I'm using the following piece of code to find an attribute in a piece of HTML code:
results = soup.findAll("svg", {"data-icon" : "times"})
This works, and it returns me a list with the tag and attributes. However, I would also like to move from that part of the HTML code, to the sibling (if that's the right term) below it, and retrieve the contents of that paragraph. See the example below.
<div class="382"><svg aria-hidden="true" data-icon="times".......</svg></div>
<div class="405"><p>Example</p></div>
I can't seem to figure out how to do this properly. Searching for the div class names does not work, because the class name is randomised.
You can use CSS selector with +:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_doc = """
<div class="382"><svg aria-hidden="true" data-icon="times"> ... </svg></div>
<div class="405"><p>Example</p></div>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, "html.parser")
div = soup.select_one('div:has(svg[data-icon="times"]) + div')
Or without CSS selector:
div = soup.find("svg", attrs={"data-icon": "times"}).find_next("div")
I am using BeautifulSoup...
When I run this code:
inside_branding_info = container.div.find("div", "item-branding")
It returns:
div class="item-branding">
<a class="item-rating" href="https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-geforce-rtx-2060-super-gv-n206swf2oc-8gd/p/N82E16814932174?cm_sp=SearchSuccess-_-INFOCARD-_-graphics+cards-_-14-932-174-_-1&Description=graphics+cards&IsFeedbackTab=true#scrollFullInfo"><i class="rating rating-4"></i><span class="item-rating-num">(12)</span></a>
However, in the HTML inspection this is what I see:
Raw Site HTML
Everytime I run:
...python thinks I want the "a" tag "item-rating"...not the "a" href tag nested inside of the div "item-branding".
How do I get inside of the "a href" tag, then into the "img", to finally extract the "title" (title = "MSI")? I want the title/brand of the item on the website. I am new to Python. I have only used R and SQL before this instance, any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need a selector path .
Accroding to the img you provided...
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
img = soup.select('.item-brand > img')
The above should work for you.
Try the following
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = """<div class="item-branding">
<a href="https://www.newegg.com/" class="item-brand">
<img src="https://www.newegg.com/" title="MSI" alt="MSI"> ==$0
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml")
element = soup.select('.item-brand > img:nth-of-type(1)')[0]['title']
I am trying to pull out some content inside of a div tag declaration:
<div class="search-listing font-size-10 my-3 my-md-0 py-0 py-md-4" listing_id="5327969" latitude="28.92327" longitude="-27.0365">
What I want is the latitude & longitude. But I can't seem to be able to access the content inside of the div declaration itself. I can only get into the children items. I'm using html.parser
if I try to do:
I get an index error.
This was never going to work:
coords = soup.find_all("longitude")
I've tried:
divisions = soup.select('div[class*=search-listing]')
for line in divisions:
but each time I try to extract items from line - it gives me the children of the div.
I am expecting to be able to pull out both the longitude & latitude from the Div - but to no avail. Surely it must be possible?
You can use CSS selector [latitude][longitude]. This will select every tag that has defined attributes latitude= and longitude=:
data = '''<div class="search-listing font-size-10 my-3 my-md-0 py-0 py-md-4" listing_id="5327969" latitude="28.92327" longitude="-27.0365">
<p>Some text</p>
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
for tag in soup.select('[latitude][longitude]'):
print('lat={} lon={}'.format(tag['latitude'], tag['longitude']))
lat=28.92327 lon=-27.0365
Further reading:
CSS Selectors Reference
I am using Python3 with BeautifulSoup to get a certain div from a webpage. My end goal is to get the img src's url from within this div so I can pass it to pytesseract to get the text off the image.
The img doesn't have any classes or unique identifiers so I am not sure how to use BeautifulSoup to get just this image every time. There are several other images and their order changes from day to day. So instead, I just got the entire div that surrounds the image. The div information doesn't change and is unique, so my code looks like this:
weather_today = soup.find("div", {"id": "weather_today_content"})
thus my script currently returns the following:
<div class="style3" id="weather_today_content">
<img alt="" src="/database/img/weather_today.jpg?ver=2018-08-01" style="width: 400px"/>
Now I just need to figure out how to pull just the src into a string so I can then pass it to pytesseract to download and use ocr to pull further information.
I am unfamiliar with regex but have been told this is the best method. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Find the 'img' element, in the 'div' element you found, then read the attribute 'src' from it.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html ="""
<div class="style3" id="weather_today_content">
<img alt="" src="/database/img/weather_today.jpg?ver=2018-08-01" style="width: 400px"/>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
weather_today = soup.find("div", {"id": "weather_today_content"})
print (weather_today.find('img')['src'])
You can use CSS selector, that is built within BeautifulSoup (methods select() and select_one()):
data = """<div class="style3" id="weather_today_content">
<img alt="" src="/database/img/weather_today.jpg?ver=2018-08-01" style="width: 400px"/>
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'lxml')
print(soup.select_one('div#weather_today_content img')['src'])
The selector div#weather_today_content img means select <div> with id=weather_today_content and withing this <div> select an <img>.
I am trying to extract specific nested div class and the corresponding h3 attribute (salary value).
So, I have tried the search by class method
which returns an empty list.
Snippet code:
<div class="vac_display_field">
<div class="vac_display_field_value">
£27,951 - £30,859
Example here
First make sure you've instantiated your BeautifulSoup object correctly. Should look something like this:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
url = 'https://www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/index.cgi?SID=cGFnZWNsYXNzPUpvYnMmb3duZXJ0eXBlPWZhaXImY3NvdXJjZT1jc3FzZWFyY2gmcGFnZWFjdGlvbj12aWV3dmFjYnlqb2JsaXN0JnNlYXJjaF9zbGljZV9jdXJyZW50PTEmdXNlcnNlYXJjaGNvbnRleHQ9MjczMzIwMTcmam9ibGlzdF92aWV3X3ZhYz0xNTEyMDAwJm93bmVyPTUwNzAwMDAmcmVxc2lnPTE0NzcxNTIyODItYjAyZmM4ZTgwNzQ2ZTA2NmY5OWM0OTBjMTZhMWNlNjhkZDMwZDU4NA=='
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') # the 'html.parser' part is optional.
Your code used to scrape the div tags looks correct (it's missing a closing parentheses, however). If, for some reason it still hasn't worked, try calling your find_all() method in this way:
soup.find_all('div', class_='vac_display_field')
If you look at the page's code, upon inspecting you'll find that the div tag you need is the second from the top:
Thus, your code can reflect that, using simple index notation:
Salary_info = soup.find_all(class_='vac_display_field')[1]
Then output the text:
for info in Salary_info:
print info.get_text()
Can anyone help me traverse an html tree with beautiful soup?
I'm trying to parse through html output and after gather each value then insert into a table named Tld with python/django
<div class="rc" data-hveid="53">
<h3 class="r">
Billing: Portal Home
And only parse the value of href attribute of <a>, so only this part:
Billing: Portal Home
I currently have:
for url in urls:
beautifulSoupObj = BeautifulSoup(mb.response().read())
beautifulSoupObj.find_all('h3',attrs={'class': 'r'})
The problem is find_all above, isn't make it far enough to the <a> element.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = """
<div class="rc" data-hveid="53">
<h3 class="r">
Billing: Portal Home
bs = BeautifulSoup(html)
elms = bs.select("h3.r a")
for i in elms:
h3.r a is a css selector
you can use css selector (i prefer them), xpath, or find in elements. the selector h3.r a will look for all h3 with class r and get from inside them the a elements. it could be a more complicated example like #an_id table tr.the_tr_class td.the_td_class it will find an id given td's inside that belong to the tr with the given class and are inside a table of course.
this will also give you the same result. find_all returns a list of bs4.element.Tag, find_all has a recursive field not sure if you can do it in one line, i personaly prefer css selector because its easy and clean.
for elm in bs.find_all('h3',attrs={'class': 'r'}):
for a_elm in elm.find_all("a"):
I think it's worth mentioning what would happen in case there were similarly named classes that contain spaces.
Taking a piece of code that #Foo Bar User provided and changing it a little
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = """
<div class="rc" data-hveid="53">
<h3 class="r s">
Billing: Portal Home
<h3 class='r s sth s'>
Don't grab this
bs = BeautifulSoup(html)
when we try to get just the link where class equals 'r s' by css selectors:
elms = bs.select("h3.r.s a")
for i in elms:
it prints
however using
for elm in bs.find_all('h3',attrs={'class': 'r s'}):
for a_elm in elm.find_all("a"):
gives the desired result
That's just something I've encountered during my own work. If there is a way to overcome this using css selectors, please let me know!