Python dict overwrite value from a copy variable - python

I'm new on Python. I tried to write a script to read data from excel and post data as json to an API. Python is really different with Java. I have some questions can not understand.
The problem is I create a variable that is a copy from another one. When I give the value to the variable, the original variable also changed. Can anyone tell me why? And how to fix that. Thank you.
I have a as below:
APIContent = {
ContentInvoice = {
InvoiceItem = {
In a I created a copy var(contentInvoice) from APIContent.ContentInvoice. When I give values to contentInvoice. The APIContent.ContentInvoice also changed. So the next loop will create a contentInvoice with some values. The debug info please see image.
contentInvoice = APIContent.ContentInvoice.copy()
invoiceItem = APIContent.InvoiceItem.copy()
contentInvoice['detail']['invoiceNumber'] = row[0].value
contentInvoice['detail']['poNumber'] = row[1].value


Python parse JSON object and ask for selection of values

I am new to programming in general. I am trying to make a Python script that helps with making part numbers. Here, for an example, computer memory modules.
I have a python script that needs to read the bmt object from a JSON file. Then ask the user to select from it then append the value to a string.
{"common": {
"bmt": {
"DR1": "DDR",
"DR2": "DDR2",
"DR3": "DDR3",
"DR4": "DDR4",
"DR5": "DDR5",
"DR6": "DDR6",
"FER": "FeRAM",
"GD1": "GDDR",
"GD2": "GDDR2",
"GD3": "GDDR3",
"GD4": "GDDR4",
"GD5": "GDDR5",
"GX5": "GDDR5X",
"GD6": "GDDR6",
"GX6": "GDDR6X",
"LP1": "LPDDR",
"LP2": "LPDDR2",
"LP3": "LPDDR3",
"LP4": "LPDDR4",
"LX4": "LPDDR4X",
"LP5": "LPDDR5",
"MLP": "mDDR",
"OPX": "Intel Optane/Micron 3D XPoint",
"SRM": "SRAM",
"modtype": {
"CM": "Custom Module",
"DD": "DIMM",
"MD": "MicroDIMM",
"SM": "SIMM",
"SP": "SIPP",
"UD": "UniDIMM"
Example: There is a string called "code" that already has the value "MMD". The script asks the user what to select from the listed values, (e.g. "DR1"). If a selection is made (user enters "DR1", it appends that value to the string, the new value would be "MMDDR1".
This code is to print the JSON. This is how far I have gotten
def enc(code):
memdjson = json.loads("memd.json")
How do I do this?
Repo with the rest of the code is here:
import json
def enc(code):
memdjson = json.load(open("memd.json"))["common"]["bmt"]
selected = input("Select a value from the following: \n{}\n\n".format(' '.join(memdjson.keys())))
return code+memdjson[selected]
import json
import inquirer
with open(path_to_json_file) as f:
file = json.load(f)
code = "MMD"
questions = [
message="Select one of the following:",
answer = inquirer.prompt(questions)
code += answer

Get hyperlink from a cell in google Sheet api V4

I want to get the hyperlink of a cell (A1, for example) in Python. I have this code so far. Thanks
properties = {
"requests": [
"cell": {
"HyperlinkDisplayType": "LINKED"
"fields": "userEnteredFormat.HyperlinkDisplayType"
result = service.spreadsheets().values().get(
spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=rangeName, body=properties).execute()
values = result.get('values', [])
How about using sheets.spreadsheets.get? This sample script supposes that service of your script has already been able to be used for spreadsheets().values().get().
Sample script :
spreadsheetId = '### Spreadsheet ID ###'
range = ['sheet1!A1:A1'] # This is a sample.
result = service.spreadsheets().get(
If this was not useful for you, I'm sorry.
It seems to me like this is the only way to actually get the link info (address as well as display text):
result = service.spreadsheets().values().get(
spreadsheetId=spreadsheetId, range=range_name,
values = results.get('values', [])
This returns the raw content of the cells which for hyperlinks look like this for each cell:
For my use I've parsed it with the following simple regex:
You can check the hyperlink if you add at the end:
print (values[0])

Dynamically create list/dict during for loop for conversion to JSON

I am trying to build a list/dict that will be converted to JSON later on. I am trying to write the code that builds and populates the multiple levels of the JSON format I ultimately need. I am having an issue wrapping my head around this. Thank you for the help.
What I ultimately need -> Populate this list/dict:
dataset_permission_json = []
with this format:
I have multiple for loops that successfully print out the information I am pulling from an external API but I to be able to enter that data into the list/dict. The dynamic values I am trying to input are:
'project' i.e. test-project-1
'dataset' i.e. testing1
'role' i.e. READER
'google_group' i.e.
I have tried things like:
dataset_permission_json.update({'project': project})
but cannot figure out how not to overwrite the data during the multiple for loops.
for project in projects:
print(project) ## Need to add this variable to 'projects'
for bq_group in bq_groups:
delegated_credentials = credentials.create_delegated(bq_group)
http_auth = delegated_credentials.authorize(Http())
list_datasets_in_project = bigquery_service.datasets().list(projectId=project).execute()
datasets = list_datasets_in_project.get('datasets',[])
print(dataset['datasetReference']['datasetId']) ##Add the dataset to 'datasets' under the project
for dataset in datasets:
get_dataset_permissions_result = bigquery_service.datasets().get(projectId=project, datasetId=dataset['datasetReference']['datasetId']).execute()
dataset_permissions = get_dataset_permissions_result.get('access',[])
### ADD THE NEXT LEVEL 'permissions' level here?
for dataset_permission in dataset_permissions:
if 'groupByEmail' in dataset_permission:
if bq_group in dataset_permission['groupByEmail']:
print(dataset['datasetReference']['datasetId'] && dataset_permission['groupByEmail']) ##Add to each dataset
I appreciate the help.
EDIT: Updated Progress
Ok I have created the nested structure that I was looking for using StackOverflow
Things are great except for the last part. I am trying to append the role & group to each 'permission' nest, but after everything runs the data is only appended to the last 'permission' nest in the JSON structure. It seems like it is overwriting itself during the for loop. Thoughts?
Updated for loop:
for project in projects:
for bq_group in bq_groups:
delegated_credentials = credentials.create_delegated(bq_group)
http_auth = delegated_credentials.authorize(Http())
list_datasets_in_project = bigquery_service.datasets().list(projectId=project).execute()
datasets = list_datasets_in_project.get('datasets',[])
for dataset in datasets:
get_dataset_permissions_result = bigquery_service.datasets().get(projectId=project, datasetId=dataset['datasetReference']['datasetId']).execute()
dataset_permissions = get_dataset_permissions_result.get('access',[])
for dataset_permission in dataset_permissions:
if 'groupByEmail' in dataset_permission:
if bq_group in dataset_permission['groupByEmail']:
permission = {'group': dataset_permission['groupByEmail'],'role': dataset_permission['role']}
dataset_permission_json['permissions'] = permission
UPDATE: Solved.
permission = {'group': dataset_permission['groupByEmail'],'role': dataset_permission['role']}
dataset_permission_json['projects'][project]['datasets'][dataset['datasetReference']['datasetId']]['permissions'] = permission

Python - Parsing JSON Data Set

I am trying to parse a JSON data set that looks something like this:
"Status":"The campaign is moved to the archive",
"Status":"Impressions will begin tomorrow at 10:00",
Lets assume that there can be many of these data sets.
I would like to iterate through each one of them and grab the "Name" and the "Campaign ID" parameter.
So far my code looks something like this:
decoded_response ="UTF-8")
data = json.loads(decoded.response)
for item in data[0]:
for x in data[0][item] ...
-> need a get name procedure
-> need a get campaign_id procedure
Probably quite straight forward! I am not good with lists/dictionaries :(
Access dictionaries with d[dict_key] or d.get(dict_key, default) (to provide default value):
jsonData = jsonResponse["data"]
for item in jsonData:
name = item.get("Name")
campaignID = item.get("CampaignID")
I suggest you read something about dictionaries.

MongoDB - Upsert with increment

I am trying to run the following query:
data = {
'text':'Lorem ipsum',
self.db.collection('collection').update({'user_id':1}, data, upsert=True)
but the two '$' queries cause it to fail. Is it possible to do this within one statement?
First of all, when you ask a question like this it's very helpful to add information on why it's failing (e.g. copy the error).
Your query fails because you're mixing $ operators with document overrides. You should use the $set operator for the user_id and text fields as well (although the user_id part in your update is irrelevant at this example).
So convert this to pymongo query:
{$set:{text:"Lorem ipsum", updated:new Date()}, $inc:{count:1}},
I've removed the user_id in the update because that isn't necessary. If the document exists this value will already be 1. If it doesn't exist the upsert will copy the query part of your update into the new document.
If you're trying to do the following:
If the doc doesn't exist, insert a new doc.
If it exists, then only increment one field.
Then you can use a combo of $setOnInsert and $inc. If the song exists then $setOnInsert won't do anything and $inc will increase the value of "listened". If the song doesn't exist, then it will create a new doc with the fields "songId" and "songName". Then $inc will create the field and set the value to be 1.
let songsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
songId: String,
songName: String,
listened: Number
let Song = mongoose.model('Song', songsSchema);
let saveSong = (song) => {
return Song.updateOne(
{songId: song.songId},
$inc: {listened: 1},
$setOnInsert: {
songId: song.songId,
songName: song.songName,
{upsert: true}
.then((savedSong) => {
return savedSong;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('ERROR SAVING SONG IN DB', err);

