Sorting the mesh vertices in Blender - python

I'm creating an application that requires the vertices array of the mesh to be sorted in a particular way, to access them more easily: from left to right then downwards to upwards (in the xy plane) like this:
My code successfully does that, but the resulting mesh is all glitched out:
[resulting mesh][2]
I think it's likely that the new edges are causing the problem, but haven't found a way to fix them. Here's the mesh sorting code I wrote:
# This example assumes we have a mesh object selected
import bpy
import bmesh
#Weights for order. Left>>Right Down>>Up
def order(vector):
return vector[0]+200*vector[1]
# Get the active mesh
me =
# Get a BMesh representation
bm = # create an empty BMesh
bm.from_mesh(me) # fill it in from a Mesh
#Convert current verts to tuple list (x,y,z)
for v in bm.verts:
# Sort the verts.
#Assign the sorted vertices to the mesh
for v in bm.verts:,, = verts[i]
#Debugging edges (possible problem?)
for v in bm.edges:
if i<10:
# Finish up, write the bmesh back to the mesh
#bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me) # free and prevent further access
Is there any way to rearrange the edges? Or any post processing trick I can do on the mesh, anything helps.
Thanks in advance.


How to extract edges from polydata as connected features?

I have a polydata structure and its extracted edges but computed with extract_feature_edges function as unconnected cells (separated lines).
Is it possible to connect those cells (lines) from their common points and then get the different features (lands, islands such as what you can see in the image - Antartica, Australia, ... - BTW they are paleo continents)?
In resume, I would like to extract from my grid and its edges the different land parts as separate polydata. I have tried with the python module shapely and the polygonize function, it works but not with 3D coordinates (
import pyvista as pv
! wget -q -nc
mesh = pv.PolyData('mesh.vtk')
edges = mesh.extract_feature_edges(boundary_edges=True)
pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(pv.Sphere(radius=0.999, theta_resolution=360, phi_resolution=180))
pl.add_mesh(mesh, show_edges=True, edge_color="gray")
pl.add_mesh(edges, color="red", line_width=2)
viewer ='pythreejs', return_viewer=True)
Any idea?
Here is a solution using vtk.vtkStripper() to join contiguous segments into polylines.
See thread from
import pyvista as pv
import vtk
import random
! wget -q -nc
mesh = pv.PolyData('mesh.vtk')
edges = mesh.extract_feature_edges(boundary_edges=True)
pl = pv.Plotter()
pl.add_mesh(pv.Sphere(radius=0.999, theta_resolution=360, phi_resolution=180))
pl.add_mesh(mesh, show_edges=True, edge_color="gray")
regions = edges.connectivity()
regCount = len(set(pv.get_array(regions, name="RegionId")))
connectivityFilter = vtk.vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter()
stripper = vtk.vtkStripper()
for r in range(regCount):
reg = stripper.GetOutput()
random_color = "#"+''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for i in range(6)])
pl.add_mesh(reg, color=random_color, line_width=4)
viewer ='pythreejs', return_viewer=True)
This has come up before in github discussions. The conclusion was that PyVista doesn't have anything built-in to reorder edges, but there might be third-party libraries that can do this (this answer mentioned libigl, but I have no experience with that).
I have some ideas on how to tackle this, but there are concerns about the applicability of such a helper in the generic case. In your specific case, however, we know that every edge is a closed loop, and that there aren't very many of them, so we don't have to worry about performance (and especially memory footprint) that much.
Here's a manual approach to reordering the edges by building an adjacency graph and walking until we end up where we started on each loop:
from collections import defaultdict
import pyvista as pv
# load example mesh
mesh ='mesh.vtk')
# get edges
edges = mesh.extract_feature_edges(boundary_edges=True)
# build undirected adjacency graph from edges (2-length lines)
# (potential performance improvement: use connectivity to only do this for each closed loop)
# (potentially via calling edges.split_bodies())
lines = edges.lines.reshape(-1, 3)[:, 1:]
adjacency = defaultdict(set) # {2: {1, 3}, ...} if there are lines from point 2 to point 1 and 3
for first, second in lines:
# start looping from whichever point, keep going until we run out of adjacent points
points_left = set(range(edges.n_points))
loops = []
while points_left:
point = points_left.pop() # starting point for next loop
loop = [point]
while True:
# keep walking the loop
neighb = adjacency[point].pop()
if neighb == loop[0]:
# this loop is done
# make sure we never backtrack
# bookkeeping
point = neighb
# assemble new lines based on the existing ones, flatten
lines = sum(([len(loop)] + loop for loop in loops), [])
# overwrite the lines in the original edges; optionally we could create a copy here
edges.lines = lines
# edges are long, closed loops by construction, so it's probably correct
# plot each curve with an individual colour just to be safe
plotter = pv.Plotter()
plotter.add_mesh(edges, scalars=range(edges.n_cells), line_width=3, show_scalar_bar=False)
This code replaces your original 1760 2-length lines with 14 larger lines defining each loop. You have to be a bit careful, though: north of Australia you have a loop that self-intersects:
The intersection point appears 4 times instead of 2. This means that my brute-force solver doesn't give a well-defined result: it will choose at the intersection randomly, and if by (bad) luck we start the loop from the intersection point the algorithm will probably fail. Making it more robust is left as an exercise to the reader (my comment about splitting the edges into individual ones could help with this issue).

How to cut vertices and faces connected to points lower than some value in pyvista?

So when one exports r.out.vtk from Grass GIS we get a bad surface with -99999 points instead of nulls:
I want to remove them, yet a simple clip is not enough:
pd ='./pid1.vtk')
pd = pd.clip((0,1,1), invert=False).extract_surface()
p.add_mesh(pd ) #add atoms to scene
resulting in:
So I wonder how to keep from it only top (> -999) points and connected vertices - in order to get only the top plane (it is curved\not flat actually) using pyvista?
link to example .vtk
There is an easy way to do this and there isn't...
You could use pyvista's threshold filter with all_scalars=True as long as you have only one set of scalars:
import pyvista as pv
pd ='./pid1.vtk')
pd = pd.threshold(-999, all_scalars=True)
plotter = pv.Plotter()
plotter.add_mesh(pd) #add atoms to scene
Since all_scalars starts filtering based on every scalar array, this will only do what you'd expect if there are no other scalars. Furthermore, unfortunately there seems to be a bug in pyvista (expected to be fixed in version 0.32.0) which makes the use of this keyword impossible.
What you can do in the meantime (if you don't want to use pyvista's main branch before the fix is released) is to threshold the data yourself using numpy:
import pyvista as pv
pd ='./pid1.vtk')
scalars = pd.active_scalars
keep_inds = (scalars > -999).nonzero()[0]
pd = pd.extract_points(keep_inds, adjacent_cells=False)
plotter = pv.Plotter()
plotter.add_mesh(pd) #add atoms to scene
The main point of both all_scalars (in threshold) and adjacent_cells (in extract_points) is to only keep cells where every point satisfies the condition.
With both of the above I get the following figure using your data:

Getting (some) points of a polygon

I am trying to grab the vertices from a polygon and do some stuff to them to recreate the polygon in a new location/rotation (essentially this: The example code below is not exactly what I am doing, but showcases the issue. The code would work except that after it grabs the last vertex of the polygon, it throws an error message which breaks the script and stops everything else from running to draw the new polygon. Otherwise, if I go through my code line-by-line I can continue on and create the new polygon feature:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'X'
Is there a way that I can use the loop to run through all except the "last" vertex, which either has an issue or doesn't exist?
import arcpy
import os
import random
import math
pa = 'protected_areas' # protected areas
sr = arcpy.Describe(pa).spatialReference # spatial ref
sa = 'study_area' # study area
x = [] # placeholder
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(pa,'SHAPE#',spatial_reference=sr) as cursor: # for each polygon
for row in cursor:
centroid = row[0].centroid # calculate centroid
poly = row[0]
for part in poly: # for each polygon part
for pnt in part: # for each vertex
You can iterate over an index and skip the las element, changing
for pnt in part: # for each vertex
for k in range(len(pnt)-1): # for each vertex
Hope it helps

Find indices of raster cells that intersect with a polygon

I want to get a list of indices (row,col) for all raster cells that fall within or are intersected by a polygon feature. Looking for a solution in python, ideally with gdal/ogr modules.
Other posts have suggested rasterizing the polygon, but I would rather have direct access to the cell indices if possible.
Since you don't provide a working example, it's bit unclear what your starting point is. I made a dataset with 1 polygon, if you have a dataset with multiple but only want to target a specific polygon you can add SQLStatement or where to the gdal.Rasterize call.
Sample polygon
geojson = """{"type":"FeatureCollection",
Rasterizing can be done with gdal.Rasterize. You need to specify the properties of the target grid. If there is no predefined grid these could be extracted from the polygon itself
ds = gdal.Rasterize('/vsimem/tmpfile', geojson, xRes=1, yRes=-1, allTouched=True,
outputBounds=[-120, 30, -100, 50], burnValues=1,
mask = ds.ReadAsArray()
ds = None
Converting to indices
Retrieving the indices from the rasterized polygon can be done with Numpy:
y_ind, x_ind = np.where(mask==1)
Clearly Rutger's solution above is the way to go with this, however I will leave my solution up. I developed a script that accomplished what I needed with the following:
Get the bounding box for each vector feature I want to check
Use the bounding box to limit the computational window (determine what portion of the raster could potentially have intersections)
Iterate over the cells within this part of the raster and construct a polygon geometry for each cell
Use ogr.Geometry.Intersects() to check if the cell intersects with the polygon feature
Note that I have only defined the methods, but I think implementation should be pretty clear -- just call match_cells with the appropriate arguments (ogr.Geometry object and geotransform matrix). Code below:
from osgeo import ogr
# Convert projected coordinates to raster cell indices
def parse_coords(x,y,gt):
row,col = None,None
if x:
col = int((x - gt[0]) // gt[1])
# If only x coordinate is provided, return column index
if not y:
return col
if y:
row = int((y - gt[3]) // gt[5])
# If only x coordinate is provided, return column index
if not x:
return row
return (row,col)
# Construct polygon geometry from raster cell
def build_cell((row,col),gt):
xres,yres = gt[1],gt[5]
x_0,y_0 = gt[0],gt[3]
top = (yres*row) + y_0
bottom = (yres*(row+1)) + y_0
right = (xres*col) + x_0
left = (xres*(col+1)) + x_0
# Create ring topology
ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
# Create polygon
box = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
return box
# Iterate over feature geometries & check for intersection
def match_cells(inputGeometry,gt):
matched_cells = []
for f,feature in enumerate(inputGeometry):
geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
bbox = geom.GetEnvelope()
xmin,xmax = [parse_coords(x,None,gt) for x in bbox[:2]]
ymin,ymax = [parse_coords(None,y,gt) for y in bbox[2:]]
for cell_row in range(ymax,ymin+1):
for cell_col in range(xmin,xmax+1):
cell_box = build_cell((cell_row,cell_col),gt)
if cell_box.Intersects(geom):
matched_cells += [[(cell_row,cell_col)]]
return matched_cells
if you want to do this manually you'll need to test each cell for:
Square v Polygon intersection and
Square v Line intersection.
If you treat each square as a 2d point this becomes easier - it's now a Point v Polygon problem. Check in Game Dev forums for collision algorithms.
Good luck!

Vtk inserts incorrect color between nodes when mapping texture to mesh

Hi I am trying to map a texture to 3d mesh using Mayavi and Python bindings of vtk. I am visualising an .obj wavefront. This obj is 3D photograph of a face. The texture image is a composite of three 2D photographs.
Each node in the mesh has an (uv) co-ordinate in the image, which defines its color. Different regions of the mesh draw their colours from different sections of the image. To illustrate this I have replaced the actual texture image with this one:
And mapped this to the mesh instead.
The problem I am having is illustrated around the nose. At the border between red and green there is an outline of blue. Closer inspection of this region in wireframe mode shows that it is not a problem with the uv mapping, but with how vtk is interpolating colour between two nodes. For some reason it is adding a piece of blue in between two nodes where one is red and one is green.
This causes serious problems when visualising using the real texture
Is there a way to force vtk to choose the colour of one or the other neighbouring nodes for the colour between them? I tried turning "edge-clamping" on, but this did not achieve anything.
The code that I am using is below and you can access the files in question from here
but I hope this is a simple solution.
from numpy import *
from mayavi import mlab
from tvtk.api import tvtk
import os
from vtk.util import numpy_support
def obj2array(f):
"""function for reading a Wavefront obj"""
if type(f)==str:
if os.path.isfile(f)==False:
raise ValueError('obj2array: unable to locate file ' + str(f))
f =open(f)
vertices = list()
connectivity = list()
uv = list()
vt = list()
fcount = 0
for l in f:
line = l.rstrip('\n')
data = line.split()
if len(data)==0:
if data[0] == 'v':
vertices.append(atleast_2d(array([float(item) for item in data[1:4]])))
elif data[0]=='vt':
uv.append(atleast_2d(array([float(item) for item in data[1:3]])))
elif data[0]=='f':
nverts = len(data)-1 # number of vertices comprising each face
if fcount == 0: #on first face establish face format
fcount = fcount + 1
if data[1].find('/')==-1: #Case 1
case = 1
elif data[1].find('//')==True:
case = 4
elif len(data[1].split('/'))==2:
case = 2
elif len(data[1].split('/'))==3:
case = 3
if case == 1:
f = atleast_2d([int(item) for item in data[1:len(data)]])
if case == 2:
splitdata = [item.split('/') for item in data[1:len(data)]]
f = atleast_2d([int(item[0]) for item in splitdata])
if case == 3:
splitdata = [item.split('/') for item in data[1:len(data)]]
f = atleast_2d([int(item[0]) for item in splitdata])
if case == 4:
splitdata = [item.split('//') for item in data[1:len(data)]]
f = atleast_2d([int(item[0]) for item in splitdata])
vertices = concatenate(vertices, axis = 0)
if len(uv)==0:
uv = concatenate(uv, axis = 0)
if len(connectivity) !=0:
conarray = concatenate(connectivity, axis=0)
except ValueError:
if triangulate==True:
raise ValueError('obj2array: not all faces triangles?')
if conarray.shape[1]==4:
if triangulate==True:
return vertices, conarray,uv
# load texture image
texture_img = tvtk.Texture(interpolate = 1,edge_clamp=1)
texture_img.input = tvtk.BMPReader(file_name='HM_1_repose.bmp').output
#load obj
verts, triangles, uv = obj2array('HM_1_repose.obj')
# make 0-indexed
triangles = triangles-1
surf = mlab.triangular_mesh(verts[:,0],verts[:,1],verts[:,2],triangles)
pd = surf.mlab_source.dataset._vtk_obj.GetPointData()
pd.SetTCoords(tc) = True = texture_img
You can turn off all interpolation (change interpolate = 1 to interpolate = 0 in your example), but there is not a way to turn off interpolation at just the places where it would interpolate across sub-images of the texture – at least not without writing your own fragment shader. This will likely look crude.
Another solution would be to create 3 texture images with transparent texels at each location that is not part of the actor's face. Then render the same geometry with the same texture coordinates but a different image each time (i.e., have 3 actors each with the same polydata but a different texture image).
I just ran into this exact problem as well and found that the reason this happens is because VTK assumes there's a 1-to-1 relationship between points in the polydata and uv coordinates when rendering the actor and associated vtkTexture. However, in my case and the case of OP, there are neighboring triangles that are mapped to different sections the the image, so they have very different uv coordinates. The points that share these neighboring faces can only have one uv coordinate (or Tcoord) associated with it, but they actually need 2 (or more, depending on your case).
My solution was to loop through and duplicate these points that lie on the the seams/borders and create a new vtkCellArray with triangles with these duplicated pointIds. Then I simply replaced the vtkPolyData Polys() list with the new triangles. It would have been much easier to duplicate the points and update the existing pointIds for each of the triangles that needed it, but I couldn't find a way to update the cells properly.

