I am trying to mock sqlbuilder.func for test cases with pytest
I successfully mocked sqlbuilder.func.TO_BASE64 with correct output but when I tried mocking sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME I didn't get any error but the resulted output is incorrect with the generated query. Below is the minimal working example of the problem.
from sqlobject import (
class Store(SQLObject):
name = StringCol()
sample = BLOBCol()
createdAt = TimestampCol()
DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
def retrieve(name):
query = sqlbuilder.Select([
Store.q.name == name,
sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME(Store.q.createdAt, DATE_FORMAT) >= sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME("2018-10-12", DATE_FORMAT)
connection = sqlhub.getConnection()
query = connection.sqlrepr(query)
queryResult = connection.queryAll(query)
return queryResult
import pytest
from models import Store
from sqlobject import sqlhub
from sqlobject.sqlite import sqliteconnection
#pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session")
def sqlite_db_session(tmpdir_factory):
file = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("db").join("sqlite.db")
conn = sqliteconnection.SQLiteConnection(str(file))
sqlhub.processConnection = conn
yield conn
def init_tables():
import pytest
from sqlobject import sqlbuilder
from models import retrieve
import mock
from mock import MagicMock
except ImportError:
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
def TO_BASE64(x):
return x
def FROM_UNIXTIME(x, y):
return 'strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime({},"unixepoch", "localtime"))'.format(x)
# #mock.patch("sqlobject.sqlbuilder.func.TO_BASE64")
# #mock.patch("sqlobject.sqlbuilder.func.TO_BASE64", MagicMock(side_effect=lambda x: x))
# #mock.patch("sqlobject.sqlbuilder.func.TO_BASE64", new_callable=MagicMock(side_effect=lambda x: x))
#mock.patch("sqlobject.sqlbuilder.func.TO_BASE64", TO_BASE64)
#mock.patch("sqlobject.sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME", FROM_UNIXTIME)
def test_retrieve():
result = retrieve('Some')
assert result == []
Current SQL:
SELECT store.sample FROM store WHERE (((store.name) = ('Some')) AND (1))
Expected SQL:
store.name = 'Some'
datetime(store.created_at, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
) >= strftime(
datetime('2018-10-12', 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
Edit Example
#! /usr/bin/env python
from sqlobject import *
__connection__ = "sqlite:/:memory:?debug=1&debugOutput=1"
import mock
from mock import MagicMock
except ImportError:
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
class Store(SQLObject):
name = StringCol()
sample = BLOBCol()
createdAt = TimestampCol()
DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
def retrieve(name):
query = sqlbuilder.Select([
Store.q.name == name,
sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME(Store.q.createdAt, DATE_FORMAT) >= sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME("2018-10-12", DATE_FORMAT)
connection = Store._connection
query = connection.sqlrepr(query)
queryResult = connection.queryAll(query)
return queryResult
def TO_BASE64(x):
return x
def FROM_UNIXTIME(x, y):
return 'strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime({},"unixepoch", "localtime"))'.format(x)
for p in [
By default, sqlbuilder.func is an SQLExpression that passes its attribute (sqlbuilder.func.datetime, e.g.) to the SQL backend as a constant (sqlbuilder.func actually is an alias for sqlbuilder.ConstantSpace). See the docs about SQLExpression, the FAQ and the code for func.
When you mock an attribute in func namespace it's evaluated by SQLObject and passed to the backend in reduced form. If you want to return a string literal from the mocking function you need to tell SQLObject it's a value that has to be passed to the backend as is, unevaluated. The way to do it is to wrap the literal in SQLConstant like this:
def FROM_UNIXTIME(x, y):
return sqlbuilder.SQLConstant('strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime({},"unixepoch", "localtime"))'.format(x))
See SQLConstant.
The entire test script now looks this
#! /usr/bin/env python3.7
from sqlobject import *
__connection__ = "sqlite:/:memory:?debug=1&debugOutput=1"
import mock
from mock import MagicMock
except ImportError:
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
class Store(SQLObject):
name = StringCol()
sample = BLOBCol()
createdAt = TimestampCol()
DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
def retrieve(name):
query = sqlbuilder.Select([
Store.q.name == name,
sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME(Store.q.createdAt, DATE_FORMAT) >= sqlbuilder.func.FROM_UNIXTIME("2018-10-12", DATE_FORMAT)
connection = Store._connection
query = connection.sqlrepr(query)
queryResult = connection.queryAll(query)
return queryResult
def TO_BASE64(x):
return x
def FROM_UNIXTIME(x, y):
return sqlbuilder.SQLConstant('strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime({},"unixepoch", "localtime"))'.format(x))
for p in [
The output is:
1/Query : CREATE TABLE store (
name TEXT,
sample TEXT,
created_at TIMESTAMP
1/QueryR : CREATE TABLE store (
name TEXT,
sample TEXT,
created_at TIMESTAMP
2/QueryAll: SELECT store.sample FROM store WHERE (((store.name) = ('Some')) AND ((strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime(store.created_at,"unixepoch", "localtime"))) >= (strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime(2018-10-12,"unixepoch", "localtime")))))
2/QueryR : SELECT store.sample FROM store WHERE (((store.name) = ('Some')) AND ((strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime(store.created_at,"unixepoch", "localtime"))) >= (strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime(2018-10-12,"unixepoch", "localtime")))))
2/QueryAll-> []
PS. Full disclosure: I'm the current maintainer of SQLObject.
As #phd pointed that SQLObject evaluate the expression before passing it to backend in reducted form.
Then we can also pass expression directly which SQLObject will evaluate so instead of passing string literal we can also do as below
def FROM_UNIXTIME(x, y):
return sqlbuilder.func.strftime("%Y%m%d", sqlbuilder.func.datetime(x, "unixepoch", "localtime"))
SELECT store.sample FROM store WHERE (((store.name) = ('Some')) AND ((strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime(store.created_at,"unixepoch", "localtime"))) >= (strftime("%Y%m%d", datetime(2018-10-12,"unixepoch", "localtime")))))
I want to unittest this function, which is service-function inside my Django app:
from datetime import date, timedelta
from account.models import Profile
from lesson.models import Lesson, Question
from repeat.models import RepetitionSession
class QuestionService:
def get_next_question_by_rep_session(rep_session: RepetitionSession) -> Question:
today_date = date.today()
questions_filter = rep_session.questions.filter(next_repeat_at=today_date)
sorted_questions_filter = questions_filter.order_by('edited_at')
next_question = sorted_questions_filter.first()
return next_question
It was like this, but I've separated it for 3 lines:
next_question = rep_session.questions.filter(next_repeat_at=today_date).order_by('edited_at').first()
Here is my unittest:
from datetime import date, timedelta
from random import randint
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from lesson.services import QuestionService
class QuestionServicesTest(SimpleTestCase):
FILE_PATH = 'lesson.services.question_service'
def test_get_next_question_by_rep_session(self):
test_query = MagicMock()
test_question = MagicMock()
test_rep_session = MagicMock()
test_rep_session.questions = test_query
test_query.filter().return_value = test_query
test_query.order_by().return_value = test_query
test_query.first().return_value = test_question
result = QuestionService.get_next_question_by_rep_session(test_rep_session)
I'm getting this fail
AssertionError: Expected 'mock' to be called once. Called 0 times.
Calls: [call.order_by('edited_at'), call.order_by().first()].
So if I want to test filter() I'm usually do this:
def test_example_func(self, patch_filter):
test_attr = MagickMock()
test_query = MagickMock()
patch_filter.return_value = test_query
result = example_func(test_attr)
Please, help me find what I've missed.
I figured out my mistake. Lets see changes:
def test_get_next_question_by_rep_session(self):
test_query = MagicMock()
expected_question = MagicMock()
fail_question = MagicMock()
test_rep_session = MagicMock()
test_rep_session.questions = test_query
test_query.filter.return_value = test_query # Mistake was here
test_query.order_by.return_value = test_query # Mistake was here
test_query.first.return_value = expected_question # Mistake was here
result = QuestionService.get_next_question_by_rep_session(test_rep_session)
test_query.filter.assert_called_once_with(next_repeat_at=date.today()) # Mistake was here
self.assertEqual(result, expected_question)
self.assertNotEqual(result, fail_question)
So when we mock objects it works like that:
x.return_value = 420
# When we will call x we will get 420
>>> x()
>>> 420
def x() -> y:
x().return_value = 665
# However when we will call result of the x() we will get 665
>>> y
>>> 665
If I did mistake somewhere please let me know.
I am getting an error while implementing the below code:
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
import cx_Oracle
import pandas as pd
import sys
class IFTDataCore:
def __init__(self, accountCode):
i = 0
all_Procedures = []
dns_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn("gbhenora06vd.corp.amvescap.net", "1525", "INVU")
db=cx_Oracle.connect("CORP-SVC-IFT", "C$Rp$vc1ftUat",dns_tns)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select procedure_name from all_procedures where object_name = 'PK_IVZ_IFT_EXTRACT' ")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
procedureName = ['PK_IVZ_IFT_EXTRACT.'+str(list(rows[indexRow])[0]) for indexRow in range(0,len(list(rows)))]
l_cur = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.CURSOR)
while i < len(procedureName):
ret_cursor = cursor.callproc(procedureName[i],(l_cur,))
dfx = pd.DataFrame(ret_cursor[0])
ret_cursor = cursor.callproc(procedureName[i],(l_cur,accountCode))
dfx = pd.DataFrame(ret_cursor[0])
i += 1
self.all_Procedures = all_Procedures
def getallProcedures(self):
return self.all_Procedures
if __name__ == '__main__':
Procedures = []
all_Proc = IFTDataCore('TOUHI')
Procedures = all_Proc.getallProcedures()
PS: The code works fine if I do not put the logic in init and call the def logic directly in code. Please let me know the possible reason why when class initialization is done in main, the definition starts throwing error.
The solution works fine now as per the below code:
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
import cx_Oracle
import pandas as pd
import sys
import json
from pathlib import Path
import os
class IFTDataCore:
def __init__(self):
db = cx_Oracle.connect('invest/invest#INVD.WORLD')
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select procedure_name from all_procedures where object_name = 'PK_IVZ_IFT_EXTRACT' ")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
procedureName = ['PK_IVZ_IFT_EXTRACT.'+str(list(rows[indexRow])[0]) for indexRow in range(0,len(list(rows))-1)]
# To convert Accounts procedure to JSON format
l_cur_Account = cursor.var(cx_Oracle.CURSOR)
ret_cursor_Account = cursor.callproc(procedureName[1],(l_cur_Account,))
self.dfx_Account = pd.DataFrame(ret_cursor_Account[0])
self.dfx_Account.columns = ['fundCode', 'fundName', 'legalEntitiyIdentifier','isin']
result_Account = self.dfx_Account.to_json(orient='records')
except BaseException as e:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
positional_data = IFTDataCore()
df_acct = positional_data.dfx_Account
lambda_response = __lambda_response__('200', Json)
return lambda_response
def __lambda_response__(status_code, response_body):
return {
'statusCode': status_code,
'headers': {
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS,GET'
'body': response_body
I wrote a function for my project which fetches data from MSSQL server using Pyodbc. The function works fine. When I write unittest cases using unittest and mock library and mocked the cursor.fetchone and returned a predefined value but while running the test case it returns None instead of returning the value.
Here are my code.
import os
from datetime import date
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename="source_monitor.log", format='%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(asctime)s %(message)s', filemode='a')
class KMExtracter:
def __init__(self,metric_collected_date):
self.metric_collected_date = metric_collected_date
# argument conn is a db connection which will passed in seperate program
def get_metrics_by_technology(self, conn, technology):
cursor = conn.cursor()
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM URL_STORE WHERE Technology='{0}' firstExtractionDate BETWEEN '{1} 00:00:00' AND '{1} 23:59:59'".format(self.technology[technology],
count = cursor.fetchone()
return count[0]
except Exception as e:
logging.error("{0} at get_metrics_by_technology()".format(e))
class TestKM(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_metrics_by_technology(self):
mock_data_interface = Mock()
km = KMExtracter('2021-04-03')
print(km.get_metrics_by_technology(mock_data_interface, 'SOME'))
self.assertEqual(23987,km.get_metrics_by_technology(mock_data_interface, 'SOME'))
Error I got:
AssertionError: 23987 != None
class TestKM(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_metrics_by_technology(self):
mock_data_interface = Mock()
# execute.return_value was removed from the below line.
km = KMExtracter('2021-04-03')
print(km.get_metrics_by_technology(mock_data_interface, 'SOME'))
self.assertEqual(23987,km.get_metrics_by_technology(mock_data_interface, 'SOME'))
I am trying to create a class and I can't seem to get it to work? I'm fairly new to Python, so any assistance would be appreciated. Also, not sure if this is the most efficient way to create and use an object. I am trying to build a well model and this is one piece of that model, once I get this simple issue figured out the rest should be fairly easy. Thanks.
import sys
import os
import csv
import pyodbc
import pandas as pd
import pandas.io.sql as psql
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from time import gmtime, strftime
#Drill Pipe Class
class DP:
DP_ID = 1.00
DP_OD = 1.00
DP_Name = 'Drill Pipe'
#test global
idwel = '6683AFCEA5DF429CAC123213F85EB9B3'
#Constructor <- Accepts idwell to get info
def __init__(self,idwell):
self.id = idwell
#WV DB connecton Function -> return as dataframe -Updated 7/5/17
def WV_Read_Query(_query):
cnxn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=SQL_R_WV")
cur = cnxn.cursor()
df = psql.read_sql(_query, cnxn)
return df
except "Error":
return "Query Error...!"
def get_DP_Data(_id):
_id = str(_id)
DP_Query = """Select Top 1
DS.des as 'dp_name',DS.SZIDNOM as 'dp_id',
DS.SZODNOM as 'dp_od',DS.SYSCREATEDATE as 'date'
Where IDWELL = '""" + _id +"""'
AND Des = 'Drill Pipe' Order by SYSCREATEDATE Desc"""
mud_Data = WV_Read_Query(DP_Query)
return mud_Data
DP_Table = get_DP_Data(id)
def get_DP_ID(self, DP_Table):
dp_id = DP_Table['dp_id']
return dp_id
def get_DP_OD(self, DP_Table):
dp_od = DP_Table['dp_od']
return dp_od
def get_Date(self, DP_Table):
u_date = DP_Table['date']
return u_date
def get_Des(self, DP_Table):
des = DP_Table['dp_name']
return des
#Print DP Info
def DP_Info(self):
Des = get_Des()
ID = get_DP_ID()
OD = get_DP_OD()
Updated = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
return Des + "\nDP Id:\t" + ID + "\nDP Id:\t" + OD + "\nUpdated:\t" + Updated
dp = DP('6683AFCEA5DF429CAC123213F85EB9B3')
dp_info = dp.DP_Info()
Traceback (most recent call last): File "u:\Development\Python
Scripts\HCP\CUC Export Files 8_7_17\Well_Model.py", line 71, in
class DP: File "u:\Development\Python Scripts\HCP\CUC Export Files 8_7_17\Well_Model.py", line 108, in DP
DP_Table = get_DP_Data(id) File "u:\Development\Python Scripts\HCP\CUC Export Files 8_7_17\Well_Model.py", line 104, in
mud_Data = WV_Read_Query(DP_Query) NameError: name 'WV_Read_Query' is not defined
If you are defining non-static, non-class methods within a function, the first argument is always an instance of that class. We usually call this argument self:
def WV_Read_Query(self, _query):
def get_DP_Data(self, _id):
Furthermore, you call a these methods on the object self:
You might wonder why the function is defined with 2 arguments, but only 1 passed to. That's because the instance is implicitly passed as the first parameter, automatically.
This is equivalent to
DP.WV_Read_Query(self, DP_Query)
Where you call the method on the class, but explicitly pass the instance to it.
Further reading:
Python classes
What is the difference between class and instance methods?
You need to access it with self. So
def get_DP_Data(self, _id):
_id = str(_id)
DP_Query = """Select Top 1
DS.des as 'dp_name',DS.SZIDNOM as 'dp_id',
DS.SZODNOM as 'dp_od',DS.SYSCREATEDATE as 'date'
Where IDWELL = '""" + _id +"""'
AND Des = 'Drill Pipe' Order by SYSCREATEDATE Desc"""
mud_Data = self.WV_Read_Query(DP_Query)
return mud_Data
You also need to add self to several of your methods. The class instance will always be the first parameter in a method unless you define it as a staticmethod using the decorator staticmethod.
By default, cx_Oracle returns each row as a tuple.
>>> import cx_Oracle
>>> conn=cx_Oracle.connect('scott/tiger')
>>> curs=conn.cursor()
>>> curs.execute("select * from foo");
>>> curs.fetchone()
(33, 'blue')
How can I return each row as a dictionary?
You can override the cursor's rowfactory method. You will need to do this each time you perform the query.
Here's the results of the standard query, a tuple.
curs.execute('select * from foo')
(33, 'blue')
Returning a named tuple:
def makeNamedTupleFactory(cursor):
columnNames = [d[0].lower() for d in cursor.description]
import collections
Row = collections.namedtuple('Row', columnNames)
return Row
curs.rowfactory = makeNamedTupleFactory(curs)
Row(x=33, y='blue')
Returning a dictionary:
def makeDictFactory(cursor):
columnNames = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
def createRow(*args):
return dict(zip(columnNames, args))
return createRow
curs.rowfactory = makeDictFactory(curs)
{'Y': 'brown', 'X': 1}
Credit to Amaury Forgeot d'Arc:
A very short version:
curs.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip([d[0] for d in curs.description], args))
Tested on Python 3.7.0 & cx_Oracle 7.1.2
Old question but adding some helpful links with a Python recipe
According to cx_Oracle documentation:
This read-write attribute specifies a method to call for each row that
is retrieved from the database. Ordinarily a tuple is returned for
each row but if this attribute is set, the method is called with the
tuple that would normally be returned, and the result of the method is
returned instead.
The cx_Oracle - Python Interface for Oracle Database Also points to GitHub repository for lots of helpful sample examples. Please check GenericRowFactory.py.
Googled: This PPT can be further helpful: [PDF]CON6543 Python and Oracle Database - RainFocus
Django database backend for Oracle under the hood uses cx_Oracle. In earlier versions ( Django 1.11- ) they have written _rowfactory(cursor, row) That also cast cx_Oracle's numeric data types into relevant Python data and strings into unicode.
If you have installed Django Please check base.py as follows:
$ DJANGO_DIR="$(python -c 'import django, os; print(os.path.dirname(django.__file__))')"
$ vim $DJANGO_DIR/db/backends/oracle/base.py
One can borrow _rowfactory() from $DJANGO_DIR/db/backends/oracle/base.py and can apply below decorator naming to make it return namedtuple instead of simple tuple.
import functools
from itertools import izip, imap
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import namedtuple
import cx_Oracle as Database
import decimal
def naming(rename=False, case=None):
def decorator(rowfactory):
def decorated_rowfactory(cursor, row, typename="GenericRow"):
field_names = imap(case, imap(itemgetter(0), cursor.description))
return namedtuple(typename, field_names)._make(rowfactory(cursor, row))
return decorated_rowfactory
return decorator
use it as:
#naming(rename=False, case=str.lower)
def rowfactory(cursor, row):
casted = []
return tuple(casted)
import cx_Oracle as Database
from cx_Oracle import *
import mybase
class Cursor(Database.Cursor):
def execute(self, statement, args=None):
prepareNested = (statement is not None and self.statement != statement)
result = super(self.__class__, self).execute(statement, args or [])
if prepareNested:
if self.description:
self.rowfactory = lambda *row: mybase.rowfactory(self, row)
return result
def close(self):
super(self.__class__, self).close()
except Database.InterfaceError:
"already closed"
class Connection(Database.Connection):
def cursor(self):
connect = Connection
Now, instead of import cx_oracle import oracle in user script as:
import oracle
dsn = oracle.makedsn('HOSTNAME', 1521, service_name='dev_server')
db = connect('username', 'password', dsn)
cursor = db.cursor()
SELECT 'Grijesh' as FirstName,
'Chauhan' as LastName,
CAST('10560.254' AS NUMBER(10, 2)) as Salary
row = cursor.fetchone()
print ("First Name is %s" % row.firstname) # => Grijesh
print ("Last Name is %s" % row.lastname) # => Chauhan
print ("Salary is %r" % row.salary) # => Decimal('10560.25')
Give it a Try!!
Building up on answer by #maelcum73 :
curs.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip([d[0] for d in curs.description], args))
The issue with this solution is that you need to re-set this after every execution.
Going one step further, you can create a shell around the cursor object like so:
class dictcur(object):
# need to monkeypatch the built-in execute function to always return a dict
def __init__(self, cursor):
self._original_cursor = cursor
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
# rowfactory needs to be set AFTER EACH execution!
self._original_cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
self._original_cursor.rowfactory = lambda *a: dict(
zip([d[0] for d in self._original_cursor.description], a)
# cx_Oracle's cursor's execute method returns a cursor object
# -> return the correct cursor in the monkeypatched version as well!
return self._original_cursor
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# anything other than the execute method: just go straight to the cursor
return getattr(self._original_cursor, attr)
dict_cursor = dictcur(cursor=conn.cursor())
Using this dict_cursor, every subsequent dict_cursor.execute() call will return a dictionary. Note: I tried monkeypatching the execute method directly, however that was not possible because it is a built-in method.