Add preprocessing step to Huggingface tokenizer - python

I am training my huggingface tokenizer on my own corpora, and I want to save it with a preprocessing step. That is, if I pass some text to it, I want it to apply the preprocessing and then tokenize the text, instead of explicitly preprocessing it before that. A good example is BERTweet: and their tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("vinai/bertweet-base", normalization=True) (here normalization=True indicates that the input will be preprocessed according to some function). I want the same to apply when I train a tokenizer with a custom preprocessing function. My code is:
from pathlib import Path
from tokenizers import ByteLevelBPETokenizer
def preprocess(text):
return text
paths = [str(x) for x in Path('data').glob('*.txt')]
tokenizer = ByteLevelBPETokenizer()
tokenizer.train(files=paths, vocab_size=50_000, min_frequency=2,
special_tokens=['<s>', '<pad>', '</s>', '<unk>', '<mask>'])
Now, when I load the tokenizer:
from transformers import RobertaTokenizerFast
sentence = 'Hey'
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained('CustomBertTokenizer')
I want sentence to be preprocessed with the preprocess function, and then tokenized. So I want to pass like an argument preprocessing=True, or something like that. How can I do it?


How can I extract and store the text generated from an automatic speech recognition deep learning app

The app can be viewed in huggingface
import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline
model = pipeline(task="automatic-speech-recognition",
title="Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)",
description="Using pipeline with Facebook S2T for ASR.",
I don't know where the text files are stored with that very few lines of code. I would like to store the sentence text in a string.
Honestly I only know basic python programming. I would just like to store them into string variables and do something with them.
You can open up the Interface.from_pipeline abstraction, and define your own Gradio interface. You need to define your own inputs, outputs, and prediction function, thus accessing the text prediction from the model. Here is an example.
You can test is here
import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline
model = pipeline(task="automatic-speech-recognition",
def predict_speech_to_text(audio):
prediction = model(audio)
# text variable contains your voice-to-text string
text = prediction['text']
return text
title="Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)",
source="microphone", type="filepath", label="Input"),
description="Using pipeline with F acebook S2T for ASR.",

BERT Domain Adaptation

I am using transformers.BertForMaskedLM to further pre-train the BERT model on my custom dataset. I first serialize all the text to a .txt file by separating the words by a whitespace. Then, I am using transformers.TextDataset to load the serialized data with a BERT tokenizer given as tokenizer argument. Then, I am using BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained() to load the pre-trained model (which is what transformers library presents). Then, I am using transformers.Trainer to further pre-train the model on my custom dataset, i.e., domain adaptation, for 3 epochs. I save the model with trainer.save_model(). Then, I want to load the further pre-trained model to get the embeddings of the words in my custom dataset. To load the model, I am using AutoModel.from_pretrained() but this pops up a warning.
Some weights of the model checkpoint at {path to my further pre-trained model} were not used when initializing BertModel
So, I know why this pops up. Because I further pre-trained using transformers.BertForMaskedLM but when I load with transformers.AutoModel, it loads it as transformers.BertModel. What I do not understand is if this is a problem or not. I just want to get the embeddings, e.g., embedding vector with a size of 768.
You saved a BERT model with LM head attached. Now you are going to load the serialized file into a standalone BERT structure without any extra element and the warning is issued. This is pretty normal and there is no Fatal error to do so! You can check the list of unloaded params like below:
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertLMHeadModel, BertConfig
import torch
lmbert = BertLMHeadModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-cased', config=config)
lmbert_params = []
for name, param in lmbert.named_parameters():
bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('you_desired_path/BertLMHeadModel')
bert_params = []
for name, param in bert.named_parameters():
params_ralated_to_lm_head = [param_name for param_name in lmbert_params if param_name.replace('bert.', '') not in bert_params]

loading a FastText model in MATLAB

I have trained a FastText model in Python and saved the files into a folder. These are the contents of the folder:
How can I load the model in MATLAB and extract the word embeddings of certain words?
This is what we do in Python:
from gensim.models.fasttext import FastText
model = FastText.load(fasttext.model)
vector = model.wv[word]
Is there a similar thing in MATLAB? How can I get the word embeddings generated by a FastText model in Python in MATLAB and work with them?
Use the trainWordEmbedding and readWordEmbedding function
Train and test your word embedding: "emb"
Word embedding doesn't need bag of words. It just needs tokenized document ("cleanDoc").
emb = trainWordEmbedding(cleanDoc, "Dimension",100)
List down the vocabulary in the embedding:

understanding what keras and TensorFlow to use in text classification

I was trying to classify my text in tensorflow and keras and every time I tried using the keras to read my files from my directory then it would through and error that the features for reading the text was not available yet it is included in the documentation
I made my own file reader functionality which is here how to read text files in keras using os.walk and converting to batched dataset and now trying to vectorize my text using keras preprocessing then again the module is not available
as asked in the comment I was trying to use keras guide and the one here which uses the vectorizing, I started digging into uisng tf to make tokens from the text and I found how to vectorize the text here
but now the problem was that I could not use the functions because I could not understand it very well my code was as follows
train_dataset = get_files_from_dir(train_path,batch_size=batch_size, seed=seed) # calls the fetch text which returns dataset of text and labels batched
text_ds = x, y: x) # get featues only (text with no labels)
def vec_maker(text):
tokens = text.lower().split()
vocab, index = {}, 1 # start indexing from 1
vocab['<pad>'] = 0 # add a padding token
for token in tokens:
if token not in vocab:
vocab[token] = index
index += 1
self.vocab =vocab
return text
now my problem is how do I map the text_ds to the function to make the vectors because if I try passing the variable as function arguments it direct is says that
File"/home/kim/Desktop/programs/python/text_processing/prog/", line 78, in vec_maker
tokens = text.lower().split()
AttributeError: 'MapDataset' object has no attribute 'lower'
help and explanation will much be appreciated

training data format for NLTK punkt

I would like to run nltk Punkt to split sentences. There is no training model so I train model separately, but I am not sure if the training data format I am using is correct.
My training data is one sentence per line. I wasn't able to find any documentation about this, only this thread (!topic/nltk-users/bxIEnmgeCSM) sheds some light about training data format.
What is the correct training data format for NLTK Punkt sentence tokenizer?
Ah yes, Punkt tokenizer is the magical unsupervised sentence boundary detection. And the author's last name is pretty cool too, Kiss and Strunk (2006). The idea is to use NO annotation to train a sentence boundary detector, hence the input will be ANY sort of plaintext (as long as the encoding is consistent).
To train a new model, simply use:
import nltk.tokenize.punkt
import pickle
import codecs
tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.punkt.PunktSentenceTokenizer()
text ="someplain.txt","r","utf8").read()
out = open("","wb")
pickle.dump(tokenizer, out)
To achieve higher precision and allow you to stop training at any time and still save a proper pickle for your tokenizer, do look at this code snippet for training a German sentence tokenizer, :
def train_punktsent(trainfile, modelfile):
""" Trains an unsupervised NLTK punkt sentence tokenizer. """
punkt = PunktTrainer()
with, 'r','utf8') as fin:
punkt.train(, finalize=False, verbose=False)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print 'KeyboardInterrupt: Stopping the reading of the dump early!'
##HACK: Adds abbreviations from rb_tokenizer.
abbrv_sent = " ".join([i.strip() for i in \'abbrev.lex','r','utf8').readlines()])
abbrv_sent = "Start"+abbrv_sent+"End."
punkt.train(abbrv_sent,finalize=False, verbose=False)
# Finalize and outputs trained model.
model = PunktSentenceTokenizer(punkt.get_params())
with open(modelfile, mode='wb') as fout:
pickle.dump(model, fout, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
return model
However do note that the period detection is very sensitive to the latin fullstop, question mark and exclamation mark. If you're going to train a punkt tokenizer for other languages that doesn't use latin orthography, you'll need to somehow hack the code to use the appropriate sentence boundary punctuation. If you're using NLTK's implementation of punkt, edit the sent_end_chars variable.
There are pre-trained models available other than the 'default' English tokenizer using nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(). Here they are:
Note the pre-trained models are currently not available because the nltk_data github repo listed above has been removed.

