I have the following tox.ini:
envlist = py37-{lint, test}
[testenv:py37-{lint, test}]
envdir = {toxworkdir}/lint_and_test_env
deps =
commands =
lint: pylint src {posargs}
test: pytest tests {posargs}
I want to run both environments in parallel and specify --jobs=4 for pylint and -n auto for pytest. Executing tox -p -- --jobs=4 -n auto fails because pylint does not recognize the -n argument and vice versa.
Is there a way to achieve my goal?
I see no way to do what you want.
That said, I would strongly recommend that you split your environments and use one for testing and one for linting.
envlist = py37, lint
deps =
commands =
pytest tests {posargs}
deps = pylint
commands = pylint src {posargs}
Then you can pass in different arguments to the commands, or run all envs via tox.
Also you could set defaults in case you do not specify {posargs}.
deps = pylint
commands = pylint src {--jobs=4:posargs}
If you want to run all tox envs in parallel you could run...
tox -p
P.S.: I am one of the tox maintainers, and I have contributed to hundreds of open source projects, and basically 99% use separate envs for testing and linting.
P.P.S.: If you want to run more than one linter, you should have a look at pre-commit.
Is it possible to do the following using a single tox virtual environment?
envlist = test, pylint, flake8, mypy
skipsdist = true
deps = pylint
commands = pylint .
deps = flake8
commands = flake8 .
commands = mypy . --strict
deps = pytest
commands = pytest
As I am only testing on my python version (py3.7), I don't want tox to have to create 4 environments (.tox/test, .tox/pylint,.tox/flake8, .tox/mypy) when they could all be run on a single environment.
I also want to see what failed individually individually, thus don't want to do:
skipsdist = true
commands = pylint .
flake8 .
mypy . --strict
as the output would be like this:
_____________ summary ___________
ERROR: python: commands failed
and not like this:
____________________summary _________________
ERROR: test: commands failed
ERROR: lint: commands failed
ERROR: mypy: commands failed
test: commands succeeded
Use generative names and factor-specific commands (search the tox configuration doc page for those terms for more info) to implement all of your desired environments as one so they share the same envdir:
envdir = {toxworkdir}/.work_env
deps = pylint, flake8, pytest
commands =
lint: pylint .
flake8: flake8 .
mypy: mypy . --strict
test: pytest
In tox 4+, you may use the plugin tox-ignore-env-name-mismatch and set runner = ignore_env_name_mismatch in the testenv to allow testenvs with different names to share the same virtualenv.
Here is my tox.ini:
envlist = py27,py35
deps =
commands=pytest --junitxml xunit-reports/xunit-result-XXX.xml --cov {envsitepackagesdir} --cov-report=xml
pytest --cov {envsitepackagesdir}/XXX --cov-report html
When I run tox it runs in py27 and py35. I want tox -e local to run in a different set of multiple python environments. I can't figure out how to do this. How do I do this? Right now it does not even respect the intial envlist and only runs on Python 2.7.
So what you want is to have two different sets of environments and run them independently.
What you have to understand first is that envlist is a list of all environments that would be run if you invoke tox without the -e option.
The next thing you have to understand is that there is only one of these lists per tox.ini and that one is in the global [tox] section.
The other thing you have to understand is that the pyXX factors (factors are the parts of environment names that are separated by the - sign) have a special meaning for tox, because they instruct it to build an environment with a specific interpreter. They are also called "default environments" (see basic usage). If you don't ask for that factor when calling tox, then the basepython interpreter will be used to build the virtualenv (the interpreter you are invoking tox from).
so if you invoke tox -e local with a tox.ini like yours, it will execute what is defined in [tox:local] with the basepython, because you are not defining which python should be used to create the virtualenv, so it uses the same interpreter that you invoked tox with.
If you want to be able to invoke your local factor with other interpreters, independent from those other environments, the following could get you started (described in the v2 config docs):
envlist = {py27,py35}-remote,{py31,py36}-local
deps =
commands=pytest --junitxml xunit-reports/xunit-result-XXX.xml --cov {envsitepackagesdir} --cov-report=xml
commands= pytest --cov {envsitepackagesdir}/XXX --cov-report html
Check which envs this creates with:
$ tox -a
What envlist with the curly braces notation does, is create environment names by combining all factors with their permutations (this can have more dimensions also).
if you say tox without -e they will all run and all use the correct interpreter.
If you want to run the local envs only you will have to call it with:
$ tox -e py31-local,py36
Then only those two will run. The thing to take away here is that if you want to run a subset of all environments you have to ask for them with their full names. There is no "sub generation" or extra envlist magic. Just list the full names of the envorenments in a comma separated list and you are golden.
Today I learned that you can also use the generation syntax from the command line. So you could type:
$ tox -e 'py{31,36}'-local
Thank you #phd for pointing it out.
A possible solution to what you are attempting to do is to use tox -l to list all the environments, filter the ones you want, and then feed them back into tox -e.
For example, to run all environments that have "local" in the name (using bash):
tox -e $(tox -l | grep local | paste -sd "," -)
Step-by-step explanation:
tox -l lists all the environments, one on each line
grep local filters only the lines of the input which contain the word "local"
paste -sd "," - joins the lines of the input with commas
[tox]envlist is only a default — a list of environments to run when tox is invoked without option -e and without TOXENV environment variable. Once you use tox -e [tox]envlist is ignored.
You can run local environment with different python versions, but I don't know any way to run it multiple times. You have to list all environments explicitly:
tox -e py33-local,py34-local
You can shorten the command line using tox' conventions:
tox -e 'py3{3,4}'-local
Use generative envlist and factor-conditional settings.
envlist = {py27,py31,py35,py36}-{default,local}
deps =
commands =
{default,local}: python --version
default: pytest --junitxml xunit-reports/xunit-result-XXX.xml --cov {envsitepackagesdir} --cov-report=xml
local: pytest --cov {envsitepackagesdir}/XXX --cov-report html
List all possible combinations of python version and factors using: tox -l
For your "local" case you'd invoke tox in the one of the following ways:
tox -e py31-local
tox -e py36-local
tox -e 'py3{1,6}'-local
Answer heavily influenced by #oliver-bestwalter's answer, but I couldn't get that to work properly for some reason.
OK I greatly appreciate and upvoted the other two answers here but what I ended up doing was different. It seemed onerous just to achieve a separate
python version and command.
What I ended up doing was just making a seperate tox.ini and calling it like tox -c tox-local.ini
Goal: Successfully execute specific tox commands, and have it run for "just" that specific matched command.
Example: tox -e py35-integration
tox should run only for py35-integration and not including the default or standalone py35 definition.
I have tried two different approaches, which as far as I understand are the two ways to go about trying to do what I'm trying to do.
note the flake8 command is to easily isolate between different commands and indicate to me what is running. It is not an indication of the command I'm really trying to run.
Furthermore, ini files are only showing relevant parts.
First approach
envlist = {py27,py35}, {py27,py35}-integration
commands =
py27: python -m testtools.run discover
py35: python -m testtools.run discover
py27-integration: flake8 {posargs}
py35-integration: flake8 {posargs}
With this approach, the understanding here is that I want to have tox -e py27-integration run without also running what is defined for the py27 command. This is not what is happening. Instead, it will run both py27 and py27-integration.
Second approach
envlist = {py27,py35}, {py27,py35}-integration
commands =
python -m testtools.run discover
commands =
flake8 {posargs}
Now, here I am explicitly isolating for a "sub" environment with its own command to run for "integration".
However, unfortunately, I'm met with the exact same behaviour of all matched patterns of "py27" being executed.
I'm trying to avoid repeating testenv structures as: [testenv:py27-integration] and [testenv:py35-integration], which contain the exact same definitions (goal is to minimize repetition).
I would love to know if there is a way I can achieve what I am trying to do.
I do not want to venture down doing something like p27-integration as an alternative naming scheme, since our CI pipelines have templates expecting certain name structures, and these names are also idiomatic to tox, in that py27 for example is understood to install a 2.7 virtual environment.
minversion = 3.15
envlist = {py27,py35}, {py27,py35}-integration
commands =
python -m testtools.run discover
commands =
flake8 {posargs}
I'm learning to write tests with tox. How do I test only one function with tox? For example if I want to test only test_simple_backup_generation from tests/test_backup_cmd.py of django-backup extension
If you define a parameter {posargs} in your tox.ini you can pass in arguments during execution. In the case of py.test, where
py.test -k test_simple_backup_generation
would only test one function:
envlist = py27,py35
pip install -e .[tests,docs]
py.test {posargs}
and run like
tox -- -k test_simple_backup_generation
By default tox will collect the test from your dependencies too and I want it to collect only the ones from my package.
How can I do this?
Tox is a tool which creates a new virtualenv for each python version you have configured, installs the module your running and then runs a user-specified command to run the tests. It doesn't actually collect the tests to run. That's up to whichever testing tool you're using: py.test, nose, etc. To do that with tox, you'll edit/create a tox.ini to use the correct command that limits the collection of tests to whatever you want.
With nose:
envlist = py26,py27
commands=nosetests test.module
With py.test:
envlist = py26,py27
commands=py.test test.module