I am not exactly sure how to word this question so I'll try to explain my problem here.
I am trying to code a program that reads text (for example an essay) from a txt file and then types each letter from that txt file as you type a letter on the keyboard (think those hacker games where you mash the keyboard and it looks like you're typing something that you are not).
Currently I am handling this by simply deleting the character right after but I noticed that I needed to add a delay for this to work with any stability whatsoever. A delay of 0.05 works okay, but any lower is unstable and 0.05 is already far too much for my liking. I also tried using keyboard.press_and_release() but this needed just as large of a delay without breaking.
I am using the keyboard module because it works on both Windows and Mac which is a must have. I am also not exactly sure that I understand why this is happening especially with the press and release function so hopefully someone might know an answer or maybe a different module to use. I have also tried pyautogui and that was even worse.
import pyautogui
import time
import keyboard
# only keyboard needs to be pip installed i think
if __name__ == '__main__':
inFile = open('Essay', 'r')
while True:
line = inFile.readline();
# if line is empty meaning file is reached
if not line:
while len(line) > 0:
line = line[1:len(line)]
I am not sure but it may help you. Install the PyPI package:
pip install keyboard
or clone the repository (no installation required, source files are sufficient):
git clone https://github.com/boppreh/keyboard
or download and extract the zip into your project folder.
Then check the API docs below to see what features are available.
import keyboard
keyboard.press_and_release('shift+s, space')
keyboard.write('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.')
keyboard.add_hotkey('ctrl+shift+a', print, args=('triggered', 'hotkey'))
# Press PAGE UP then PAGE DOWN to type "foobar".
keyboard.add_hotkey('page up, page down', lambda: keyboard.write('foobar'))
# Blocks until you press esc.
# Record events until 'esc' is pressed.
recorded = keyboard.record(until='esc')
# Then replay back at three times the speed.
keyboard.play(recorded, speed_factor=3)
# Type ## then press space to replace with abbreviation.
keyboard.add_abbreviation('##', 'my.long.email#example.com')
# Block forever, like `while True`.
Courtesy: https://softans.com/how-to-replace-keyboard-output-using-python/
I've been trying to get keypresses to be detected in a Python program. I want to find a way to do this without using Tkinter, curses, or raw_input. Here's what I'm going at:
while True:
if keypressed==1:
print thekey
Does anyone know how this is possible?
Python has a keyboard module with many features. Install it, perhaps with this command:
pip3 install keyboard
Then use it in code like:
import keyboard #Using module keyboard
while True:#making a loop
try: #used try so that if user pressed other than the given key error will not be shown
if keyboard.is_pressed('a'): #if key 'a' is pressed
print('You Pressed A Key!')
break #finishing the loop
break #if user pressed other than the given key the loop will break
You can set multiple Key Detection:
if keyboard.is_pressed('a') or keyboard.is_pressed('b') or keyboard.is_pressed('c'):
#then do this
I took the liberty of editing your question slightly so it makes sense and has an answer, at least on Windows. (IDLE only interacts with your keyboard by means of the tkinter interface to tk.) On Windows, the answer is to use the msvcrt module's console io functions
import msvcrt as ms
while True:
if ms.kbhit():
For other systems, you will have to find the equivalent system-specific calls. For posix systems, these may be part of curses, which you said you did not to use, but I do not know.
These functions do not work correctly when the program is run is run from IDLE in its default mode. The same may be true for other graphics-mode IDEs.
Right now I'm trying to make a small code with a raspberry pi and and a makey makey. The makey makey is a small board that acts as a usb keyboard when certain contacts are powered. My question is what is the easiest way to detect those keypresses inside a python script. I understand using the GPIO pins would be easier, but right now I'm looking for this. I have seen examples such as using using getch() from msvcrt (which from what I understand is windows only,) using pygame.key, and using getKey. Which of theses is easiest to use? Are there any that can detect a key being pressed and a key being released?
Pseudo code:
import whatever needs importing
if the "W" key is pressed:
print ("You pressed W")
elif the "S" is pressed:
print ("You pressed S")
and so on. Thanks.
This is a simple loop that will put stdin in raw mode (disabling buffering so you don't have to press enter) to get single characters. You should do something smarter (like a with statement to disable it) but you get the idea here:
import tty
import sys
import termios
orig_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
x = 0
while x != chr(27): # ESC
print("You pressed", x)
termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, orig_settings)
I think you'd have to loop to detect key releases in Python.
ETA some more explanation:
On Linux, input to your program will be line buffered. This means that the operating system will buffer up input until it has a whole line, so your program won't even see anything the user typed until the user also hits 'enter'. In other words, if your program is expecting the user to type 'w' and the user does this, 'w' will be sitting in the OS's buffer until the user hits 'enter'. At this point the entire line is delivered to your program so you will get the string "w\n" as the user's input.
You can disable this by putting the tty in raw mode. You do this with the Python function tty.setcbreak which will make a call down the tty driver in linux to tell it to stop buffering. I passed it the sys.stdin argument to tell it which stream I wanted to turn buffering off for1. So after the tty.setcbreak call, the loop above will give you output for every key the user presses.
A complication, though, is that once your program exits, the tty is still in raw mode. You'll generally find this unsatisfying since you don't get any of the power that modern terminal settings offer (like when you use control or escape sequences). For example, notice that you might have trouble exiting the program with ctrl-C. Consequently you should put the terminal back into cooked mode once you are done reading input characters. The termios.tcsetattr call simply says "put the terminal back the way I found it". It knows how to do this by first calling termios.tcgetattr at the beginning of the program which is saying "tell me all the current settings for the terminal".
Once you understand all that, you should easily be able to encapsulate the functionality in a function that suits your program.
1 stdin is the stream that input comes to you from the user. Wikipedia can tell you more about standard streams.
Using a good lightweight module curtsies you could do something like this (taken from their examples/ directory):
from curtsies import Input
def main():
with Input(keynames='curses') as input_generator:
for e in input_generator:
if __name__ == '__main__':
So pressing keys on your keyboard gives you something like this:
curtsies is used by bpython as a low level abstraction of terminal-related stuff.
The basic problem of decoding the input is that in different terminals and terminal emulator programs like xterm or gnome-terminals physically same keys produce different keycode sequences. That's why one needs to know which terminal settings should be used to decode input. Such a module helps to abstract from those gory details.
Since your question states that you are using a Raspberry Pi and a USB HID keyboard peripheral, but does not specify whether or not you have the Pi configured to boot into text or graphical mode where you will be running your script, I would suggest using libinput which will work in either case.
You can use libinput's python bindings to read keyboard (and most other input devices) events directly from the kernel.
pip3 install python-libinput
The interface to this subsystem is exposed through the character devices which usually live in /dev/input/. They are managed by udev rules which create one or more character devices per attached input device, and are added and removed dynamically when, for example, a USB keyboard is attached or unplugged, or a Bluetooth mouse connects or disconnects.
Libinput handles for you the task of opening and reading from all attached input devices, and opening and closing devices when they are added and removed, respectively.
Using libinput from python to read key events would look like this:
import libinput
def read_key_events():
# init libinput
li = libinput.LibInput(udev=True)
# loop which reads events
for event in li.get_event():
# test the event.type to filter out only keyboard events
if event.type == libinput.constant.Event.KEYBOARD_KEY:
# get the details of the keyboard event
kbev = event.get_keyboard_event()
kcode = kbev.get_key() # constants in libinput.define.Key.KEY_xxx
kstate = kbev.get_key_state() # constants libinput.constant.KeyState.PRESSED or .RELEASED
# your key handling will look something like this...
if kstate == libinput.constant.KeyState.PRESSED:
print(f"Key {kcode} pressed")
elif kstate == libinput.constant.KeyState.RELEASED:
if kbev.get_key() == libinput.define.Key.KEY_ENTER:
print("Enter key released")
elif kcode == libinput.define.Key.KEY_SPACE:
print("Space bar released")
print(f"Key {kcode} released")
One minor gotcha to be aware of is that udev is commonly configured to set permissions on the event devices it creates in /dev/input/ to allow access only from users who are members of a special supplementary 'input' group, since to allow unrestricted access to raw user key and mouse input would be a major security flaw. As such, o if running this throws an error during the libinput initialisation, you may need to add input to your user's supplementary groups by running:
sudo usermod -G input -a "${USERNAME}"
I ran this PyHook sample code:
import pythoncom, pyHook
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName
print 'Message:',event.Message
print 'Time:',event.Time
print 'Window:',event.Window
print 'WindowName:',event.WindowName
print 'Ascii:', event.Ascii, chr(event.Ascii)
print 'Key:', event.Key
print 'KeyID:', event.KeyID
print 'ScanCode:', event.ScanCode
print 'Extended:', event.Extended
print 'Injected:', event.Injected
print 'Alt', event.Alt
print 'Transition', event.Transition
print '---'
# return True to pass the event to other handlers
return True
# create a hook manager
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
# watch for all mouse events
hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
# set the hook
# wait forever
To try it out and it works in most windows but when I try it inside a game window it acts like I'm not pressing anything.
Is there a way to listen to keypresses from a specific process? what should I do?
I am quoting from the same page from where you got this code.
Check Here.
If you are using a GUI toolkit (e.g. wxPython), this loop is unnecessary since the toolkit provides its own.
I think you should change pythoncom.PumpMessages() to something else I don't know what.
Games often use hooks to handle input in much the same way as you are trying to, the way that hooks work under windows is as a chain, IIRC the last hook added is the first hook called, so it may be that if you are starting your script before the game then the games hook is called before yours, handles the event and so nothing reaches your hook.
Another possibility is that to prevent people for scripting/automating games or otherwise making things to help the player games will re-register the hooks periodically to ensure it is always at the head of the hook chain, if this is the case then you will find it difficult to overcome.
Try using keyboard instead here is an example according to the keyboard page on Github. You have to run this with sudo through the command (in command prompt) sudo python file.py
import sys
import keyboard
def print_pressed_keys(e):
line = ', '.join(str(code) for code in keyboard._pressed_events)
# '\r' and end='' overwrites the previous line.
# ' '*40 prints 40 spaces at the end to ensure the previous line is cleared.
print('\r' + line + ' ' * 40k, end='')
Your problem might be caused by the fact that your computer is giving the game priority over your keypress program, so when you press a key, the input goes directly to your game instead of through your program.
Actually, there is a way to do this. If you go into press ctrl+alt+del and select task manager (windows), you should be able to see the name of your python program. Now, right click on that and select Go to details. This should change the format completely. Without clicking anything else, right click on the highlighted thing (should be highlighted in blue) and hover over Set priority. This should bring up a dropdown menu, where you can either set as High or Realtime.
Another way to make sure to do this is to set your game's priority to Below Normal using the same steps, but click on the game instead.
Firstly, very much Py Newby!
I have written a program to import data from a file and display it as an image using tkinter. The loop that is misbehaving runs thus:
Get data and plot
for x in xrange(WIDE):
for y in xrange(HIGH):
dataPointLo = inFile.read(1)
dataPointHi = inFile.read(1)
pixelValue = ((ord(dataPointLo) + 256*(ord(dataPointHi)))-31500)
colour = rgb[pixelValue]
#print below makes prog run!
print pixelValue
img.put(colour, to=(x,y))
As suggested by the comment, leaving out the print stops it working, but it locks one core of the processor at 100% for as long as you leave it (well at least 20 mins!). This effect occurs both in IDLE and from the command line (Ubuntu 12.04). Of course, the print to the IDLE window slows the program down, so I would like to remove it! Any thoughts?
it sounds like the process you are running takes a long time to complete, i would suggest that the reason you think it stops is because the window doesn't update while the process is busy unless you tell it to. i suggest you add a function like the following to your code and call it once before you enter your loop:
def keep_alive(self):
self.after(100, self.keep_alive)
this way you are adding an event to update the window every 100ms(ish) to the event loop, which will keep the program responsive. you can adjust the timing to suit you, too often will slow your loop down, too far apart and the program will feel sluggish.
I'd like to print a string to command line / terminal in Windows and then edit / change the string and read it back. Anyone knows how to do it? Thanks
print "Hell"
Hello! <---Edit it on the screen
s = raw_input()
print s
You could do some ANSI trickery to make it look like you are editing on screen. Check out this link (also similar to this SO post on colors).
This would only work on certain terminals and configurations. ymmv.
This python script worked in my Cygwin terminal on Win7:
print 'hell'
print '\033[1A\033[4CO!'
Ends up printing hellO! on one line. The 2nd print moves the cursor up one line (Esc[1A) then over 4 characters (Esc[4C]) and then prints the 'O!'.
It wouldn't let you read it back though... only a 1/2 answer.
I had this same use-case for a command-line application.
Finally found a hack to do this.
# pip install pyautogui gnureadline
import pyautogui
import readline
from threading import Thread
def editable_input(text):
Thread(target=pyautogui.write, args=(text,)).start()
modified_input = input()
return modified_input
a = editable_input("This is a random text")
print("Received input : ", a)
The trick here is use pyautogui to send the text from keyboard. But we want to do this immediately after the input(). Since input() is a blocking call, we can run the pyautogui command in a different thread. And have an input function immediately after that in the main thread.
gnureadline is for making sure we can press left and right arrow keys to move the cursor in a terminal without printing escape characters.
Tested this on Ubuntu 20, python 3.7
raw_input accepts a parameter for a "prompt message", so use that to output the message, and then prepend it to what you get back. However, this won't allow you to backspace into the prompt, because it's a prompt and not really part of the input.
s = "Hell" + raw_input("Hell")
print s
os.sys.stdout is write only, but you can erase some characters of the last line with \b or the whole line with \r, as long as you did not write a carriage return.
(however, see also my question about limitations to the standard python console/terminal)
I once made some output exercise (including a status bar) to write,erase or animate if you will, perhaps it is helpfull:
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, time
# status generator
def range_with_status(total):
while n<total:
done = '#'*(n+1)
todo = '-'*(total-n-1)
s = '<{0}>'.format(done+todo)
if not todo:
if n>0:
s = '\r'+s
yield n
print ('doing something ...')
for i in range_with_status(10):
print ('And now for something completely different ...')
msg = 'I am going to erase this line from the console window.'
sys.stdout.write(msg); sys.stdout.flush()
sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' '*len(msg))
print('\rdid I succeed?')
If it's for your own purposes, then here's a dirty wee hack using the clipboard without losing what was there before:
def edit_text_at_terminal(text_to_edit):
import pyperclip
# Save old clipboard contents so user doesn't lose them
old_clipboard_contents = pyperclip.paste()
#place text you want to edit in the clipboard
# If you're on Windows, and ctrl+v works, you can do this:
import win32com.client
shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")
# Otherwise you should tell the user to type ctrl+v
msg = "Type ctrl+v (your old clipboard contents will be restored):\n"
# Get the new value, the old value will have been pasted
new_value= str(raw_input(msg))
# restore the old clipboard contents before returning new value
pyperclip.copy(old_clipboard_contents )
return new_value
Note that ctrl+v doesn't work in all terminals, notably the Windows default (there are ways to make it work, though I recommend using ConEmu instead).
Automating the keystrokes for other OSs will involve a different process.
Please remember this is a quick hack and not a "proper" solution. I will not be held responsible for loss of entire PhD dissertations momentarily stored on your clipboard.
For a proper solution there are better approaches such as curses for Linux, and on Windows it's worth looking into AutHotKey (perhaps throw up an input box, or do some keystrokes/clipboard wizardry).