I'm trying to get metrics from azure storage, like transaction_count, ingress, egress, server sucess latency etc.
I am trying with the following code :
from azure.storage.blob import BlobAnalyticsLogging, Metrics, CorsRule, RetentionPolicy
# Create logging settings
logging = BlobAnalyticsLogging(read=True, write=True, delete=True, retention_policy=RetentionPolicy(enabled=True, days=5))
# Create metrics for requests statistics
hour_metrics = Metrics(enabled=True, include_apis=True, retention_policy=RetentionPolicy(enabled=True, days=5))
minute_metrics = Metrics(enabled=True, include_apis=True,retention_policy=RetentionPolicy(enabled=True, days=5))
# Create CORS rules
cors_rule = CorsRule(['www.xyz.com'], ['GET'])
cors = [cors_rule]
# Set the service properties
blob_service_client.set_service_properties(logging, hour_metrics, minute_metrics, cors)
# [END set_blob_service_properties]
# [START get_blob_service_properties]
properties = blob_service_client.get_service_properties()
# [END get_blob_service_properties]
print (properties)
This one does not give an error, but returns the following output:
{'analytics_logging': <azure.storage.blob._models.BlobAnalyticsLogging object at 0x7ffa629d8880>, 'hour_metrics': <azure.storage.blob._models.Metrics object at 0x7ffa629d84c0>, 'minute_metrics': <azure.storage.blob._models.Metrics object at 0x7ffa629d8940>, 'cors': [<azure.storage.blob._models.CorsRule object at 0x7ffa629d8a60>], 'target_version': None, 'delete_retention_policy': <azure.storage.blob._models.RetentionPolicy object at 0x7ffa629d85e0>, 'static_website': <azure.storage.blob._models.StaticWebsite object at 0x7ffa629d8a00>}
I understand that maybe I am missing something, the documentation is quite dense and I don't understand it very well.
Thanks in advance for any possible answers
You would probably want to read the service properties individually, i.E.:
analytics_logging = blob_service_client.get_service_properties().get('analytics_logging')
This way you should be able to process (or read) the output further in your code.
I am trying to get all resources and providers from Azure subscription by using Python SDK.
Here is my code:
get all resources by "resource group"
extract id of each resource within "resource group"
then calling details about particular resource by its id
The problem is that each call from point 3. requires a correct "API version" and it differs from object to object. So obviously my code keeps failing when trying to find some common API version that fits to everything.
Is there a way to retrieve suitable API version per resource in resource group ??? (similarly as retrieving id, name, ...)
# Import specific methods and models from other libraries
from azure.mgmt.resource import SubscriptionClient
from azure.identity import AzureCliCredential
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
credential = AzureCliCredential()
client = ResourceManagementClient(credential, "<subscription_id>")
rg = [i for i in client.resource_groups.list()]
# Retrieve the list of resources in "myResourceGroup" (change to any name desired).
# The expand argument includes additional properties in the output.
rg_resources = {}
for i in range(0, len(rg)):
["name"]] = client.resources.list_by_resource_group(
data = {}
for i in rg_resources.keys():
details = []
for _data in iter(rg_resources[i]):
a = _data
details.append(client.resources.get_by_id(vars(_data)['id'], 'latest'))
data[i] = details
azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (NoRegisteredProviderFound) No registered resource provider found for location 'westeurope' and API version 'latest' for type 'workspaces'. The supported api-versions are '2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-01-preview, 2017-03-03-preview, 2017-03-15-preview, 2017-04-26-preview, 2020-03-01-preview, 2020-08-01, 2020-10-01, 2021-06-01, 2021-03-01-privatepreview'. The supported locations are 'eastus, westeurope, southeastasia, australiasoutheast, westcentralus, japaneast, uksouth, centralindia, canadacentral, westus2, australiacentral, australiaeast, francecentral, koreacentral, northeurope, centralus, eastasia, eastus2, southcentralus, northcentralus, westus, ukwest, southafricanorth, brazilsouth, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, germanywestcentral, australiacentral2, uaecentral, uaenorth, japanwest, brazilsoutheast, norwayeast, norwaywest, francesouth, southindia, jioindiawest, canadaeast, westus3
What information exactly do you want to retrieve from the resources?
In most cases, I would recommend to use the Graph API to query over all resources. This is very powerful, as you can query the whole platform using a simple Query language - Kusto Query Lanaguage (KQL)
You can try the queries directly in the Azure service Azure Resource Graph Explorer in the Portal
A query that summarizes all types of resources would be:
| project resourceGroup, type
| summarize count() by type, resourceGroup
| order by count_
A simple python-codeblock can be seen on the linked documentation above.
The below sample uses DefaultAzureCredential for authentication and lists the first resource in detail, that is in a resource group, where its name starts with "rg".
# Import Azure Resource Graph library
import azure.mgmt.resourcegraph as arg
# Import specific methods and models from other libraries
from azure.mgmt.resource import SubscriptionClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
# Wrap all the work in a function
def getresources( strQuery ):
# Get your credentials from environment (CLI, MSI,..)
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
subsClient = SubscriptionClient(credential)
subsRaw = []
for sub in subsClient.subscriptions.list():
subsList = []
for sub in subsRaw:
# Create Azure Resource Graph client and set options
argClient = arg.ResourceGraphClient(credential)
argQueryOptions = arg.models.QueryRequestOptions(result_format="objectArray")
# Create query
argQuery = arg.models.QueryRequest(subscriptions=subsList, query=strQuery, options=argQueryOptions)
# Run query
argResults = argClient.resources(argQuery)
# Show Python object
getresources("Resources | where resourceGroup startswith 'rg' | limit 1")
I'm pretty new using stackoverflow as well as using the google cloud platform, so apologies if am not asking this question in the right format. I am currently facing an issue with getting the predictions from my model.
I've trained a multilabel automl model on the google cloud platform and and now i want to use that model to score out new data entries.
Since the platform only allows one entry at the same time i want to make use of python to do batch predictions.
I've stored my data entries in seperate .txt files on the google cloud bucket and created a .txt file where i'm listing the gs:// references to those files (like they recommend in the documentation).
I've exported a .json file with my credentials from the service account and specified the id's and paths in my code:
# import API credentials and specify model / path references
path = 'xxx.json'
model_name = 'xxx'
model_id = 'TCN1234567890'
project_id = '1234567890'
model_full_id = f"https://eu-automl.googleapis.com/v1/projects/{project_id}/locations/eu/models/{model_id}"
input_uri = f"gs://bucket_name/{model_name}/file_list.txt"
output_uri = f"gs://bucket_name/{model_name}/outputs/"
prediction_client = automl.PredictionServiceClient()
And then i'm running the following code to get the predictions:
# score batch of file_list
gcs_source = automl.GcsSource(input_uris=[input_uri])
input_config = automl.BatchPredictInputConfig(gcs_source=gcs_source)
gcs_destination = automl.GcsDestination(output_uri_prefix=output_uri)
output_config = automl.BatchPredictOutputConfig(
response = prediction_client.batch_predict(
print("Waiting for operation to complete...")
f"Batch Prediction results saved to Cloud Storage bucket. {response.result()}"
However, i'm getting the following error: InvalidArgument: 400 Request contains an invalid argument.
Would anyone have a hince what is causing this issue?
Any input would be appreciated! Thanks!
Found the issue!
I needed to set the client to the 'eu' environment first:
options = ClientOptions(api_endpoint='eu-automl.googleapis.com')
prediction_client = automl.PredictionServiceClient(client_options=options)
I'm using Ansible to set up servers.
Sometimes I'm using the command ansible-playbook <my-playbook.yml -i <inventory.txt> and sometimes I'm using the Ansible Python API (https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/dev_guide/developing_api.html)
Unfortunatley I don't know how to insert my already existing playbooks in the API.
Here is the API:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import shutil
from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import ImmutableDict
from ansible.parsing.dataloader import DataLoader
from ansible.vars.manager import VariableManager
from ansible.inventory.manager import InventoryManager
from ansible.playbook.play import Play
from ansible.executor.task_queue_manager import TaskQueueManager
from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
from ansible import context
import ansible.constants as C
class ResultCallback(CallbackBase):
"""A sample callback plugin used for performing an action as results come in
If you want to collect all results into a single object for processing at
the end of the execution, look into utilizing the ``json`` callback plugin
or writing your own custom callback plugin
def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result, **kwargs):
"""Print a json representation of the result
This method could store the result in an instance attribute for retrieval later
host = result._host
print(json.dumps({host.name: result._result}, indent=4))
# since the API is constructed for CLI it expects certain options to always be set in the context object
context.CLIARGS = ImmutableDict(connection='local', module_path=['/to/mymodules'], forks=10, become=None,
become_method=None, become_user=None, check=False, diff=False)
# initialize needed objects
loader = DataLoader() # Takes care of finding and reading yaml, json and ini files
passwords = dict(vault_pass='secret')
# Instantiate our ResultCallback for handling results as they come in. Ansible expects this to be one of its main display outlets
results_callback = ResultCallback()
# create inventory, use path to host config file as source or hosts in a comma separated string
inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader, sources='localhost,')
# variable manager takes care of merging all the different sources to give you a unified view of variables available in each context
variable_manager = VariableManager(loader=loader, inventory=inventory)
# create data structure that represents our play, including tasks, this is basically what our YAML loader does internally.
play_source = dict(
name = "Ansible Play",
hosts = 'localhost',
gather_facts = 'no',
tasks = [
dict(action=dict(module='shell', args='ls'), register='shell_out'),
dict(action=dict(module='debug', args=dict(msg='{{shell_out.stdout}}')))
# Create play object, playbook objects use .load instead of init or new methods,
# this will also automatically create the task objects from the info provided in play_source
play = Play().load(play_source, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader)
# Run it - instantiate task queue manager, which takes care of forking and setting up all objects to iterate over host list and tasks
tqm = None
tqm = TaskQueueManager(
stdout_callback=results_callback, # Use our custom callback instead of the ``default`` callback plugin, which prints to stdout
result = tqm.run(play) # most interesting data for a play is actually sent to the callback's methods
# we always need to cleanup child procs and the structures we use to communicate with them
if tqm is not None:
# Remove ansible tmpdir
shutil.rmtree(C.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TMP, True)
I already tried to convert the playbooks from yaml to python dictionary using
import yaml
with open('ansible-files/main.yml') as f:
data = yaml.load(f)
and then passing data in as play_source.
This will work for simple playbooks, but not for more complex ones, where different roles are involved. Is there a way to pass an existing playbook with roles, templates and other stuff directly to the API?
If not: Is there another way of using existing playbooks, when using the Python API without the need to rewrite everything by hand?
Thank you!
Using PlaybookExecutor to execute the playbook which includes complex roles.
executor = PlaybookExecutor(
The playbooks is yml file path.
My Bash script using kubectl create/apply -f ... to deploy lots of Kubernetes resources has grown too large for Bash. I'm converting it to Python using the PyPI kubernetes package.
Is there a generic way to create resources given the YAML manifest? Otherwise, the only way I can see to do it would be to create and maintain a mapping from Kind to API method create_namespaced_<kind>. That seems tedious and error prone to me.
Update: I'm deploying many (10-20) resources to many (10+) GKE clusters.
Update in the year 2020, for anyone still interested in this (since the docs for the python library is mostly empty).
At the end of 2018 this pull request has been merged,
so it's now possible to do:
from kubernetes import client, config
from kubernetes import utils
api = client.ApiClient()
file_path = ... # A path to a deployment file
namespace = 'default'
utils.create_from_yaml(api, file_path, namespace=namespace)
EDIT: from a request in a comment, a snippet for skipping the python error if the deployment already exists
from kubernetes import client, config
from kubernetes import utils
api = client.ApiClient()
def skip_if_already_exists(e):
import json
# found in https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/master/kubernetes/utils/create_from_yaml.py#L165
info = json.loads(e.api_exceptions[0].body)
if info.get('reason').lower() == 'alreadyexists':
raise e
file_path = ... # A path to a deployment file
namespace = 'default'
utils.create_from_yaml(api, file_path, namespace=namespace)
except utils.FailToCreateError as e:
I have written a following piece of code to achieve the functionality of creating k8s resources from its json/yaml file:
def create_from_yaml(yaml_file):
:param yaml_file:
yaml_object = yaml.loads(common.load_file(yaml_file))
group, _, version = yaml_object["apiVersion"].partition("/")
if version == "":
version = group
group = "core"
group = "".join(group.split(".k8s.io,1"))
func_to_call = "{0}{1}Api".format(group.capitalize(), version.capitalize())
k8s_api = getattr(client, func_to_call)()
kind = yaml_object["kind"]
kind = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', kind)
kind = re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', kind).lower()
if "namespace" in yaml_object["metadata"]:
namespace = yaml_object["metadata"]["namespace"]
namespace = "default"
if hasattr(k8s_api, "create_namespaced_{0}".format(kind)):
resp = getattr(k8s_api, "create_namespaced_{0}".format(kind))(
body=yaml_object, namespace=namespace)
resp = getattr(k8s_api, "create_{0}".format(kind))(
except Exception as e:
raise e
print("{0} created. status='{1}'".format(kind, str(resp.status)))
return k8s_api
In above function, If you provide any object yaml/json file, it will automatically pick up the API type and object type and create the object like statefulset, deployment, service etc.
PS: The above code doesn't handler multiple kubernetes resources in one file, so you should have only one object per yaml file.
I see what you are looking for. This is possible with other k8s clients available in other languages. Here is an example in java. Unfortunately the python client library does not support that functionality yet. I opened a new feature request requesting the same and you can either choose to track it or contribute yourself :). Here is the link for the issue on GitHub.
The other way to still do what you are trying to do is to use java/golang client and put your code in a docker container.
I'm brand new at Python and I'm trying to write an extension to an app that imports GA information and parses it into MySQL. There is a shamfully sparse amount of infomation on the topic. The Google Docs only seem to have examples in JS and Java...
...I have gotten to the point where my user can authenticate into GA using SubAuth. That code is here:
import gdata.service
import gdata.analytics
from django import http
from django import shortcuts
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
def authorize(request):
next = 'http://localhost:8000/authconfirm'
scope = 'https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds'
secure = False # set secure=True to request secure AuthSub tokens
session = False
auth_sub_url = gdata.service.GenerateAuthSubRequestUrl(next, scope, secure=secure, session=session)
return http.HttpResponseRedirect(auth_sub_url)
So, step next is getting at the data. I have found this library: (beware, UI is offensive) http://gdata-python-client.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pydocs/gdata.analytics.html
However, I have found it difficult to navigate. It seems like I should be gdata.analytics.AnalyticsDataEntry.getDataEntry(), but I'm not sure what it is asking me to pass it.
I would love a push in the right direction. I feel I've exhausted google looking for a working example.
Thank you!!
EDIT: I have gotten farther, but my problem still isn't solved. The below method returns data (I believe).... the error I get is: "'str' object has no attribute '_BecomeChildElement'" I believe I am returning a feed? However, I don't know how to drill into it. Is there a way for me to inspect this object?
def auth_confirm(request):
gdata_service = gdata.service.GDataService('iSample_acctSample_v1.0')
# request feed
feed = gdata.analytics.AnalyticsDataFeed(feedUri)
print str(feed)
Maybe this post can help out. Seems like there are not Analytics specific bindings yet, so you are working with the generic gdata.
I've been using GA for a little over a year now and since about April 2009, i have used python bindings supplied in a package called python-googleanalytics by Clint Ecker et al. So far, it works quite well.
Here's where to get it: http://github.com/clintecker/python-googleanalytics.
Install it the usual way.
To use it: First, so that you don't have to manually pass in your login credentials each time you access the API, put them in a config file like so:
google_account_email = youraccount#gmail.com
google_account_password = yourpassword
Name this file '.pythongoogleanalytics' and put it in your home directory.
And from an interactive prompt type:
from googleanalytics import Connection
import datetime
connection = Connection() # pass in id & pw as strings **if** not in config file
account = connection.get_account(<*your GA profile ID goes here*>)
start_date = datetime.date(2009, 12, 01)
end_data = datetime.date(2009, 12, 13)
# account object does the work, specify what data you want w/
# 'metrics' & 'dimensions'; see 'USAGE.md' file for examples
account.get_data(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, metrics=['visits'])
The 'get_account' method will return a python list (in above instance, bound to the variable 'account'), which contains your data.
You need 3 files within the app. client_secrets.json, analytics.dat and google_auth.py.
Create a module Query.py within the app:
class Query(object):
def __init__(self, startdate, enddate, filter, metrics):
self.startdate = startdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.enddate = enddate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.filter = "ga:medium=" + filter
self.metrics = metrics
Example models.py: #has the following function
import google_auth
service = googleauth.initialize_service()
def total_visit(self):
object = AnalyticsData.objects.get(utm_source=self.utm_source)
trial = Query(object.date.startdate, object.date.enddate, object.utm_source, ga:sessions")
result = service.data().ga().get(ids = 'ga:<your-profile-id>', start_date = trial.startdate, end_date = trial.enddate, filters= trial.filter, metrics = trial.metrics).execute()
total_visit = result.get('rows')
<yr save command, ColumnName.object.create(data=total_visit) goes here>