Solving a cubic equation using pure python NO NUMPY or SCIPY - python

I was wondering if I could get help solving a generic cubic polynomial with coefficients a, b, c and d. I don't want to use scipy or numpy.
For any complex-valued parameters, I want to find all 3 roots of the equation.
This is what i attempted so far,
def cubic_formula(a,b,c,d):
if not a==0:
return ((x-(y**(1/2)))**(1/3))+((x+(y**(1/2)))-b/(3*a)**(1/3)
elif not b==0:
return rt if not br==0 else -c/(2*b)
elif not c==0:
return -d/c
if d==0:
How do I simplify my solution if d = 0? and how do I retrieve all the results as length-3 (or less if the solutions are fewer) tuple of numbers?
I know x = 0 is a solution that can be taken out x(a^2 + bx + c) = 0, which wields a normal quadratic function and another root at x = 0, however, I don't know how to code it in python and print out the answer.
Thanks in advance!
Only thing wrong with my code was that
if not a==0:
return ((x-(y**(1/2)))**(1/3))++(x+(y**(1/2)))-b/(3*a)**(1/3)
only returned 1 value instead of 3 :) Nothing to do with
if d=0

When d = 0, ax³ + b x² + c x + d = 0 degenerates to x = 0 and the quadratic ax² + bx + c = 0.
In all cases, you can return the results as a list or a tuple (possibly empty). E.g. return (a+b, a-b).


Create random systems of linear equations - Python

Edit: more details
Hello I found this problem through one of my teachers but I still don't understand how to approach to it, and I would like to know if anyone had any ideas for it:
Create a program capable of generating systems of equations (randomly) that contain between 2 and 8 variables. The program will ask the user for a number of variables in the system of equations using the input function. The range of the coefficients must be between [-10,10], however, no coefficient should be 0. Both the coefficients and the solutions must be integers.
The goal is to print the system and show the solution to the variables (x,y,z,...). NumPy is allowed.
As far as I understand it should work this way:
Enter the number of variables: 2
x + y = 7
4x - y =3
x = 2
y = 5
I'm still learning arrays in python, but do they work the same as in matlab?
Thank you in advance :)!
For k variables, the lhs of the equations will be k number of unknowns and a kxk matrix for the coefficients. The dot product of those two should give you the rhs. Then it's a simple case of printing that however you want.
import numpy as np
def generate_linear_equations(k):
coeffs = [*range(-10, 0), *range(1, 11)]
rng = np.random.default_rng()
return rng.choice(coeffs, size=(k, k)), rng.integers(-10, 11, k)
k = int(input('Enter the number of variables: '))
if not 2 <= k <= 8:
raise ValueError('The number of variables must be between 2 and 8.')
coeffs, variables = generate_linear_equations(k)
solution =
symbols = 'abcdefgh'[:k]
for row, sol in zip(coeffs, solution):
lhs = ' '.join(f'{r:+}{s}' for r, s in zip(row, symbols)).lstrip('+')
print(f'{lhs} = {sol}')
for s, v in zip(symbols, variables):
print(f'{s} = {v}')
Which for example can give
Enter the number of variables: 3
8a +6b -4c = -108
9a -9b -4c = 3
10a +10b +9c = -197
a = -9
b = -8
c = -3
If you specifically want the formatting of the lhs to have a space between the sign and to not show a coefficient if it has a value of 1, then you need something more complex. Substitute lhs for the following:
def sign(n):
return '+' if n > 0 else '-'
lhs = ' '.join(f'{sign(r)} {abs(r)}{s}' if r not in (-1, 1) else f'{sign(r)} {s}' for r, s in zip(row, symbols))
lhs = lhs[2:] if lhs.startswith('+') else f'-{lhs[2:]}'
I did this by randomly generating the left hand side and the solution within your constraints, then plugging the solutions into the equations to generate the right hand side. Feel free to ask for clarification about any part of the code.
import numpy as np
num_variables = int(input('Number of variables:'))
valid_integers = np.asarray([x for x in range(-10,11) if x != 0])
lhs = np.random.choice(valid_integers, lhs_shape)
solution = np.random.randint(-10, 11, num_variables)
rhs =
for i in range(num_variables):
for j in range(num_variables):
symbol = '=' if j == num_variables-1 else '+'
print(f'{lhs[i, j]:3d}*x{j+1} {symbol} ', end='')
for i in range(num_variables):
print(f'x{i+1} = {solution[i]}'
Example output:
Number of variables:2
2*x1 + -7*x2 = -84
-4*x1 + 1*x2 = 38
x1 = -7
x2 = 10

Solving an equation system in terms of an unknown like z, could use some help in matlab or other programming languages

For example I have been given some equations and the solution is asked in terms of y/x = only numbers and z.
I would like to see the solution to be done like this: (y/x = some equation only in terms of z and numbers)
Is there a way to do this? Could be code or some function in certain programming languages like matlab.
Thanks in advance.
The isolate(eqn,expr) function will do this. The given example is, where x is isolated from a*x^2 + b*x + c == 0:
syms x a b c
eqn = a*x^2 + b*x + c == 0;
xSol = isolate(eqn, x)
xSol =
x == -(b + (b^2 - 4*a*c)^(1/2))/(2*a)
e.g. solve(a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0,x) will also re-write the same equation in terms of x.
Alteratively, a WolframAlpha widget exists to do this manually:

How to fix solver values when returned only the formula

I am using solver to find the zeros in the following equation. Solver returns only the formula of each one. How can i make it return for me a list of all the values calculated.
from sympy import *
A, B, C, D, r_w, r_j, r, R = symbols('A B C D rw1 rj1 r R')
equation=-pi*r**2*(A + B/(r/r_j + 1)) + pi*r**2*(C + D/(r/r_w + 1))
why do i get returned the equations and not the values as a list. Please HELP!
It looks like things are a little scrambled here. But the short answer is that SymPy is a symbolic calculator and, except for combining numbers together automatically (like 1 + 2 -> 3), it doesn't compute sqrt(2) + 1 as 2.414... unless you tell it to. And one way to "tell it to do it" is nfloat:
>>> sol = solve(substitued.diff(r), r)
>>> nfloat(sol,3)
[0.0, -6.07 - 2.81*I, -6.07 + 2.81*I, -1.29, 0.386]
There is also nsolve if you want numerical approximations of your solutions, but for an equation like this where there are multiple roots, you will have to supply an initial guess to help the solver find the root in which you are interested. Here is a simpler equation to demonstrate:
>>> sol = solve(x**2+x-sqrt(3))
>>> sol
[-1/2 + sqrt(1 + 4*sqrt(3))/2, -sqrt(1 + 4*sqrt(3))/2 - 1/2]
>>> nfloat(sol, 3)
[0.908, -1.91]
>>> nsolve(x**2+x-sqrt(3), x, 1)
>>> nsolve(x**2+x-sqrt(3), x, -1)

Numpy: different values when calculating a sum of a sequence

I'm using scipy.integrate's odeint function to evaluate the time evolution of to find solutions to the equation
$$ \dot x = -\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}, $$
where $f$ and $g$ are both functions of $x$. $f,g$ are given by series of the form
$$ f(x) = x(1 + \sum_k b_k x^{k/2}) $$
$$ g(x) = 1 + \sum_k a_k (1 + k/2) x^{k/2}. $$
All positive initial values for $x$ should result in the solution blowing up in time, but they aren't...well, not always.
The coefficients $a_n, b_n$ are long polynomials, where $b_n$ is dependent on $x$ in a certain way, and $a_n$ is dependent on several terms being held constant.
Depending on the way I compute $g(x)$, I get very different behavior.
The first way I tried is as follows. 'a' and 'b' are 1x8 and 1x9 numpy arrays. Note that in the function g(x, a), a is multiplied by gterms in line 3, and does not appear in line 2.
def g(x, a):
gterms = [(0.5*k + 1.) * x**(0.5*k) for k in range( len(a) )]
return = 1. + np.sum(a*gterms)
def rhs(u,t)
x = u
a, b = An(), Bn(x) #An() and Bn(x) are functions that return an array of coefficients
return -f(x, b)/g(x, a)
t = np.linspace(.,.,.)
solution = odeint(rhs, <some initial value>, t)
The second way was this:
def g(x, a):
gterms = [(0.5*k + 1.) * a[k] * x**(0.5*k) for k in range( len(a) )]
return = 1. + np.sum(gterms)
def rhs(u,t)
x = u
a, b = An(), Bn(x) #An() and Bn(x) are functions that return an array of coefficients
return -f(x, b)/g(x, a)
t = np.linspace(.,.,.)
solution = odeint(rhs, <some initial value>, t)
Note the difference: using the first method, I stuck the array 'a' into the sum in line 3, whereas using the second method, I suck the values of 'a' into the list 'gterms' in line 2 instead.
The first method gives the expected behavior: solutions blow up positive x. However, the second method does not do this. The second method gives a bifurcation for some x0 > 0 that acts as a source. For initial conditions greater than x0, solutions blow up as expected, but initial conditions less than x0 have the solutions tending to 0 very slowly.
Something else of note: in the rhs function, if I change it from
def rhs(u,t)
x = u
return .
def rhs(u,t)
x = u[0]
return .
the same exact change occurs
So my question is: what is the difference between the two different methods I used? I can't tell for the life of me what is actually going on here. Sorry for being so verbose.

Writing a function for x * sin(3/x) in python

I have to write a function, s(x) = x * sin(3/x) in python that is capable of taking single values or vectors/arrays, but I'm having a little trouble handling the cases when x is zero (or has an element that's zero). This is what I have so far:
def s(x):
result = zeros(size(x))
for a in range(0,size(x)):
if (x[a] == 0):
result[a] = 0
result[a] = float(x[a] * sin(3.0/x[a]))
return result
Which...doesn't work for x = 0. And it's kinda messy. Even worse, I'm unable to use sympy's integrate function on it, or use it in my own simpson/trapezoidal rule code. Any ideas?
When I use integrate() on this function, I get the following error message: "Symbol" object does not support indexing.
This takes about 30 seconds per integrate call:
import sympy as sp
x = sp.Symbol('x')
int2 = sp.integrate(x*sp.sin(3./x),(x,0.000001,2)).evalf(8)
print int2
int1 = sp.integrate(x*sp.sin(3./x),(x,0,2)).evalf(8)
print int1
The results are:
-4.5*Si(zoo) + 8.1682775
Clearly you want to start the integration from a small positive number to avoid the problem at x = 0.
You can also assign x*sin(3./x) to a variable, e.g.:
s = x*sin(3./x)
int1 = sp.integrate(s, (x, 0.00001, 2))
My original answer using scipy to compute the integral:
import scipy.integrate
import math
def s(x):
if abs(x) < 0.00001:
return 0
return x*math.sin(3.0/x)
s_exact = scipy.integrate.quad(s, 0, 2)
print s_exact
See the scipy docs for more integration options.
If you want to use SymPy's integrate, you need a symbolic function. A wrong value at a point doesn't really matter for integration (at least mathematically), so you shouldn't worry about it.
It seems there is a bug in SymPy that gives an answer in terms of zoo at 0, because it isn't using limit correctly. You'll need to compute the limits manually. For example, the integral from 0 to 1:
In [14]: res = integrate(x*sin(3/x), x)
In [15]: ans = limit(res, x, 1) - limit(res, x, 0)
In [16]: ans
9⋅π 3⋅cos(3) sin(3) 9⋅Si(3)
- ─── + ──────── + ────── + ───────
4 2 2 2
In [17]: ans.evalf()
Out[17]: -0.164075835450162

