SQLAlchemy I/O where parameters - python

I'm currently working on a project with a database I use through SQLAlchemy I/O and I stumble on a problem I can't solve. In the following DbSession is an asynchronous session and select is the select function of the library.
I have a class Player with 3 attributes id: BigInteger (Primary Key), name: String, other_id(nullable, if not null can serve as a primary key): BigInteger.
class Player(Base):
__tablename__ = "players"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
other_id = Column(BigInteger, nullable=True)
I implemented 2 methods get and get_by_id:
get is working well and select a Player in the table through its id:
async def get(cls, id):
query = select(cls).where(cls.id == id)
results = await DbSession.execute(query)
result = results.scalars().all()[0]
return result
My problem comes with get_by_id which is supposed to find a player through its other_id.
I tried:
async def get_dc_id(cls, id):
query = select(cls).filter(cls.other_id == id)
results = await DbSession.execute(query)
result = results.scalars().all()[0]
return result
As well as:
async def get_dc_id(cls, id):
query = select(cls).where(cls.other_id == id)
results = await DbSession.execute(query)
result = results.scalars().all()[0]
return result
But both send back an error:
ProgrammingError: (sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.asyncpg.ProgrammingError) <class 'asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedFunctionError'>: operator does not exist: character varying = bigint
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
[SQL: SELECT players.id, players.name, players.other_id
FROM players
WHERE players.other_id = %s]
[parameters: (331534096054616068,)]
If I understand this right, the parameter of the call is actually the id I gave to my function but wrapped in a sort of tuple (that comes from I don't know where). It throws an error as this tuple doesn't match the type BigInteger other_id is supposed to have. I checked multiple times that I'm effectively giving an integer as an argument to get_by_id (here equal to 331534096054616068). I must admit that I don't know why the id ends up wrapped in a tuple, if it's a normal behavior or not as I just started working with sqlalchemy.
Any hint or help will be greatly appreciated.

It seems that your actual schema differs and other_id is a STRING column.
Can you inspect the postgresql db directly with psql and check if \d players is correct?
I get the same error if I change your column definition to other_id = Column(String, nullable=True) and create the db schema but it works if I recreate the schema with other_id = Column(BigInteger, nullable=True).


How to IGNORE duplicate keys in oder to avoid errors when adding a new object to session [duplicate]

I have a record that I want to exist in the database if it is not there, and if it is there already (primary key exists) I want the fields to be updated to the current state. This is often called an upsert.
The following incomplete code snippet demonstrates what will work, but it seems excessively clunky (especially if there were a lot more columns). What is the better/best way?
Base = declarative_base()
class Template(Base):
__tablename__ = 'templates'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
name = Column(String(80), unique = True, index = True)
template = Column(String(80), unique = True)
description = Column(String(200))
def __init__(self, Name, Template, Desc):
self.name = Name
self.template = Template
self.description = Desc
def UpsertDefaultTemplate():
sess = Session()
desired_default = Template("default", "AABBCC", "This is the default template")
q = sess.query(Template).filter_by(name = desiredDefault.name)
existing_default = q.one()
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
#default does not exist yet, so add it...
#default already exists. Make sure the values are what we want...
assert isinstance(existing_default, Template)
existing_default.name = desired_default.name
existing_default.template = desired_default.template
existing_default.description = desired_default.description
Is there a better or less verbose way of doing this? Something like this would be great:
sess.upsert_this(desired_default, unique_key = "name")
although the unique_key kwarg is obviously unnecessary (the ORM should be able to easily figure this out) I added it just because SQLAlchemy tends to only work with the primary key. eg: I've been looking at whether Session.merge would be applicable, but this works only on primary key, which in this case is an autoincrementing id which is not terribly useful for this purpose.
A sample use case for this is simply when starting up a server application that may have upgraded its default expected data. ie: no concurrency concerns for this upsert.
SQLAlchemy supports ON CONFLICT with two methods on_conflict_do_update() and on_conflict_do_nothing().
Copying from the documentation:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
stmt = insert(my_table).values(user_email='a#b.com', data='inserted data')
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
SQLAlchemy does have a "save-or-update" behavior, which in recent versions has been built into session.add, but previously was the separate session.saveorupdate call. This is not an "upsert" but it may be good enough for your needs.
It is good that you are asking about a class with multiple unique keys; I believe this is precisely the reason there is no single correct way to do this. The primary key is also a unique key. If there were no unique constraints, only the primary key, it would be a simple enough problem: if nothing with the given ID exists, or if ID is None, create a new record; else update all other fields in the existing record with that primary key.
However, when there are additional unique constraints, there are logical issues with that simple approach. If you want to "upsert" an object, and the primary key of your object matches an existing record, but another unique column matches a different record, then what do you do? Similarly, if the primary key matches no existing record, but another unique column does match an existing record, then what? There may be a correct answer for your particular situation, but in general I would argue there is no single correct answer.
That would be the reason there is no built in "upsert" operation. The application must define what this means in each particular case.
Nowadays, SQLAlchemy provides two helpful functions on_conflict_do_nothing and on_conflict_do_update. Those functions are useful but require you to swich from the ORM interface to the lower-level one - SQLAlchemy Core.
Although those two functions make upserting using SQLAlchemy's syntax not that difficult, these functions are far from providing a complete out-of-the-box solution to upserting.
My common use case is to upsert a big chunk of rows in a single SQL query/session execution. I usually encounter two problems with upserting:
For example, higher level ORM functionalities we've gotten used to are missing. You cannot use ORM objects but instead have to provide ForeignKeys at the time of insertion.
I'm using this following function I wrote to handle both of those issues:
def upsert(session, model, rows):
table = model.__table__
stmt = postgresql.insert(table)
primary_keys = [key.name for key in inspect(table).primary_key]
update_dict = {c.name: c for c in stmt.excluded if not c.primary_key}
if not update_dict:
raise ValueError("insert_or_update resulted in an empty update_dict")
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(index_elements=primary_keys,
seen = set()
foreign_keys = {col.name: list(col.foreign_keys)[0].column for col in table.columns if col.foreign_keys}
unique_constraints = [c for c in table.constraints if isinstance(c, UniqueConstraint)]
def handle_foreignkeys_constraints(row):
for c_name, c_value in foreign_keys.items():
foreign_obj = row.pop(c_value.table.name, None)
row[c_name] = getattr(foreign_obj, c_value.name) if foreign_obj else None
for const in unique_constraints:
unique = tuple([const,] + [row[col.name] for col in const.columns])
if unique in seen:
return None
return row
rows = list(filter(None, (handle_foreignkeys_constraints(row) for row in rows)))
session.execute(stmt, rows)
I use a "look before you leap" approach:
# first get the object from the database if it exists
# we're guaranteed to only get one or zero results
# because we're filtering by primary key
switch_command = session.query(Switch_Command).\
filter(Switch_Command.switch_id == switch.id).\
filter(Switch_Command.command_id == command.id).first()
# If we didn't get anything, make one
if not switch_command:
switch_command = Switch_Command(switch_id=switch.id, command_id=command.id)
# update the stuff we care about
switch_command.output = 'Hooray!'
switch_command.lastseen = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# This will generate either an INSERT or UPDATE
# depending on whether we have a new object or not
The advantage is that this is db-neutral and I think it's clear to read. The disadvantage is that there's a potential race condition in a scenario like the following:
we query the db for a switch_command and don't find one
we create a switch_command
another process or thread creates a switch_command with the same primary key as ours
we try to commit our switch_command
There are multiple answers and here comes yet another answer (YAA). Other answers are not that readable due to the metaprogramming involved. Here is an example that
Uses SQLAlchemy ORM
Shows how to create a row if there are zero rows using on_conflict_do_nothing
Shows how to update the existing row (if any) without creating a new row using on_conflict_do_update
Uses the table primary key as the constraint
A longer example in the original question what this code is related to.
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as orm
from sqlalchemy import text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
class PairState(Base):
__tablename__ = "pair_state"
# This table has 1-to-1 relationship with Pair
pair_id = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey("pair.id"), nullable=False, primary_key=True, unique=True)
pair = orm.relationship(Pair,
cascade="all, delete-orphan",
single_parent=True, ), )
# First raw event in data stream
first_event_at = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text("TO_TIMESTAMP(0)"))
# Last raw event in data stream
last_event_at = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text("TO_TIMESTAMP(0)"))
# The last hypertable entry added
last_interval_at = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text("TO_TIMESTAMP(0)"))
def create_first_event_if_not_exist(dbsession: Session, pair_id: int, ts: datetime.datetime):
"""Sets the first event value if not exist yet."""
values(pair_id=pair_id, first_event_at=ts).
def update_last_event(dbsession: Session, pair_id: int, ts: datetime.datetime):
"""Replaces the the column last_event_at for a named pair."""
# Based on the original example of https://stackoverflow.com/a/49917004/315168
values(pair_id=pair_id, last_event_at=ts).
on_conflict_do_update(constraint=PairState.__table__.primary_key, set_={"last_event_at": ts})
def update_last_interval(dbsession: Session, pair_id: int, ts: datetime.datetime):
"""Replaces the the column last_interval_at for a named pair."""
values(pair_id=pair_id, last_interval_at=ts).
on_conflict_do_update(constraint=PairState.__table__.primary_key, set_={"last_interval_at": ts})
The below works fine for me with redshift database and will also work for combined primary key constraint.
SOURCE : this
Just few modifications required for creating SQLAlchemy engine in the function
def start_engine()
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Date ,Metadata
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
Base = declarative_base()
def start_engine():
engine = create_engine(os.getenv('SQLALCHEMY_URI',
connect = engine.connect()
meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
return engine
class DigitalSpend(Base):
__tablename__ = 'digital_spend'
report_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
day = Column(Date, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
impressions = Column(Integer)
conversions = Column(Integer)
def __repr__(self):
return str([getattr(self, c.name, None) for c in self.__table__.c])
def compile_query(query):
compiler = query.compile if not hasattr(query, 'statement') else
return compiler(dialect=postgresql.dialect())
def upsert(session, model, rows, as_of_date_col='report_date', no_update_cols=[]):
table = model.__table__
stmt = insert(table).values(rows)
update_cols = [c.name for c in table.c
if c not in list(table.primary_key.columns)
and c.name not in no_update_cols]
on_conflict_stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
set_={k: getattr(stmt.excluded, k) for k in update_cols},
index_where=(getattr(model, as_of_date_col) < getattr(stmt.excluded, as_of_date_col))
session = start_engine()
upsert(session, DigitalSpend, initial_rows, no_update_cols=['conversions'])
This allows access to the underlying models based on string names
def get_class_by_tablename(tablename):
"""Return class reference mapped to table.
:param tablename: String with name of table.
:return: Class reference or None.
for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
if hasattr(c, '__tablename__') and c.__tablename__ == tablename:
return c
sqla_tbl = get_class_by_tablename(table_name)
def handle_upsert(record_dict, table):
handles updates when there are primary key conflicts
# Here we'll assume the error is caused by an integrity error
# We do this because the error classes are passed from the
# underlying package (pyodbc / sqllite) SQLAlchemy doesn't mask
# them with it's own code - this should be updated to have
# explicit error handling for each new db engine
# <update>add explicit error handling for each db engine</update>
# Query for conflic class, use update method to change values based on dict
c_tbl_primary_keys = [i.name for i in table.__table__.primary_key] # List of primary key col names
c_tbl_cols = dict(sqla_tbl.__table__.columns) # String:Col Object crosswalk
c_query_dict = {k:record_dict[k] for k in c_tbl_primary_keys if k in record_dict} # sub-dict from data of primary key:values
c_oo_query_dict = {c_tbl_cols[k]:v for (k,v) in c_query_dict.items()} # col-object:query value for primary key cols
c_target_record = session.query(sqla_tbl).filter(*[k==v for (k,v) in oo_query_dict.items()]).first()
# apply new data values to the existing record
for k, v in record_dict.items()
setattr(c_target_record, k, v)
This works for me with sqlite3 and postgres. Albeit it might fail with combined primary key constraints and will most likely fail with additional unique constraints.
t = self._meta.tables[data['table']]
except KeyError:
self._log.error('table "%s" unknown', data['table'])
q = insert(t, values=data['values'])
except IntegrityError:
self._log.warning('integrity error')
where_clause = [c.__eq__(data['values'][c.name]) for c in t.c if c.primary_key]
update_dict = {c.name: data['values'][c.name] for c in t.c if not c.primary_key}
q = update(t, values=update_dict).where(*where_clause)
except Exception as e:
self._log.error('%s: %s', t.name, e)
As we had problems with generated default-ids and references which lead to ForeignKeyViolation-Errors like
update or delete on table "..." violates foreign key constraint
Key (id)=(...) is still referenced from table "...".
we had to exclude the id for the update dict, as otherwise the it will be always generated as new default value.
In addition the method is returning the created/updated entity.
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert # Important to use the postgresql insert
def upsert(session, data, key_columns, model):
stmt = insert(model).values(data)
# Important to exclude the ID for update!
exclude_for_update = [model.id.name, *key_columns]
update_dict = {c.name: c for c in stmt.excluded if c.name not in exclude_for_update}
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
orm_stmt = (
return session.execute(orm_stmt).scalar()
class UpsertUser(Base):
__tablename__ = 'upsert_user'
id = Column(Id, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
name: str = Column(sa.String, nullable=False)
user_sid: str = Column(sa.String, nullable=False, unique=True)
house_admin = relationship('UpsertHouse', back_populates='admin', uselist=False)
class UpsertHouse(Base):
__tablename__ = 'upsert_house'
id = Column(Id, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
admin_id: Id = Column(Id, ForeignKey('upsert_user.id'), nullable=False)
admin: UpsertUser = relationship('UpsertUser', back_populates='house_admin', uselist=False)
# Usage
upserted_user = upsert(session, updated_user, [UpsertUser.user_sid.name], UpsertUser)
Note: Only tested on postgresql but could work also for other DBs which support ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE e.g. MySQL
In case of sqlite, the sqlite_on_conflict='REPLACE' option can be used when defining a UniqueConstraint, and sqlite_on_conflict_unique for unique constraint on a single column. Then session.add will work in a way just like upsert. See the official documentation.
I use this code for upsert
Before using this code, you should add primary keys to table in database.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
def upsert(df, engine, table_name, schema=None, chunk_size = 1000):
metadata = MetaData(schema=schema)
metadata.bind = engine
table = Table(table_name, metadata, schema=schema, autoload=True)
# olny use common columns between df and table.
table_columns = {column.name for column in table.columns}
df_columns = set(df.columns)
intersection_columns = table_columns.intersection(df_columns)
df1 = df[intersection_columns]
records = df1.to_dict('records')
# get list of fields making up primary key
primary_keys = [key.name for key in inspect(table).primary_key]
with engine.connect() as conn:
chunks = [records[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(records), chunk_size)]
for chunk in chunks:
stmt = insert(table).values(chunk)
update_dict = {c.name: c for c in stmt.excluded if not c.primary_key}
s = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
index_elements= primary_keys,

Upsert / Replace with Flask, SqlAlchemy and PostgreSQL [duplicate]

I have a record that I want to exist in the database if it is not there, and if it is there already (primary key exists) I want the fields to be updated to the current state. This is often called an upsert.
The following incomplete code snippet demonstrates what will work, but it seems excessively clunky (especially if there were a lot more columns). What is the better/best way?
Base = declarative_base()
class Template(Base):
__tablename__ = 'templates'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
name = Column(String(80), unique = True, index = True)
template = Column(String(80), unique = True)
description = Column(String(200))
def __init__(self, Name, Template, Desc):
self.name = Name
self.template = Template
self.description = Desc
def UpsertDefaultTemplate():
sess = Session()
desired_default = Template("default", "AABBCC", "This is the default template")
q = sess.query(Template).filter_by(name = desiredDefault.name)
existing_default = q.one()
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
#default does not exist yet, so add it...
#default already exists. Make sure the values are what we want...
assert isinstance(existing_default, Template)
existing_default.name = desired_default.name
existing_default.template = desired_default.template
existing_default.description = desired_default.description
Is there a better or less verbose way of doing this? Something like this would be great:
sess.upsert_this(desired_default, unique_key = "name")
although the unique_key kwarg is obviously unnecessary (the ORM should be able to easily figure this out) I added it just because SQLAlchemy tends to only work with the primary key. eg: I've been looking at whether Session.merge would be applicable, but this works only on primary key, which in this case is an autoincrementing id which is not terribly useful for this purpose.
A sample use case for this is simply when starting up a server application that may have upgraded its default expected data. ie: no concurrency concerns for this upsert.
SQLAlchemy supports ON CONFLICT with two methods on_conflict_do_update() and on_conflict_do_nothing().
Copying from the documentation:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
stmt = insert(my_table).values(user_email='a#b.com', data='inserted data')
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
SQLAlchemy does have a "save-or-update" behavior, which in recent versions has been built into session.add, but previously was the separate session.saveorupdate call. This is not an "upsert" but it may be good enough for your needs.
It is good that you are asking about a class with multiple unique keys; I believe this is precisely the reason there is no single correct way to do this. The primary key is also a unique key. If there were no unique constraints, only the primary key, it would be a simple enough problem: if nothing with the given ID exists, or if ID is None, create a new record; else update all other fields in the existing record with that primary key.
However, when there are additional unique constraints, there are logical issues with that simple approach. If you want to "upsert" an object, and the primary key of your object matches an existing record, but another unique column matches a different record, then what do you do? Similarly, if the primary key matches no existing record, but another unique column does match an existing record, then what? There may be a correct answer for your particular situation, but in general I would argue there is no single correct answer.
That would be the reason there is no built in "upsert" operation. The application must define what this means in each particular case.
Nowadays, SQLAlchemy provides two helpful functions on_conflict_do_nothing and on_conflict_do_update. Those functions are useful but require you to swich from the ORM interface to the lower-level one - SQLAlchemy Core.
Although those two functions make upserting using SQLAlchemy's syntax not that difficult, these functions are far from providing a complete out-of-the-box solution to upserting.
My common use case is to upsert a big chunk of rows in a single SQL query/session execution. I usually encounter two problems with upserting:
For example, higher level ORM functionalities we've gotten used to are missing. You cannot use ORM objects but instead have to provide ForeignKeys at the time of insertion.
I'm using this following function I wrote to handle both of those issues:
def upsert(session, model, rows):
table = model.__table__
stmt = postgresql.insert(table)
primary_keys = [key.name for key in inspect(table).primary_key]
update_dict = {c.name: c for c in stmt.excluded if not c.primary_key}
if not update_dict:
raise ValueError("insert_or_update resulted in an empty update_dict")
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(index_elements=primary_keys,
seen = set()
foreign_keys = {col.name: list(col.foreign_keys)[0].column for col in table.columns if col.foreign_keys}
unique_constraints = [c for c in table.constraints if isinstance(c, UniqueConstraint)]
def handle_foreignkeys_constraints(row):
for c_name, c_value in foreign_keys.items():
foreign_obj = row.pop(c_value.table.name, None)
row[c_name] = getattr(foreign_obj, c_value.name) if foreign_obj else None
for const in unique_constraints:
unique = tuple([const,] + [row[col.name] for col in const.columns])
if unique in seen:
return None
return row
rows = list(filter(None, (handle_foreignkeys_constraints(row) for row in rows)))
session.execute(stmt, rows)
I use a "look before you leap" approach:
# first get the object from the database if it exists
# we're guaranteed to only get one or zero results
# because we're filtering by primary key
switch_command = session.query(Switch_Command).\
filter(Switch_Command.switch_id == switch.id).\
filter(Switch_Command.command_id == command.id).first()
# If we didn't get anything, make one
if not switch_command:
switch_command = Switch_Command(switch_id=switch.id, command_id=command.id)
# update the stuff we care about
switch_command.output = 'Hooray!'
switch_command.lastseen = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# This will generate either an INSERT or UPDATE
# depending on whether we have a new object or not
The advantage is that this is db-neutral and I think it's clear to read. The disadvantage is that there's a potential race condition in a scenario like the following:
we query the db for a switch_command and don't find one
we create a switch_command
another process or thread creates a switch_command with the same primary key as ours
we try to commit our switch_command
There are multiple answers and here comes yet another answer (YAA). Other answers are not that readable due to the metaprogramming involved. Here is an example that
Uses SQLAlchemy ORM
Shows how to create a row if there are zero rows using on_conflict_do_nothing
Shows how to update the existing row (if any) without creating a new row using on_conflict_do_update
Uses the table primary key as the constraint
A longer example in the original question what this code is related to.
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as orm
from sqlalchemy import text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
class PairState(Base):
__tablename__ = "pair_state"
# This table has 1-to-1 relationship with Pair
pair_id = sa.Column(sa.ForeignKey("pair.id"), nullable=False, primary_key=True, unique=True)
pair = orm.relationship(Pair,
cascade="all, delete-orphan",
single_parent=True, ), )
# First raw event in data stream
first_event_at = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text("TO_TIMESTAMP(0)"))
# Last raw event in data stream
last_event_at = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text("TO_TIMESTAMP(0)"))
# The last hypertable entry added
last_interval_at = sa.Column(sa.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True), nullable=False, server_default=text("TO_TIMESTAMP(0)"))
def create_first_event_if_not_exist(dbsession: Session, pair_id: int, ts: datetime.datetime):
"""Sets the first event value if not exist yet."""
values(pair_id=pair_id, first_event_at=ts).
def update_last_event(dbsession: Session, pair_id: int, ts: datetime.datetime):
"""Replaces the the column last_event_at for a named pair."""
# Based on the original example of https://stackoverflow.com/a/49917004/315168
values(pair_id=pair_id, last_event_at=ts).
on_conflict_do_update(constraint=PairState.__table__.primary_key, set_={"last_event_at": ts})
def update_last_interval(dbsession: Session, pair_id: int, ts: datetime.datetime):
"""Replaces the the column last_interval_at for a named pair."""
values(pair_id=pair_id, last_interval_at=ts).
on_conflict_do_update(constraint=PairState.__table__.primary_key, set_={"last_interval_at": ts})
The below works fine for me with redshift database and will also work for combined primary key constraint.
SOURCE : this
Just few modifications required for creating SQLAlchemy engine in the function
def start_engine()
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Date ,Metadata
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
Base = declarative_base()
def start_engine():
engine = create_engine(os.getenv('SQLALCHEMY_URI',
connect = engine.connect()
meta = MetaData(bind=engine)
return engine
class DigitalSpend(Base):
__tablename__ = 'digital_spend'
report_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
day = Column(Date, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
impressions = Column(Integer)
conversions = Column(Integer)
def __repr__(self):
return str([getattr(self, c.name, None) for c in self.__table__.c])
def compile_query(query):
compiler = query.compile if not hasattr(query, 'statement') else
return compiler(dialect=postgresql.dialect())
def upsert(session, model, rows, as_of_date_col='report_date', no_update_cols=[]):
table = model.__table__
stmt = insert(table).values(rows)
update_cols = [c.name for c in table.c
if c not in list(table.primary_key.columns)
and c.name not in no_update_cols]
on_conflict_stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
set_={k: getattr(stmt.excluded, k) for k in update_cols},
index_where=(getattr(model, as_of_date_col) < getattr(stmt.excluded, as_of_date_col))
session = start_engine()
upsert(session, DigitalSpend, initial_rows, no_update_cols=['conversions'])
This allows access to the underlying models based on string names
def get_class_by_tablename(tablename):
"""Return class reference mapped to table.
:param tablename: String with name of table.
:return: Class reference or None.
for c in Base._decl_class_registry.values():
if hasattr(c, '__tablename__') and c.__tablename__ == tablename:
return c
sqla_tbl = get_class_by_tablename(table_name)
def handle_upsert(record_dict, table):
handles updates when there are primary key conflicts
# Here we'll assume the error is caused by an integrity error
# We do this because the error classes are passed from the
# underlying package (pyodbc / sqllite) SQLAlchemy doesn't mask
# them with it's own code - this should be updated to have
# explicit error handling for each new db engine
# <update>add explicit error handling for each db engine</update>
# Query for conflic class, use update method to change values based on dict
c_tbl_primary_keys = [i.name for i in table.__table__.primary_key] # List of primary key col names
c_tbl_cols = dict(sqla_tbl.__table__.columns) # String:Col Object crosswalk
c_query_dict = {k:record_dict[k] for k in c_tbl_primary_keys if k in record_dict} # sub-dict from data of primary key:values
c_oo_query_dict = {c_tbl_cols[k]:v for (k,v) in c_query_dict.items()} # col-object:query value for primary key cols
c_target_record = session.query(sqla_tbl).filter(*[k==v for (k,v) in oo_query_dict.items()]).first()
# apply new data values to the existing record
for k, v in record_dict.items()
setattr(c_target_record, k, v)
This works for me with sqlite3 and postgres. Albeit it might fail with combined primary key constraints and will most likely fail with additional unique constraints.
t = self._meta.tables[data['table']]
except KeyError:
self._log.error('table "%s" unknown', data['table'])
q = insert(t, values=data['values'])
except IntegrityError:
self._log.warning('integrity error')
where_clause = [c.__eq__(data['values'][c.name]) for c in t.c if c.primary_key]
update_dict = {c.name: data['values'][c.name] for c in t.c if not c.primary_key}
q = update(t, values=update_dict).where(*where_clause)
except Exception as e:
self._log.error('%s: %s', t.name, e)
As we had problems with generated default-ids and references which lead to ForeignKeyViolation-Errors like
update or delete on table "..." violates foreign key constraint
Key (id)=(...) is still referenced from table "...".
we had to exclude the id for the update dict, as otherwise the it will be always generated as new default value.
In addition the method is returning the created/updated entity.
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert # Important to use the postgresql insert
def upsert(session, data, key_columns, model):
stmt = insert(model).values(data)
# Important to exclude the ID for update!
exclude_for_update = [model.id.name, *key_columns]
update_dict = {c.name: c for c in stmt.excluded if c.name not in exclude_for_update}
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
orm_stmt = (
return session.execute(orm_stmt).scalar()
class UpsertUser(Base):
__tablename__ = 'upsert_user'
id = Column(Id, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
name: str = Column(sa.String, nullable=False)
user_sid: str = Column(sa.String, nullable=False, unique=True)
house_admin = relationship('UpsertHouse', back_populates='admin', uselist=False)
class UpsertHouse(Base):
__tablename__ = 'upsert_house'
id = Column(Id, primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
admin_id: Id = Column(Id, ForeignKey('upsert_user.id'), nullable=False)
admin: UpsertUser = relationship('UpsertUser', back_populates='house_admin', uselist=False)
# Usage
upserted_user = upsert(session, updated_user, [UpsertUser.user_sid.name], UpsertUser)
Note: Only tested on postgresql but could work also for other DBs which support ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE e.g. MySQL
In case of sqlite, the sqlite_on_conflict='REPLACE' option can be used when defining a UniqueConstraint, and sqlite_on_conflict_unique for unique constraint on a single column. Then session.add will work in a way just like upsert. See the official documentation.
I use this code for upsert
Before using this code, you should add primary keys to table in database.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
def upsert(df, engine, table_name, schema=None, chunk_size = 1000):
metadata = MetaData(schema=schema)
metadata.bind = engine
table = Table(table_name, metadata, schema=schema, autoload=True)
# olny use common columns between df and table.
table_columns = {column.name for column in table.columns}
df_columns = set(df.columns)
intersection_columns = table_columns.intersection(df_columns)
df1 = df[intersection_columns]
records = df1.to_dict('records')
# get list of fields making up primary key
primary_keys = [key.name for key in inspect(table).primary_key]
with engine.connect() as conn:
chunks = [records[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(records), chunk_size)]
for chunk in chunks:
stmt = insert(table).values(chunk)
update_dict = {c.name: c for c in stmt.excluded if not c.primary_key}
s = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
index_elements= primary_keys,

Make a SQL Alchemy Expression return value from a different Table's column for filtering

How can you use the sql alchemy expression language to make sqlalchemy's filter_by look through a hybrid property that returns a value from a column in another table?
Example Code
(Using flask-sqlalchemy so you'll see stuff like Device.query.get(203)
class Service(Model):
id = Column(Integer)
client_id = Column(Integer)
class Device(Mode):
id = Column(Integer)
owner = Column(Integer)
def client_id(self):
return Service.query.get(self.owner).client_id
def client_id(self):
# ???
# Make this return a useful query
This is the SQL that returns the proper values.
SELECT service.clientid FROM device INNER JOIN service ON device.owner = service.id;
Not the desired sql, but should produce the same result:
def client_id(cls):
return (
.where(Service.id == cls.owner)

Sqlalchemy one to many relationship join?

I am trying to do a simple join query like this,
SELECT food._id, food.food_name, food_categories.food_categories FROM food JOIN food_categories ON food.food_category_id = food_categories._id
but keep receiving an error. Here is how my classes are setup.
class Food_Categories(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'food_categories'
_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
food_categories = db.Column(db.String(30))
class Food(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'food'
_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
food_name = db.Column(db.String(40))
food_category_id = db.Column(db.Integer, ForeignKey(Food_Categories._id))
food_category = relationship("Food_Categories")
My query function looks like this.
def foodlist():
if request.method == 'GET':
results = Food.query.join(Food_Categories.food_categories).all()
json_results = []
for result in results:
d = {'_id': result._id,
'food': result.food_name,
'food_category': result.food_categories}
return jsonify(user=json_results)
I am using Flask. When I call the route I get this error.
AttributeError: 'ColumnProperty' object has no attribute 'mapper'
I essentially want this:
| id | food_name | food_category |
and have the food_category_id column replaced with the actual name of the food category located in other table.
Are my tables/relationships set up correctly? Is my query setup correctly?
Your tables and relationships are setup correctly. Your query needs a change.
The reason for an error is the fact that you try to perform a join on the column (Food_Categories.food_categories) instead of a Table (or mapped model object). Technically, you should replace your query with the one below to fix the error:
results = Food.query.join(Food_Categories).all()
This will fix the error, but will not generate the SQL statement you desire, because it will return instances of Food only as a result even though there is a join.
In order to build a query which will generate exactly the SQL statement you have in mind:
results = (db.session.query(Food._id, Food.food_name,
for x in results:
# print(x)
print(x._id, x.food_name, x.food_categories)
Please note that in this case the results are not instances of Food, but rather tuples with 3 column values.

Mapping a class against multiple tables in SQLAlchemy

# ! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# login_frontend.py
""" Python 2.7.3
Cherrypy 3.2.2
PostgreSQL 9.1
psycopy2 2.4.5
SQLAlchemy 0.7.10
I'm having a problem joining four tables in one Python/SQLAlchemy class. I'm trying this, so I can iterate the instance of this class, instead of the named tuple, which I get from joining tables with the ORM.
Why all of this? Because I already started that way and I came too far, to just leave it. Also, it has to be possible, so I want to know how it's done.
For this project (cherrypy web-frontend) I got an already completed module with the table classes. I moved it to the bottom of this post, because maybe it isn't even necessary for you.
The following is just one example of a joined multiple tables class attempt. I picked a simple case with more than only two tables and a junction table. Here I don't write into these joined tables, but it is necessary somewhere else. That's why classes would be a nice solution to this problem.
My attempt of a join class,
which is a combination of the given table classes module and the examples from these two websites:
-Mapping a Class against Multiple Tables
-SQLAlchemy: one classes – two tables
class JoinUserGroupPerson (Base):
persons = md.tables['persons']
users = md.tables['users']
user_groups = md.tables['user_groups']
groups = md.tables['groups']
user_group_person =(
join(persons, users, persons.c.id == users.c.id).
join(user_groups, users.c.id == user_groups.c.user_id).
join(groups, groups.c.id == user_groups.c.group_id))
__table__ = user_group_person
""" I expanded the redefinition of 'id' to three tables,
and removed this following one, since it made no difference:
users_id = column_property(users.c.id, user_groups.c.user_id)
id = column_property(persons.c.id, users.c.id, user_groups.c.user_id)
groups_id = column_property(groups.c.id, user_groups.c.group_id)
groups_name = groups.c.name
def __init__(self, group_name, login, name, email=None, phone=None):
self.groups_name = group_name
self.login = login
self.name = name
self.email = email
self.phone = phone
def __repr__(self):
"<JoinUserGroupPerson('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')>" %(
self.groups_name, self.login, self.name, self.email, self.phone))
Different table accesses with this join class
This is how I tried to query this class in another module:
pg = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
format(user, password, server, port, data))
Session = sessionmaker(bind=pg)
s1 = Session()
query = (s1.query(JoinUserGroupPerson).
record = {}
for rowX in query:
for colX in rowX.__table__.columns:
record[column.name] = getattr(rowX,colX.name)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 656, in respond
response.body = self.handler()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 228, in __call__
ct.params['charset'] = self.find_acceptable_charset()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 134, in find_acceptable_charset
if encoder(encoding):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cherrypy/lib/encoding.py", line 86, in encode_string
for chunk in self.body:
File "XXX.py", line YYY, in ZZZ
record[colX.name] = getattr(rowX,colX.name)
AttributeError: 'JoinUserGroupPerson' object has no attribute 'user_id'
Then I checked the table attributes:
for rowX in query:
return (u'{}'.format(rowX.__table__.columns))
Then I checked, if the query or my class isn't working at all, by using a counter.
I got up to (count == 5), so the first two joined tables. But when I set the condition to (count == 6), I got the first error message again. AttributeError: 'JoinUserGroupPerson' object has no attribute 'user_id'.:
list = []
for rowX in query:
for count, colX in enumerate(rowX.__table__.columns):
if count == 5:
return (u'{}'.format(list))
[4, u'user real name', None, None, 4, u'user']
""" which are these following six columns:
persons[id, name, email, phone], users[id, login]
Then I checked each column:
list = []
for rowX in query:
for colX in rowX.__table__.columns:
return (u'{}'.format(list))
[Column(u'id', INTEGER(), table=, primary_key=True, nullable=False, server_default=DefaultClause(, for_update=False)),
Column(u'name', VARCHAR(length=252), table=, nullable=False),
Column(u'email', VARCHAR(), table=),
Column(u'phone', VARCHAR(), table=),
Column(u'id', INTEGER(), ForeignKey(u'persons.id'), table=, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column(u'login', VARCHAR(length=60), table=, nullable=False),
Column(u'user_id', INTEGER(), ForeignKey(u'users.id'), table=, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column(u'group_id', INTEGER(), ForeignKey(u'groups.id'), table=, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column(u'id', INTEGER(), table=, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column(u'name', VARCHAR(length=60), table=, nullable=False)]
Then I tried another two direct accesses, which got me both KeyErrors for 'id' and 'persons.id':
for rowX in query:
return (u'{}'.format(rowX.__table__.columns['id'].name))
for rowX in query:
return (u'{}'.format(rowX.__table__.columns['persons.id'].name))
I tried a few other things, which were even more confusing. Since they didn't reveal any more information, I didn't add them. I don't see where my class is wrong.
I guess, somehow I must have set the class in a way, which would only correctly join the first two tables. But the join works at least partially, because when the 'user_groups' table was empty, I got an empty query as well.
Or maybe I did something wrong with the mapping of this 'user_groups' table. Since with the join some columns are double, they need an additional definition. And the 'user_id' is already part of the persons and users table, so I had to map it twice.
I even tried to remove the 'user_groups' table from the join, because it's in the relationships (with secondary). It got me a foreign key error message. But maybe I just did it wrong.
Admittedly, I even don't know why ...
rowX.__table__.columns # column names as table name suffix
... has different attribute names than ...
colX in rowX.__table__.columns # column names without table names
Extra Edits
Another thought! Would all of this be possible with inheritance? Each class has its own mapping, but then the user_groups class may be necessary. The joins had to be between the single classes instead. The init() and repr() still had to be redefined.
It probably has something to do with the 'user_groups' table, because I even couldn't join it with the 'groups' or 'users' table. And it always says, that the class object has no attribute 'user_id'. Maybe it's something about the many-to-many relationship.
Here is the already given SQLAlchemy module, with header, without specific information about the database, and the classes of the joined tables:
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import join
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref, column_property
pg = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
'postgresql://{}#{}:{}/{}'.format(user, host, port, data))
md = sqlalchemy.MetaData(pg, True)
Base = declarative_base()
""" ... following, three of the four joined tables.
UserGroups isn't necessary, so it wasn't part of the module.
And the other six classes shouldn't be important for this ...
class Person(Base):
__table__ = md.tables['persons']
def __init__(self, name, email=None, phone=None):
self.name = name
self.email = email
self.phone = phone
def __repr__(self):
"<Person(%s, '%s', '%s', '%s')>" %(
self.id, self.name, self.email, self.phone))
class Group(Base):
__table__ = md.tables['groups']
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return("<Group(%s, '%s')>" %(self.id, self.name))
class User(Base):
__table__ = md.tables['users']
person = relationship('Person')
groups = relationship(
'Group', secondary=md.tables['user_groups'], order_by='Group.id',
backref=backref('users', order_by='User.login'))
def __init__(self, person, login):
if isinstance(person, Person):
self.person = person
self.id = person
self.login = login
def __repr__(self):
return("<User(%s, '%s')>" %(self.id, self.login))
Maybe the following script, which created the database, and also was already given, will prove useful here. As last part of it comes some test data - but between the columns are supposed to be tabs, no spaces. Because of that, this script also can be found as gist on github:
-- file create_str.sql
-- database creation script
-- central script for creating all database objects
-- set the database name
\set strdbname logincore
\c admin
\i str_roles.sql
CREATE DATABASE :strdbname TEMPLATE template1 OWNER str_db_owner
\c :strdbname
SET ROLE str_db_owner;
\i str.sql
-- file str_roles.sql
-- create roles for the database
-- owner of the database objects
SELECT create_role('str_db_owner', 'NOINHERIT');
-- role for using
SELECT create_role('str_user');
-- make str_db_owner member in all relevant roles
GRANT str_user TO str_db_owner WITH ADMIN OPTION;
-- file str.sql
-- creation of database
-- prototypes
\i str_prototypes.sql
-- domain for non empty text
-- domain for email addresses
CREATE DOMAIN email AS varchar(252) CHECK (is_email_address(VALUE));
-- domain for phone numbers
CREATE DOMAIN phone AS varchar(60) CHECK (is_phone_number(VALUE));
-- persons
CREATE TABLE persons (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar(252) NOT NULL,
email email,
phone phone
GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE persons_id_seq TO str_user;
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar(60) UNIQUE NOT NULL
GRANT SELECT ON groups TO str_user;
-- database users
login varchar(60) UNIQUE NOT NULL
GRANT SELECT ON users TO str_user;
-- user <-> groups
CREATE TABLE user_groups (
user_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES users(id)
group_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES groups(id)
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, group_id)
-- functions
\i str_functions.sql
-- file str_prototypes.sql
-- prototypes for database
-- simple check for correct email address
CREATE FUNCTION is_email_address(email varchar) RETURNS boolean
-- simple check for correct phone number
CREATE FUNCTION is_phone_number(nr varchar) RETURNS boolean
-- file str_functions.sql
-- functions for database
-- simple check for correct email address
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_email_address(email varchar) RETURNS boolean
SELECT $1 ~ E'^[A-Za-z0-9.!#$%&\'\*\+\-/=\?\^_\`{\|}\~\.]+#[-a-z0-9\.]+$'
-- simple check for correct phone number
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_phone_number(nr varchar) RETURNS boolean
SELECT $1 ~ E'^[-+0-9\(\)/ ]+$'
-- file fill_str_test.sql
-- test data for database
-- between the columns are supposed to be tabs, no spaces !!!
COPY persons (id, name, email) FROM STDIN;
1 Joseph Schneider jschneid#lab.uni.de
2 Test User jschneid#lab.uni.de
3 Hans Dampf \N
SELECT setval('persons_id_seq', (SELECT max(id) FROM persons));
COPY groups (id, name) FROM STDIN;
1 IT
COPY users (id, login) FROM STDIN;
1 jschneid
2 tuser
3 dummy
COPY user_groups (user_id, group_id) FROM STDIN;
1 1
2 1
3 2
Regarding the KeyError: The strings that are printed in the repr of the __table__.columns object are NOT the keys, and because you have multiple id columns there is some name munging going on. You probably want to do "persons_id" rather than "persons.id" but I recommend printing __table__.columns.keys() to be sure.
Regarding the AttributeError: SQLAlchemy maps column names directly to attributes by default, unless you define attribute mappings yourself, which you are. The fact that you are defining the id attribute as a column_property on persons.c.id, users.c.id, user_groups.c.user_id means that none of those columns is being directly mapped to an attribute on the ORM class anymore, but they will still be in the columns collection. So you just can't use columns as an iterable of attribute names.
I did not reproduce all of your code/data, but I put together a simpler test case with 3 tables (including a m2m relationship) to verify these items.

