How to access the entity value in Luis - python

I want to print the value of the entity that is already defined in the Luis portal, I already printed the TopIntent but I need to access the entity and print the value of it

As per MS doc:
You can get entity and subentities, for example:
modelObject = client.model.get_entity(app_id, versionId, modelId)
toppingQuantityId = get_grandchild_id(modelObject, "Toppings", "Quantity")
pizzaQuantityId = get_grandchild_id(modelObject, "Pizza", "Quantity")
If you want to get the prediction from the runtime, for example:
# Production == slot name
predictionRequest = { "query" : "I want two small pepperoni pizzas with more salsa" }
predictionResponse = clientRuntime.prediction.get_slot_prediction(app_id, "Production", predictionRequest)
print("Top intent: {}".format(predictionResponse.prediction.top_intent))
print("Sentiment: {}".format (predictionResponse.prediction.sentiment))
print("Intents: ")
for intent in predictionResponse.prediction.intents:
print("\t{}".format (json.dumps (intent)))
print("Entities: {}".format (predictionResponse.prediction.entities))
You can refer to How to extract entity from Microsoft LUIS using python?


Is it possible to automate Cloudwatch Billing Alarms

when a new AWS Account gets created or migrated into our environment the details get put into a DynamoDB, below is an example of the details of stored in the DDB:
{'Count': 57,
'Items': [{'AccountId': 'Account Number Here',
'AccountName': 'Account Name Here',
'Arn': 'arn:here',
'Email': '',
'MainAccount': 'The Main Billing Account',
'Type': 'prod'},
I'm wondering if there is some way, I can possibly scan the DDB then when a new entry is added create a CloudWatch billing alarm using my code below, I understand this will need modifying and I'll admit this is very manual and not very automated, which is why I'm enquiring here:
import boto3
my_profile = input(
"Please input the profile name you will use stored in ~\.aws\config: \n"
sess = boto3.Session(profile_name=my_profile, region_name="us-east-1")
# US-East-1 as that is where Billing Alarms are handled.
sns_name = input("Enter SNS Topic name with no spaces, you can use underscores: \n")
sns_client = sess.client("sns")
# Creates SNS Topic
result = sns_client.create_topic(Name=sns_name)
for value in result.values():
topic_arn = input(
"Copy & Paste Topic ARN from printed result above including arn: : \n"
print("Topic Created..")
subscribe_endpoint = input("Enter an email address for the subscription: \n")
print("Subscription created, check your emails and confirm the subscription.")
# Creates Subscription & Sets up email protocol for that particular topic, ammend Topic Arn from previous SNS topic and change enpoint to respective email address.
TopicArn=topic_arn, # Grab ARN from list_topics API call.
Endpoint=subscribe_endpoint, # Input email address here
cw = sess.client("cloudwatch")
alarm_name = input("Enter an alarm name: \n")
alarm_desc = input("Enter an alarm description: \n")
alarm_threshold = int(input("Enter the alarm threshold in integer values: \n"))
if alarm_threshold == "":
print("please enter integer values only")
metrics_id = input("Please enter a metric ID,: \n")
linked_account_id = input(
"Please type the account ID in reference to your billing alarm, please note it can take 24hrs for this to appear if recently migrated: \n"
# Below creates the alarm, change Name, Description, Threshold and LinkedAccount & Label
{"Name": "Currency", "Value": "USD"},
{"Name": "LinkedAccount", "Value": linked_account_id},
f"Alarm: {alarm_name} has been created, actioning on topic {topic_arn}. The threshold is {alarm_threshold} to linked account {linked_account_id}, an Email will be sent to {subscribe_endpoint} if this threshold is breached/exceeded."
I appreciate the code relies on User Input, however if there is some way to generalize or grab some information from the DDB and use it similar to below:
sns_name = #This can relate to the account name Maybe "AccName_SNS_Topic"
topic_arn = "the topic arn" #I'm fairly new to Python
# so I'm not sure how to pull the exact topic arn from it once it's created and stored
# in the variable.
subscribe_endpoint = "The email address linked to the account in DDB"
alarm_name = "AccountName - Dev or Prod (Stored in type on DDB) - Billing Alarm"
alarm_desc = "As above"
alarm_threshold = 700
# We can skip metrics ID, I don't think we actually need it
linked_account_id = "Account Number stored in AccountId in DDB"
The end goal is to be able to get this into a lambda with an event bridge or something similar. Please note some accounts already have billing alarms set so it would only be for new accounts only. I appreciate any advice or input you may be able to assist me with, Thanks in advance.

sed recognition response to DynamoDB table using Lambda-python

I am using Lambda to detect faces and would like to send the response to a Dynamotable.
This is the code I am using:
rekognition = boto3.client('rekognition', region_name='us-east-1')
dynamodb = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1')
# --------------- Helper Functions to call Rekognition APIs ------------------
def detect_faces(bucket, key):
response = rekognition.detect_faces(Image={"S3Object": {"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key}}, Attributes=['ALL'])
TableName = 'table_test'
for face in response['FaceDetails']:
table_response = dynamodb.put_item(TableName=TableName, Item='{0} - {1}%')
return response
My problem is in this line:
for face in response['FaceDetails']:
table_response = dynamodb.put_item(TableName=TableName, Item= {'key:{'S':'value'}, {'S':'Value')
I am able to see the result in the console.
I don't want to add specific item(s) to the table- I need the whole response to be transferred to the table.
Do do this:
1. What to add as a key and partition key in the table?
2. How to transfer the whole response to the table
i have been stuck in this for three days now and can't figure out any result. Please help!
******************* EDIT *******************
I tried this code:
rekognition = boto3.client('rekognition', region_name='us-east-1')
# --------------- Helper Functions to call Rekognition APIs ------------------
def detect_faces(bucket, key):
response = rekognition.detect_faces(Image={"S3Object": {"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key}}, Attributes=['ALL'])
TableName = 'table_test'
for face in response['FaceDetails']:
face_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
Age = face["AgeRange"]
Gender = face["Gender"]
print('Generating new DynamoDB record, with ID: ' + face_id)
print('Input Age: ' + Age)
print('Input Gender: ' + Gender)
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamodb.Table(os.environ['test_table'])
'id' : face_id,
'Age' : Age,
'Gender' : Gender
return response
It gave me two of errors:
1. Error processing object xxx.jpg
2. cannot concatenate 'str' and 'dict' objects
Can you pleaaaaase help!
When you create a Table in DynamoDB, you must specify, at least, a Partition Key. Go to your DynamoDB table and grab your partition key. Once you have it, you can create a new object that contains this partition key with some value on it and the object you want to pass itself. The partition key is always a MUST upon creating a new Item in a DynamoDB table.
Your JSON object should look like this:
"myPartitionKey": "myValue",
"attr1": "val1",
"attr2:" "val2"
EDIT: After the OP updated his question, here's some new information:
For problem 1)
Are you sure the image you are trying to process is a valid one? If it is a corrupted file Rekognition will fail and throw that error.
For problem 2)
You cannot concatenate a String with a Dictionary in Python. Your Age and Gender variables are dictionaries, not Strings. So you need to access an inner attribute within these dictionaries. They have a 'Value' attribute. I am not a Python developer, but you need to access the Value attribute inside your Gender object. The Age object, however, has 'Low' and 'High' as attributes.
You can see the complete list of attributes in the docs
Hope this helps!

How to print specific value from specific key from JSON in Python

I wrote 2 functions so I can get champion ID knowing champion Name but then I wanted to get champion Name knowing champion ID but I cannot figure it out how to extract the name because of how the data structured.
so in my code I wrote ['data']['championName'(in this case Aatrox)]['key'] to get the champion ID/key. But how can I reverse it if for example I don't know the champion Name but champions ID. How can I get the champion Name if after writing ['data'] I need to write champion Name so I can go deeper and get all the champions info like ID, title etc..
def requestChampionData(championName):
name = championName.lower()
name = name.title()
URL = "" + name + ".json"
response = requests.get(URL)
return response.json()
def championID(championName):
championData = requestChampionData(championName)
championID = str(championData['data'][championName]['key'])
return championID
since python values are passed by reference you can make a new dict with keys as the champion id pointing to the values of the previous dict, that way you dont duplicate too much data. but be carefull if you change data in one dict the data will be changed in the other one too
def new_dict(d):
return { val["id"]:val for val in d.values() }
I solved my problem with this code:
def championNameByID(id):
championData = requestChampionData()
allChampions = championData['data']
for champion in allChampions:
if id == allChampions[champion]['key']:
championName = allChampions[champion]['name']
return championName

Python Stripe SDK Authentication error (key contains at least one space)

I'm trying to duplicate some subscription Plans in my Stripe account using the Python SDK, so that I can update the plan prices (plans are immutable). I can successfully list all plans, so authentication is not an issue.:
import stripe
stripe.api_key = 'sk_test_...'
start_id = None
while True:
if start_id:
resp = stripe.Plan.list(starting_after=start_id)
resp = stripe.Plan.list()
plans = resp['data']
if len(plans) == 0: break
start_id = plans[-1]['id']
for plan in plans:
new_amount = get_new_plan_amount(plan['id'], plan['name'])
new_plan = {
"id": "%s-v2" % plan["id"],
"name": "%s V2" % plan["name"],
"amount": new_amount,
"interval": plan["interval"],
"currency": plan["currency"],
if plan['interval_count']:
new_plan["interval_count"] = plan['interval_count']
if plan['metadata']:
new_plan["metadata"] = plan['metadata']
if plan['statement_descriptor']:
new_plan["statement_descriptor"] = plan['statement_descriptor']
stripe.Plan.create(new_plan) ### error
When I try to update a plan I get the following error:
Stripe.error.AuthenticationError: Invalid API Key provided: "{'****': *'*********** ', '********': *'*****', '********_*****': *, '********': '', '******': *****, '**': *'*******-v2'}". This key contains at least one space. Please delete the spaces and try again.
I don't get it. Which field is it that contains a space? I've checked the id field (which it seems to be suggesting) but there are no spaces in that field.
I'm using Python 2.7 and version 2013-08-13 of the Stripe API.
You need to unpack the dictionary containing your parameters when creating the plan:
Additionally, you don't need to manage pagination parameters yourself. The Python library can do it for you using auto-pagination:
plans = stripe.Plan.list()
for plan in plans.auto_paging_iter():
# do something with plan

Getting facts form an RDF Graph in a way that I can use using RDFlib

I am trying to learn to use RDF and am trying to pull a set of facts out of dbpedia as my learning exercise. The following code sample is sort of working but for subjects such as spouse it always pulls out the person them selves.
get_name_from_uri() pulls out the last part of the URI and removes the underscores - There has got to be a better way to get a persons name
results for spouse pull back the spouse but also pull back the data subject - not sure whats going on there
Some results pull back data in both URI format and as a text item -
This is the output from the code block and shows some of the odd results I am getting (see the mixed output in the properties, the fact he is married to himself and the mangled name of Josephine?
Accessing facts for Napoleon held at
There are 800 facts about Napoleon stored at the URI
Here are a few:-
Napoleon died on 1821-05-05
Napoleon was born on 1769-08-15
Property:spouse retruns the person themslves twice !
Napoleon was married to Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma
Napoleon was married to Napoleon
Napoleon was married to Jos%C3%A9phine de Beauharnais
Napoleon was married to Napoleon
Property:title retruns text and uri's
Napoleon Held the title: "The Death of Napoleon"
Napoleon Held the title:
Napoleon Held the title:
Napoleon Held the title: First Consul of France
Napoleon Held the title: Provisional Consul of France
Napoleon Held the title:
Napoleon Held the title: Emperor of the French
Napoleon Held the title:
Napoleon Held the title: from the Memoirs of Bourrienne, 1831
Napoleon Held the title: Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine
Ontology birth place returns three records
Napoleon was born in Ajaccio
Napoleon was born in Corsica
Napoleon was born in Early modern France
This is the python that produces the output above, it requires rdflib and is very much a work in progress.
import rdflib
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, RDF
# A quick test of a python library reflib to get data from an rdf graph
# D Moore 15/3/2014
# needs rdflib > version 3.0
#URI_ref = ''
#URI_ref = ''
#URI_ref = ''
#URI_ref = ''
URI_ref = ''
#URI_ref = ''
def get_name_from_uri(dbpedia_uri):
# pulls the last part of a uri out and removes underscores
# got to be an easier way but it works
output_string = ""
s = dbpedia_uri
# chop the url into bits devided by the /
tokens = s.split("/")
# because the name of our person is in the last section itterate through each token
# and replace the underscore with a space
for i in tokens :
str = ''.join([i])
output_string = str.replace('_',' ')
# returns the name of the person without underscores
def is_person(uri):
##### SPARQL way to do this
uri = URIRef(uri)
person = URIRef('')
g= Graph()
resp = g.query(
"ASK {?uri a ?person}",
initBindings={'uri': uri, 'person': person}
print uri, "is a person?", resp.askAnswer
return resp.askAnswer
URI_NAME = get_name_from_uri(URI_ref)
if is_person(URI_ref):
print "Accessing facts for", URI_NAME, " held at ", URI_ref
g = Graph()
print "Person Extract for", URI_NAME
print "There are ",len(g)," facts about", URI_NAME, "stored at the URI ",URI_ref
print "Here are a few:-"
# Ok so lets get some facts for our person
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "was born " + str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "died on", str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "was born on", str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "had eyes coloured", str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "was married to ", get_name_from_uri(str(stmt[1]))
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "reigned ", get_name_from_uri(str(stmt[1]))
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "had a child called ", get_name_from_uri(str(stmt[1]))
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "(PROPERTY profession) was trained as a ", get_name_fro m_uri(str(stmt[1]))
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "PROPERTY child ", get_name_from_uri(str(stmt[1]))
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "(PROPERTY death place) died at: ", str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "(PROPERTY title) Held the title: ", str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "was a ", str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "was known for ", str(stmt[1])
for stmt in g.subject_objects(URIRef("")):
print URI_NAME, "was born in ", get_name_from_uri(str(stmt[1]))
print "ERROR - "
print "Resource", URI_ref, 'does not look to be a person or there is no record in dbpedia'
Getting names
*get_name_from_uri* is doing something with the URI. Since DBpedia data has rdfs:labels on almost everything, it's probably a better idea to ask for the rdfs:label and to use that as a value. E.g., look at the results of this SPARQL query run the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint:
select ?spouse ?spouseName where {
dbpedia:Napoleon dbpedia-owl:spouse ?spouse .
?spouse rdfs:label ?spouseName .
filter( langMatches(lang(?spouseName),"en") )
spouse spouseName "Joséphine de Beauharnais"#en,_Duchess_of_Parma "Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma"#en
Unexpected Spouses
The documentation for subject_objects says that
subject_objects(self, predicate=None)
A generator of (subject, object) tuples for the given predicate
You're seeing, correctly, that there are four triples in DBpedia that have the predicate dbpprop:spouse (by the way, is there a reason you're not using dbpedia-owl:spouse?) and have Napoleon as a subject or object:
Napoleon spouse Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma
Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma spouse Napoleon
Napoleon spouse Jos%C3%A9phine de Beauharnais
Jos%C3%A9phine de Beauharnais spouse Napoleon
For each one of those, you're printing out
"Napoleon was married to X"
where X is the object of the triple. Perhaps you should use objects instead:
objects(self, subject=None, predicate=None)
A generator of objects with the given subject and predicate
URI vs. text (literal) results
The data described by DBpedia ontology properties (those whose URIs begin with, typically abbreviated dbpedia-owl:) is much “cleaner” than the data described by the DBpedia raw data properties (those whose URIs begin with, typically abbreviated dbpprop:). E.g., when you're looking at the titles, you're using the property dbpprop:title, and there are both URIs and literals as values. It doesn't look like there's a dbpedia-owl:title, though, so in this case you'll just have to deal with it. It's easy enough to filter out one or the other though:
select ?title where {
dbpedia:Napoleon dbpprop:title ?title
filter isLiteral(?title)
"Emperor of the French"#en
"Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine"#en
"First Consul of France"#en
"Provisional Consul of France"#en
""The Death of Napoleon""#en
"from the Memoirs of Bourrienne, 1831"#en
select ?title where {
dbpedia:Napoleon dbpprop:title ?title
filter isURI(?title)

