How to write zero bytes to stdin of subprocess? - python

There's a console program I want to run from a python script. Let me call it the child.
Once in a while, to continue processing, the child expects to read 0 bytes of data from stdin.
For simplicity, let's assume the child is the following python script:
import os
import sys
import time
stdin = sys.stdin.fileno()
def speak(message):
print(message, flush=True, end="")
while True:
speak("Please say nothing!")
data =, 1024)
if data == b"":
speak("Thank you for nothing.")
speak("I won't continue unless you keep silent.")
To work successfully (i.e. seeing "Thank you for nothing." printed), you must typically hit Ctrl+D when running it in a UNIX terminal, while in cmd or PowerShell under Windows hitting Ctrl+Z followed by Enter will do the trick.
Here's an attempt to run the child from inside a python script, which I shall call the parent:
import os
import subprocess
def speak_to_child(child_stdin_r, child_stdin_w, message):
child = subprocess.Popen(
["python", ""],
child_stdout_r = child.stdout.fileno()
while True:
data =, 1024)
print(f"child said: {data}")
if data == b"Please say nothing!":
os.write(child_stdin_w, message)
child_stdin_r, child_stdin_w = os.pipe()
speak_to_child(child_stdin_r, child_stdin_w, b"Not sure how to say nothing.")
This is of course an unsuccessful attempt as the child will clearly answer with "I won't continue unless you keep silent." after reading "Not sure how to say nothing." from its stdin.
Naively changing the message b"Not sure how to say nothing." in the parent to the empty message b"" doesn't get rid of the problem, since writing 0 bytes to a pipe won't cause a read of 0 bytes on the receiving end.
Now on UNIX we could easily solve the problem by replacing the pipe with a pseudoterminal and the empty message b"" with an EOT character b"\x04" like so:
import pty
child_stdin_w, child_stdin_r = pty.openpty()
speak_to_child(child_stdin_r, child_stdin_w, b"\x04")
This works ... but evidently not on Windows. So now my questions:
On UNIX, is using a pseudoterminal the best way to force the read of 0 bytes or is there a better way?
On Windows, given that pseudoterminals aren't available, how can I solve the problem?
A platform agnostic solution would of course be ideal.


python - force input() to read newline character from a different thread and forward execution

I want to figure out a way to programmatically avoid the builtin input() method stopping and waiting for user input.
Here is a snippet showing what I'm trying to do:
import sys
from threading import Thread
def kill_input():
sys.stdout.flush() # just to make sure the output is really written to stdout and not bufferized
t = Thread(target=kill_input)
foo = input('Press some key')
print('input() method has been bypassed')
Expected behavior: the script executes and terminates without waiting for enter key to be pressed.
On the contrary, what's happening is the program stopping to wait for user entering some input.
In my thoughts input() should read the newline character ('\n') printed on stdout by the other thread and terminates by executing the final print statement. That thread should simulate a user pressing the enter key. I do not understand what's going on behind
Maybe one other possible way is to close the stdin file descriptor from the non-main thread and catching the exception on the main one.
def kill_input():
Possibly I would like to avoid this option and rather understand what's going on behind this logic and find a way to force the main thread to read some mock characters from the stdin.
Edit - using subprocess module
Based on these related posts I've had a look to the subprocess module. I've thought this is the case for the Popen class to come in handy, so I've modified my script to exploit pipes
import sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def kill_input():
proc = Popen(['python3', '-c', 'pass'], stdin=PIPE)
proc.stdin.write('some text just to force parent proc to read'.encode())
t = Thread(target=kill_input)
print('input() method has been bypassed')
From my understanding, that should create a process with the Popen (the commend python3 -c 'pass' acts like a placeholder) whose (should?) stdin is a unix pipe opened with the parent process.
What I'm expecting is anything written to the child process stdin to go straight to the stdin of the parent in order to be read by the So the program shouldn't stop to wait for any user input and it should terminates instantly. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen and the script still waits for me pressing enter. I cannot really find out a workaround for this.
[Python version: 3.8.5]
In your first piece of code, you were writing to sys.stdout, which by default won't effect the contents of sys.stdin. Also, by default, you can't directly write to sys.stdin, but you can change it to a different file. To do this, you can use os.pipe(), which will return a tuple of a file descriptor for reading from the new pipe, and a file descriptor for writing to the pipe.
We can then use os.fdopen on these file descriptors, and assign sys.stdin to the read end of the pipe, while in another thread we write to the other end of the pipe.
import sys
import os
from threading import Thread
fake_stdin_read_fd, fake_stdin_write_fd = os.pipe()
fake_stdin_read = os.fdopen(fake_stdin_read_fd, 'r')
fake_stdin_write = os.fdopen(fake_stdin_write_fd, 'w')
sys.stdin = fake_stdin_read
def kill_input():
thread = Thread(target=kill_input)
print('input() method has been bypassed!')

Python subprocess output blocking on application prompt

I am running jirashell in a python script using the subprocess library. I am currently having issues having the outputs print in real time. When I run jirashell it outputs information than prompts the user (y/n). The subprocess won't print out information prior to the prompt until I enter 'y' or 'n'.
The code I am using is
_consumer_key = "justin-git"
_cmd = "jirashell -s {0} -od -k {1} -ck {2} -pt".format(JIRA_SERVER,
_rsa_private_key_path, _consumer_key)
p = subprocess.Popen(_cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0)
out, err = p.communicate() # Blocks here
print out
print err
The output is like so:
n # I enter a "n" before program will print output.
Request tokens received.
Request token: asqvavefafegagadggsgewgqqegqgqge
Request token secret: asdbresbdfbrebsaerbbsbdabweabfbb
Please visit this URL to authorize the OAuth request:
Have you authorized this program to connect on your behalf to http://localhost:8000? (y/n)
Abandoning OAuth dance. Your partner faceplants. The audience boos. You feel shame.
Does anyone know how I can have it print the output prior to the prompt than wait for an input of y/n? Note I also need to be able to store the output produced by the command so "os.system()" won't work...
It looks like inside jirashell there is a part of the code that is waiting for an input and this is causing the block. Until something is passed into this input nothing is outputted... Still looking into how I can get around this. I'm in the process of trying to move the portion of code I need into my application. This solution doesn't seem elegant but I can't see any other way right now.
approved = input(
'Have you authorized this program to connect on your behalf to {}? (y/n)'.format(server))
Method which prints and caches the standard output:
You can use a thread which reads the standard output of your subprocess, while the main thread is blocked until the subprocess is done. The following example will run the program, which looks like
#!/usr/bin/env python3
x = input("Type 'yes': ")
import threading
import subprocess
import sys
class LivePrinter(threading.Thread):
Thread which reads byte-by-byte from the input stream and writes it to the
standard out.
def __init__(self, stream): = stream
self.log = bytearray()
def run(self):
while True:
# read one byte from the stream
buf =
# break if end of file reached
if len(buf) == 0:
# save output to internal log
# write and flush to main standard output
# create subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen('./', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Create reader and start the thread
r = LivePrinter(p.stdout)
# Wait until subprocess is done
# Print summary
print(" -- The process is done now -- ")
print("The standard output was:")
The class LivePrinter reads every byte from the subprocess and writes it to the standard output. (I have to admit, this is not the most efficient approach, but a larger buffer size blocks, the LiveReader until the buffer is full, even though the subprocess is awaiting the answer to a prompt.) Since the bytes are written to sys.stdout.buffer, there shouldn't be a problem with multi-byte utf-8 characters.
The LiveReader class also stores the complete output of the subprocess in the variable log for later use.
As this answer summarizes, it is save to start a thread after forking with subprocess.
Original answer which has problems, when the prompt line doesn't end a line:
The output is delayed because communicate() blocks the execution of your script until the sub-process is done (
You can read and print the standard output of the subprocess, while it is executed using stdout.readline. There are some issues about buffering, which require this rather complicated iter(process.stdout.readline, b'') construct. The following example uses gpg2 --gen-key because this command starts an interactive tool.
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(["gpg2", "--gen-key"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for stdout_line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):
Alternative answer which uses shell and does not cache the output:
As Sam pointed out, there is a problem with the above solution, when the prompt line does not end the line (which prompts they usually don't). An alternative solution is to use the shell argument to interact with the sub-process.
import subprocess"gpg2 --gen-key", shell=True)

Python subprocess: read returncode is sometimes different from returned code

I have a Python script that calls another Python script using subprocess.Popen. I know the called code always returns 10 ,which means it failed.
My problem is, the caller only reads 10 approximatively 75% of the time. The other 25% it reads 0 and mistakes the called program failure code as a success. Same command, same environment, apparently random occurences.
Environment: Python 2.7.10, Linux Redhat 6.4. The code presented here is a (very) simplified version but I can still reproduce the problem using it.
This is the called script,
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Simplified called code
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
This is the caller code:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Simplified version of the calling code
import sys
import subprocess
import threading
except Exception, eImp:
print "Error while loading Python library : %s" % eImp
class BizarreProcessing(object):
Simplified caller class
def __init__(self):
Classic initialization
def logPipe(self, isStdOut_, process_):
Simplified log handler
if isStdOut_:
output = process_.stdout
logfile = open("./log_out.txt", "wb")
output = process_.stderr
logfile = open("./log_err.txt", "wb")
#Read pipe content as long as the process is running
while (process_.poll() == None):
text = output.readline()
if (text != '' and text.strip() != ''):
#When the process is finished, there might still be lines remaining in the pipe
for oneline in output.readlines():
if (oneline != None and oneline.strip() != ''):
def startProcessing(self):
Launch process
# Simplified command line definition
command = "/absolute/path/to/file/"
# Execute command in a new process
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
#Launch a thread to gather called programm stdout and stderr
#This to avoid a deadlock with pipe filled and such
stdoutTread = threading.Thread(target=self.logPipe, args=(True, process))
stderrThread = threading.Thread(target=self.logPipe, args=(False, process))
#Wait for the end of the process and get process result
result = process.wait()
print("returned code: " + str(result))
#Send it back to the caller
return (result)
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Execute caller code
processingInstance = BizarreProcessing()
aResult = processingInstance.startProcessing()
#Return the code
Here is what I type in bash to execute the caller script:
for res in {1..100}
echo $? >> /tmp/returncodelist.txt
It seems to be somehow connected to the way I read the called program outputs, because when I create the subprocess with process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) and remove all the Thread stuff it reads the correct return code (but doesn't log as I want anymore...)
Any idea what I did wrong ?
Thanks a lot for your help
logPipe is also checking whether the process is alive to determine whether there's more data to read. This is not correct - you should be checking whether the pipe has reached EOF, by looking for a zero-length read, or by using output.readlines(). The I/O pipes may outlive the process.
This simplifies logPipe significantly: Change logPipe as below:
def logPipe(self, isStdOut_, process_):
Simplified log handler
if isStdOut_:
output = process_.stdout
logfile = open("./log_out.txt", "wb")
output = process_.stderr
logfile = open("./log_err.txt", "wb")
#Read pipe content as long as the process is running
with output:
for text in output:
if text.strip(): # ... checks if it's not an empty string
Second, don't join your logging threads until after process.wait(), for the same reason - the I/O pipes may outlive the process.
What I think is happening under the covers is that there's a SIGPIPE being emitted and mishandled somewhere - possibly being misconstrued as the process termination condition. This is because the pipe is being closed on one end or the other without being flushed. SIGPIPE can sometimes be a nuisance in larger applications; it may be that the Python library swallows it or does something childish with it.
edit As #Blackjack points out, SIGPIPE is automatically blocked by Python. So, that rules out SIGPIPE malfeasance. A second theory though: The documentation behind Popen.poll() states:
Check if child process has terminated. Set and return returncode
If you strace this (eg, strace -f -o strace.log ./, this appears to be being done via wait4(WNOHANG). You've got 2 threads waiting with WNOHANG and one waiting normally, but only one call will return correctly with the process exit code. If there is no lock in the implementation of subprocess.poll(), then there is quite likely a race to assign process.resultcode, or a potential failure to do so correctly. Limiting your Popen.waits/polls to a single thread should be a good way to avoid this. See man waitpid.
edit as an aside, if you can hold all your stdout/stderr data in memory, subprocess.communicate() is much easier to use and does not require the logPipe or background threads at all.

python subprocess.Popen stdin.write

I'm new to python and would like to open a windows cmd prompt, start a process, leave the process running and then issue commands to the same running process.
The commands will change so i cant just include these commands in the cmdline variable below. Also, the process takes 10-15 seconds to start so i dont want to waste time waiting for the process to start and run commands each time. just want to start process once. and run quick commands as needed in the same process
I was hoping to use subprocess.Popen to make this work, though i am open to better methods. Note that my process to run is not cmd, but im just using this as example
import subprocess
cmdline = ['cmd', '/k']
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi") #would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
print cmd.stdout.readline() #would like to see 'hi' readback
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi again") #would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
print cmd.stdout.readline() #would like to see 'hi again' readback
The results arent what i expect. Seems as though the stdin.write commands arent actually getting in and the readline freezes up with nothing to read.
I have tried the popen.communicate() instead of write/readline, but it kills the process. I have tried setting bufsize in the Popen line, but that didn't make too much difference
Your comments suggest that you are confusing command-line arguments with input via stdin. Namely, the fact that system-console.exe program accepts script=filename parameter does not imply that you can send it the same string as a command via stdin e.g., python executable accepts -c "print(1)" command-line arguments but it is a SyntaxError if you pass it as a command to Python shell.
Therefore, the first step is to use the correct syntax. Suppose the system-console.exe accepts a filename by itself:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
with Popen(r'C:\full\path\to\system-console.exe -cli -',
stdin=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as shell:
for _ in range(10):
print('capture.tcl', file=shell.stdin, flush=True)
Note: if you've redirected more than one stream e.g., stdin, stdout then you should read/write both streams concurrently (e.g., using multiple threads) otherwise it is very easy to deadlock your program.
Q: Why not just use a pipe (popen())? -- mandatory reading for Unix environment but it might also be applicable for some programs on Windows
subprocess readline hangs waiting for EOF -- code example on how to pass multiple inputs, read multiple outputs using subprocess, pexpect modules.
The second and the following steps might have to deal with buffering issues on the side of the child process (out of your hands on Windows), whether system-console allows to redirect its stdin/stdout or whether it works with a console directly, and character encoding issues (how various commands in the pipeline encode text).
Here is some code that I tested and is working on Windows 10, Quartus Prime 15.1 and Python 3.5
import subprocess
class altera_system_console:
def __init__(self):
sc_path = r'C:\altera_lite\15.1\quartus\sopc_builder\bin\system-console.exe --cli --disable_readline'
self.console = subprocess.Popen(sc_path, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def read_output(self):
rtn = ""
loop = True
i = 0
match = '% '
while loop:
out = self.console.stdout.read1(1)
if bytes(match[i],'utf-8') == out:
i = i+1
if i==len(match):
rtn = rtn + out.decode('utf-8')
return rtn
def cmd(self,cmd_string):
c = altera_system_console()
c.cmd('set jtag_master [lindex [get_service_paths master] 0]')
c.cmd('open_service master $jtag_master')
c.cmd('master_write_8 $jtag_master 0x00 0xFF')
You need to use iter if you want to see the output in real time:
import subprocess
cmdline = ['cmd', '/k']
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi\n")#would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
for line in iter(cmd.stdout.readline,""):
print line
cmd.stdin.write("echo hi again\n")#would like this to be written to the cmd prompt
Not sure exactly what you are trying to do but if you want to input certain data when you get certain output then I would recommend using pexpect

Subprocess communicate: order matters?

So I'm trying to effectively create a "branch" in a pipe from subprocess. The idea is to load a file with Popen into a pipe's stdout. Then, I can send that stdout to two (or more) stdin's. This works, more or less. The problem comes when the process needs to see an EOF. As far as I can tell, this happens when you use communicate(None) on a subprocess. However, it also seems to depend on the order I spawned the two processes I'm trying to send data to.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from subprocess import *
import shutil
import os
import shlex
inSub=Popen(shlex.split('cat in.txt'),stdout=PIPE)
print inSub.poll()
for i in range(0,3):
while True:
# print 'hi',10000)
if buf == '': break
for proc in queue:
print queue[1].poll()
As long as I use queue[1], things hang at the communicate() line. But if I use queue[2], things don't hang. What's going on? It shouldn't depend on the order the subprocesses were created, should it?
(The in.txt file can really be anything, it doesn't matter.)
I can't see any reason why it would be different for any one of the processes. In any case, closing the stdin pipes will cause Python to send the EOF, ending the processes:
while True:
# print 'hi'
buf =,10000)
if buf == '': break
for proc in queue:
for proc in queue:

