Consider the following data, which is defined in polar space in theta, r, and is plotted twice; once in the the orthogonal theta-r phase space, and one in cartesian space after an inverse transformation from polar coordinates to x-y (i.e. what matplotlib's projection='polar' does):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 50)
r = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
THETA, R = np.meshgrid(theta, r)
Z = np.sin(R*np.pi) * np.sin(THETA+np.pi/2)
fig = plt.figure()
axpol = fig.add_subplot(121)
axcart = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='polar')
axcart.contourf(THETA, R, Z, levels=10)
axpol.contourf(THETA, R, Z, levels=10)
axcart.set_title('cartesian space')
axpol.set_title('polar space')
axpol.set_xlim([0, 2*np.pi])
This produces:
(NOTE: Oops, the axis labels in the polar plots (left side) should be swapped in each of the images below)
Now, if we shift the theta array by pi:
theta = np.linspace(np.pi, 3*np.pi, 50)
and rerun the above, we see
Notice that the data plotted in the projected polar space successfully wraps the data at theta > 2*np.pi back to the beginning of the angular domain (since this is defined in the projections inverse transformation), such that it appears unchanged. In polar space, this does not happen.
Of course, this is expected; this axis has no associated transformation, and thus does know know how to wrap the data, or that it even should.
My question is, how can I enable this behavior, without having to shift the coordinates and data manually? That is, is there a way to have the axis on the left of the figure above inherit the polar transformation, but not the projection?
I would prefer to do this without defining my own transformation or projection objects. I thought there should be a way to inherit this small piece of the polar transformation, without doing the "full" transformation to Cartesian x,y.
TL/DR: How to use Wedge() in polar coordinates?
I'm generating a 2D histogram plot in polar coordinates (r, theta). At various values of r there can be different numbers of theta values (to preserve equal area sized bins). To draw the color coded bins I'm currently using pcolormesh() calls for each radial ring. This works ok, but near the center of the plot where there may be only 3 bins (each 120 degrees "wide" in theta space), pcolormesh() draws triangles that don't "sweep" out full arc (just connecting the two outer arc points with a straight line).
I've found a workaround using call, one for each radial ring and passing in arrays of theta values (each bin rendering as an individual bar). But when doing 90 rings with 3 to 360 theta bins in each, it's incredibly slow (minutes).
I tried using Wedge() patches, but can't get them to render correctly in the polar projection. Here is sample code showing both approaches:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Wedge
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
# Theta coordinates in degrees
# Radius coordinates
r1 = 0.4
r2 = 0.5
# Plot using bar()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[6,6], subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
theta_mid = np.deg2rad((theta1 + theta2)/2)
theta_width = np.deg2rad(theta2 - theta1)
height = r2 - r1, height = height, width=theta_width, bottom=r1)
ax.set_rlim(0, 1)
# Plot using Wedge()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[6,6], subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
patches = []
patches.append( Wedge(center=(0, 0), r = r1, theta1=theta1, theta2=theta2, width = r2-r1, color='blue'))
p = PatchCollection(patches)
ax.set_rlim(0, 1)
The outputs of each are:
I've tried using radians for the wedge (because polar plots usually want their angle values in radians). That didn't help.
Am I missing something in how I'm using the Wedge? If I add thousands of Wedges to my Patch collection should I have any expectation it will be faster than bar()?
Thinking this was an actual bug, I opened this issue on matplotlib where one of the maintainers nicely pointed out that I should be using Rectangle() instead of Wedge().
The solution they provided is
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[6,6], subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
p = PatchCollection([Rectangle((np.deg2rad(theta1), r1), theta_width, height, color='blue')])
ax.set_rlim(0, 1)
I'm trying to adapt the following resources to this question:
Python conversion between coordinates
I can't seem to get the coordinates to transfer the dendrogram shape over to polar coordinates.
Does anyone know how to do this? I know there is an implementation in networkx but that requires building a graph and then using pygraphviz backend to get the positions.
Is there a way to convert dendrogram cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates with matplotlib and numpy?
import requests
from ast import literal_eval
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def read_url(url):
r = requests.get(url)
return r.text
def cartesian_to_polar(x, y):
rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
return(rho, phi)
def plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord,figsize, polar=False):
if polar:
icoord, dcoord = cartesian_to_polar(icoord, dcoord)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=polar)
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
ax.plot(xs,ys, color="black")
ax.set_title(f"Polar= {polar}", fontsize=15)
# Load the dendrogram data
string_data = read_url("").replace("\r","").replace("\n","").replace("\u200b\u200b","")
# Convert it to a dictionary (a subset of the output from scipy.hierarchy.dendrogram)
dendrogram_data = literal_eval(string_data)
icoord = np.asarray(dendrogram_data["icoord"], dtype=float)
dcoord = np.asarray(dendrogram_data["dcoord"], dtype=float)
# Plot the cartesian version
plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord, figsize=(8,3), polar=False)
# Plot the polar version
plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord, figsize=(5,5), polar=True)
I just tried this and it's closer but still not correct:
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
ax.plot(xs,ys, color="black",transform=trans_offset)
ax_polar = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
trans_offset = mtransforms.offset_copy(ax_polar.transData, fig=fig)
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
ax_polar.plot(xs,ys, color="black",transform=trans_offset)
You can make the "root" of the tree start in the middle and have the leaves outside. You also have to add more points to the "bar" part for it to look nice and round.
We note that each element of icoord and dcoord (I will call this seg) has four points:
seg[1] seg[2]
| |
+ seg[0] + seg[3]
The vertical bars are fine as straight lines between the two points, but we need more points between seg[1] and seg[2] (the horizontal bar, which will need to become an arc).
This function will add more points in those positions and can be called on both xs and ys in the plotting function:
def smoothsegment(seg, Nsmooth=100):
return np.concatenate([[seg[0]], np.linspace(seg[1], seg[2], Nsmooth), [seg[3]]])
Now we must modify the plotting function to calculate the radial coordinates. Some experimentation has led to the log formula I am using, based on the other answer which also uses log scale. I've left a gap open on the right for the radial labels and done a very rudimentary mapping of the "icoord" coordinates to the radial ones so that the labels correspond to the ones in the rectangular plot. I don't know exactly how to handle the radial dimension. The numbers are correct for the log, but we probably want to map them as well.
def plot_dendrogram(icoord,dcoord,figsize, polar=False):
if polar:
dcoord = -np.log(dcoord+1)
# avoid a wedge over the radial labels
gap = 0.1
imax = icoord.max()
imin = icoord.min()
icoord = ((icoord - imin)/(imax - imin)*(1-gap) + gap/2)*2*numpy.pi
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=polar)
for xs, ys in zip(icoord, dcoord):
if polar:
xs = smoothsegment(xs)
ys = smoothsegment(ys)
ax.plot(xs,ys, color="black")
ax.set_title(f"Polar= {polar}", fontsize=15)
if polar:
Nxticks = 10
xticks = np.linspace(gap/2, 1-gap/2, Nxticks)
ax.set_xticklabels(np.round(np.linspace(imin, imax, Nxticks)).astype(int))
Which results in the following figure:
First, I think you might benefit from this question.
Then, let's break down the objective: it is not very clear to me what you want to do, but I assume you want to get something that looks like this
(source, page 14)
To render something like this, you need to be able to render horizontal lines that appear as hemi-circles in polar coordinates. Then, it's a matter of mapping your horizontal lines to polar plot.
First, note that your radius are not normalized in this line:
if polar:
icoord, dcoord = cartesian_to_polar(icoord, dcoord)
you might normalize them by simply remapping icoord to [0;2pi).
Now, let's try plotting something simpler, instead of your complex plot:
icoord, dcoord = np.meshgrid(np.r_[1:10], np.r_[1:4])
# Plot the cartesian version
plot_dendrogram(icoord, dcoord, figsize=(8, 3), polar=False)
# Plot the polar version
plot_dendrogram(icoord, dcoord, figsize=(5, 5), polar=True)
Result is the following:
as you can see, the polar code does not map horizontal lines to semi-circles, therefore that is not going to work. Let's try with plt.polar instead:
plt.polar(icoord.T, dcoord.T)
which is more like what we need. We need to fix the angles first, and then we shall consider that Y coordinate goes inward (while you probably want it going from center to border). It boils down to this
nic = (icoord.T - icoord.min()) / (icoord.max() - icoord.min())
plt.polar(2 * np.pi * nic, -dcoord.T)
which produces the following
Which is similar to what you need. Note that straight lines remain straight, and are not replaced with arcs, so you might want to resample them in your for loop.
Also, you might benefit from single color and log-scale to make reading easier
plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
ico = (icoord.T - icoord.min()) / (icoord.max() - icoord.min())
plt.polar(2 * np.pi * ico, -np.log(dcoord.T), 'b')
How to use matplotlib or pyqtgraph draw plot like this:
Line AB is a two-directions street, green part represents the direction from point A to point B, red part represents B to A, width of each part represents the traffic volume. Widths are measured in point, will not changed at different zoom levels or dpi settings.
This is only an example, in fact I have hunderds of streets. This kind of plot is very common in many traffic softwares. I tried to use matplotlib's patheffect but result is frustrated:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects
fig, axes= plt.subplots(1,1)
center_line, = axes.plot(x,y,color='k',linewidth=2)
[path_effects.SimpleLineShadow(offset=(0, -ab_width/2),shadow_color='g', alpha=1, linewidth=ab_width),
path_effects.SimpleLineShadow(offset=(0, ba_width/2), shadow_color='r', alpha=1, linewidth=ba_width),
path_effects.SimpleLineShadow(offset=(0, -ab_width), shadow_color='k', alpha=1, linewidth=2),
path_effects.SimpleLineShadow(offset=(0, ba_width), shadow_color='k', alpha=1, linewidth=2),
One idea came to me is to take each part of the line as a standalone line, and recalculate it's position when changing zoom level, but it's too complicated and slow.
If there any easy way to use matplotlib or pyqtgraph draw what I want? Any suggestion will be appreciated!
If you can have each independent line, this can be done easily with the fill_between function.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
y1 = y + y1width
y2 = y + y2width
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.plot(x,y, 'k', x,y1, 'k',x,y2, 'k',linewidth=2)
ax.fill_between(x, y1, y, color='g')
ax.fill_between(x, y2, y, color='r')
Here I considered the center line as the reference (thus the negative y1width), but could be done differently. The result is then:
If the lines are 'complicated', eventually intersecting at some point, then the keyword argument interpolate=True must be used to fill the crossover regions properly. Another interesting argument probably useful for your use case is where, to condition the region, for instance, where=y1 < 0. For more information you can check out the documentation.
One way of solving your issue is using filled polygons, some linear algebra and some calculus. The main idea is to draw a polygon along your x and y coordinates and along shifted coordinates to close and fill the polygon.
These are my results:
And here is the code:
from __future__ import division
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot, patches
def road(x, y, w, scale=0.005, **kwargs):
# Makes sure input coordinates are arrays.
x, y = numpy.asarray(x, dtype=float), numpy.asarray(y, dtype=float)
# Calculate derivative.
dx = x[2:] - x[:-2]
dy = y[2:] - y[:-2]
dy_dx = numpy.concatenate([
[(y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])],
dy / dx,
[(y[-1] - y[-2]) / (x[-1] - x[-2])]
# Offsets the input coordinates according to the local derivative.
offset = -dy_dx + 1j
offset = w * scale * offset / abs(offset)
y_offset = y + w * scale
AB = zip(
numpy.concatenate([x + offset.real, x[::-1]]),
numpy.concatenate([y + offset.imag, y[::-1]]),
p = patches.Polygon(AB, **kwargs)
# Returns polygon.
return p
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Some plot initializations
# This is the list of coordinates of each point
x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 0, 0, -1, 0]
# Creates figure and axes.
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1,1)
center_line, = ax.plot(x, y, color='k', linewidth=2)
AB = road(x, y, 20, color='g')
BA = road(x, y, -30, color='r')
The first step in calculating how to offset each data point is by calculating the discrete derivative dy / dx. I like to use complex notation to handle vectors in Python, i.e. A = 1 - 1j. This makes life easier for some mathematical operations.
The next step is to remember that the derivative gives the tangent to the curve and from linear algebra that the normal to the tangent is n=-dy_dx + 1j, using complex notation.
The final step in determining the offset coordinates is to ensure that the normal vector has unity size n_norm = n / abs(n) and multiply by the desired width of the polygon.
Now that we have all the coordinates for the points in the polygon, the rest is quite straightforward. Use patches.Polygon and add them to the plot.
This code allows you also to define if you want the patch on top of your route or below it. Just give a positive or negative value for the width. If you want to change the width of the polygon depending on your zoom level and/or resolution, you adjust the scale parameter. It also gives you freedom to add additional parameters to the patches such as fill patterns, transparency, etc.
I have two 3-D arrays of ground penetrating radar data. Each array is basically a collection of time-lapse 2-D images, where time is increasing along the third dimension. I want to create a 3-D plot which intersects a 2-D image from each array.
I'm essentially trying to create a fence plot. Some examples of this type of plot are found on these sites:
I typically use imshow to individually display the 2-D images for analysis. However, my research into the functionality of imshow suggests it doesn't work with the 3D axes. Is there some way around this? Or is there another plotting function which could replicate imshow functionality but can be combined with 3D axes?
There might be better ways, but at least you can always make a planar mesh and color it:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
# create a 21 x 21 vertex mesh
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,1,21), np.linspace(0,1,21))
# create some dummy data (20 x 20) for the image
data = np.random.random((20, 20))
# create vertices for a rotated mesh (3D rotation matrix)
X = np.sqrt(1./3) * xx + np.sqrt(1./3) * yy
Y = -np.sqrt(1./3) * xx + np.sqrt(1./3) * yy
Z = np.sqrt(1./3) * xx - np.sqrt(1./3) * yy
# create the figure
fig = plt.figure()
# show the reference image
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.imshow(data,, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', extent=[0,1,0,1])
# show the 3D rotated projection
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
ax2.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1,, shade=False)
This creates:
(Please note, I was not very careful with the rotation matrix, you will have to create your own projection. It might really be a good idea to use a real rotation matrix.)
Just note that there is a slight problem with the fence poles and fences, i.e. the grid has one more vertex compared to the number of patches.
The approach above is not very efficient if you have high-resolution images. It may not even be useful with them. Then the other possibility is to use a backend which supports affine image transforms. Unfortunately, you will then have to calculate the transforms yourself. It is not hideously difficult, but still a bit clumsy, and then you do not get a real 3D image which could be rotated around, etc.
For this approach, see
Alternateively, you can use OpenCV and its cv2.warpAffine function to warp your image before showing it with imshow. If you fill the surroundings with transparent color, you can then layer images to get a result which looks like your example iamge.
Just to give you an idea of the possibilities of plot_surface, I tried to warp Lena around a semi-cylinder:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
# create a 513 x 513 vertex mesh
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,1,513), np.linspace(0,1,513))
# create vertices for a rotated mesh (3D rotation matrix)
theta = np.pi*xx
X = np.cos(theta)
Y = np.sin(theta)
Z = yy
# create the figure
fig = plt.figure()
# show the 3D rotated projection
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=plt.imread('/tmp/lena.jpg')/255., shade=False)
She indeed bends well, but all operations on the image are quite slow:
If you're happy to contemplate using a different plotting library (ie not matplotlib) then it might be worth considering mayavi / tvtk (although the learning curve is a little steep). The closest I've seen to what you want is the scalar cut planes in
The bulk of the documentation is at:
There is no way of doing this with matplotlib. #DrV's answer is an approximation. Matplotlib does not actually show each individual pixel of the original image but some rescaled image. rstride and cstride allow you to help specify how the image gets scaled, however, the output will not be the exact image.
I'd like to plot a sine wave on a circle: that is, the circle is in the x,y-plane and the sine wave wraps around it perpendicular to that plane (sticking up the z-axis). I can do this, but when I try to fill the areas between the circle and the sine wave with a polygon (ie paint on the surface of the imaginary cylinder on which my sine wave lives), I can't get it quite right - matplotlib seems to XOR the regions that overlap in a view of the plot instead of giving me a view in which the ones in front occlude those behind.
Here's the relevant bit of my code:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax._axis3don = False
theta = np.linspace(0., 2 * np.pi, 1000)
r = 1.
x = r * np.sin(theta)
y = r * np.cos(theta)
sinez = N * np.sin(theta * m)
ax.plot(x, y, sinez, color='r')
xv = np.append(x, x[::-1])
yv = np.append(y, y[::-1])
zv = np.append(sinez, np.zeros(n))
verts = [zip(xv,yv,zrev),]
poly = Poly3DCollection(verts, facecolors = [cc('r'), cc('b')],
Here's what it looks like:
matplotlib's main reason for existence is 2D plotting, the 3D stuff is just some clever transforms and can be buggy/hacky. One of the inherent limitations is that matplotlib draws in layers, so it has no notion of 'in front' or 'behind', it only knows the order in which in draws the curves to the canvas (which is confusingly called z-order).
If you want to get this to look right with out re-writing the 3D code, split the sine wave up into pieces and make sure you set the z-order right by hand (see How to draw intersecting planes? for a simpler version of this), but you won't be able to rotate the image.
If you need real 3D, I would suggest looking into mayavi from enthought which is OpenGL based.
In the docs, the devs claim that Poly3DCollection
does a bit of magic with the _facecolors and _edgecolors properties.
which I believe is the XOR effect that you can see here, and looking at the code it's the function do_3d_projection that seems to be doing the magic.
As I see it, you could either subclass Poly3DCollection and rewrite do_3d_projection to get what you want, or maybe think of another way to plot this (perhaps treating the sinusoid and circle as separate objects somehow).