Vector to matrix function in NumPy without accessing elements of vector - python

I would like to create a NumPy function that computes the Jacobian of a function at a certain point - with the Jacobian hard coded into the function.
Say I have a vector containing two arbitrary scalars X = np.array([[x],[y]]), and a function f(X) = np.array([[2xy],[3xy]]).
This function has Jacobian J = np.array([[2y, 2x],[3y, 3x]])
How can I write a function that takes in the array X and returns the Jacobian? Of course, I could do this using array indices (e.g. x = X[0,0]), but am wondering if there is a way to do this directly without accessing the individual elements of X.
I am looking for something that works like this:
def foo(x,y):
return np.array([[2*y, 2*x],[3*y, 3*x]])
X = np.array([[3],[7]])
J = foo(X)
Given that this is possible on 1-dimensional arrays, e.g. the following works:
def foo(x):
return np.array([x,x,x])
X = np.array([1,2,3,4])
J = foo(X)

You want the jacobian, which is the differential of the function. Is that correct? I'm afraid numpy is not the right tool for that.
Numpy works with fixed numbers not with variables. That is given some number you can calculate the value of a function. The differential is a different function, that has a special relationship to the original function but is not the same. You cannot just calculate the differential but must deduce it from the functional form of the original function using differentiating rules. Numpy cannot do that.
As far as I know you have three options:
use a numeric library to calculate the differential at a specific point. However you only will get the jacobian at a specific point (x,y) and no formula for it.
take a look at a pythen CAS library like e.g. sympy. There you can define expressions in terms of variables and compute the differential with respect to that variables.
Use a library that perform automatic differentiation. Maschine learning toolkits like pytorch or tensorflow have excellent support for automatic differentiation and good integration of numpy arrays. They essentially calculate the differential, by knowing the differential for all basic operation like multiplication or addition. For composed functions, the chain rule is applied and the difderential can be calculated for arbitray complex functions.


Can I use scipy to check the jacobian of a function?

I have a function for which I know the explicit expression of the jacobian. I would like to check the correctness of this jacobian by comparing it against a finite-element approximation. Scipy has a function that does a similar check on the gradient of a function but I haven't found the equivalent for a jacobian (if it existed in scipy, I assume it would be in this listing). I would like a function that similarly takes two callables (the function and the jacobian) and an ndarray (the points to check the jacobian against its approximation) and returns the error between the two.
The jacobian of a function can be written in a form that uses the gradients of the components of the function, so the scipy.optimize.check_grad function might be usable to this extent, but I don't know how that might be implemented in practice.
Say I have function
def fun(x, y):
return y, x
with the jacobian
from numpy import ndarray, zeros
def jac(x, y):
result = zeros((2, 2))
result[0, 1] = 1
result[1, 2] = 1
return result
How should I go about to separate these variables in order to use the scipy function? The solution must be generalizable to n-dimensional functions. Or is there an existing function to fill this task?
If I were limited to 2-dimensional functions, I might do
from scipy.optimize import check_grad
def fun1(x, y):
return fun(x, y)[0]
def grad1(x, y):
return jac(x, y0)[0]
check_grad(fun1, grad1, [1.5, -1.5])
but this solution isn't trivially extended to functions of higher dimensions.
SciPy is not the best tool for this. You should be using a numerical library that does autograd.
JAX has a close implementation of the NumPy API and adds autograd functionality.
Other deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch and Tensorflow are able to do the same, but without the simplicity of the NumPy interface.

Representing and working with polynomials in Python where coefficients can be variables

I need to work with polynomials that are for the most part simple single-variable functions, however sometimes I need the coefficients to be expressed as an extra variable.
An example should make it clearer: For instance, I should be able to perform multiplication between the functions functions
f(x) = 2x^2 + x
g(x) = ux^2 + x
NumPy has convenient functions and classes to work with polynomials, however they can't represent variables as coefficients from what I've seen.
Is there another library that can handle this?

Abstract Matrix Algebra and Calculus in sympy

I am doing control engineering and I often face problems of the type below and I want to know if there is a way to deal with this in sympy.
tl:dr: I want to make a MatrixSymbol dependent on a scalar Symbol representing time, to allow differentiation w.r.t. time.
Actual problem: v(t)=[v1(t),v2(t),v3(t)] is a vector function of the time t and I want to calculate the Projection into the direction of v and it's time derivative. In the end I would love to get an expression of v, v.diff(t) and v.T (the transpose).
I've tried different things and show the closest one:
This does the algebra I need, but I cannot take derivatives w.r.t. time
v = MatrixSymbol('v',3,1)
# here i'm building the terms I want
projection_v = v*sqrt(v.T*v).inverse()*v.T
orthogonal_v = Identity(3)-projection_v
orthogonal_v shows the abstract equation form that I need. In the end - to check and see the result again, I'd also like to make it explicit and see the expression as a function of v[0,0], v[1,0], and v[2,0] for MatrixSymbol the function .as_explicit() does exactly that beginning with sympy version 1.10. (Thanks Francesco Bonazzi for pointing this out.)
The problem however is, that I cannot make these a function of t and take the derivative of projection_v w.r.t. the time t.
I also tried
t = Symbol('t',real=True,positive=True)
v1 = Function('v1',real=True)(t)
v2 = Function('v2',real=True)(t)
v3 = Function('v3',real=True)(t)
v_mat = FunctionMatrix(3,1,[v1,v2,v3]);
but it seems FunctionMatrix is meant to evaluate the functions directly instead of being an analog to the scalar Function.
Effectively I want to be able to calculate orthogonal_v.diff(t) and then see the component wise operations with something like orthogonal_v.diff(t).as_explicit(). Is this possible?

Implementing MATLAB's filter function in Swift or Python

I am trying to the equivalent of MATLAB's filter function in Swift code. MATLAB's filter function is defined as follows:
y = filter(b,a,x) filters the input data x using a rational transfer function defined by the numerator and denominator coefficients b and a.
If a(1) is not equal to 1, then filter normalizes the filter coefficients by a(1). Therefore, a(1) must be nonzero.
If x is a vector, then filter returns the filtered data as a vector of the same size as x.
If x is a matrix, then filter acts along the first dimension and returns the filtered data for each column.
If x is a multidimensional array, then filter acts along the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1.
I realize that Python has the numpy module and associated functions to help implement this function. However, I am not aware of a similar toolset within the context of Swift. I really would like to avoid the logic of implementing a rational-transfer function, so I was wondering if there was an existing Swift module or reference for this. I could also translate a bare-bones implementation written in Python into Swift.
Does filter exist in Swift?
In python you have a similar function scipy.signal.lfilter.

Generating function derivative as Python callable function

I was reading this question and I was trying to do the same, but I want the function to have a single parameter say x. And that parameter is an array of "values" to be filled by an optimization solver. For instance:
def f(x):
return x[0]**2 + 3*x[1]
That function will refer to: f(x)=x^2 + 3y, meaning x is an array of variables. Those variables will be present on the current function or not, because they are all the variables in the whole optimization problem, meaning they can be present on the constraints. So I will like to find that functions partial derivatives of all variables. So,in this case, i will need 2 callable functions so I can use it to form a new array that is the Jacobian of the function. Is there a way to do that? How?
Disclaimer: I am the author of pyneqsys.
If you are open to using a library, pyneqsys does exactly this. If not, you can look at the source of pyneqsys/ which (approximately) does this to calculate the jacobian:
f = sympy.Matrix(, 1, self.exprs)
x = sympy.Matrix(self.nx, 1, self.x)
J = f.jacobian(x)
You then need to use sympy.lambdify to obtain a callable with the expected syntax of your particular solver.

