how can i use the output of one function to another function? - python

Let's assume I have two functions
def seq():
#here I wrote a code that evaluates the mean of a value from a csv file
print(x)#assuming the condition in the above code is true it prints x
def lenn():
d=#I want this variable to be the value that the 1st function produces
One produces an integer and the other uses the output of the 1st function and then divides it with an integer to produce its own output. How do I call the function?
I tried calling the function name but when I tried to divide the function name with an integer it keeps saying that I have a None type. I also tried to put the 1st first function inside the 2nd function but I had the same problem.
How can i solve this?

Don't use print but return (print has no return value, so this defaults to None):
def seq():
return int(input())
def lenn():
return x

The problem is that seq does not return the inputted value (x). Anyway, I wouldn't place int(input(x)) in its own function. You can try something like
def lenn():
return x


Get returned value of function in function which called it

I am newbie in python, and I build two functions in which, I am calling second function with 1 parameters in first function and I am trying to access second function's returned data in first function.
def second_function(first_param):
final = first_param + 50
return final
def first_function():
# trying to access second_function's returned data HERE
But it is not showing any returned data.
Any help would be much Appreciated. Thank You in Advance.
The problem here is that you are using print(second_function), so that will simply output the name of the function. Now, if you want to output the result of the function, you should do:
def second_function(first_param):
final = first_param + 50
return final
def first_function():
output = second_function(50)
you could first put the returned value in a variable like this
def second_function(first_param):
final = first_param + 50
return final
def first_function():
value = second_function(60)
print(value )
or print the returned value with out using any variable
def second_function(first_param):
final = first_param + 50
return final
def first_function():
That's because second_function is an object in its own right. Try either of the following:
def first_function():
out = second_function(50)
# trying to access second_function's returned data HERE
def first_function_alternate():
What's happening when you do print(second_function) is that the computer is trying to print the value of the function itself, not what it returns. We can store this value to a variable (my first answer) or simply generate it on-the-fly (my second answer).
In Python, the returned data from a function will be assigned to a variable. So you would use:
my_value = second_function(60)
and the returned value would be stored in the variable my_value

Store the return of a function in variable

I'm learning python, and I'm having trouble saving the return of a function to a specific variable. I have computed a simple function 'average' that is supposed to return the average value of a list. This works fine, however, when I try to store the result of average in a variable, I get told that x isn't defined.
def average(x):
return sum(x)/len(x)
How do I store the return of the function in a variable?
I misunderstood the task, which was simply to store the results of a specific computation in a variable.
x indeed is not defined
def average(x):
return sum(x)/len(x)
x = [1,2,3] # this was missing
The function is a black box. You made the black box expect one mandatory input (x), therefore you have to provide it first i.e. var = average([1, 2, 3]).
Read the error message, x isn't defined. The variable x exists only in the average function and not in the program. You need to set x to something first.
def average(x):
return sum(x)/len(x)
this will not cause an error

How to call function in if statement and save return value

I'm stuck in a simple question that I can't find an answer.
If want to call a function in an if statement. This is a function really challenging and it takes a long time to get response, how can I preserve the return value?
I explain the problem with an example:
def recursive:
if .... :
return value
return False
recursive is an hypothetically function that takes a lot of time to generating response, that could be a value or just a simple boolean False.
if recursive():
...value? (make something with value return)
other method
if recursive():
value = recursive()
This other method will call the function 2 times and it takes too long time.
How can I solve this?
Python 3.8 will add an operator to do exactly this (called the walrus operator :=), but unfortunately the closest thing you can do today is this
value = recursive()
if value:
pass # do stuff with value
pass # do other stuff with value
# can still do stuff with value here
If running on 3.8+, the following will be valid
if value := recursive():
pass # do stuff with value
pass # do other stuff with value
# can still do stuff with value here

Function not returning random integer for variable

I have a very simple problem, when I run the following code:
from random import randint
def create_random():
x = random.randint(1,4)
return x
The output comes to this:
< function create_random at 0x7f5994bd4f28 >
Note: every character between "0x7f" and "f28" are random each time the code is run.
My goal was to be able to call the function multiple times with x being assigned a new integer value between 1 and 3 with each invocation.
You aren't actually calling the function. To do this you need to do:
Just now you're printing the reference to the function which isn't very helpful for you in this case.
You have to call the function, like:
Also in the function, this line:
x = random.randint(1,4)
Should be just:
x = randint(1,4)
Since you did a from ... import ... statement.
your last line does not do anything, since you want it to print 'create_random' that is not a variable. if you want to call a function, it has to have (). So, you should call it and put it in the print function:

Input as a default value for a function

Is it possible to have input as a default value for a function?
For example,
The problem is, it makes me input a value even when I supply an x value. How would I do this correctly?
Python will evaluate the default arguments you define for a function, you'll get the prompt during definition either you like it or not. The value entered at the input prompt will then be assigned as the default for x.
If you want a default value that will use input if no other meaningful value is provided, use the common idiom involving None and drop input in the body of the function, instead:
def f(x=None):
if x is None:
x = input('> ')
Now, if you're thinking, I still want to somehow do this with default arguments, then you'll need to create a function that re-creates your function with every invocation:
def f():
def _(x = input('> ')):
return _()
I don't see what benefit this would bring other than appeasing your curiosity, though :-)
May be this is what you want.
def f(x=None):
if not x:
x = input('>')

