When running the vercel command in Ubuntu terminal:
Error! Command failed: python3.6 /tmp/2de7da56/get-pip.py --user
ERROR: This script does not work on Python 3.6 The minimum supported Python version is 3.7. Please > use https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/3.6/get-pip.py instead.
python --version returns 3.8.10.
pip --version returns 22.0.4.
vercel --version returns 24.0.1
requirements.txt just has Django == 4.0.3
What I tried:
Ran the script linked in the error message and added its installation directory to PATH.
Updated pip in default directory to 22.0.4.
Even aliased python3.6 to python at one point.
Tried on both Windows and Ubuntu.
I faced the same error when I recently tried to host my Django rest framework project on vercel.
I think the problem is that due to a recent update by pip the minimum version it now supports is python 3.7.
Am assuming you followed jayhale's post on Django deployment to vercel like I did. The problem is that the script in his tutorial runs on python 3.6 that's why vercel is giving out "ERROR: This script does not work on Python 3.6 The minimum supported Python version is 3.7. Please > use "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/3.6/get-pip.py" instead."
I wrote a post about the work around I found. Just click on the link below and follow the steps in the post.
P.s the new script works with python 3.9
When I run python3 --version, I get Python 3.7.9. When I run python --version, I get Python 3.6.8. I'd like to remove python 3.6.8 because I am having an issue with Heroku recognizing my pip version when I try to deploy my Flask app to Heroku. When I do pip -V, it says that my pip version is version 20.2.2. However, when I try to do git push heroku master, it says that I have pip version 9.0.2. I found this post on SO that shows how to fix this issue: I have pip version 19.3.1 but when installing requirements, it says I have version 9.0.3 . However, this answer does not specifically show how to delete the other version of Python (in my case, 3.6.8). I know that there are a lot of posts about how to delete Python versions, but I just wanted to make sure I didn't mess anything up. Also I haven't seen a post about successfully deleting Python 3.6 (to my knowledge). Honestly, I don't really care which version I remove. I most recently installed 3.7.9. I just need one of them gone. Please help!!!
I am trying to downgrade my python version to 3.6. Currently, I am running python version 3.7.2. I've looked at other posts who have encountered the same issue, but I have tried some of the solutions and they don't seem to work (I am running on Mac OS).
When I run the following in terminal I receive the following error:
MacBookPro:~ robertg21$ brew unlink python
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/python
Anyone have some ideas?
I following this pluralsight course and running into this error everytime I run the command:
python manage.py test --settings=todobackend.settings.test
I'm new to the Django framework; Could the problem be that my django version (1.9.0) only supports python 3.x and not 2.x?
python --version
Python 2.7.13
Click on pic to see larger, clearer image.
It looks as if you have not installed django-nose in your virtual environment. You can install it with:
pip install django-nose
as you can see from the photo attached im using Windows 7 and im trying to run the "mkdocs" package i just installed in the virtualenv but i keep getting the error "...not recognized as an internal or external command..." but the package "mkdocs" is listed as installed by pip and its a little frustrating.
I checked my PATH variable and they are pointing to the correct python versin "2.7"
Any ideas why this is happening?
I just tested mkdocs on my windows system and couldn't get it to work.
Running python 3.4, installed in c:\python34.
mkdocs is located in c:\python34\scripts. Calling python mkdocs results in
File "mkdocs", line 32
print 'mkdocs [build|serve] {options}'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The mkdocs Project roadmap https://github.com/tomchristie/mkdocs/wiki
notes: "Ideally a future version of MkDocs should include Mac and Windows
mkdocs prior to v0.10 did not create any windows command in <python_install>\Scripts.
If you upgrade to mkdocs v0.10+ it should work out of the box.
I installed using pip, but with --user flag. Uninstalled, then re-installed globally (on Linux) worked fine.
I'm following Heroku's "Getting started with Django on Heroku" article and am getting a long series of errors on "pip install psycopg2". Django 1.4.3 and PostgreSQL 9.2.2 are already installed, and yes, the postgres \bin\ directory is on the PATH.
Any ideas?
It doesn't look like Psycopg on Windows is as simple as using pip. The Psycopg website recommends using these Windows builds.
As a windows users running through the Python Getting Started tutorial on Heroku I ran into a similar issue. I found pycopg2 here: http://www.stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/
And then used easy_install in the virtual env directory.