Mosquitto - unable to connect from remote computer - python

I am trying to test a Mosquitto MQTT server. My plan is to hopefully get it to ingest some notifications from our monitoring system in my work IT dept. Seems perfect for the task. I was able to install Mosquitto on a Ubuntu 20.04 server, and testing with the mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub clients worked right away (see attached screenshot). I also was able to Google around and set up some Python script using paho mqtt module for subscribe and publish. I set up the subscribe script as a service and it runs fine. I can receive published messages from both mosquitto_pub and the "publish" Python script...
Now where the issues come up is when I try publishing to the Mosquitto server from a remote computer within my office. For the life of me I cannot determine what the issue is. :(
I am able to telnet to the Mosquitto server on port 1883 so it does not seem to be a firewall issue on the Mosquitto server... Whenever I try to use the publish Python script from the remote computer, it executes but it does not work -- no messages are received at the subscriber running on the server. One odd thing is that the "on_connect" portion on the script does not work when the script is run on the remote computer; no "Connected to MQTT Broker!" message is printed when the script is run remotely. (it does work when it's run locally on the Mosquitto server).
I am attaching a screenshot of my /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/default.conf file. I have tried all sorts of combinations on the config and each time things work when run on the server itself but not remotely. I tried putting the IP address for the server on the config as "listener 1883 10.x.x.x". (Note for this post using "10.x.x.x" instead of my real IP address.) The last thing I tried was putting the adapter name, and still does not work. As you can see I have also defined authentication (usernames, passwords) for a pubuser and subuser. The account info does work with the mosquitto_sub and mosquitto_pub clients, and when used in Python scripts (when script are run on Mosquitto server) so I don't think it's an account info issue. All signs are pointing to either some misconfiguration I have in Mosquitto, or some firewall policy in my work location. Please help!
Please share any tips or possible fixes for me. I might be doing something wrong in my config; please do let me know if you see something amiss. I am a newbie with Mosquitto and MQTT but would love for it to work, kind of ruins the point if I cannot publish to the server form a remote computer though :)..
Below is example Python code I am using on the remote computer to publish (works run locally on the Mosquitto server). I redacted the IP address of the server with 10.x.x.x).
When I run the script from the remote computer I just get "Failed to send message to topic python/mqtt".
import random
import time
from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt_client
broker = '10.x.x.x'
port = 1883
topic = "python/mqtt"
# generate client ID with pub prefix randomly
#client_id = f'python-mqtt-{random.randint(0, 1000)}'
#Set the static client id
client_id = 'python-mqtt01'
username = 'pubuser'
password = 'something'
def connect_mqtt():
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
print("Connected to MQTT Broker!")
print("Failed to connect, return code %d\n", rc)
client = mqtt_client.Client(client_id)
client.username_pw_set(username, password)
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.connect(broker, port)
return client
def publish(client):
msg_count = 0
while True:
msg = f"messages: {msg_count}"
result = client.publish(topic, msg)
# result: [0, 1]
status = result[0]
if status == 0:
print(f"Send `{msg}` to topic `{topic}`")
print(f"Failed to send message to topic {topic}")
msg_count += 1
def run():
client = connect_mqtt()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thanks for reading! Hopefully someone out there has encountered the same issue and fixed it!
P.S. - forgot to mention I also disabled the firewall on the Ubuntu server until I get things working (ufw disable).
Example of my default.cfg (before) removing adapter and adding log_type all:
listener 1883
allow_anonymous false
bind_interface ens33


Problems with Python 3.7 /Mosquitto

I want to exchange Messages with MQTT over my local network with a Ubuntu Server 18.04.5 and a RasperryPi with Rasperian 10. The broker is running and when I subscribe from the Raspberry via console it works. But when I try to connect to the broker with Python I receive the following error:
1622369636: New connection from on port 1883.
1622369636: New client connected from as SMS_Daemon (c1, k60).
1622369636: Sending CONNACK to SMS_Daemon (0, 0)
1622369706: Socket error on client SMS_Daemon, disconnecting.
in the logfile of Mosquitto
I had the code from a tutorial and have, when it not worked used code of another tutorial, but received the same error. I found out that Ubuntu 18.04 uses Mosquitto 1.4.15 and on Raspberry 1.5.7. Both versions are from the standard repository.
Here the Python Code.
# -*- coding: utf8' -*-
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
mqttTopic = 'RaspberryPi1/SMS_Daemon'
def connect_msg():
print("Connect to broker")
def publish_msg():
print("Message published")
mqttClient = mqtt.Client(client_id='SMS_Daemon')
mqttClient.on_connect = connect_msg
mqttClient.on_publish = publish_msg
Anyone has an idea where i can search for a solution or where my problem is located?
Thanks in advance
You haven't started the MQTT Client loop.
You should add
after the last line
Also the code provided won't actually do anything apart from print Connect to broker

VerneMQ single publish messages lost when client is offline

I am quite new to MQTT and brokers, but I am having an issue with VerneMQ not sending offline messages to clients. Here is my setup. I have a backend written in Python which is using the Paho Eclipse MQTT library's single() method to send messages to a connected client. The client, a virtual machine on my development station, has a client which is written in go-lang, using paho.mqtt.golang to connect to the broker and subscribe.
The call to single() on the backend looks like this:
def send_message(device_id, payload):
token = get_jwt('my_token').decode()
auth={'username': 'username', 'password': f'Bearer {token}'},
On the client, the session is established with the following options:
func startListenerRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
//mqtt.DEBUG = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
mqtt.ERROR = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions().AddBroker(utils.GetMessagingHost()).SetClientID(utils.GetClientId())
opts.SetKeepAlive(20 * time.Second)
opts.SetPingTimeout(5 * time.Second)
I am not showing all the code, but hopefully enough to illustrate how the session is being set up.
I am running VerneMQ as a docker container. We are using the following environment variables to change configuration defaults in the Dockerfile:
ENV DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_DIVERSITY.myscript1.file /etc/vernemq/authentication.lua
ENV DOCKER_VERNEMQ_VMQ_ACL.acl_file /etc/vernemq/vmq.acl
As long as the client has an active connection to the broker, the server's published messages arrive seamlessly. However, if I manually close the client's connection to the broker, and then publish a message on the backend to that client, when the client's connection reopens, the message is not resent by the broker. As I said, I am new to MQTT, so I may need to configure additional options, but so far I've yet to determine which. Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening on my setup that would cause offline messages to not be sent? Thanks for any information.
As thrashed out in the comments
Messages will only be queued for an offline client that has subscribed at greater than QOS 0
More details can be found here
You need to make QOS to 1 or 2 depending on your requirement and also you can use --retain flag which is quite useful. retain flag will make sure that last message will be delivered irrespective of any failure. You can know the last status of device. Check this

rabbitmq credential issue. only works with localhost

I have a question regarding rabbitmq. I am trying to set up a messaging system based off the queue name and so far everything has been good with localhost. As soon as I set some credentials for local connection, I get a timeout error. (I have lengthened the timeout time as well.) I have also gave the user administrative privileges and the guest account administrative privileges. I get this error when ran with both the consume and produce script. Port 5672 is open as well. This is all being done on a ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine and python 2.7.14. Guest and my other rabbit user are both allowed to use the default vhost too.
import pika, json
credentials = pika.credentials.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest')
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('<ip here>',
5672, '/', credentials))
channel =
result = channel.queue_declare(queue='hello', durable=True)
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print "localhost received %r" % json.loads(body)
print 'localhost waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C'
Here is my error message too. Just a timeout method which would make me think that the connection is failing and this is a network problem but when I replace my ip in the credentials with 'localhost', everything works fine. Any ideas?
pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: Connection to <ip here>:5672 failed: timeout
The RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
You are probably running into multiple issues.
First of all, the guest user can only connect via localhost by default. This document goes into detail. FWIW that document is the first hit when localhost guest are used as search terms on google.
Second, timeout means that the TCP connection can't be established. Please see this document for a step-by-step guide to diagnosis.

python client can't receive broadcasting messages

I building a App.
This is the Node.Js Server Code, running in AWS instance:
var server = require('http').createServer();
var io = require('')(server);
io.on('connection', function(client){
io.sockets.emit("welcome"); //This is received by everyone
client.on('message', function(msg){
console.log("message arrived"); //This is executed
io.sockets.emit("welcome"); //This is not received by Python Client
I have different clients, running on web page with Javascript and one Python client running in my local computer.
This is the Python client:
from socketIO_client import SocketIO
socket_url = ""
socketIO = SocketIO(socket_url, 8090, verify=False)
def welcome():
print('welcome received')
socketIO.on('welcome', welcome)
while True:
The problem:
Python client receives the "welcome" only when the socket start, but when other clients send the "message" to the server, and it re-transmit the "welcome" to all clients, the Python client does not receive it. The others clients receive this specific "welcome", so the problem is the Python client.
I am using for the Python client. And npm version 1.7.2 due to this issue
I found the problem.
It was the line:
SocketIO was responding only for 1 second, so everything that arrive after 1 second is ignored.
Solve the problem

In need of a python script to upload a file with IP address every few minutes

I'm using windows server 2008, and one of the things I need to do in order to pair to a domain name is send a file with the computers current IP address (it's not static) to a server via sftp every few minutes. The problem is that I'm not sure how to do this.
I would send it via XMPP. You can set up a listener service for the server.
Send an xmpp message using a python library
Here are some ideas on XMPP servers to run on your IIS server (listening to recieve the incoming messages from clients
Pretzel looks nice
this python code can be run client side to get the public IP address.
host, aliaslist, lan_ip = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
print host
print aliaslist
print lan_ip[0]
Than you would send via XMPP message containing the IP to the server you have set up on your IIS server. Depending on what you want to do with the IP address once it gets to the server, you will handle the message serverside

