip()] = email.strip()
for n, e in sorted(mailing_list.iteritems()):
rows.append((n, e))
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, db=dbname, passwd=pwd)
cursor = db.cursor()
INSERT IGNORE INTO mailing_list (name, email) VALUES (%s,%s)""",(rows))
I read here that...
To be sure, executemany() is effectively the same as simple iteration.
However, it is typically faster. It provides an optimized means of
affecting INSERT and REPLACE across multiple rows.
Also I took Unodes suggestion and used the UNIQUE constraint. But the IGNORE keyword is better than ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE because I want it to fail silently.
1. What's the best way prevent duplicate inserts?
ANSWER 1: UNIQUE contraint on column with SELECT IGNORE to fail silently or ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE to increment the duplicate value and insert it.
Is executemany() as expensive as INSERT in a loop?
#Unode says it's not but my research tells me otherwise. I would like a definitive answer.
Is this the best way or is it going to be really slow with bigger
tables and how would I test to be sure?
1 - What's the best way prevent duplicate inserts?
Depending on what "preventing" means in your case, you have two strategies and one requirement.
The requirement is that you add a UNIQUE constraint on the column/columns that you want to be unique. This alone will cause an error if insertion of a duplicate entry is attempted. However given you are using executemany the outcome may not be what you would expect.
Then as strategies you can do:
An initial filter step by running a SELECT statement before. This means running one SELECT statement per item in your rows to check if it exists already. This strategy works but is inefficient.
Using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. This automatically triggers an update if the data already exists. For more information refer to the official documentation.
2 - Is executemany() as expensive as INSERT in a loop?
No, executemany creates one query which inserts in bulk while doing a for loop will create as many queries as the number of elements in your rows.
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to replace record values in a Microsoft Access (either .accdb or .mdb) database using pyodbc. I've poured over the documentation and noted where it says that "Row Values Can Be Replaced" but I have not been able to make it work.
More specifically, I'm attempting to replace a row value from a python variable. I've tried:
setting the connection autocommit to "True"
made sure that it's not a data type issue
Here is a snippet of the code where I'm executing a SQL query, using fetchone() to grab just one record (I know with this script the query is only returning one record), then I am grabbing the existing value for a field (the field position integer is stored in the z variable), and then am getting the new value I want to write to the field by accessing it from an existing python dictionary created in the script.
pSQL = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'" % (reviewTBL, newID, basinID)
record = cursor.fetchone()
if record:
oldVal = record[z]
val = codeCrosswalk[oldVal]
record[z] = val
I've tried everything I can think bit cannot get it to work. Am I just misunderstanding the help documentation?
The script runs successfully but the newly assigned value never seems to commit. I even tried putting "print str(record[z])this after the record[z] = val line to see if the field in the table has the new value and the new value would print like it worked...but then if I check in the table after the script has finished the old values are still in the table field.
Much appreciate any insight into this...I was hoping this would work like how using VBA in MS Access databases you can use an ADO Recordset to loop through records in a table and assign values to a field from a variable.
The "Row values can be replaced" from the pyodbc documentation refers to the fact that you can modify the values on the returned row objects, for example to perform some cleanup or conversion before you start using them. It does not mean that these changes will automatically be persisted in the database. You will have to use sql UPDATE statements for that.