I have some data I want to count by month. The column I want count has three different possible values, each representing a different car sold. Here is an example of my dataframe:
Date Type_Car_Sold
2015-01-01 00:00:00 2
2015-01-01 00:00:00 1
2015-01-01 00:00:00 1
2015-01-01 00:00:00 3
... ...
I want to make it so I have a dataframe that counts each specific car type sold by month separately, so looking like this:
Month Car_Type_1 Car_Type_2 Car_Type_3 Total_Cars_Sold
1 15 12 17 44
2 9 18 20 47
... ... ... ... ...
How exactly would I go about doing this? I've tried doing:
cars_sold = car_data['Type_Car_Sold'].groupby(car_data.Date.dt.month).agg('count')
but that just sums up all the cars sold in the month, rather than breaking it down by the total amount of each type sold. Any thoughts?
Maybe not the cleanest solution, but this should get you pretty close
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Date": [datetime(2022,1,1), datetime(2022,1,1), datetime(2022,2,1), datetime(2022,2,1)],
"Type": [1, 2, 1, 1],
df['Date'] = df["Date"].dt.to_period('M')
df['Value'] = 1
print(pd.pivot_table(df, values='Value', index=['Date'], columns=['Type'], aggfunc='count'))
Type 1 2
2022-01 1.0 1.0
2022-02 2.0 NaN
Alternatively you can also pass multiple columns to groupby:
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Date": [datetime(2022,1,1), datetime(2022,1,1), datetime(2022,2,1), datetime(2022,2,1)],
"Type": [1, 2, 1, 1],
df['Date'] = df["Date"].dt.to_period('M')
df.groupby(['Date', 'Type']).size()
Date Type
2022-01 1 1
2 1
2022-02 1 2
dtype: int64
This seems to have the unfortunate side effect of excluding keys with zero value. Also the result is multiindexed rows rather than having the index as rows+columns.
For more information on this approach, check this question.
I am trying to expand a dataframe containing a number of columns by creating rows based on the interval between two date columns.
For this I am currently using a method that basically creates a cartesian product, which works well on small datasets, but is not good in large sets because it is very inefficient.
This method will be used on a ~ 2-million row by 50 column Dataframe spanning multiple years from min to max date. The resulting dataset will be about 3 million rows, so a more effective approach is required.
I have not succeeded in finding an alternative method which is less resource intensive.
What would be the best approach for this?
My current method here:
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
raw_data = {'id': ['aa0', 'aa1', 'aa2', 'aa3'],
'number': [1, 2, 2, 1],
'color': ['blue', 'red', 'yellow', "green"],
'date_start': [date(2022,1,1), date(2022,1,1), date(2022,1,7), date(2022,1,12)],
'date_end': [date(2022,1,2), date(2022,1,4), date(2022,1,9), date(2022,1,14)]}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data)
This gives the following result
Now to create a set containing all possible dates between the min and max date of the set:
df_d = pd.DataFrame({'date': pd.date_range(df['date_start'].min(), df['date_end'].max() + pd.Timedelta('1d'), freq='1d')})
This results in an expected frame containing all the possible dates
Finally to cross merge the original set with the date set and filter resulting rows based on start and end date per row
df_total = pd.merge(df, df_d,how='cross')
df = df_total[(df_total['date_start']<df_total['date']) & (df_total['date_end']>=df_total['date']) ]
This leads to the following final
This final dataframe is exactly what is needed.
Efficient Solution
d = df['date_end'].sub(df['date_start']).dt.days
df1 = df.reindex(df.index.repeat(d))
i = df1.groupby(level=0).cumcount() + 1
df1['date'] = df1['date_start'] + pd.to_timedelta(i, unit='d')
How it works?
Subtract start from end to calculate the number of days elapsed, then reindex the dataframe by repeating the index exactly elapsed number of days times. Now group df1 by index and use cumcount to create a sequential counter then create a timedelta series using this counter and add this with date_start to get the result
id number color date_start date_end date
0 aa0 1 blue 2022-01-01 2022-01-02 2022-01-02
1 aa1 2 red 2022-01-01 2022-01-04 2022-01-02
1 aa1 2 red 2022-01-01 2022-01-04 2022-01-03
1 aa1 2 red 2022-01-01 2022-01-04 2022-01-04
2 aa2 2 yellow 2022-01-07 2022-01-09 2022-01-08
2 aa2 2 yellow 2022-01-07 2022-01-09 2022-01-09
3 aa3 1 green 2022-01-12 2022-01-14 2022-01-13
3 aa3 1 green 2022-01-12 2022-01-14 2022-01-14
I don't know if this is an approvement, here the pd.date_range only gets created for each start and end date in each row. the created list gets exploded and joined to the original df
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
raw_data = {'id': ['aa0', 'aa1', 'aa2', 'aa3'],
'number': [1, 2, 2, 1],
'color': ['blue', 'red', 'yellow', "green"],
'date_start': [date(2022,1,1), date(2022,1,1), date(2022,1,7), date(2022,1,12)],
'date_end': [date(2022,1,2), date(2022,1,4), date(2022,1,9), date(2022,1,14)]}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data)
s = df.apply(lambda x: pd.date_range(x['date_start'], x['date_end'], freq='1d',inclusive='right').date,axis=1).explode()
I would like to (manually) create in Python a dataframe with daily dates (in column 'date') as per below code.
But the code does not provide the correct format for the daily dates, neglects dates (the desired format representation is below).
Could you please advise how I can correct the code so that the 'date' column is entered in a desired format?
Thanks in advance!
desired format for date column
2021-03-22 3
2021-04-07 3
2021-04-18 3
2021-05-12 0
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"date": [2021-3-22, 2021-4-7, 2021-4-18, 2021-5-12],
"x": [3, 3, 3, 0 ]})
date x
0 1996 3
1 2010 3
2 1999 3
3 2004 0
Python wants to interpret the numbers in the sequence 2021-3-22 as a series of mathematical operations 2021 minus 3 minus 22.
If you want that item to be stored as a string that resembles a date you will need to mark them as string literal datatype (str), as shown below by encapsulating them with quotes.
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"date": ['2021-3-22', '2021-4-7', '2021-4-18', '2021-5-12'],
"x": [3, 3, 3, 0 ]})
The results for the date column, as shown here indicate that the date column contains elements of the object datatype which encompasses str in pandas. Notice that the strings were created exactly as shown (2021-3-22 instead of 2021-03-22).
0 2021-3-22
1 2021-4-7
2 2021-4-18
3 2021-5-12
Name: date, dtype: object
IF however, you actually want them stored as datetime objects so that you can do datetime manipulations on them (i.e. determine the number of days between two dates OR filter by a specific month OR year) then you need to convert the values to datetime objects.
This technique will do that:
df1['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['date'])
The results of this conversion are Pandas datetime objects which enable nanosecond precision (I differentiate this from Python datetime objects which are limited to microsecond precision).
0 2021-03-22
1 2021-04-07
2 2021-04-18
3 2021-05-12
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]
Notice the displayed results are now formatted just as you would expect of datetimes (2021-03-22 instead of 2021-3-22).
You would want to create the series as a datetime and use the following codes when doing so as strings, more info here pandas.to_datetime:
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"date": pd.to_datetime(["2021-3-22", "2021-4-7", "2021-4-18", "2021-5-12"]),
"x": [3, 3, 3, 0 ]})
FWIW, I often use pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(text)) to copy/paste tabular-looking data into a DataFrame (for example, from SO questions).
import io
import re
import pandas as pd
def df_read(txt, **kwargs):
txt = '\n'.join([s.strip() for s in txt.splitlines()])
return pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(re.sub(r' +', '\t', txt)), sep='\t', **kwargs)
txt = """
date value
2021-03-22 3
2021-04-07 3
2021-04-18 3
2021-05-12 0
df = df_read(txt, parse_dates=['date'])
>>> df
date value
0 2021-03-22 3
1 2021-04-07 3
2 2021-04-18 3
3 2021-05-12 0
>>> df.dtypes
date datetime64[ns]
value int64
dtype: object
I have time-series data of a yearly sports tournament, with the date when each game was played. I want to group the games by the season(year) they were played in. Each season starts in August and ends the NEXT year in july.
How would I go about grouping the games by season, like -
season(2016-2017), season(2017-2018), etc..
This Answer involving df.resample() may be related, but I'm not sure how I'd go about doing it.
This is what the date column looks like:
I want to group by seasons so that I can perform visualization operations over the aggregated data.
UPDATE: For the time being my solution is to split up the dataframe into groups of 32 as I know each season has 32 games. This is the code I've used:
split_df = np.array_split(df, np.arange(0, len(df),32))
But I'd rather prefer something more elegant and more inclusive of time-series data so I'll keep the question open.
The key to success is proper grouping, in your case pd.Grouper(key='DATA', freq='AS-AUG').
Note that freq='AS-AUG' states that your groups should start from the start of
August each year.
Look at the following script:
import pandas as pd
# Source columns
dates = [ '01/04/09', '31/07/09', '01/08/09', '26/09/09', '04/10/09', '17/12/09',
'25/01/10', '20/04/10', '31/07/10', '01/08/10', '28/10/10', '03/11/10',
'25/12/10', '20/04/11', '31/07/11' ]
scores_x = np.random.randint(0, 20, len(dates))
scores_y = np.random.randint(0, 20, len(dates))
# Source DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'DATA': dates, 'SCORE_X': scores_x, 'SCORE_Y': scores_y})
# Convert string date to datetime
df.DATA = pd.to_datetime(df.DATA, format='%d/%m/%y')
# Grouping
gr = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='DATA', freq='AS-AUG'))
If you print the results:
for name, group in gr:
you will get:
2008-08-01 00:00:00
0 2009-04-01 16 11
1 2009-07-31 10 7
2009-08-01 00:00:00
2 2009-08-01 19 6
3 2009-09-26 14 5
4 2009-10-04 8 11
5 2009-12-17 12 19
6 2010-01-25 0 0
7 2010-04-20 17 6
8 2010-07-31 18 2
2010-08-01 00:00:00
9 2010-08-01 15 18
10 2010-10-28 2 4
11 2010-11-03 8 16
12 2010-12-25 13 1
13 2011-04-20 19 7
14 2011-07-31 8 3
As you can see, each group starts just on 1-st of August and ends on
31-st of July.
They you can do with your groups whatever you want.
Use -
2009 5
2018 4
Custom Season Grouping
min_year = df['DATE'].dt.year.min()
max_year = df['DATE'].dt.year.max()
rng = pd.date_range(start='{}-07'.format(min_year), end='{}-08'.format(max_year), freq='12M').to_series()
df.groupby(pd.cut(df['DATE'], rng)).count()
(2009-07-31, 2010-07-31] 3
(2010-07-31, 2011-07-31] 0
(2011-07-31, 2012-07-31] 0
(2012-07-31, 2013-07-31] 0
(2013-07-31, 2014-07-31] 0
(2014-07-31, 2015-07-31] 0
(2015-07-31, 2016-07-31] 0
(2016-07-31, 2017-07-31] 0
(2017-07-31, 2018-07-31] 1
Resampling using 'A-JUL' as an anchored offset alias should do the trick:
>>> df
2009-01-30 1
2009-07-10 4
2009-11-20 3
2010-01-01 5
2010-05-13 1
2010-08-01 1
>>> df.resample('A-JUL').sum()
2009-07-31 5
2010-07-31 9
2011-07-31 1
A indicates it is a yearly interval, -JUL indicates it ends in July.
You could build a season column and group by that. In below code, I used pandas.DateOffset() to move all dates 7 months back so a game that happened in August would look like it happened in January to align the season year with the calendar year. Building season string is fairly straightforward after that.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date
dates = pd.date_range(date(2009, 8, 1), date(2018, 7, 30), freq='17d')
df = pd.DataFrame(dates, columns=['date'])
# copy the date column to a separate dataframe to do the work
df_tmp = df[['date']]
df_tmp['season_start_year'] = (df_tmp['date'] - pd.DateOffset(months=7)).dt.year
df_tmp['season_end_year'] = df_tmp['season_start_year'] + 1
df_tmp['season'] = df_tmp['season_start_year'].map(str) + '-' + df_tmp['season_end_year'].map(str)
# copy season column to the main dataframe
df['season'] = df_tmp['season']
Assume that I have the following data set
import pandas as pd, numpy, datetime
start, end = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 31)
date_list = pd.date_range(start, end, freq='B')
numdays = len(date_list)
value = numpy.random.normal(loc=1e3, scale=50, size=numdays)
ids = numpy.repeat([1], numdays)
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'Id': ids,
'Date': date_list,
'Value': value})
I would now like to calculate the maximum within each business quarter for test_df. One possiblity is to use resample using rule='BQ', how='max'. However, I'd like to keep the structure of the array and just generate another column with the maximum for each BQ, have you guys got any suggestions on how to do this?
I think the following should work for you, this groups on the quarter and calls transform on the 'Value' column and returns the maximum value as a Series with it's index aligned to the original df:
In [26]:
test_df['max'] = test_df.groupby(test_df['Date'].dt.quarter)['Value'].transform('max')
Date Id Value max
0 2015-01-01 1 1005.498555 1100.197059
1 2015-01-02 1 1032.235987 1100.197059
2 2015-01-05 1 986.906171 1100.197059
3 2015-01-06 1 984.473338 1100.197059
256 2015-12-25 1 997.965285 1145.215837
257 2015-12-28 1 929.652812 1145.215837
258 2015-12-29 1 1086.128017 1145.215837
259 2015-12-30 1 921.663949 1145.215837
260 2015-12-31 1 938.189566 1145.215837
[261 rows x 4 columns]
I have a pandas df, and I use between_time a and b to clean the data. How do I
get a non_between_time behavior?
I know i can try something like.
df.between_time['00:00:00', a]
then combine it and sort the new df. It's very inefficient and it doesn't work for me as I have data betweeen 23:59:59 and 00:00:00
You could find the index locations for rows with time between a and b, and then use df.index.diff to remove those from the index:
import pandas as pd
import io
text = '''\
date,time, val
20120105, 080000, 1
20120105, 080030, 2
20120105, 080100, 3
20120105, 080130, 4
20120105, 080200, 5
20120105, 235959.01, 6
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(text), parse_dates=[[0, 1]], index_col=0)
index = df.index
ivals = index.indexer_between_time('8:01:30','8:02')
2012-01-05 08:00:00 1
2012-01-05 08:00:30 2
2012-01-05 08:01:00 3
2012-01-05 23:59:59.010000 6