Method of averaging periodic timeseries data - python

I'm in the process of collecting O2 data for work. This data shows periodic behavior. I would like to parse out each repetition to thereby get statistical information like average and theoretical error. Data Figure
Is there a convenient way programmatically:
Identify cyclical data?
Pick out starting & ending indices such that repeating cycle can be concatenated, post-processed, etc.
I had a few ideas, but am more lacking the Python programing experience.
Brute force, condition data in Excel prior. (Will likely collect similar data in future, would like more robust method).
Train NN to identify cycle then output indices. (Limited training set, would have to label).
Decompose to trend/seasonal data apply Fourier series on seasonal data. Pick out N cycles.
Heuristically, i.e. identify thresholds of rate of change & event detection (difficult due to secondary hump, please see data).
Is there a Python program that systematically does this for me? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sample Data


AI categorical prediction for time variant data

I'm currently trying to use a sensor to measure a process's consistency. The sensor output varies wildly in its actual reading but displays features that are statistically different across three categories [dark, appropriate, light], with dark and light being out of control items. For example, one output could read approximately 0V, the process repeats and the sensor then reads 0.6V. Both the 0V reading and the 0.6V reading could represent an in control process. There is a consistent difference for sensor readings for out of control items vs in control items. An example set of an in control item can be found here and an example set of two out of control items can be found here. Because of the wildness of the sensor and characteristic shapes of each category's data, I think the best way to assess the readings is to process them with an AI model. This is my first foray into creating a model that creates a categorical prediction given a time series window. I haven't been able to find anything on the internet with my searches (I'm possibly looking for the wrong thing). I'm certain that what I'm attempting is feasible and has a strong case for an AI model, I'm just not certain what the optimal way to make it is. One idea that I had was to treat the data similarly to how an image is treated by an object detection model, with the readings as the input array and the category as the output, but I'm not certain that this is the best way to go about solving the problem. If anyone can help point me in the right direction or give me a resource, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for reading my post!

Looking for repeated patterns in time series data

I have spent the best part of the last few days searching forums and reading papers trying to solve the following question. I have thousands of time series arrays each of varying lengths containing a single column vector. this column vector contains the time between clicks for dolphins using echolocation.
I have managed to cluster these into similar groups using DTW and want to check which trains have a high degree of similarity i.e repeated patterns. I only want to know the similarity with themselves and don't care to compare them with other trains as I have already applied DTW for that. I'm hoping some of these clusters will contain trains with a high proportion of repeated patterns.
I have already applied the Ljung–Box test to each series to check for autocorrelation but think i should maybe be using something with FFT and the power spectrum. I don't have much experience in this but have tried to do so using a Python package waipy. Ultimately, I just want to know if there is some kind of repeated pattern in the data ideally tested with a p-value. The image I have attached shows an example train across the top. the maximum length of my trains is 550.
example output from Waipy
I know this is quite a complex question but any help would be greatly appreciated even if it is a link to a helpful Python library.
For anyone in a similar position I decided to go with Motifs as they are able to find a repeated pattern in a time series using euclidian distance. There is a really good package in Python called Stumpy which makes this very easy!

KMeans: Extracting the parameters/rules that fill up the clusters

I have created a 4-cluster k-means customer segmentation in scikit learn (Python). The idea is that every month, the business gets an overview of the shifts in size of our customers in each cluster.
My question is how to make these clusters 'durable'. If I rerun my script with updated data, the 'boundaries' of the clusters may slightly shift, but I want to keep the old clusters (even though they fit the data slightly worse).
My guess is that there should be a way to extract the paramaters that decides which case goes to their respective cluster, but I haven't found the solution yet.
Got the answer in a different topic:
Just record the cluster means. Then when new data comes in, compare it to each mean and put it in the one with the closest mean.

Generate captions for Time Series Data

I am trying to generate captions for time series data based on increasing/decreasing values.
I have a column with values which change gradually over time (time horizon is irrelevant for now). When we visualize a graph, we make comments like increasing/decreasing, steep curve etc.
I am looking at what libraries are available for the same. Has any research been done in graph captioning/ ts captioning?
Currently juggling with pyts and exploring the quantization options by converting values to small clusters and analysing the so-created bag of words.
As of now, its simply looking at when a value changes direction from inc to dec, halt and generate "increasing" for previous segment and move on. This is an inefficient approach in terms of scaling.
Looking for guidance, suggestions, resources.

Pandas and the best method for representing variable-length time-series

Here's the scenario. Let's say I have data from a visual psychophysics experiment, in which a subject indicates whether the net direction of motion in a noisy visual stimulus is to the left or to the right. The atomic unit here is a single trial and a typical daily session might have between 1000 and 2000 trials. With each trial are associated various parameters: the difficulty of that trial, where stimuli were positioned on the computer monitor, the speed of motion, the distance of the subject from the display, whether the subject answered correctly, etc. For now, let's assume that each trial has only one value for each parameter (e.g., each trial has only one speed of motion, etc.). So far, so easy: trial ids are the Index and the different parameters correspond to columns.
Here's the wrinkle. With each trial are also associated variable length time series. For instance, each trial will have eye movement data that's sampled at 1 kHz (so we get time of acquisition, the x data at that time point, and y data at that time point). Because each trial has a different total duration, the length of these time series will differ across trials.
So... what's the best means for representing this type of data in a pandas DataFrame? Is this something that pandas can even be expected to deal with? Should I go to multiple DataFrames, one for the single valued parameters and one for the time series like parameters?
I've considered adopting a MultiIndex approach where level 0 corresponds to trial number and level 1 corresponds to time of continuous data acquisition. Then all I'd need to do is repeat the single valued columns to match the length of the time series on that trial. But I immediately foresee 2 problems. First, the number of single valued columns is large enough that extending each one of them to match the length of the time series seems very wasteful if not impractical. Second, and more importantly, if I wanna do basic groupby type of analyses (e.g. getting the proportion of correct responses at a given difficulty level), this will give biased (incorrect) results because whether each trial was correct or wrong will be repeated as many times as necessary for its length to match the length of time series on that trial (which is irrelevant to the computation of the mean across trials).
I hope my question makes sense and thanks for suggestions.
I've also just been dealing with this type of issue. I have a bunch of motion-capture data that I've recorded, containing x- y- and z-locations of several motion-capture markers at time intervals of 10ms, but there are also a couple of single-valued fields per trial (e.g., which task the subject is doing).
I've been using this project as a motivation for learning about pandas so I'm certainly not "fluent" yet with it. But I have found it incredibly convenient to be able to concatenate data frames for each trial into a single larger frame for, e.g., one subject:
subject_df = pd.concat(
[pd.read_csv(t) for t in subject_trials],
keys=[i for i, _ in enumerate(subject_trials)])
Anyway, my suggestion for how to combine single-valued trial data with continuous time recordings is to duplicate the single-valued columns down the entire index of your time recordings, like you mention toward the end of your question.
The only thing you lose by denormalizing your data in this way is that your data will consume more memory; however, provided you have sufficient memory, I think the benefits are worth it, because then you can do things like group individual time frames of data by the per-trial values. This can be especially useful with a stacked data frame!
As for removing the duplicates for doing, e.g., trial outcome analysis, it's really straightforward to do this:
assuming your data frame has an "outcome" column.

