BFS and DFS visited list - python

I've been trying to understand BFS and DFS better, and I was wondering if I could get some help on this: I want to return the list of visited nodes for both of them. Since it would be redundant to post snippets for each and ask the same question, I'll just go with BFS:
visited = [] # List to keep track of visited nodes.
queue = [] #Initialize a queue
def bfs(visited, graph, node):
while queue:
s = queue.pop(0)
print (s, end = " ")
for neighbour in graph[s]:
if neighbour not in visited:
This is from (python). Would I just delete the print function and add "return visited" at the very end? Thanks!


Leetcode 261 Graph Valid Tree: second test fails

I am trying to write a solution for Leet Code problem 261. Graph Valid Tree:
Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n-1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to check whether these edges make up a valid tree.
Example 1:
Input: n = 5, and edges = [[0,1], [0,2], [0,3], [1,4]]
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: n = 5, and edges = [[0,1], [1,2], [2,3], [1,3], [1,4]]
Output: false
Here is my solution thus far. I believe that the goal is to detect cycles in the tree. I use dfs to do this.
class Node:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.outgoing = []
class Solution:
def validTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
visited = {}
for pre, end in edges:
if pre not in visited:
"we add a new node to the visited set"
visited[pre] = Node(pre)
if end not in visited:
visited[end] = Node(end)
"We append it to the list"
def dfs(current, dvisit = set()):
if current.val in dvisit:
print("is the condition happening here")
return True
for nodes in current.outgoing:
dfs(nodes, dvisit)
return False
mdict = set()
for key in visited.keys():
if dfs(visited[key], mdict) == True:
return False
return True
It fails this test n = 5, edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[1,3],[1,4]]
It is supposed to return false but it returns true.
I placed some print statements in my dfs helper function and it does seem to be hitting the case where dfs is supposed to return true. However for some reason, the case in my for loop does not hit in the end, which causes the entire problem to return true for some reason. Can I receive some guidance on how I can modify this?
A few issues:
The given graph is undirected, so edges should be added in both directions when the tree data structure is built. Without doing this, you might miss cycles.
Once edges are made undirected, the algorithm should not travel back along the edge it just came from. For this purpose keep track of the parent node that the traversal just came from.
In dfs the returned value from the recursive call is ignored. It should not: when the returned value indicates there is a cycle, the loop should be exited and the same indication should be returned to the caller.
The main loop should not clear mdict. In fact, if after the first call to dfs, that loop finds another node that has not been visited, then this means the graph is not a tree: in a tree every pair of nodes is connected. No second call of dfs needs to be made from the main code, which means the main code does not need a loop. It can just call dfs on any node and then check that all nodes were visited by that call.
The function could do a preliminary "sanity" check, since a tree always has one less edge than it has vertices. If that is not true, then there is no need to continue: it is not a tree.
One boundary check could be made: when n is 1, and thus there are no edges, then there is nothing to call dfs on. In that case we can just return True, as this is a valid boundary case.
So a correction could look like this:
class Solution:
def validTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
if n != len(edges) + 1: # Quick sanity check
return False
if n == 1: # Boundary case
return True
visited = {}
for pre, end in edges:
if pre not in visited:
visited[pre] = Node(pre)
if end not in visited:
visited[end] = Node(end)
visited[end].outgoing.append(visited[pre]) # It's undirected
def dfs(parent, current, dvisit):
if current.val in dvisit:
return True # Cycle detected!
for node in current.outgoing:
# Avoid going back along the same edge, and
# check the returned boolean!
if node is not parent and dfs(current, node, dvisit):
return True # Quit as soon as cycle is found
return False
mdict = set()
# Start in any node:
if dfs(None, visited[pre], mdict):
return False # Cycle detected!
# After one DFS traversal there should not be any node that has not been visited
return len(mdict) == n
A tree is a special undirected graph. It satisfies two properties
It is connected
It has no cycle.
No cycle can be expressed as NumberOfNodes ==NumberOfEdges+1.
Based on this, given edges:
1- Create the graph
2- then traverse the graph and store the nodes in a set
3- Finally check if two conditions above are met
class Solution:
def validTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
from collections import defaultdict
graph = defaultdict(list)
for src, dest in edges:
visited = set()
def dfs(root):
for node in graph[root]:
if node in visited:
# if you already visited before, means you alredy run dfs so do not run dfs again
# this shows we have no cycle and connected
return len(visited) == n and len(edges)+1 == n
This question is locked in leetcode but you can test it here for now:

Returning shortest path using breadth-first search

I have a graph:
graph = {}
graph['you'] = ['alice', 'bob', 'claire']
graph['bob'] = ['anuj', 'peggy']
graph['alice'] = ['peggy']
graph['claire'] = ['thom', 'jonny']
graph['anuj'] = []
graph['peggy'] = []
graph['thom'] = []
graph['jonny'] = []
A function that determines my end node:
def person_is_seller(name):
return name[-1] == 'm' # thom is the mango seller
And a breadth-first search algorithm:
from collections import deque
def search(name):
search_queue = deque()
search_queue += graph[name]
searched = set()
while search_queue:
# print(search_queue)
person = search_queue.popleft()
if person not in searched:
# print(f'Searching {person}')
if person_is_seller(person):
return f'{person} is a mango seller'
search_queue += graph[person]
return f'None is a mango seller'
# 'thom is a mango seller'
I am wondering if this algorithm can return the shortest path from you to thom?
[you, claire, thom] # as this is the shortest path to thom which is my end node
I checked this answer and it states that it does not let me find the shortest path but the second answer states that it is possible to provide the shortest path, I assume without using Djikstra's algorithm. So I am a bit confused, can I somehow keep track of the previous node, and if the final node is reached provide the shortest path as in the last code snippet or in any other format?
You can make searched a dictionary instead of a set, and then let the value for each key be a backreference to the node where you came from.
When you find the target, you can recover the path by walking back over those backreferences and then return the reverse of that.
Adapted code:
def search(name):
search_queue = deque()
search_queue.append((name, None))
searched = {} # dict instead of set
while search_queue:
# print(search_queue)
person, prev = search_queue.popleft()
if person not in searched:
searched[person] = prev
# print(f'Searching {person}')
if person_is_seller(person):
result = []
while person is not None:
person = searched[person]
return result[::-1]
search_queue += [(neighbor, person) for neighbor in graph[person]]
return []
Now the function returns a list. It will have the start and end node when a path is found, so in this case:
['you', 'claire', 'thom']
If no path is found, the result is an empty list.
You can use BFS to find the shortest path provided that every edge has the same length. Dykstra's algorithm is necessary when different edges have different weights.
Dykstra's algorithm in its pure form only computes the length of the shortest path. Since you probably want the shortest path itself, you'll want to associate each visited node with the node on the other end of the edge, which is generally done using an associative array (a "dictionary", in Python).

Uniform Cost Search In Romania Map problem

I have written this code. This is a code of Uniform COst search. I have to find the path between Arad and Bucharest. My problem is that my code is giving the correct total cost that is 418. But I can not figure out how to find the path that is giving this cost. Any help is appreciated.
from queue import PriorityQueue
class Graph:
def __init__(self):
def neighbors(self,node):
return self.edges[node]
def get_cost(self,from_node,to_node):
return self.weights[(from_node + to_node)]
def ucs(graph, start, goal):
global total_cost
visited = set()
queue = PriorityQueue()
queue.put((0, start))
while queue:
cost, node = queue.get()
if node not in visited:
if node == goal:
return visited
for i in graph.neighbors(node):
if i not in visited:
total_cost = cost + graph.get_cost(node, i)
queue.put((total_cost, I)
You can use initialize your (priority) queue like this:
queue = PriorityQueue()
Here, start is a tuple representing the starting state or anything you want to represent in your way.
Then unpack it inside the while loop:
cost,path = queue.get()
You don't need to define the path var in advance.
When the goal state is reached, instead of returning the cost, just print(cost) or whatever var you want to print and return the path:
And, to update it when we are traversing the adjacency list of each node, you can do this:
queue.put([costx,path + [(x2, y2)]])
If you want to keep track of many things, you can keep it inside the 'priorityQueue() (your queue).
I can add the code if you want but maybe that won't be necessary.

How to determine last stack space in recursion

I'm implementing well-known depth first search by recursion. I wonder whether there may be a way to know the code within last stack space. Why I need is I don't want to put -> character at the end of output. If possible just '\n' in the last step.
def DFS(self, vertex=None, visited=None):
if vertex is None:
vertex = self.root
if visited is None:
visited = []
print(f"{vertex} -> ", end='')
for neighbor in self.getNeighbors(vertex):
if neighbor not in visited:
print(f"{neighbor} -> ", end='')
self.DFS(neighbor, visited)
For example, it yields 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 5 ->
Is there anyway to do within the same method? Moreover, I could write a helper function removing the last -> character.
#Edit: What I've done according to #Carcigenicate's comment follows
return visited # last line in DFS method
-- in main --
dfs = graph.DFS()
path = " -> ".join(str(vertex) for vertex in dfs)
Rather than trying to special-case the last vertex, special-case the first. That is, don't try to figure out when not to append the "->", just don't do it for the first vertex:
def DFS(self, vertex=None, visited=None):
if vertex is None:
vertex = self.root
# Not the first vertex, so need to add the separator.
print(f" ->", end='')
if visited is None:
visited = []
print(f"{vertex}", end='')
for neighbor in self.getNeighbors(vertex):
if neighbor not in visited:
# no need to append here, because it will be done in the recursive call.
# and the vertex will be printed in the recursive call, too.
# visited.append(neighbor)
# print(f"{neighbor} -> ", end='')
self.DFS(neighbor, visited)
This assumes that your initial call will always be DFS(root, None, visited). Which I think is a reasonable assumption.
On second thought, perhaps using the visited parameter as the condition is a better idea:
if vertex is None:
vertex = self.root
if visited is None:
visited = []
# Not the first vertex, so need to add the separator.
print(f" ->", end='')
print(f"{vertex}", end='')
The whole point is that it's easier to special-case the first item than the last.

Uniform Cost Search in Python

I have implemented a simple graph data structure in Python with the following structure below. The code is here just to clarify what the functions/variables mean, but they are pretty self-explanatory so you can skip reading it.
# Node data structure
class Node:
def __init__(self, label):
self.out_edges = []
self.label = label
self.is_goal = False
def add_edge(self, node, weight = 0):
self.out_edges.append(Edge(node, weight))
# Edge data structure
class Edge:
def __init__(self, node, weight = 0):
self.node = node
self.weight = weight
def to(self):
return self.node
# Graph data structure, utilises classes Node and Edge
class Graph:
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = []
# some other functions here populate the graph, and randomly select three goal nodes.
Now I am trying to implement a uniform-cost search (i.e. a BFS with a priority queue, guaranteeing a shortest path) which starts from a given node v, and returns a shortest path (in list form) to one of three goal node. By a goal node, I mean a node with the attribute is_goal set to true.
This is my implementation:
def ucs(G, v):
visited = set() # set of visited nodes
visited.add(v) # mark the starting vertex as visited
q = queue.PriorityQueue() # we store vertices in the (priority) queue as tuples with cumulative cost
q.put((0, v)) # add the starting node, this has zero *cumulative* cost
goal_node = None # this will be set as the goal node if one is found
parents = {v:None} # this dictionary contains the parent of each node, necessary for path construction
while not q.empty(): # while the queue is nonempty
dequeued_item = q.get()
current_node = dequeued_item[1] # get node at top of queue
current_node_priority = dequeued_item[0] # get the cumulative priority for later
if current_node.is_goal: # if the current node is the goal
path_to_goal = [current_node] # the path to the goal ends with the current node (obviously)
prev_node = current_node # set the previous node to be the current node (this will changed with each iteration)
while prev_node != v: # go back up the path using parents, and add to path
parent = parents[prev_node]
prev_node = parent
path_to_goal.reverse() # reverse the path
return path_to_goal # return it
for edge in current_node.out_edges: # otherwise, for each adjacent node
child = # (avoid calling .to() in future)
if child not in visited: # if it is not visited
visited.add(child) # mark it as visited
parents[child] = current_node # set the current node as the parent of child
q.put((current_node_priority + edge.weight, child)) # and enqueue it with *cumulative* priority
Now, after lots of testing and comparing with other alogrithms, this implementation seemed to work pretty well - up until I tried it with this graph:
For whatever reason, ucs(G,v) returned the path H -> I which costs 0.87, as opposed to the path H -> F -> I, costing 0.71 (this path was obtained by running a DFS). The following graph also gave an incorrect path:
The algorithm gave G -> F instead of G -> E -> F, obtained again by the DFS. The only pattern I can observe among these rare cases is the fact that the chosen goal node always has a loop. I can't figure out what is going wrong though. Any tips will be much appreciated.
Usually for searches, I tend to keep the path to a node part of the queue. This is not really memory efficient, but cheaper to implement.
If you want the parent map, remember that it is only safe to update the parent map when the child is on top of the queue. Only then has the algorithm determined the shortest path to the current node.
def ucs(G, v):
visited = set() # set of visited nodes
q = queue.PriorityQueue() # we store vertices in the (priority) queue as tuples
# (f, n, path), with
# f: the cumulative cost,
# n: the current node,
# path: the path that led to the expansion of the current node
q.put((0, v, [v])) # add the starting node, this has zero *cumulative* cost
# and it's path contains only itself.
while not q.empty(): # while the queue is nonempty
f, current_node, path = q.get()
visited.add(current_node) # mark node visited on expansion,
# only now we know we are on the cheapest path to
# the current node.
if current_node.is_goal: # if the current node is a goal
return path # return its path
for edge in in current_node.out_edges:
child =
if child not in visited:
q.put((current_node_priority + edge.weight, child, path + [child]))
Note: I haven't really tested this, so feel free to comment, if it doesn't work right away.
A simple check before expanding the node can save you duplicate visits.
while not q.empty(): # while the queue is nonempty
f, current_node, path = q.get()
if current_node not in visited: # check to avoid duplicate expansions
visited.add(current_node) # mark node visited on expansion,
# only now we know we are on the cheapest path to
# the current node.
if current_node.is_goal: # if the current node is a goal
return path # return its path

