I'm brand new to programming, but got sucked into a school project that feels pretty far over my head. I'm scraping Twitter data related to BTC, and trying to find the average sentiment score per month. I got access to Twitter API, and all that, but I'm having troubles creating my dataframe. I can create one column that houses either "tweet.text" or "tweet.created_at", but can't seem to make two columns with each.
Here's what I have so far:
search_words = "bitcoin"
date_since = "2022-2-1"
tweets = tw.Cursor(api.search,
q = search_words,
since = date_since,
lang = "en",
count = 1000).items(1000)
a = {'Tweets':[tweet.text for tweet in tweets], 'Date':[tweet.created_at for tweet in tweets]}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(a, orient='index')
df = df.transpose()
The result:
How can I generate the desired output?
I want to be able to compare the NER tag found compared to a known location of the original tweet. I am using twitter data and adding it to a pandas dataframe columns ; id, tweet, location. I then use spacy and NER to find the location using the below code (ideally just finding the NER entities; GPE and LOC), I need it to go into a new column.
So it would read: ID, Tweet, Known location, NER location. The main issue I have had is getting the tweet index the same as the new NER tag, as they dont always match up for example is two NER tags are found in one tweet.
Any help would be much appreciated. After I am going to analyse so any suggestions on good methods to use would be great so I can research more on them! Thanks
ents = [(e.text, e.start_char, e.end_char, e.label_) for e in doc.ents]
ent = ['GPE', 'LOC']
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text+' -- '+ent.label_+'-- '+spacy.explain(ent.label_))
table = []
for ent in doc.ents:
table.append( [ent.text,ent.label_,spacy.explain(ent.label_)])
#ent.start, ent.end - can also use these to see position of text
df3 = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=['Entity', 'Label','Label_Description']) #to use above ones add in here - 'start','end',
DF1= df3.loc[df3['Label'].isin(['LOC','GPE'])]
gk2 = DF1.groupby('Entity').sum()
print(gk2) ```
Assuming you have your data in a variable called df using the apply method should give you straightforward solution. Maybe this helps:
import spacy
import pandas as pd
df = <YOUR DATAFRAME OBJECT THAT HAS COLS id, tweet, location>
nlp = spacy.load(<SPACY MODEL OF CHOICE>)
loc_labels = ['GPE', 'LOC']
ner_locations = []
def get_NER_location(row):
tweet_id = row['id']
tweet = row['tweet']
doc = nlp(tweet)
for ent in doc.ents:
if ent.label_ in loc_labels:
ner_locations.append([tweet_id, ent.text, ent.label_, spacy.explain(ent.label_)])
df.apply(lambda row: get_NER_location(row))
ner_df = pd.DataFrame(ner_locations, columns=['id', 'ent', 'label', 'label_desc'])
merged_df = pd.merge(df, ner_df, on='id', how='outer')
Apologies in advance if the code has any typos as I directly typed it in here.
Good Evening
Hi everyone, so i got the following JSON file from Walmart regarding their product items and price.
so i loaded up jupyter notebook, imported pandas and then loaded it into a Dataframe with custom columns as shown in the pics below.
now this is what i want to do:
make new columns named as min price and max price and load the data into it
how can i do that ?
Here is the code in jupyter notebook for reference.
i also want the offer price as some items dont have minprice and maxprice :)
EDIT: here is the PYTHON Code:
import json
import pandas as pd
with open("walmart.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
walmart = data["items"]
wdf = pd.DataFrame(walmart,columns=["productId","primaryOffer"])
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
Here is the JSON File:
The following code snippet on top of your code would achieve the required task:
min_prices = []
max_prices = []
offer_prices = []
for i,row in wdf.iterrows():
if('showMinMaxPrice' in row['primaryOffer']):
wdf['minPrice'] = min_prices
wdf['maxPrice'] = max_prices
wdf['offerPrice'] = offer_prices
Here we are checking for the 'showMinMaxPrice' element from the json in the column named 'primaryOffer'. For cases where the minPrice and maxPrice is available, the offerPrice is shown as 'N/A' and vice-versa. These are first stored in lists and later added to the dataframe as columns.
The output for wdf.head() would then be:
I have a lisit of DataFrames that come from the census api, i had stored each year pull into a list.
So at the end of my for loop i have a list with dataframes per year and a list of years to go along side the for loop.
The problem i am having is merging all the DataFrames in the list while also taging them with a list of years.
So i have tried using the reduce function, but it looks like it only taking 2 of the 6 Dataframes i have.
concat just adds them to the dataframe with out tagging or changing anything
# Dependencies
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
import pprint
import requests
from census import Census
from us import states
# Census
from config import (api_key, gkey)
year = 2012
c = Census(api_key, year)
for length in range(6):
c = Census(api_key, year)
data = c.acs5.get(('NAME', "B25077_001E","B25064_001E",
{'for': 'zip code tabulation area:*'})
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
data_df = data_df.rename(columns={"NAME": "Name",
"zip code tabulation area": "Zipcode",
"B25077_001E":"Median Home Value",
"B25064_001E":"Median Rent",
"B15003_022E":"Bachelor Degrees",
"B19013_001E":"Median Income"})
data_df = data_df.astype({'Zipcode':'int64'})
filtervalue = data_df['Median Home Value']>0
filtervalue2 = data_df['Median Rent']>0
filtervalue3 = data_df['Median Income']>0
cleandata = data_df[filtervalue][filtervalue2][filtervalue3]
cleandata = cleandata.dropna()
year += 1
so this generates the two seperate list one with the year and other with dataframe.
So my output came out to either one Dataframe with missing Dataframe entries or it just concatinated all without changing columns.
what im looking for is how to merge all within a list, but datalst[0] to be tagged with yearlst[0] when merging if at all possible
No need for year list, simply assign year column to data frame. Plus avoid incrementing year and have it the iterator column. In fact, consider chaining your process:
for year in range(2012, 2019):
c = Census(api_key, year)
data = c.acs5.get(('NAME', "B25077_001E","B25064_001E", "B15003_022E","B19013_001E"),
{'for': 'zip code tabulation area:*'})
cleandata = (pd.DataFrame(data)
.rename(columns={"NAME": "Name",
"zip code tabulation area": "Zipcode",
"B25077_001E": "Median_Home_Value",
"B25064_001E": "Median_Rent",
"B15003_022E": "Bachelor_Degrees",
"B19013_001E": "Median_Income"})
.query('(Median_Home_Value > 0) & (Median_Rent > 0) & (Median_Income > 0)')
.assign(year_column = year)
final_data = pd.concat(datalst, ignore_index = True)
I'm trying to run a script (API to google search console) over a table of keywords and dates in order to check if there was improvement in keyword performance (SEO) after the date.
Since i'm really clueless im guessing and trying but Jupiter notebook isn't responding so i can't even tell if im wrong...
This git was made by Josh Carty
the git from which i took this code is:
Already pd.read_csv the input table (consist of two columns 'keyword' and 'date'),
made the columns into two separate lists (or maybe it better to use dictionary/other?):
KW_list and
I tried:
for i in KW_list and j in Date_list:
for i in KW_list and j in Date_list:
account = searchconsole.authenticate(client_config='client_secrets.json',
webproperty = account['https://www.example.com/']
report = webproperty.query.range(j, days=-30).filter('query', i, 'contains').get()
report2 = webproperty.query.range(j, days=30).filter('query', i, 'contains').get()
df = pd.DataFrame(report)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(report2)
Expect to see the data frame of all the different keywords (keyowrd1-stat1 , keyword2 - stats2 below, etc. [no overwrite]) at the dates 30 days before the date in the neighbor cell (in the input file)
or at least some respond from J.notebook so i will know what is going on.
Try using the zip function to combine the lists into a list of tuples. This way, the date and the corresponding keyword are combined.
account = searchconsole.authenticate(client_config='client_secrets.json', credentials='credentials.json')
webproperty = account['https://www.example.com/']
df1 = None
df2 = None
first = True
for (keyword, date) in zip(KW_list, Date_list):
report = webproperty.query.range(date, days=-30).filter('query', keyword, 'contains').get()
report2 = webproperty.query.range(date, days=30).filter('query', keyword, 'contains').get()
if first:
df1 = pd.DataFrame(report)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(report2)
first = False
df1 = df1.append(pd.DataFrame(report))
df2 = df2.append(pd.DataFrame(report2))
I have an efficiency question for you. I wrote some code to analyze a report that holds over 70k records and over 400+ unique organizations to allow my supervisor to enter in year/month/date they are interested in and have it pop out the information.
The beginning of my code is:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
main_data = pd.read_excel("UpdatedData.xlsx", encoding= 'utf8')
#column names from DF
epi_expose = "EpitheliumExposureSeverity"
sloughing = "EpitheliumSloughingPercentageSurface"
organization = "OrgName"
region = "Region"
date = "DeathOn"
#list storage of definitions
sl_list = ["",'None','Mild','Mild to Moderate']
epi_list= ['Moderate','Moderate to Severe','Severe']
#Create DF with four columns
df = main_data[[region, organization, epi_expose, sloughing, date]]
#filter it down to months
starting_date = datetime.date(2017,2,1)
ending_date = datetime.date(2017,2,28)
df = df[(df[date] > starting_date) & (df[date] < ending_date)]
I am then performing conditional filtering below to get counts by region and organization. It works, but is slow. Is there a more efficient way to query my DF and set up a DF that ONLY has the dates that it is supposed to sit between? Or is this the most efficient way without altering how the Database I am using is set up?
I can provide more of my code but if I filter it out by month before exporting to excel, the code runs in a matter of seconds so I am not concerned about the speed of it besides getting the correct date fields.
Thank you!