Using values from previous rows when using Pandas Apply Function - python

Hi I'm trying to create new columns to a time-series Pandas dataframe that is essentially tracking the charging and discharging of a battery. I can make it work with iterrows, but as you might expect it's very slow on a large time-series. From some internet searching im thinking Apply is the way to go (or not, im hoping you'll point me in the right direction) but im having trouble trying to access values from the previous time step. ive created this very simplified piece of code that tries to capture what im attempting to do. Basically i cannot figure out how to pass the 'end' value that i calculate on the previous row to the 'start' value on the next row.
df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'NetPosition': [-10, -5, 10], 'row_no': [0,1,2]})
df['start'] = 0
df['end'] = 0
df['dispatch'] = 0
starting_value = 20
max_rating = 4
def f(x):
prev_index = max(0,int(x.row_no-1))
if x.row_no == 0:
start = starting_value
start = df['end'].iloc[prev_index]
# this is the part that doesn't work - im attempting to pull the end value from the previous row into the new next row
if x['NetPosition']<0:
dispatch = min(np.abs(x['NetPosition']), max_rating, start)
end = start - dispatch
dispatch = 0
end = start
return pd.Series([start,end,dispatch])
df[['start','end','dispatch']] = df.apply(lambda x: f(x), axis=1)

Use pd.shift(1) to get the last value on top. Use pd.shift(-1) to get the next row below. Use np.where similar to =IF function in excel.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'NetPosition': [-10, -5, 10], 'row_no': [0,1,2]})
df['start'] = 0
df['end'] = 0
df['dispatch'] = 0
starting_value = 20
max_rating = 4
df.dispatch = np.where(df.NetPosition < 0, min(max_rating,df['NetPosition'].abs().min()) ,0)
df.start = df.end.shift(1)
df.start = df.start.fillna(20)
df.end = np.where(df.NetPosition < 0, df.start, df.start - df.dispatch)


Calculation of the removal percentage for chemical parameters (faster code)

I have to calculate the removal pecentages of chemical/biological parameters (e.g. after an oxidation process) in a waster water treatment plant.
My code code works so far and does exactly what it should do, but it is really slow.
On my laptop the calculation for the original dataset took about 10 sec and on my PC 4 sec for a 15x80 Data Frame. That is too long, especially if I have to deal with more rows.
What the code does:
The formula for the single removal is defined as: 1 - n(i)/n(i-1)
and for the total removal: 1 - n(i)/n(0)
Every measuring point has its own ID. The code searches for the ID's and performs the calculation and saves it in the data frame.
Here is an example (I cant post the original data):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = {"ID": ["X1_P0001", "X2_P0001", "X3_P0001", "X1_P0002", "X2_P0002", "X3_P0002", "X4_P0002","X5_P0002", "X1_P0003", "X2_P0003", "X3_P0003"],
"Measurement": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35]}
df["S_removal"]= np.nan
df["T_removal"]= np.nan
Data Frame before calculation
this is my function for the calculation:
def removal_TEST(Rem1, Measure, Rem2):
lst = [i.split("_")[1] for i in df["ID"]] #takes relevant ID information
y = np.unique(lst) #stores unique ID values to loop over them
for ID in y:
id_list = []
for i in range(0, len(df["ID"])):
if ID in df["ID"][i]:
else: # this stores only the relevant id in a new list
indexlist = pd.Series(id_list)
first_index = indexlist.first_valid_index() #gets the first and last index of the id list
last_index = indexlist.last_valid_index()
col_indizes = []
for i in range(first_index, last_index+1):
for i in col_indizes:
if i == 0:
continue # for i=0 there is no 0-1 element, so i=0 should be skipped
Rem1[i]= 1-(Measure[i]/Measure[i-1])
Rem1[first_index]= np.nan #first entry of an ID must be NaN value
for i in range(first_index, last_index+1):
for i in range(len(Rem2)):
for i in col_indizes:
Rem2[i]= 1-(Measure[i]/Measure[first_index])
Rem2[first_index]= np.nan
this is the result:
Final Data Frame
I am new to Python and to stackoverflow (so sorry if my code and question are not so good to read). Are there any good libraries to speed up my code, or do you have some suggestions?
Thank you :)
Your use of Pandas seems to be getting in the way of solving the problem. The only relevant state seems to be when the group changes and the first and previous measurement values for each row.
I'd be tempted to solve this just using Python primitives, but you could solve this in other ways if you had lots of data (i.e. millions of rows).
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
"ID": ["X1_P0001", "X2_P0001", "X3_P0001", "X1_P0002", "X2_P0002", "X3_P0002", "X4_P0002","X5_P0002", "X1_P0003", "X2_P0003", "X3_P0003"],
"Measurement": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35],
"S_removal": float('nan'),
"T_removal": float('nan'),
# somewhere keep track of the last group identifier
last = None
# iterate over rows
for idx, ID, meas in zip(df.index, df['ID'], df['Measurement']):
# what's the current group name
_, grp = ID.split('_', 1)
# see if we're in a new group
if grp != last:
last = grp
# track the group's measurement
grp_meas = meas
# calculate things
df.loc[idx, 'S_removal'] = 1 - meas / last_meas
df.loc[idx, 'T_removal'] = 1 - meas / grp_meas
# keep track of the last measurement
last_meas = meas
I've commented the code in the hopes it makes sense. This takes ~2 seconds for 1000 copies of your example data, so 11000 rows.
Given that OP has said this needs to be done for a wide dataset, here's another version that reduces runtime to ~30ms for 11000 rows and 2 columns:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = {
"ID": ["X1_P0001", "X2_P0001", "X3_P0001", "X1_P0002", "X2_P0002", "X3_P0002", "X4_P0002","X5_P0002", "X1_P0003", "X2_P0003", "X3_P0003"],
"M1": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35],
"M2": [100, 80, 60, 120,90,70,50,25, 85,65,35],
# reset_index() because code below assumes they are unique
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data)]*1000).reset_index()
# column names
measurement_col_names = ['M1', 'M2']
single_output_names = ['S1', 'S2']
total_output_names = ['T1', 'T2']
# somewhere keep track of the last group identifier
last = None
# somewhere to store intermediate state
vals_idx = []
meas_vals = []
last_vals = []
grp_vals = []
# iterate over rows
for idx, ID, meas in zip(df.index, df['ID'], df.loc[:,measurement_col_names].values):
# what's the current group name
_, grp = ID.split('_', 1)
# we're in a new group
if grp != last:
last = grp
# track the group's measurement
grp_meas = meas
# track values and which rows they apply to
# keep track of the last measurement
last_meas = meas
# convert to numpy array so it vectorises nicely
meas_vals = np.array(meas_vals)
# perform calculation using fast numpy operations
df.loc[vals_idx, single_output_names] = 1 - (meas_vals / last_vals)
df.loc[vals_idx, total_output_names] = 1 - (meas_vals / grp_vals)

Apply row wise conditional function on dataframe python

I have a dataframe in which I want to execute a function that checks if the actual value is a relative maximum, and check if the previous ''n'' values are lower than the actual value.
Having a dataframe 'df_data':
temp_list = [128.71, 130.2242, 131.0, 131.45, 129.69, 130.17, 132.63, 131.63, 131.0499, 131.74, 133.6116, 134.74, 135.99, 138.789, 137.34, 133.46, 132.43, 134.405, 128.31, 129.1]
df_data = pd.DataFrame(temp)
First I create a function that will check the previous conditions:
def get_max(high, rolling_max, prev,post):
if ((high > prev) & (high>post) & (high>rolling_max)):
return 1
return 0
df_data['rolling_max'] = df_data.high.rolling(n).max().shift()
Then I apply previous condition row wise:
df_data['ismax'] = df_data.apply(lambda x: get_max(df_data['high'], df_data['rolling_max'],df_data['high'].shift(1),df_data['high'].shift(-1)),axis = 1)
The problem is that I have always get the following error:
ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
Which comes due to applying the boolean condition from 'get_max' function to a Serie.
I will love to have a vectorized function, not using loops.
df_data['ismax'] = ((df_data['high'].gt(df_data.high.rolling(n).max().shift())) & (df_data['high'].gt(df_data['high'].shift(1))) & (df_data['high'].gt(df_data['high'].shift(-1)))).astype(int)
The error is occuring because you are sending the entire series (entire column) to your get_max function rather than doing it row-wise. Creating new columns for the shifted "prev" and "post" values and then using df.apply(func, axis = 1) normally will work fine here.
As you have hinted at, this solution is quite inefficient and looping through every row will become much slower as your dataframe increases in size.
On my computer, the below code posts:
LIST_MULTIPLIER = 1, Vectorised code: 0.29s, Row-wise code: 0.38s
LIST_MULTIPLIER = 100, Vectorised code: 0.31s, Row-wise code = 13.27s
In general therefore it is best to avoid using df.apply(..., axis = 1) as you can almost always get a better solution using logical operators.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
def get_dataframe():
temp_list = [128.71, 130.2242, 131.0, 131.45, 129.69, 130.17, 132.63,
131.63, 131.0499, 131.74, 133.6116, 134.74, 135.99,
138.789, 137.34, 133.46, 132.43, 134.405, 128.31, 129.1] * LIST_MULTIPLIER
df = pd.DataFrame(temp_list)
df.columns = ['high']
return df
df_original = get_dataframe()
t1 =
for i in range(ITERATIONS):
df = df_original.copy()
df['rolling_max'] = df.high.rolling(2).max().shift()
df['high_prev'] = df['high'].shift(1)
df['high_post'] = df['high'].shift(-1)
mask_prev = df['high'] > df['high_prev']
mask_post = df['high'] > df['high_post']
mask_rolling = df['high'] > df['rolling_max']
mask_max = mask_prev & mask_post & mask_rolling
df['ismax'] = 0
df.loc[mask_max, 'ismax'] = 1
t2 =
print(f"{t2 - t1}")
df_first_method = df.copy()
t3 =
def get_max_rowwise(row):
if ((row.high > row.high_prev) &
(row.high > row.high_post) &
(row.high > row.rolling_max)):
return 1
return 0
for i in range(ITERATIONS):
df = df_original.copy()
df['rolling_max'] = df.high.rolling(2).max().shift()
df['high_prev'] = df['high'].shift(1)
df['high_post'] = df['high'].shift(-1)
df['ismax'] = df.apply(get_max_rowwise, axis = 1)
t4 =
print(f"{t4 - t3}")
df_second_method = df.copy()

How to optimize this pandas iterable

I have the following method in which I am eliminating overlapping intervals in a dataframe based on a set of hierarchical rules:
def disambiguate(arg):
arg['length'] = (arg.end - arg.begin).abs()
df = arg[['begin', 'end', 'note_id', 'score', 'length']].copy()
data = []
out = pd.DataFrame()
for row in df.itertuples():
test = df[df['note_id']==row.note_id].copy()
# get overlapping intervals:
iix = pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays(test.begin.apply(pd.to_numeric), test.end.apply(pd.to_numeric), closed='neither')
span_range = pd.Interval(row.begin, row.end)
fx = test[iix.overlaps(span_range)].copy()
maxLength = fx['length'].max()
minLength = fx['length'].min()
maxScore = abs(float(fx['score'].max()))
minScore = abs(float(fx['score'].min()))
# filter out overlapping rows via hierarchy
if maxScore > minScore:
fx = fx[fx['score'] == maxScore]
elif maxLength > minLength:
fx = fx[fx['length'] == minScore]
out = pd.concat(data, axis=0)
# randomly reindex to keep random row when dropping remaining duplicates:
out = out.reindex(np.random.permutation(out.index))
return out.drop_duplicates(subset=['begin', 'end', 'note_id'])
This works fine, except for the fact that the dataframes I am iterating over have well over 100K rows each, so this is taking forever to complete. I did a timing of various methods using %prun in Jupyter, and the method that seems to eat up processing time was ... NB: I tried using modin.pandas, but that was causing more problems (I kept getting an error wrt to Interval needing a value where left was less than right, which I couldn't figure out: I may file a GitHub issue there).
Am looking for a way to optimize this, such as using vectorization, but honestly, I don't have the slightest clue how to convert this to a vectotrized form.
Here is a sample of my data:
I think I know what the issue was: I did my filtering on note_id incorrectly, and thus iterating over the entire dataframe.
It should been:
cases = set(df['note_id'].tolist())
for case in cases:
test = df[df['note_id']==case].copy()
for row in df.itertuples():
# get overlapping intervals:
iix = pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays(test.begin, test.end, closed='neither')
span_range = pd.Interval(row.begin, row.end)
fx = test[iix.overlaps(span_range)].copy()
maxLength = fx['length'].max()
minLength = fx['length'].min()
maxScore = abs(float(fx['score'].max()))
minScore = abs(float(fx['score'].min()))
if maxScore > minScore:
fx = fx[fx['score'] == maxScore]
elif maxLength > minLength:
fx = fx[fx['length'] == maxLength]
out = pd.concat(data, axis=0)
For testing on one note, before I stopped iterating over the entire, non-filtered dataframe, it was taking over 16 minutes. Now, it's at 28 seconds!

Summing Segments of a Dataframe Column Python

I'm trying to loop through my DataFrame to create 5 year future returns from each initial i. My code is as follows, but it gives me the Error: Invalid Syntax.
list = ['aapl','tsla','vz','t']
df =, start = start_of_interval, end = end_of_interval, interval = data_interval)['Adj Close']
df = DataFrame(df)
df['Returns'] = df.pct_change()
l = df.index.values
for i in range(0,len(l)):
df.loc[l[i], '5YearReturn'] = df.cumsum(df.loc[l[i], "Returns"]:df.loc[l[i+1824], "Returns"])
Can I not use cumsum in this way?

pandas: setting last N rows of multi-index to Nan for speeding up groupby with shift

I am trying to speed up my groupby.apply + shift and
thanks to this previous question and answer: How to speed up Pandas multilevel dataframe shift by group? I can prove that it does indeed speed things up when you have many groups.
From that question I now have the following code to set the first entry in each multi-index to Nan. And now I can do my shift globally rather than per group.
df.iloc[df.groupby(level=0).size().cumsum()[:-1]] = np.nan
but I want to look forward, not backwards, and need to do calculations across N rows. So I am trying to use some similar code to set the last N entries to NaN, but obviously I am missing some important indexing knowledge as I just can't figure it out.
I figure I want to convert this so that every entry is a range rather than a single integer. How would I do that?
# the start of each group, ignoring the first entry
Test setup (for backwards shift) if you want to try it:
length = 5
groups = 3
rng1 = pd.date_range('1/1/1990', periods=length, freq='D')
frames = []
for x in xrange(0,groups):
tmpdf = pd.DataFrame({'date':rng1,'category':int(10000000*abs(np.random.randn())),'colA':np.random.randn(length),'colB':np.random.randn(length)})
df = pd.concat(frames)
df['tmpShift'] = df['colB'].shift(1)
df.iloc[df.groupby(level=0).size().cumsum()[:-1]] = np.nan
# Yay this is so much faster.
df['newColumn'] = df['tmpShift'] / df['colA']
I ended up doing it using a groupby apply as follows (and coded to work forwards or backwards):
def replace_tail(grp,col,N,value):
if (N > 0):
grp[col][:N] = value
grp[col][N:] = value
return grp
df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(replace_tail,'tmpShift',2,np.nan)
So the final code is:
def replace_tail(grp,col,N,value):
if (N > 0):
grp[col][:N] = value
grp[col][N:] = value
return grp
length = 5
groups = 3
rng1 = pd.date_range('1/1/1990', periods=length, freq='D')
frames = []
for x in xrange(0,groups):
tmpdf = pd.DataFrame({'date':rng1,'category':int(10000000*abs(np.random.randn())),'colA':np.random.randn(length),'colB':np.random.randn(length)})
df = pd.concat(frames)
df['tmpShift'] = df['colB'].shift(shiftBy)
df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(replace_tail,'tmpShift',shiftBy,np.nan)
# Yay this is so much faster.
df['newColumn'] = df['tmpShift'] / df['colA']

