Phrase that pauses update loop then continues - python

Is there a way I could simplify this code?
My code is much longer and would take a lot more explaining to fully understand my question, so I condensed my issue into a smaller example:
i = 0
def test():
global i
i += 1
while True:
if i < 3:
In my situation, I would like to run a function in an infinite loop that is the only line that is ran until a number of frames pass by. My solution was to create a counter, i, that counts each frame in the test() function and it is checked every frame until it is past 3. In my actual code for my pygame game, this functionality was supposed to be a for a menu transition system. I wanted to have it so that when you enter the menu, an animation plays first before you are given functionality. I needed the animation to count up in its frames every time the menu was updated from the infinite loop. I had tried the i counter solution in my actual game code but it became to bloated and hard to read with the amount of code already written. I was wondering if there was a simpler solution that was much easier to read and comprehend on my part.


Using recursion in pygame

I'm new to python and programming in general and am working on a final project for a python centric class. One of the requirements that I cant seem to figure out how to make work is to integrate recursion into our code in order to show a working knowledge. I've worked up a simple "bullet hell" style game using pygame.
My goal is that when contact is made between a bullet and an enemy, that a series of bullet sets will be launched from the player position as a sort of short-term modifier.
This code runs in the main loop whenever a bullet hits an enemy:
for i in reversed(range(len(bullets))):
for j in reversed(range(len(enemies))):
if bullets[i].collided(enemies[j].rect):
del enemies[j]
del bullets[I]
s.global_score += 100
The "more_bullets" function is the focus of my recursion, and calls this:
def more_bullets(n):
if(n > 0):
spawnx = sq.rect.x+10 + sq.rect.width/2 - 10
b = Square(, spawnx,sq.rect.y, 10,30)
b.direction = 'N'
b.player_speed = 10
spawnx = sq.rect.x-10 + sq.rect.width/2 - 10
b = Square(, spawnx,sq.rect.y, 10,30)
b.direction = 'N'
b.player_speed = 10
print(f"Fired x {n}")
The outcome currently is that my debug does print 10 times making me think that the recursion is functioning correctly, however only one set of bullets is firing when the collision occurs. I'm thinking that all 10 bullets are firing faster than I can register it and just stacking on the screen.
Is there an easy-to-use function that might slow down the firing of the bullets? or have messed up something more fundamentally here?
I'm thinking that all 10 bullets are firing faster than I can register it and just stacking on the screen.
You're correct.
I don't believe there's an "easy way" to do what you're asking the way you think. The recursion is immediate, meaning that the function runs 10 times right away when it's called. For it to send out a burst of staggered bullets, you'd need some kind of timer or queue or something along those lines that runs alongside your main loop, and recursion isn't really a natural fit for that. The same will go for any kind of game logic function that plays out over a period of time.
This isn't what's being asked, but here's an idea of what you could do, even though it's kind of a redundant use of recursion: add a parameter to that function that dictates the angle the bullet is being shot. Then, add a little bit to that parameter on every recursive call. That way an arc of bullets will be shot at the same time.

How to make a string blink for a specified time using the colored function in the termcolor module? [Python 2.7]

I am trying to figure out how I can use the blink attribute of the colored() function in the termcolor module to blink for a specific amount of time, and then stop.
I looked at the package index and the properties of this, but I haven't seen anywhere describing if this would be possible.
I currently have the following bit of code that makes the string blink indefinitely:
print(colored('Picking the first dealer by random...', 'cyan', attrs=['blink']))
I would like to be able to make this string blink for a couple of seconds, stop, and then continue running the program. Is there a possible way to do this?
This blink_once() function will show the word TEXT for .5 secs and will hide it for .5 secs afterwards.
So the effect is just a one time blink. I do it writing spaces in he same place as the text after a delay. It's easy to modify the delay or the text, or adding them as parameters if you need it for your specific project.
The blink(number) calls blink_once() a determined number of times. So blink(3) will show the word "TEXT" blinking 3 times.
import sys
import time
def blink_once():
b = ("Loading")
sys.stdout.write('\r ')
def blink(number):
for x in range(0,number):

Adding a countdown timer in python

I'll admit, i am a newbie with python, but here is my issue.
the version is 2.6.5 (i know i'ts an old version but there's reasons to this) and livewires is used
Bascially this game has a bunch of colored balloons in which you need to click them to make them disappear. Adjacent balloons of the same color disappear along with the clicked balloon. Once the balloons are cleared it moves on to the next level.
I need to create a timer on the top right of my screen. This timer needs to countdown in seconds (from 30 might be a good start.) However no matter what i try, either the timer does not display or the numbers are overlap eachother. I would like to know how to do this, as it has been driving me up the wall as of late.
...Of course it also needs to end the game if it reaches zero and add more time if the level is complete...
But for now i just want to focus on displaying the timer and having it count down to zero on screen.
class Timer(games.Sprite):
""" countdown timer """
def __init__(self):
timer_message = games.Text(
value = 30,
size = 50,
color = red,
x = 600,
y = 30
def start(self):
while self.timer_message.value != 0:
self.timer_message.value -= 1
Alright. I fixed the "compressing balloons table" (accidentally deleted the self_update lol) problem, but now it is saying that "global name timer_message is not defined"... despite the fact that it says timer_message = games.Text
I would paste the whole code, but i can't get the indentation right (this is my first time using this website.)
So, I understand it's been some time and if you don't need an answer anymore that's alright.
For now it's hard to answer your question in general because I don't understand the structure of the rest of your code or how you're displaying graphics. However, I can tell you while you're getting the
global name timer_message is not defined
error. It's because when you define timer_message within the __init__ function you are defining it within the local scope of the function but not for the class. In order to make it accessible to the class you need to assign to self.timer_message.
This is a consequence of how python imitates object oriented programming, but making this change should address your immediate error.

How to create a "play again" option with Pygame

I am new to programming with Python. I have been working through a tutorial book that I found, and got the game up and running, but then decided I wanted to have a "Play Again?" option at the end. I can get the game to quit out with a press of the "n" key, but cannot work out how to get the game to restart.
Here is the code I think is giving the trouble:
#player reaches treasure
if player_rectangle.colliderect(treasure_rectangle):
#display text
if event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key==pygame.K_n:
elif event.key==pygame.K_y:
I know something needs to go after the elif event, and I have tried all that I can think of. I tried to define the whole program, and call it but that stopped the whole thing running. I have looked around internet sites, but just cannot seem to come up with a answer.
Can some one help out in easy terms how to get the game to restart to the starting position when the y key is pressed? I know it has something to do with a loop, I just cannot place my finger on what.
Many thanks.
It's not entirely clear how your code is organized, so I'll be very general. Usually games are implemented with a "main loop" that handles all of the action. In "pseudo"-python:
def main_loop():
while True:
if game_is_over():
Before you start the loop, you usually do some setup to get the game state how you want it:
def main():
Given those parts, you can reset the game by having the main loop code call setup again (it may need to be specifically designed to be runable more than once):
def main_loop():
while True:
if game_is_over():
if play_again(): # new code here!
You might want to split the setup code into two parts, one which only needs to be run when the program begins (to read configuration files and set up things like the window system), and a second that gets repeated for each new game (setting up the game's state).
To restart a game you normally need to reset all variables to their initial value (e.g. number of lives, score, initial position, ...).
The best way is to put all initialisations inside a procedure:
def init():
global score,lives # use these global variables
init() # call init() to define and reset all values
while 1: # main loop
elif event.key==pygame.K_y:
init() # restart the game

Why is turtle lightening pixels?

My program for creating a Mandelbrot set has a bug: whenever the pen changes colors, and every 42nd pixel after that, is lighter. This is, rather coincidentally, a mandelbug (yes, I just learned that term), as it is inconsistent for many pixels near an "edge" (it might actually be blurred between the color it's supposed to be and the color the last, or next, pixel is supposed to be), but it's always the 42nd pixel after that one until the next color change. I am using OSX 10.6.8, PYTHON 2.7. When I wrote this program at school, it worked perfectly (Windows), and then I sent it to myself, and worked on it a little more (mostly just making the sample size and therefore image larger), and ran it, I got this bug. EDIT: My bad, I forgot to mention that this only happens with my Mandelbrot program, the few other turtle programs I have at home are fine.
Parts of screenshots (so that you don't have to wait forever while the program runs to see what I'm talking about):
From my first version from home:
From the current version (sideways):
Heres the code:
import turtle
import math
def benoit(onelen):
for x in range(-2*onelen, onelen):
turtle.goto(x, int(-1.5*onelen)-1)
for y in range(int(-1.5*onelen)-1, int(1.5*onelen)-1):
z = complex(0,0)
c = complex(x*1.0/onelen,y*1.0/onelen)
for k in range(20):
z = z*z+c
if abs(z) > 2:
g = .2 + .8*(20-k)/20
if k == 19:
g = 0
x = raw_input("Press Enter to Exityadayadayada")
EDIT: A fix has been suggested by DSM, who likes this bug. However, I have no experience editing Python source code, and all the underscores are making me nervous. Can someone tell me specifically what to edit and/or how?
Wow. I think this is one of my favourite bugs ever, and believe it or not, the fact that the number happens to be 42 is actually relevant! Well, peripherally, anyhow..
def _goto(self, end):
"""Move the pen to the point end, thereby drawing a line
if pen is down. All other methodes for turtle movement depend
on this one.
###### vererbung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
self._position = end
if self._creatingPoly:
if len(self.currentLine) > 42: # 42! answer to the ultimate question
# of life, the universe and everything
self._update() #count=True)
So the problem comes about when it decides to break a line, apparently for performance reasons:
def _newLine(self, usePos=True):
"""Closes current line item and starts a new one.
Remark: if current line became too long, animation
performance (via _drawline) slowed down considerably.
I was able to "fix" the bug by bumping up the linenumber limit and/or scattering self._pencolor references in places that didn't have any. But you're not crazy, anyway, and it's not really anything that you're doing. :-)
Can i offer a suggestion?
i tried your code and it was taking forever to run which you are aware of but what you may not be aware of is the tracer function... i simply put at the beginning of your code:
that also eliminates the need for the speed(0) function :)
Try that and run it again, i did and it rendered the whole image in 62 seconds, i timed it by importing the time module by putting this code at the beginning:
import time
and this code at the end:
print time.time()-st
Well done by the way, Ive just made my own thats a lot slower and lower quality then yours but was using an array of the square shape and stamping to each location i wanted in the array lol, but will be trying to improve it in the future as i only found out turtle existed less then a week ago.
One last thing, if you type:
from turtle import *
instead of "import turtle" you dont need to put turtle at the beginning of every function call :) same thing goes for every other module.
Ive included the pic of your fractal that took 62 seconds to render on my machine thats not even that powerfulYour code run on my weak machine.
I hope all this helps you greatly. also youll notice i dont have that light line problem, not sure if you fixed that issue in the original code up top?

