'No command land 'P' error message after takeoff using djitellopy - python

I have written this very simple code:
from djitellopy import Tello
import time
tello.takeoff() # works just fine!
tello.land() # returns error!
If there is any help I would appreciate it greatly!

i can see what your error is, on line 3 in your code,
from djitellopy import Tello
import time
tello.takeoff() # works just fine!
tello.land() # returns error!
look closely at the tello=Tello .. that needs to be tello=Tello(), so ur code becomes this:
from djitellopy import Tello
import time
tello.takeoff() # works just fine!
tello.land() # returns error!
and that should work fine! enjoy!


pm4py Error: cannot import name 'factory' from 'pm4py.algo.discovery.alpha'

I am trying to run the following code:
from pm4py.algo.discovery.alpha import factorial as alpha_miner
from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import factory as xes_importer
event_log = xes_importer.import_log(os.path.join("tests","input_data","running-example.xes"))
net, initial_marking, final_marking = alpha_miner.apply(event_log)
gviz = pn_vis_factory.apply(net, initial_marking, final_marking)
However, when I run the alpha miner, I get an error message that factory cannot be imported.
What could be the reason or does anyone know a soulution for this?
Many thanks for the answer
from pm4py.algo.discovery.alpha import algorithm as alpha_miner
Find all process discoveries and its information at:
Try this:
import os
# Alpha Miner
from pm4py.algo.discovery.alpha import algorithm as alpha_miner
# XES Reader
from pm4py.objects.log.importer.xes import importer as xes_importer
# Visualize
from pm4py.visualization.petri_net import visualizer as pn_visualizer
log = xes_importer.apply(os.path.join("tests","input_data","running-example.xes"))
net, initial_marking, final_marking = alpha_miner.apply(log)
gviz = pn_visualizer.apply(net, initial_marking, final_marking)

Why does my .exe generated by PyInstaller not start?

I generated an executable file with PyInstaller, but when I want to launch the application the console window shows me, that it couldn't find a directory or file. I checked the location and the folder "_MEI55762" is indeed not present.
Did anyone have this issue before?
Below the part of the code, where I think the error should be located. I think it has something to do with the imports of the "jsonrpclcient" package. I didnĀ“t post the full code with the all the GUI lines, since I think it will not help. If I am wrong please let me know.
import os
import sys
import requests
import json
import pyvisa
import time
from datetime import datetime
import threading
import signal
from jsonrpcclient import *
from jsonrpcclient.clients.http_client import HTTPClient
from jsonrpcclient.requests import Request
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import traceback
print(" Q-Center V0.1 ")
port = ":8080"
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
def listArticles():
for attempt in range (3): #Will be executed 3 times in case an error occurs
print('List Articles:')
try: #First try this
client = HTTPClient("http://" + ipEntry.get() + port)
response = client.send(Request("list_articles"), timeout=5)
except: #If an error occurs, call the print function and let the user know
print('An error occured!')
else: #If no error occurs, stop trying
else: #If no attempt was successful, print that all 3 attempts failed. ONLY EXCUTED WHEN THE LOOP DOES'T BREAK.
print('All 3 attempts failed!')
answer = response.data.result
pkReply.insert(END, answer)
pkReply.insert(END, '\n\n')
The solution is to tell PyInstaller to add the "response-schema.json" file which is located at "C:\Users\pfra\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Lib\site-packages\jsonrpcclient".
So the command should look like:
pyinstaller --add-file "C:\Users\pfra\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Lib\site-packages\jsonrpcclient.response.schema.json;."

Python 3 script crash on lru_cache

I have raspberry pi acting as MFRC522 card reader. So far I have a script which worked on python 2.7, but when I tried to move to python 3, bizarre thing happened.
I used updated library for it: https://github.com/pimylifeup/MFRC522-python and adjusted my script accordingly
I installed pip3 and spidev
Here is where strange thing happens. If I run demo script from repo above in new folder it works, cool.
But if I put my previous script in the same folder it returns error as below. And after that if I try again to run demo script, same error occurs.
Moving both script to different folder, has the same effect. I can run demo only before my script. Doing that after, is impossible.
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/re.py", line 297, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'functools' has no attribute 'lru_cache'
My script:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522
import time
import requests
import signal
import sys
import os
# some functions non related to MFRC522
reader = SimpleMFRC522()
while continue_reading:
id, text = reader.read()
#print id
#print "---"
ver = query_server(id)
if ver == 1:
#do something
It's like folder is somehow tainted after firing my script, what am I missing?

Python cgi does not work with requests

import cgi
import cgitb
import json
import requests
print("Content-type: application/json\n")
print("making request...")
searchrequest = requests.get("https://google.com")
following code works when executed from terminal, but when executed as cgi script, the output will only be "making request...", the program basically stopped running after request.get() had been executed.
Any ideas? Its so weird.
Problem resolved, it has nothing to do with the library itself. I figured out the problem after adding cgitb.enable() which enables the error report and tells me what the actual problem is.

Python type error while embedding

I am trying to run following python code from c++(embedding python).
import sys
import os
import time
import win32com.client
from com.dtmilano.android.viewclient import ViewClient
import re
import pythoncom
import thread
os.popen('adb devices')
CANalyzer = None
measurement = None
def can_start(config_path):
global CANalyzer,measurement
CANalyzer = win32com.client.Dispatch('CANalyzer.Application')
CANalyzer.Visible = 1
measurement = CANalyzer.Measurement
com_marshall_stream = pythoncom.CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(pythoncom.IID_IDispatch,CANalyzer)
return com_marshall_stream
When i try to call can_start function, i am getting python type error . Error traceback is mentioned below.
"type 'exceptions.TypeError'. an integer is required. traceback object at 0x039A198"
The function is executing if i directly ran it from the python and also it is executing in my pc, where the code was developed. But later when i transferred to another laptop, i am experiencing this problem.

