Is there a fast running rolling standard deviation algorithm? - python

I have a Python script in which for every new sample i have to update the standard deviation of this samples array using a rolling window of length N. Using the simple formula of the standard deviation the code is really slow. I found many different solutions for online calculation but all of them are NOT considering a rolling window for the update. Some of alternative way for computing the variance are explained here (Welford algorithm, parallel, ...)
but none of them are actually using a rolling window through data set.
What i'm looking for is a fast algorithm which won't be prone to catastrophic cancellation phenomenon.
Formulas will be appreciated.
Thanks for your help guys.

Here's an adaptation of the code at the link I put in a comment. It takes O(1) (constant) time for each element added, regardless of window size. Note that if you configure for a window of N elements, the first N-1 results are more-than-less gibberish: it initializes the data to N zeroes. The class also saves the most recent N entries in a collections.deque of maximum size N. Note that this computes the "sample" standard deviation, not "population". Season to taste ;-)
from collections import deque
from math import sqrt
class Running:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n = deque([0.0] * n, maxlen=n)
self.mean = self.variance = self.sdev = 0.0
def add(self, x):
n = self.n
oldmean = self.mean
goingaway =[0]
self.mean = newmean = oldmean + (x - goingaway) / n
self.variance += (x - goingaway) * (
(x - newmean) + (goingaway - oldmean)) / (n - 1)
self.sdev = sqrt(self.variance)
Here's a by-eyeball sanity check. Seems fine. But note that the statistics module makes heroic (and slow!) efforts to maximize floating-point accuracy. The code above just accepts accumulating half a dozen fresh rounding errors per element added.
import statistics
from random import random
from math import ulp
r = Running(50)
for i in range(1000000):
r.add(random() * 100)
assert len( == 50
if i % 1000 == 0.0:
a, b = r.mean, statistics.mean(
print(i, "mean", a, b, (a - b) / ulp(b))
a, b = r.sdev, statistics.stdev(
print(i, "sdev", a, b, (a - b) / ulp(b))
Sample output (will vary across runs):
0 mean 1.4656985567210468 1.4656985567210468 0.0
0 sdev 10.364053886327875 10.364053886327877 -1.0
1000 mean 50.73313401192864 50.73313401192878 -20.0
1000 sdev 31.06576415649153 31.06576415649151 5.0
2000 mean 50.4175663202043 50.41756632020437 -10.0
2000 sdev 27.692406266774878 27.69240626677488 -1.0
3000 mean 53.054435599235525 53.0544355992356 -11.0
3000 sdev 32.439246859431556 32.439246859431606 -7.0
4000 mean 51.66216784517698 51.662167845177 -3.0
4000 sdev 31.026902004950404 31.02690200495047 -18.0
5000 mean 54.08949367166644 54.089493671666425 2.0
5000 sdev 29.405357061221196 29.40535706122128 -24.0

I have a function that I use for standard deviation. I modified it from a php function that calculated standard deviation. You can input an array (or a slice of an array) into it, and it will calculate the standard deviation for that array or slice.
def calc_std_dev(lst, precision=0, sample=True):
:param: lst A Python list containing values
:param: precision The number of decimal places desired.
:param: sample Is the data a sample or a population? Set to True by
sum = 0;
length = len(lst)
if length == 0:
print("The array has zero elements.")
return false
elif (length == 1) and (sample == True):
print("The array has only 1 element.")
return false
sum = math.fsum(lst)
# Calculate the arithmetic mean
mean = sum / length
carry = 0.0
for i in lst:
dev = i - mean
carry += dev * dev
if sample == True:
length = length - 1
variance = carry / length
std_dev = math.sqrt(variance)
std_dev = round(std_dev, precision)
return std_dev
When I need a rolling standard deviation, I pass in a slice of the total list to calculate the value.


What is the difference between uniform() and triangular()?

As far as i've understood, the random module has a set of methods, among which both uniform() and triangular() return a random float number between two given parameters. Is there no difference between them? Is there any specific case in which we should use one over the other?
Documentation is your friend
random.uniform(a, b)
Return a random floating point number N such that a <= N <= b for a <= b and b <= N <= a for b < a.
The end-point value b may or may not be included in the range depending on floating-point rounding in the equation a + (b-a) * random().
random.triangular(low, high, mode)
Return a random floating point number N such that low <= N <= high and with the specified mode between those bounds. The low and high bounds default to zero and one. The mode argument defaults to the midpoint between the bounds, giving a symmetric distribution
So random.triangular models a triangular distribution which has strong similarities to a uniform distribution.
The main difference in the usage of the methods is the mode argument of random.triangular which provides more a granular level of control over the distribution.
For a regular Uni(a,b) distribution, you should probably use random.uniform. According to Wiki, even when the mode is set to 0, a triangular distribution is not the same as a uniform distribution
This distribution for a = 0, b = 1 and c = 0 is the distribution of X = |X1 − X2|, where X1, X2 are two independent random variables with standard uniform distribution.
So random.triangular should be used precisely for using triangular distributions.
Here is a simple example highlighting the differences/similarities of both methods
import random
# Set Seed for reproducibility
# Parameters
lo: int = 0
hi: int = 100
mode: int = 10
sample_size: int = int(1e+6)
# Samples
uni = (random.uniform(lo, hi) for _ in range(sample_size))
tri1 = (random.triangular(lo, hi, mode) for _ in range(sample_size))
tri2 = (random.triangular(lo, hi) for _ in range(sample_size))
# Printing averages
print(round(sum(uni) / sample_size, 2))
# 50.01
print(round(sum(tri1) / sample_size, 2))
# 36.68
print(round(sum(tri2) / sample_size, 2))
# 50.0

How to iterate for loop over epsilon=1e-8 to implement Simpson's integrator

I have implemented the following logic and had asked this question for a different question (array range). I'm getting output but it is not going through for loop for the iteration because I have given frange(start, stop, range)
"""Approximate definite integral of function from a to b using Simpson's method.
This function is vectorized, it uses numpy array operations to calculate the approximation.
This is an adaptive implementation, the method starts out with N=2 intervals, and try
successive sizes of N (by doubling the size), until the desired precision, is reached.
This adaptive solution uses our improved approach/equation for Simpson's method, to
avoid unnecessary recalculations of the integrand function.
a, b - Scalar float values, the begin, and endpoints of the interval we are to
integrate the function over.
f - A vectorized function, should accept a numpy array of x values, and compute the
corresponding y values for all points according to some function.
epsilon - The desired precision to calculate the integral to. Default is 8 decimal places
of precision (1e-8)
returns - A tuple, (ival, error). A scalar float value, the approximated integral of
the function over the given interval, and a scaler float value of the
approximation error on the integral
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
import pylab as pl
def simpsons_adaptive_approximation(a, b, f, epsilon=1e-8):
N_prev = 2 # the previous number of slices
h_prev = (b - a) / N_prev # previous interval width
x = np.arange(a+h_prev, b, h_prev) # x locations of the previous interval
I_prev = h_prev * (0.5 * f(a) + 0.5 * f(b) + np.sum(f(x)))
# set up variables to adaptively iterate successively better approximations
N_cur = 2 # the current number of slices
I_cur = 0.0 # calculated in loop iteration
error = 1.0 # calculated in loop iteration
itr = 1 # keep track of the number of iterations we perform, for display/debug
h = (b-a)/float(epsilon)
I_cur = f(a) + f(b)
while error > epsilon:
for i in pl.frange(1,epsilon,1):
if(i%2 ==0):
I_cur = I_cur + (2*(f(a + i*h)))
I_cur = I_cur + (4*(f(a + i*h)))
error = np.abs((1.0/3.0) * (I_cur - I_prev))
print("At iteration %d (N=%d), val=%0.16f prev=%0.16f error=%e" % (itr, N_cur, I_cur, I_prev, error) )
I_cur *= (h/3.0)
I_prev = I_cur
N_prev = N_cur
N_cur *= 2
itr += 1
return (I_cur, error)
Another function that calling above-mentioned function
def f2(x):
return x**4 - 2*x + 1
a = 0.0
b = 2.0
eps = 1e-10
(val, err) = simpsons_adaptive_approximation(a, b, f2, eps)
print( "Calculated value: %0.16f error: %e for an epsilon of: %e" % (val, err, eps) )
Following is the outcome
At iteration 1 (N=2), val=14.0000000000000000 prev=7.0000000000000000 error=2.333333e+00
At iteration 2 (N=4), val=93333333333.3333435058593750 prev=93333333333.3333435058593750 error=0.000000e+00
Calculated value: 622222222222222295040.0000000000000000 error: 0.000000e+00 for an epsilon of: 1.000000e-10
It should give me more iteration
Can anyone help me to iterate over for loop get more result

Adjusting the mean and standard deviation of a list of random numbers?

I have to create a list of random numbers (with decimals) in the range between -3 and 3. The problem is that the list must have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. How can I adjust the mean and standard deviation parameters? Is there a function I can use?
I was already able to create a list of random numbers between -3 and 3.
import random
def lista_aleatorios(n):
lista = [0] * n
for i in range(n):
lista[i] = random.uniform(-3, 3)
return lista
print("\nHow many numbers do you want?: ")
n = int(input())
print (lista_aleatorios(n))
The function random.normalvariate(mu, sigma) allows you to specify the mean and the stdev for normally distributed random variables.
Use random.gauss, then scale:
import numpy as np
from random import gauss
def bounded_normal(n, mean, std, lower_bound, upper_bound):
# generate numbers between lower_bound and upper_bound
result = []
for i in range(n):
while True:
value = gauss(mean, std)
if lower_bound < value < upper_bound:
# modify the mean and standard deviation
actual_mean = np.mean(result)
actual_std = np.std(result)
mean_difference = mean - actual_mean
std_difference = std / actual_std
new_result = [(element + mean_difference) * std_difference for element in result]
return new_result
Ok, here is quick way to solution (if you want to use truncated gaussian). Set boundaries and desired stddev. I assume mean is 0. Then quick-and-crude code to do binary search for distribution sigma, solving for non-linear root (brentq() should be used in production code). All formulas are taken from Wiki page on Truncated Normal. It (sigma) shall be larger than desired stddev due to the fact, that truncation removes random values which contribute to large stddev. Then we do quick sampling test - and mean and stddev are close to desired values but never exactly equal to them. Code (Python-3.7, Anaconda, Win10 x64)
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
from scipy.stats import truncnorm
def alpha(a, sigma):
return a/sigma
def beta(b, sigma):
return b/sigma
def xi(x, sigma):
return x/sigma
def fi(xi):
return 1.0/np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5*xi*xi)
def Fi(x):
return 0.5*(1.0 + erf(x/np.sqrt(2.0)))
def Z(al, be):
return Fi(be) - Fi(al)
def Variance(sigma, a, b):
al = alpha(a, sigma)
be = beta(b, sigma)
ZZ = Z(al, be)
return sigma*sigma*(1.0 + (al*fi(al) - be*fi(be))/ZZ - ((fi(al)-fi(be))/ZZ)**2)
def stddev(sigma, a, b):
return np.sqrt(Variance(sigma, a, b))
m = 0.0 # mean
s = 1.0 # this is what we want
a = -3.0 # left boundary
b = 3.0 # right boundary
#print(stddev(s , a, b))
#print(stddev(s + 0.1, a, b))
slo = 1.0
shi = 1.1
stdlo = stddev(slo, a, b)
stdhi = stddev(shi, a, b)
sigma = -1.0
while True: # binary search for sigma
sme = (slo + shi) / 2.0
stdme = stddev(sme, a, b)
if stdme - s == 0.0:
sigma = stdme
elif stdme - s < 0.0:
slo = sme
shi = sme
if shi - slo < 0.0000001:
sigma = (shi + slo) / 2.0
print(sigma) # we got it, shall be slightly bigger than s, desired stddev
rvs = truncnorm.rvs(a, b, loc=m, scale=sigma, size=1000000) # quick sampling test
For me it printed
sigma = 1.0153870105743408
mean = -0.000400729471992301
stddev = 1.0024267696681475
with different seed or sequence length you might get output like

Calculating inverse trigonometric functions with formulas

I have been trying to create custom calculator for calculating trigonometric functions. Aside from Chebyshev pylonomials and/or Cordic algorithm I have used Taylor series which have been accurate by few places of decimal.
This is what i have created to calculate simple trigonometric functions without any modules:
from __future__ import division
def sqrt(n):
ans = n ** 0.5
return ans
def factorial(n):
k = 1
for i in range(1, n+1):
k = i * k
return k
def sin(d):
pi = 3.14159265359
n = 180 / int(d) # 180 degrees = pi radians
x = pi / n # Converting degrees to radians
ans = x - ( x ** 3 / factorial(3) ) + ( x ** 5 / factorial(5) ) - ( x ** 7 / factorial(7) ) + ( x ** 9 / factorial(9) )
return ans
def cos(d):
pi = 3.14159265359
n = 180 / int(d)
x = pi / n
ans = 1 - ( x ** 2 / factorial(2) ) + ( x ** 4 / factorial(4) ) - ( x ** 6 / factorial(6) ) + ( x ** 8 / factorial(8) )
return ans
def tan(d):
ans = sin(d) / sqrt(1 - sin(d) ** 2)
return ans
Unfortunately i could not find any sources that would help me interpret inverse trigonometric function formulas for Python. I have also tried putting sin(x) to the power of -1 (sin(x) ** -1) which didn't work as expected.
What could be the best solution to do this in Python (In the best, I mean simplest with similar accuracy as Taylor series)? Is this possible with power series or do i need to use cordic algorithm?
The question is broad in scope, but here are some simple ideas (and code!) that might serve as a starting point for computing arctan. First, the good old Taylor series. For simplicity, we use a fixed number of terms; in practice, you might want to decide the number of terms to use dynamically based on the size of x, or introduce some kind of convergence criterion. With a fixed number of terms, we can evaluate efficiently using something akin to Horner's scheme.
def arctan_taylor(x, terms=9):
Compute arctan for small x via Taylor polynomials.
Uses a fixed number of terms. The default of 9 should give good results for
abs(x) < 0.1. Results will become poorer as abs(x) increases, becoming
unusable as abs(x) approaches 1.0 (the radius of convergence of the
# Uses Horner's method for evaluation.
t = 0.0
for n in range(2*terms-1, 0, -2):
t = 1.0/n - x*x*t
return x * t
The above code gives good results for small x (say smaller than 0.1 in absolute value), but the accuracy drops off as x becomes larger, and for abs(x) > 1.0, the series never converges, no matter how many terms (or how much extra precision) we throw at it. So we need a better way to compute for larger x. One solution is to use argument reduction, via the identity arctan(x) = 2 * arctan(x / (1 + sqrt(1 + x^2))). This gives the following code, which builds on arctan_taylor to give reasonable results for a wide range of x (but beware possible overflow and underflow when computing x*x).
import math
def arctan_taylor_with_reduction(x, terms=9, threshold=0.1):
Compute arctan via argument reduction and Taylor series.
Applies reduction steps until x is below `threshold`,
then uses Taylor series.
reductions = 0
while abs(x) > threshold:
x = x / (1 + math.sqrt(1 + x*x))
reductions += 1
return arctan_taylor(x, terms=terms) * 2**reductions
Alternatively, given an existing implementation for tan, you could simply find a solution y to the equation tan(y) = x using traditional root-finding methods. Since arctan is already naturally bounded to lie in the interval (-pi/2, pi/2), bisection search works well:
def arctan_from_tan(x, tolerance=1e-15):
Compute arctan as the inverse of tan, via bisection search. This assumes
that you already have a high quality tan function.
low, high = -0.5 * math.pi, 0.5 * math.pi
while high - low > tolerance:
mid = 0.5 * (low + high)
if math.tan(mid) < x:
low = mid
high = mid
return 0.5 * (low + high)
Finally, just for fun, here's a CORDIC-like implementation, which is really more appropriate for a low-level implementation than for Python. The idea here is that you precompute, once and for all, a table of arctan values for 1, 1/2, 1/4, etc., and then use those to compute general arctan values, essentially by computing successive approximations to the true angle. The remarkable part is that, after the precomputation step, the arctan computation involves only additions, subtractions, and multiplications by by powers of 2. (Of course, those multiplications aren't any more efficient than any other multiplication at the level of Python, but closer to the hardware, this could potentially make a big difference.)
cordic_table_size = 60
cordic_table = [(2**-i, math.atan(2**-i))
for i in range(cordic_table_size)]
def arctan_cordic(y, x=1.0):
Compute arctan(y/x), assuming x positive, via CORDIC-like method.
r = 0.0
for t, a in cordic_table:
if y < 0:
r, x, y = r - a, x - t*y, y + t*x
r, x, y = r + a, x + t*y, y - t*x
return r
Each of the above methods has its strengths and weaknesses, and all of the above code can be improved in a myriad of ways. I encourage you to experiment and explore.
To wrap it all up, here are the results of calling the above functions on a small number of not-very-carefully-chosen test values, comparing with the output of the standard library math.atan function:
test_values = [2.314, 0.0123, -0.56, 168.9]
for value in test_values:
print("{:20.15g} {:20.15g} {:20.15g} {:20.15g}".format(
Output on my machine:
1.16288340166519 1.16288340166519 1.16288340166519 1.16288340166519
0.0122993797673 0.0122993797673 0.0122993797673002 0.0122993797672999
-0.510488321916776 -0.510488321916776 -0.510488321916776 -0.510488321916776
1.56487573286064 1.56487573286064 1.56487573286064 1.56487573286064
The simplest way to do any inverse function is to use binary search.
let assume function
x = g(y)
And we want to code its inverse:
y = f(x) = f(g(y))
x = <x0,x1>
y = <y0,y1>
bin search on floats
You can do it on integer math accessing mantissa bits like in here:
Any Faster RMS Value Calculation in C?
but if you do not know the exponent of the result prior to computation then you need to use floats for bin search too.
so the idea behind binary search is to change mantissa of y from y1 to y0 bit by bit from MSB to LSB. Then call direct function g(y) and if the result cross x revert the last bit change.
In case of using floats you can use variable that will hold approximate value of the mantissa bit targeted instead of integer bit access. That will eliminate unknown exponent problem. So at the beginning set y = y0 and actual bit to MSB value so b=(y1-y0)/2. After each iteration halve it and do as many iterations as you got mantissa bits n... This way you obtain result in n iterations within (y1-y0)/2^n accuracy.
If your inverse function is not monotonic break it into monotonic intervals and handle each as separate binary search.
The function increasing/decreasing just determine the crossing condition direction (use of < or >).
C++ acos example
so y = acos(x) is defined on x = <-1,+1> , y = <0,M_PI> and decreasing so:
double f64_acos(double x)
const int n=52; // mantisa bits
double y,y0,b;
int i;
// handle domain error
if (x<-1.0) return 0;
if (x>+1.0) return 0;
// x = <-1,+1> , y = <0,M_PI> , decreasing
for (y= 0.0,b=0.5*M_PI,i=0;i<n;i++,b*=0.5) // y is min, b is half of max and halving each iteration
y0=y; // remember original y
y+=b; // try set "bit"
if (cos(y)<x) y=y0; // if result cross x return to original y decreasing is < and increasing is >
return y;
I tested it like this:
double x0,x1,y;
for (x0=0.0;x0<M_PI;x0+=M_PI*0.01) // cycle all angle range <0,M_PI>
y=cos(x0); // direct function (from math.h)
x1=f64_acos(y); // my inverse function
if (fabs(x1-x0)>1e-9) // check result and output to log if error
Form1->mm_log->Lines->Add(AnsiString().sprintf("acos(%8.3lf) = %8.3lf != %8.3lf",y,x0,x1));
Without any difference found... so the implementation is working correctly. Of coarse binary search on 52 bit mantissa is usually slower then polynomial approximation ... on the other hand the implementation is so simple ...
If you do not want to take care of the monotonic intervals you can try
approximation search
As you are dealing with goniometric functions you need to handle singularities to avoid NaN or division by zero etc ...
If you're interested here more bin search examples (mostly on integers)
Power by squaring for negative exponents it contains

How to speed up calculation to find closest representation of the form N/2**M

I want to find the closest representation of a floating point number in the form N/2**M in python, where N and M are integers. I attempted to use the minimisation function from scipy.optimise but it cannot be confined to the case where N and M are integers.
I ended up using a simple implementation that iterates through values of M and N and finds the minimum, but this is computationally expensive and time consuming for arrays of many numbers, what might be a better way of doing this?
My simple implementation is shown below:
import numpy as np
def ValueRepresentation(X):
M, Dp = X
return M/(2**Dp)
def Diff(X, value):
return abs(ValueRepresentation(X) - value)
def BestApprox(value):
mindiff = 1000000000
for i in np.arange(0, 1000, 1):
for j in np.arange(0, 60, 1):
diff = Diff([i, j], value)
if diff < mindiff:
mindiff = diff
M = i
Dp = j
return M, Dp
Just use the built-in functionality:
In [10]: 2.5.as_integer_ratio() # get representation as fraction
Out[10]: (5, 2)
In [11]: (2).bit_length() - 1 # convert 2**M to M
Out[11]: 1
Note that all non-infinite, non-NaN floats are dyadic rationals, so we can rely on the denominator being an exact power of 2.
Thanks to jasonharper I realised my implementation is ridiculously inefficient and could be much simpler.
The implementation of his method is shown below:
def BestApprox_fast(value):
mindiff = 1000000000
for Dp in np.arange(0, 32, 1):
M = round(value*2**Dp)
if abs(M) < 1000:
diff = Diff([M, Dp], value)
if diff < mindiff:
mindiff = diff
M_best = M
Dp_best = Dp
return M_best, Dp_best
It is approximately 200 times quicker.
With the limits on M and N given, the range of N/2**M is a well defined discrete number scale:
[0-1000/2^26, 501-1000/2^25, 501-1000/2^24, ... 501-1000/2^1, 501-1000/2^0].
In this given discrete set, different subsets have different accuracy/resolution. The first subset [0-1000/2^26] has accuracy of 2^-26 or 26 binary bits resolution. So whenever the given number falls in the corresponding continuous domain [0,1000/2^26], the best accuracy achievable is 2^-26. Successively, the best accuracy is 2^25 when the given number is beyond the first domain but falls in domain [500/2^25,1000/2^25], which corresponds to the second subset [501-1000/2^25]. (Note the difference between discrete set and continuous domain.)
With the above logic, we know the best accuracy, defined by M, depends on where the given number falls on the scale. Thus we can implement it as following python code:
import numpy as np
limits = 1000.0/2**np.arange(0,61)
a = 103.23 # test value
for i in range(60,-1,-1):
if a <= limits[i]:
N = i
M = round(a * 2**N)
r = [M, N]
if a > 1000:
r = [round(a), 0]
This solution has O(c) execution time, so it is ideal for multiple invocations.

