I have a database similar to the one I created below (with 982977 rows × 10 columns), and I wanted to keep the rows where the exams of the same patient (ID) that are different from "COVID" have been performed in a specific period based on the date of the "COVID" exam.
I created 2 columns, one with dates 7 days before and one with 30 days after the original exam date.
Ex: If the patient had an iron exam between 7 days before and 30 days after the date of their COVID exam, then I would keep that patient, otherwise, I would remove.
I did a for loop, but since the database is big, it took almost 6h to complete and when it finished, I lost the connection to the server, and I couldn't continue to manipulate the data
Is there a simpler and/or faster way to do this?
ID = ['1','1','1','2','2']
Exam = ['COVID', 'Iron', 'Ferritin', 'COVID', 'Iron']
Date = [2021-02-22,2021-02-20,2021-06-22,2021-05-22,2021-05-29]
Date7 = [2021-02-15,2021-02-13,2021-06-15,2021-05-15,2021-05-22]
Date30 = [2021-03-24,2021-03-22,2021-07-24,2021-05-22,2021-06-29]
teste = list(zip(ID, Exam, Date, Date7, Date30))
teste2 = pd.DataFrame(teste, columns=['ID','Exam','Date', 'Date7', 'Date30'])
All the dates columns are in datetime already
pacients = []
for pacient in teste2.ID.unique():
a = teste2[teste2.ID==pacient]
b = a[a.Exam!="COVID"]
c = a[a.Exam=="COVID"]
for exam_covid in b.Data:
for covid_7 in c.Data7:
for covid_30 in c.Data30:
if covid_7 < exam_covid < covid_30:
pacients = set(pacientes)
pacients = list(pacientes)
With the following sample dataframe named df
ID = ['1','1','1','2','2']
Exam = ['COVID', 'Iron', 'Ferritin', 'COVID', 'Iron']
Date = ['2021-02-22','2021-02-20','2021-06-22','2021-05-22','2021-06-29']
df = pd.DataFrame({'ID': ID, 'Exam': Exam, 'Date': pd.to_datetime(Date)})
you could try the following:
Step: Create a dataframe df_cov that covers all the time intervals around the Covid exams:
df_cov = df[['ID', 'Date']][df.Exam.eq('COVID')]
df_cov = df_cov.assign(
Before=df_cov.Date - pd.Timedelta(days=7),
After=df_cov.Date + pd.Timedelta(days=30)
Step: merge the non-Covid-exams in df with df_cov on the column ID, then select the exams that are within the intervals (here with query), and then extract the remaining unique IDs:
patients = (
df[df.Exam.ne('COVID')].merge(df_cov, on='ID', how='left')
.query('(Before < Date) & (Date < After)')
Result for the sample (I've changed the last exam date such that it won't fall into the required time interval):
array(['1'], dtype=object)
I have taken the following sample of data.
1,d3550e496af4,442342ac078e,Salt Lake City,2020-06-02 16:12:22,2.30266927956152,0 days 00:13:12.549351
2,2afc10228a2b,4d3ea6d8bb4b,Provo,2020-06-02 16:17:21,0.495335235709548,0 days 00:02:48.407770
3,442342ac078e,442342ac078e,Salt Lake City,2020-06-02 16:43:05,0.7933172567617909,0 days 00:15:33.417755
4,8701da8e6582,567c93d144ed,Provo,2020-06-02 19:34:40,0.9158009891104686,0 days 00:07:04.912849
5,b70fa4bc1486,391526cd2b71,Provo,2020-06-02 20:02:37,1.6248457639858709,0 days 00:11:51.821411
6,f6f0a689fc3a,2b9d754d1c4f,Provo,2020-06-02 20:57:27,0.8310125874177197,0 days 00:07:37.959237
I read this data into a df using:
df = pd.read_clipboard(sep=',')
What I'm struggling to figure out is how to create a summary table using this information. The output df I would like is below:
Here, I want to group by city, while being able to calculate the total number of unique vehicles, unique customers, trips, and the sum of the total distance and duration (in minutes) of every journey in that city.
For example, we can see that for row 0 and 2, there are 2 unique vehicles but it's from the same customer.
I have tried using groupby/summing/unique methods but have had issues when it comes to certain values I want to obtain. Any idea of where to go next? Cheers
You need to convert a few columns and then you can just group and summarise
df['trip_start'] = pd.to_datetime(df['trip_start'], format='%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S')
df['journey_duration'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['journey_duration'])
df['Date'] = df['trip_start'].dt.strftime('%b %Y')
df.groupby(['Date', 'fleet']).agg(
Total_Customers = ('customer_id', 'nunique'),
Total_Vehicles = ('vehicle_id', 'nunique'),
Total_Trips = ('trip_id', 'nunique'),
Total_Distance = ('distance_miles', 'sum'),
Total_Duration = ('journey_duration', 'sum'),
I have the following problem: I have data (table called 'answers') of a quiz application including the answered questions per user with the respective answering date (one answer per line), e.g.:
2019-12-28 18:25:15
2019-12-29 20:15:13
I would like to write an algorithm to determine whether a user has used the quiz application several days in a row (a so-called 'streak'). Therefore, I want to create a table ('appData') with the following information:
For this table I need to compute the variable 'HighestStreak'. I managed to do so with the following code:
for userid, term in zip(appData.userid, appData.term):
final_streak = 1
for i in answers[(answers.userid==userid) & (answers.term==term)].time.dt.date.unique():
temp_streak = 1
while i + pd.DateOffset(days=1) in answers[(answers.userid==userid) & (answers.term==term)].time.dt.date.unique():
i += pd.DateOffset(days=1)
temp_streak += 1
if temp_streak > final_streak:
final_streak = temp_streak
appData.loc[(appData.userid==userid) & (appData.term==term), 'HighestStreak'] = final_streak
Unfortunately, running this code takes about 45 minutes. The table 'answers' has about 4,000 lines. Is there any structural 'mistake' in my code that makes it so slow or do processes like this take that amount of time?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
I managed to increase the speed from 45 minutes to 2 minutes with the following change:
I filtered the data to students who answered at least one answer first and set the streak to 0 for the rest (as the streak for 0 answers is 0 in every case):
appData.loc[appData.totAnswers==0, 'highestStreak'] = 0
appDataActive = appData[appData.totAnswers!=0]
Furthermore I moved the filtered list out of the loop, so the algorithm does not need to filter twice, resulting in the following new code:
appData.loc[appData.totAnswers==0, 'highestStreak'] = 0
appDataActive = appData[appData.totAnswers!=0]
for userid, term in zip(appData.userid, appData.term):
activeDays = answers[(answers.userid==userid) & (answers.term==term)].time.dt.date.unique()
final_streak = 1
for day in activeDays:
temp_streak = 1
while day + pd.DateOffset(days=1) in activeDays:
day += pd.DateOffset(days=1)
temp_streak += 1
if temp_streak > final_streak:
final_streak = temp_streak
appData.loc[(appData.userid==userid) & (appData.term==term), 'HighestStreak'] = final_streak
Of course, 2 minutes is much better than 45 minutes. But are there any more tips?
my attempt, which borrows some key ideas from the connected components problem; a fairly early problem when looking at graphs
first I create a random DataFrame with some user id's and some dates.
import datetime
import random
import pandas
import numpy
#generate basic dataframe of users and answer dates
def sample_data_frame():
users = ['A' + str(x) for x in range(10000)] #generate user id
date_range = pandas.Series(pandas.date_range(datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=364) , datetime.date.today()),
users = pandas.Series(users, name='user')
df = pandas.merge(date_range, users, how='cross')
removals = numpy.random.randint(0, len(df), int(len(df)/4)) #remove random quarter of entries
df.drop(removals, inplace=True)
return df
def sample_data_frame_v2(): #pandas version <1.2
users = ['A' + str(x) for x in range(10000)] #generate user id
date_range = pandas.DataFrame(pandas.date_range(datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=364) , datetime.date.today()), columns = ['date'])
users = pandas.DataFrame(users, columns = ['user'])
date_range['key'] = 1
users['key'] = 1
df = users.merge(date_range, on='key')
df.drop(labels = 'key', axis = 1)
removals = numpy.random.randint(0, len(df), int(len(df)/4)) #remove random quarter of entries
df.drop(removals, inplace=True)
return df
put your DataFrame in sorted order, so that the next row is next answer day and then by user
create two new columns from the row below containing the userid and the date of the row below
if the user of row below is the same as the current row and the current date + 1 day is the same as the row below set the column result to false numerically known as 0, otherwise if it's a new streak set to True, which can be represented numerically as 1.
cumulatively sum the results which will group your streaks
finally count how many entries exist per group and find the max for each user
for 10k users over 364 days worth of answers my running time is about a 1 second
df = sample_data_frame()
df = df.sort_values(by=['user', 'date']).reset_index(drop = True)
df['shift_date'] = df['date'].shift()
df['shift_user'] = df['user'].shift()
df['result'] = ~((df['shift_date'] == df['date'] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) & (df['shift_user'] == df['user']))
df['group'] = df['result'].cumsum()
summary = (df.groupby(by=['user', 'group']).count()['result'].max(level='user'))
summary.sort_values(ascending = False) #print user with highest streak
So, I have a DataFrame that represents purchases with 4 columns:
date (date of purchase in format %Y-%m-%d)
customer_ID (string column)
claim (1-0 column that means 1-the customer complained about the purchase, 0-customer didn't complain)
claim_value (for claim = 1 it means how much the claim cost to the company, for claim = 0 it's NaN)
I need to build 3 new columns:
past_purchases (how many purchases the specific customer had before this purchase)
past_claims (how many claims the specific customer had before this purchase)
past_claims_value (how much did the customer's past claims cost)
This has been my approach until now:
past_purchases = []
past_claims = []
past_claims_value = []
for i in range(0, len(df)):
date = df['date'][i]
customer_ID = df['customer_ID'][i]
df_temp = df[(df['date'] < date) & (df['customer_ID'] == customer_ID)]
df['past_purchases'] = pd.DataFrame(past_purchases)
df['past_claims'] = pd.DataFrame(past_claims)
df['past_claims_value'] = pd.DataFrame(past_claims_value)
The code works fine, but it's too slow. Can anyone make it work faster? Thanks!
Ps: It's importante to check that the date is older, if the customer had 2 purchases in the same date they shouldn't count for each other.
Pss: I'm willing to use libraries for parallel processing like multiprocessing, concurrent.futures, joblib or dask, but never had before in a similar way.
Expected outcome:
Maybe you can try using a cumsum over customers, if the dates are sorted ascendant
df.sort_values('date', inplace=True)
new_temp_columns = ['claim_s','claim_value_s']
df[['claim_s','claim_value_s']] = df[new_temp_columns].shift()
df['past_claims'] = df.groupby('customer_ID')['claim_s'].transform(pd.Series.cumsum)
df['past_claims_value'] = df.groupby('customer_ID')['claim_value_s'].transform(pd.Series.cumsum)
# set the min value for the groups
dfc = data.groupby(['customer_ID','date'])[['past_claims','past_claims_value']]
data[['past_claims', 'past_claims_value']] = dfc.transform(min)
# Remove temp columns
data = data.loc[:, ~data.columns.isin(new_temp_columns)]
Again, this will only works if te date are srotes
I have been attempting to solve a problem for hours and stuck on it. Here is the problem outline:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'orderid': [10315, 10318, 10321, 10473, 10621, 10253, 10541, 10645],
'customerid': ['ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'HANAR', 'HANAR', 'HANAR'],
'orderdate': ['1996-09-26', '1996-10-01', '1996-10-03', '1997-03-13', '1997-08-05', '1996-07-10', '1997-05-19', '1997-08-26']})
orderid customerid orderdate
0 10315 ISLAT 1996-09-26
1 10318 ISLAT 1996-10-01
2 10321 ISLAT 1996-10-03
3 10473 ISLAT 1997-03-13
4 10621 ISLAT 1997-08-05
5 10253 HANAR 1996-07-10
6 10541 HANAR 1997-05-19
7 10645 HANAR 1997-08-26
I would like to select all the customers who has ordered items more than once WITHIN 5 DAYS.
For example, here only the customer ordered within 5 days of period and he has done it twice.
I would like to get the output in the following format:
Required Output
customerid initial_order_id initial_order_date nextorderid nextorderdate daysbetween
ISLAT 10315 1996-09-26 10318 1996-10-01 5
ISLAT 10318 1996-10-01 10321 1996-10-03 2
First, to be able to count the difference in days, convert orderdate
column to datetime:
df.orderdate = pd.to_datetime(df.orderdate)
Then define the following function:
def fn(grp):
return grp[(grp.orderdate.shift(-1) - grp.orderdate) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') <= 5]
And finally apply it:
df.sort_values(['customerid', 'orderdate']).groupby('customerid').apply(fn)
It is a bit tricky because there can be any number of purchase pairs within 5 day windows. It is a good use case for leveraging merge_asof, which allows to do approximate-but-not-exact matching of a dataframe with itself.
Input data
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'orderid': [10315, 10318, 10321, 10473, 10621, 10253, 10541, 10645],
'customerid': ['ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'ISLAT', 'HANAR', 'HANAR', 'HANAR'],
'orderdate': ['1996-09-26', '1996-10-01', '1996-10-03', '1997-03-13', '1997-08-05', '1996-07-10', '1997-05-19', '1997-08-26']})
Define a function that computes the pairs of purchases, given data for a customer.
def compute_purchase_pairs(df):
# Approximate self join on the date, but not exact.
df_combined = pd.merge_asof(df,df, left_index=True, right_index=True,
suffixes=('_first', '_second') , allow_exact_matches=False)
# Compute difference
df_combined['timedelta'] = df_combined['orderdate_first'] - df_combined['orderdate_second']
return df_combined
Do the preprocessing and compute the pairs
# Convert to datetime
df['orderdate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['orderdate'])
# Sort dataframe from last buy to newest (groupby will not change this order)
df2 = df.sort_values(by='orderdate', ascending=False)
# Create an index for joining
df2 = df.set_index('orderdate', drop=False)
# Compute puchases pairs for each customer
df_differences = df2.groupby('customerid').apply(compute_purchase_pairs)
# Show only the ones we care about
result = df_differences[df_differences['timedelta'].dt.days<=5]
orderid_first customerid_first orderdate_first orderid_second \
0 10318 ISLAT 1996-10-01 10315.0
1 10321 ISLAT 1996-10-03 10318.0
customerid_second orderdate_second timedelta
0 ISLAT 1996-09-26 5 days
1 ISLAT 1996-10-01 2 days
you can create the column 'daysbetween' with sort_values and diff. After to get the following order, you can join df with df once groupby per customerid and shift all the data. Finally, query where the number of days in 'daysbetween_next ' is met:
df['daysbetween'] = df.sort_values(['customerid', 'orderdate'])['orderdate'].diff().dt.days
df_final = df.join(df.groupby('customerid').shift(-1),
lsuffix='_initial', rsuffix='_next')\
.drop('daysbetween_initial', axis=1)\
.query('daysbetween_next <= 5 and daysbetween_next >=0')
It's quite simple. Let's write down the requirements one at the time and try to build upon.
First, I guess that the customer has a unique id since it's not specified. We'll use that id for identifying customers.
Second, I assume it does not matter if the customer bought 5 days before or after.
My solution, is to use a simple filter. Note that this solution can also be implemented in a SQL database.
As a condition, we require the user to be the same. We can achieve this as follows:
new_df = df[df["ID"] == df["ID"].shift(1)]
We create a new DataFrame, namely new_df, with all rows such that the xth row has the same user id as the xth - 1 row (i.e. the previous row).
Now, let's search for purchases within the 5 days, by adding the condition to the previous piece of code
new_df = df[df["ID"] == df["ID"].shift(1) & (df["Date"] - df["Date"].shift(1)) <= 5]
This should do the work. I cannot test it write now, so some fixes may be needed. I'll try to test it as soon as I can
I'm a newbie and have been studying pandas for a few days, and started my first project with it. I wanted to use it to create a product stock prediction timeline for the current month.
Basically I get the stock and predicted daily reduction and trace a line from today to the end of the month with the predicted stock. Also, if there is a purchase order to be delivered on day XYZ, I add the delivery amount on that day.
I have a dataframe that contain's the stock for today and the predicted daily redutcion for this month
A 1000 20
B 2000 15
C 800 8
D 10000 100
And another dataframe that contains pending purchase orders and amount that will be delivered.
A 2018-05-16 20
B 2018-05-23 15
A 2018-05-17 8
D 2018-05-29 100
I created this loop to iterate through the dataframe and do the following:
subtract the DAILY_DEDUCTION for the item
if the date is the same as a purchase order date, then add the RECEIVING_AMOUNT
df_dates = pd.date_range(start=today, end=endofmonth, freq='D')
temptable = []
for row in df_stock.itertuples(index=True):
predicted_stock= getattr(row, "STOCK")
item = getattr(row, "ITEM")
for date in df_dates:
date_format = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
predicted_stock = predicted_stock - getattr(linha, "DAILY_DEDUCTION")
order_qty = df_purchase_orders.loc[(df_purchase_orders['DATE'] == date_format)
& (df_purchase_orders['ITEM'] == item), 'RECEIVING_AMOUNT']
if len(df_purchase_orders.index) > 0:
predicted_stock = predicted_stock + order_qty.item()
lista = [date_format, item, int(predicted_stock)]
And... well, it did the job, but it's quite slow. I run this on 100k rows give or take, and was hoping to find some insight on how I can solve this problem in a way that performs better?