How can I stack arrays in an alternating fashion? Consider the following example with three arrays:
import numpy as np
one = np.ones((5, 2, 2))
two = np.ones((5, 2, 2))*2
three = np.ones((5, 2, 2))*3
I would like to create a new array result with shape (15, 2, 2) which is formed by alternately taking a slice from each of the given arrays, i.e. the result should look like:
result[0] = one[0]
result[1] = two[0]
result[2] = three[0]
result[3] = one[1]
result[4] = two[1]
result[5] = three[1]
result[6] = one[2]
The arrays above are just an example to illustrate the question, I am not looking for a way to create this specific result array. What is the easiest way to achieve this, at best with specifying a stacking axis?
Of course, it is possible to do some loops but it seems rather inconvenient...
You may wanne take a look at np.stack() i.e.:
np.stack([one, two, three], axis=1).reshape(15, 2, 2)
With np.hstack and then reshape (with -1 for the first axis appended with the lengths along last two axes for a generic solution) -
I think you are looking for np.vstack
Read more about it here np.vstack
With selectable axis:
# example arrays
a,b,c = np.multiply.outer([1,2,3],np.ones((5,2,2)))
# axis
k = 1
np.stack([a,b,c],k+1).reshape(*(-(k==j) or s for j,s in enumerate(a.shape)))
# array([[[1., 1.],
# [2., 2.],
# [3., 3.],
# [1., 1.],
# [2., 2.],
# [3., 3.]],
# [[1., 1.],
I am interested in implementing this paper on Kronecker Recurrent Units in TensorFlow.
This involves the computation of a Kronecker Product. TensorFlow does not have an operation for Kronecker Products. I am looking for an efficient and robust way to compute this.
Does this exist, or would I need to define a TensorFlow op manually?
If you will read the math definition of conv2d_transpose and see what Kronecker product calculates, you will see that with the appropriate size of stides for conv2d_tranpose (width, height of the second matrix), it does the same thing.
Moreover you even have batching of Kronecker's product out of the box with conv2d_transpose.
Here is an example of you which calculates the Kronecker's product for matrices from wiki.
import tensorflow as tf
a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
b = [[0, 5], [6, 7]]
i, k, s = len(a), len(b), len(b)
o = s * (i - 1) + k
a_tf = tf.reshape(tf.constant(a, dtype=tf.float32), [1, i, i, 1])
b_tf = tf.reshape(tf.constant(b, dtype=tf.float32), [k, k, 1, 1])
res = tf.squeeze(tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(a_tf, b_tf, (1, o, o, 1), [1, s, s, 1], "VALID"))
with tf.Session() as sess:
Notice that in the case of a non-square matrix, you will need to calulcate more dimensions in the lines:
i, k, s = len(a), len(b), len(b)
o = s * (i - 1) + k
and use them properly as your strides/outputs arguments.
TensorFlow 1.7+ provides the function kronecker_product in tf.contrib.kfac.utils.kronecker_product:
a = tf.eye(3)
b = tf.constant([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
kron = tf.contrib.kfac.utils.kronecker_product(a, b)
array([[1., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[3., 4., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 2., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 3., 4., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 2.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 3., 4.]], dtype=float32)
Here's the utility I use for this. See kronecker_test for example of usage
def fix_shape(tf_shape):
return tuple(int(dim) for dim in tf_shape)
def concat_blocks(blocks, validate_dims=True):
"""Takes 2d grid of blocks representing matrices and concatenates to single
matrix (aka ArrayFlatten)"""
if validate_dims:
col_dims = np.array([[int(b.shape[1]) for b in row] for row in blocks])
col_sums = col_dims.sum(1)
assert (col_sums[0] == col_sums).all()
row_dims = np.array([[int(b.shape[0]) for b in row] for row in blocks])
row_sums = row_dims.sum(0)
assert (row_sums[0] == row_sums).all()
block_rows = [tf.concat(row, axis=1) for row in blocks]
return tf.concat(block_rows, axis=0)
def chunks(l, n):
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
original_shape_func = ops.set_shapes_for_outputs
def disable_shape_inference():
ops.set_shapes_for_outputs = lambda _: _
def enable_shape_inference():
ops.set_shapes_for_outputs = original_shape_func
def kronecker(A, B, do_shape_inference=True):
"""Kronecker product of A,B.
turn_off_shape_inference: if True, makes 10x10 kron go 2.4 sec -> 0.9 sec
Arows, Acols = fix_shape(A.shape)
Brows, Bcols = fix_shape(B.shape)
Crows, Ccols = Arows*Brows, Acols*Bcols
temp = tf.reshape(A, [-1, 1, 1])*tf.expand_dims(B, 0)
Bshape = tf.constant((Brows, Bcols))
# turn off shape inference
if not do_shape_inference:
# [1, n, m] => [n, m]
slices = [tf.reshape(s, Bshape) for s in tf.split(temp, Crows)]
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
grid = list(chunks(slices, Acols))
assert len(grid) == Arows
result = concat_blocks(grid, validate_dims=do_shape_inference)
if not do_shape_inference:
result.set_shape((Arows*Brows, Acols*Bcols))
return result
def kronecker_test():
A0 = [[1,2],[3,4]]
B0 = [[6,7],[8,9]]
A = tf.constant(A0)
B = tf.constant(B0)
C = kronecker(A, B)
sess = tf.Session()
C0 =
Ct = [[6, 7, 12, 14], [8, 9, 16, 18], [18, 21, 24, 28], [24, 27, 32, 36]]
Cnp = np.kron(A0, B0)
check_equal(C0, Ct)
check_equal(C0, Cnp)
Try the following solution, see if it works for you:
def tf_kron(a,b):
a_shape = [a.shape[0].value,a.shape[1].value]
b_shape = [b.shape[0].value,b.shape[1].value]
return tf.reshape(tf.reshape(a,[a_shape[0],1,a_shape[1],1])*tf.reshape(b,[1,b_shape[0],1,b_shape[1]]),[a_shape[0]*b_shape[0],a_shape[1]*b_shape[1]])
How about something like this:
def kron(x, y):
"""Computes the Kronecker product of two matrices.
x: A matrix (or batch thereof) of size m x n.
y: A matrix (or batch thereof) of size p x q.
z: Kronecker product of matrices x and y of size mp x nq
with tf.name_scope('kron'):
x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype_hint=tf.float32)
y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y, dtype_hint=x.dtype)
def _maybe_expand(x):
xs = tf.pad(
paddings=[[tf.maximum(2 - tf.rank(x), 0), 0]],
x = tf.reshape(x, xs)
_, mx, nx = tf.split(xs, num_or_size_splits=[-1, 1, 1])
return x, mx, nx
x, mx, nx = _maybe_expand(x)
y, my, ny = _maybe_expand(y)
x = x[..., :, tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis]
y = y[..., tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis, :]
z = x * y
bz = tf.shape(z)[:-4]
z = tf.reshape(z, tf.concat([bz, mx * my, nx * ny], axis=0))
return z
This solution:
supports batches
supports broadcasting
works in xla
clearly shows the relationship between numpy broadcasting and kronecker products.
For my astronomy homework, I need to simulate the elliptical orbit of a planet around a sun. To do this, I need to use a for loop to repeatedly calculate the motion of the planet. However, every time I try to run the program, I get the following error:
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 25, in <module>
ax[i] = a(x[i],y[i])*x[i]
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
I've done some testing, and I think the problem lies in the fact that the values that are calculated are greater than what fits in an integer, and the arrays are defined as int arrays. So if there was a way do define them as float arrays, maybe it would work. Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dt = 3600 #s
N = 5000
x = np.tile(0, N)
y = np.tile(0, N)
x[0] = 1.496e11 #m
y[0] = 0.0
vx = np.tile(0, N)
vy = np.tile(0, N)
vx[0] = 0.0
vy[0] = 28000 #m/s
ax = np.tile(0, N)
ay = np.tile(0, N)
m1 = 1.988e30 #kg
G = 6.67e-11 #Nm^2kg^-2
def a(x,y):
return (-G*m1)/r
for i in range (0,N):
r = x[i],y[i]
ax[i] = a(x[i],y[i])*x[i]
ay[i] = a(x[i],y[i])*y[i]
vx[i+1] = vx[i] + ax[i]*dt
vy[i+1] = vy[i] + ay[i]*dt
x[i+1] = x[i] + vx[i]*dt
y[i+1] = y[i] + vy[i]*dt
The first few lines are just some starting parameters.
Thanks for the help in advance!
When you are doing physics simulations you should definitely use floats for everything. 0 is an integer constant in Python, and thus np.tile creates integer arrays; use 0.0 as the argument to np.tile to do floating point arrays; or preferably use the np.zeros(N) instead:
You can check the datatype of any array variable from its dtype member:
>>> np.tile(0, 10).dtype
>>> np.tile(0.0, 10).dtype
>>> np.zeros(10)
array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
>>> np.zeros(10).dtype
To get a zeroed array of float32 you'd need to give a float32 as the argument:
>>> np.tile(np.float32(0), 10)
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32)
or, preferably, use zeros with a defined dtype:
>>> np.zeros(10, dtype='float32')
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype=float32)
You need x = np.zeros(N), etc.: this declares the arrays as float arrays.
This is the standard way of putting zeros in an array (np.tile() is convenient for creating a tiling with a fixed array).
I want to broadcast a function f over a vectors so that the result is a matrix P where P[i,j] = f(v[i], v[j]).
I know that I can do it simply:
P = zeros( (v.shape[0], v.shape[0]) )
for i in range(P.shape[0]):
for j in range(P.shape[0]):
P[i, j] = f(v[i,:], v[j,:])
or more hacky:
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
P = cdist(v, v, metric=f)
But I am looking for the fastest and neatest way to do it.
This seems like a function of broadcasting that numpy should have built-in.
Any suggestions?
I believe what you search for is numpy.vectorize. Use it like so:
def f(x, y):
return x + y
v = numpy.array([1,2,3])
# vectorize the function
vf = numpy.vectorize(f)
# "transposing" the vector by producing a view with another shape
vt = v.reshape((v.shape[0], 1)
# calculate over all combinations using broadcast
vf(v, vt)
array([[ 2., 3., 4.],
[ 3., 4., 5.],
[ 4., 5., 6.]])
I am very new to Python (in the past I used Mathematica, Maple, or Matlab scripts). I am very impressed how NumPy can evaluate functions over arrays but having problems trying to implement it in several dimensions. My question is very simple (please don't laugh): is there a more elegant and efficient way to evaluate some function f (which is defined over R^2) without using loops?
import numpy
for i in range(0,10):
for j in range(0,10):
return M
The goal when coding with numpy is to implement your computation on the whole array, as much as possible. So if your function is, for example, f(x,y) = x**2 +2*y and you want to apply it to all integer pairs x,y in [0,10]x[0,10], do:
x,y = np.mgrid[0:10, 0:10]
fxy = x**2 + 2*y
If you don't find a way to express your function in such a way, then:
Ask how to do it (and state explicitly the function definition)
use numpy.vectorize
Same example using vectorize:
def f(x,y): return x**2 + 2*y
x,y = np.mgrid[0:10, 0:10]
fxy = np.vectorize(f)(x.ravel(),y.ravel()).reshape(x.shape)
Note that in practice I only use vectorize similarly to python map when the content of the arrays are not numbers. A typical example is to compute the length of all list in an array of lists:
# construct a sample list of lists
list_of_lists = np.array([range(i) for i in range(1000)])
print np.vectorize(len)(list_of_lists)
# [0,1 ... 998,999]
Yes, many numpy functions operate on N-dimensional arrays. Take this example:
>>> M = numpy.zeros((3,3))
>>> M[0][0] = 1
>>> M[2][2] = 1
>>> M
array([[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 1.]])
>>> M > 0.5
array([[ True, False, False],
[False, False, False],
[False, False, True]], dtype=bool)
>>> numpy.sum(M)
Note the difference between numpy.sum, which operates on N-dimensional arrays, and sum, which only goes 1 level deep:
>>> sum(M)
array([ 1., 0., 1.])
So if you build your function f() out of operations that work on n-dimensional arrays, then f() itself will work on n-dimensional arrays.
You can also use numpy multi-dimension slicing, like below. You just provide slices for each dimension:
arr = np.zeros((5,5)) # 5 rows, 5 columns
# update only first column
arr[:,0] = 1
# update only last row ... same as arr[-1] = 1
arr[-1,:] = 1
# update center
arr[1:-1, 1:-1] = 1
print arr
array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])
A pure python answer, not depending upon numpy tools, is to make the Cartesian Product of two sequences:
from itertools import product
for i, j in product(range(0, 10), range(0, 10)):
Edit: Actually, I should have read the question properly. This still uses loops, just one less loop.